Dunnet, Caithness, Scotland

Church Parish Dunnet
County Caithness
Country Scotland
Enclosed By
Place Encloses


  1. Margaret Sutherland (about 1777)
  2. Robert Manson (2 May 1811)
  3. Robert Manson (6 May 1811)
  4. John Manson (28 May 1813)
  5. John Manson (4 Jun 1813)
  6. Family of John Forbes and Isabelle Rosie
    1. John Forbes
    2. Isabelle Rosie
  7. John Forbes (3 May 1814)
  8. Isabelle Rosie (3 May 1814)
  9. Alexandrina Cumming (about 1815)
  10. Donald Manson (13 May 1815)
  11. Donald Manson (19 May 1815)
  12. David Manson (4 Apr 1817)
  13. David Manson (11 Apr 1817)
  14. William Manson (6 Sep 1819)
  15. Catherine Cormack (about 1827)
  16. James Malcolm (23 Oct 1830)
  17. Donald Manson (about 1839)
  18. Family of William Gunn and Alexandrina Cumming
    1. Alexandrina Cumming
    2. William Gunn
  19. William Gunn (6 Dec 1839)
  20. Alexandrina Cumming (6 Dec 1839)
  21. Margaret Gunn (4 Jul 1840)
  22. Margaret Gunn (11 Aug 1840)
  23. Alexander Shearer (12 Feb 1841)
  24. Donald Manson (about 1842)
  25. Jane Gunn (6 Sep 1842)
  26. Jane Gunn (22 Oct 1842)
  27. Agnes Manson (about 1845)
  28. Sinclair Gunn (about 1846)
  29. William Gunn (about 1848)
  30. William Coghill (about 1849)
  31. Williamina Manson (about 1849)
  32. Donald Coghill (about 1850)
  33. Family of James Malcolm and Catherine Cormack
    1. Catherine Cormack
    2. James Malcolm
  34. James Malcolm (22 Mar 1850)
  35. Catherine Cormack (22 Mar 1850)
  36. Alexander Gunn (about 1851)
  37. Jean Coghill (about 1853)
  38. Barbara Malcolm (about 1853)
  39. Georgina Gunn (about 1854)
  40. Ann Isabella Malcolm (about 1855)
  41. William Malcolm (about 1857)
  42. James Gunn (about 1858)
  43. James Malcolm (about 1859)
  44. Peter Malcolm (about 1861)
  45. Catherine Rosie Cormack Malcolm (about 1864)
  46. Jane Trotter Shearer (about 1869)
  47. Esther Calder Shearer (about 1871)
  48. William Gunn (13 Aug 1871)
  49. John Shearer (about 1873)
  50. Donald Coghill (21 Nov 1873)
  51. Family of Donald Coghill and Georgina Gunn
    1. Georgina Gunn
    2. Donald Coghill
  52. Georgina Gunn (21 Nov 1873)
  53. William Gunn (about 1874)
  54. Alexander Gunn Coghill (about 1876)
  55. Marjorie Smith Gunn (about 1876)
  56. Agnes Shearer (about 1877)
  57. Isabella Mowat (about 1878)
  58. Christina McKenzie (31 May 1878)
  59. James Gunn (31 May 1878)
  60. Family of James Gunn and Christina McKenzie
    1. Christina McKenzie
    2. James Gunn
  61. Mary Murray Coghill (about 1879)
  62. Sinclair Gunn (about 1879)
  63. William Gunn (1879)
  64. David Manson Shearer (about 1880)
  65. Alexander Mowat (about 1880)
  66. Sinclair Gunn Coghill (17 Nov 1880)
  67. Jane Gunn (about 1881)
  68. William John Gunn (about 1882)
  69. Isabella Gunn (about 1882)
  70. Elizabeth Mowat (about 1882)
  71. Alexandrina Gunn (about 1884)
  72. Alexandrina Cumming (12 Nov 1884)
  73. Maggie Ann Mowat (about 1885)
  74. Janet MacKenzie Gunn (about 1885)
  75. Georgina Gunn (about 1886)
  76. Christina Gunn (about 1887)
  77. George Coghill (about 1887)
  78. Mary Jane Gunn (about 1889)
  79. Barbara Baike Gunn (about 1890)
  80. James Gunn (about 1893)
  81. Alexander Gunn (about 1897)
  82. George Sinclair Gunn (about 1900)
  83. Donald Coghill (about 1900)
  84. James D Coghill (about 1901)
  85. Alexander Coghill (about 1903)
  86. Violet Graham Gunn (about 1904)
  87. George Coghill (about 1907)