Abbert |
Sarah Ann Abbert
about 1842 |
1868 |
Robert Gough
Abbott |
Ellen Abbott
about 1847 |
Emmiline Abbott
about 1825 |
John Abbott
about 1840 |
Mary Ann Abbott
about 1830 |
William Kingwell
Mary Ann Abbott
about 1828 |
1828 |
Miriam Abbott
about 1839 |
Philip Abbott
about 1802 |
Priscilla Rowse
Philip Abbott
about 1835 |
Harriet Hamlyn Horton
Priscilla Abbott
about 1826 |
William Abbott
about 1832 |
Abel |
Hannah Abel
1805 |
Samuel Casswell
Abeysekera |
[Private] Abeysekera
[Private] Butterworth
[Private] Abeysekera
[Private] Abeysekera
Ackroyd |
Ann Ackroyd
Henry Halstead
William Ackroyd
Adams |
Aaron Adams
Nancy Unknown
Agnes Adams
about 1811 |
Philip Paige
Ann Adams
John Roper
Elizabeth Adams
1769 |
John Paige
George Adams
about 1843 |
Elizabeth Paige
George Adams
Jane Adams
about 1809 |
Robert Lang Paige
John Adams
Elizabeth Unknown
Joseph Adams
Sarah Grace Brown
Maria Ann Adams
about 1831 |
20 Apr 1860 |
Henry William Horton
Mary Emma Adams
about 1877 |
Richard Edwin Paige
Richard Adams
Ann Unknown
Adcock |
George Adcock
Elizabeth Casswell
Rosina Adcock
about 1851 |
Harry Woollven
Thomas Adcock
Adelaide |
Dorothy Adelaide
Henry Edwin Paige
Adens |
[Private] Adens
[Private] Adens
[Private] Noble
Afflick |
Sarah Afflick
about 1887 |
James McHale
William Afflick
about 1857 |
Sarah Elizabeth Jones
Agar |
Benjamin Agar
5 Apr 1802 |
Elizabeth Agar
26 Feb 1804 |
Thomas Aldcroft
Hannah Agar
9 Dec 1805 |
William Nottingham
Jane Agar
4 Jul 1808 |
John Agar
5 May 1797 |
John Agar
5 Jun 1800 |
Martha Agar
2 Jul 1791 |
Mary Agar
25 Sep 1798 |
William Agar
Martha Brown
Aggett |
Charles R E Aggett
Bessie Monica Kingwell
Agnew |
Janet Agnew
Edmund George Paige
Ainsworth |
Adam Ainsworth
about 1772 |
Martha Wrigley
Ann Ainsworth
about 1810 |
1812 |
Ann Jane Ainsworth
about 1868 |
Antilles Ainsworth
1872 |
Catherine Ainsworth
25 Jun 1854 |
Elizabeth Ainsworth
about 1844 |
1845 |
Elizabeth Ainsworth
about 1865 |
Elizabeth Ellen Ainsworth
14 Sep 1884 |
James Henry Clarke
Elizabeth Green Ainsworth
9 Feb 1913 |
29 Oct 1995 |
Stanley Crompton
Esther Ainsworth
about 1777 |
Ethel Ainsworth
15 Aug 1906 |
26 Oct 1987 |
Giles Ainsworth
21 Jul 1875 |
Emily Holden
Giles Ainsworth
about 1835 |
Elizabeth Kay
James Ainsworth
15 May 1839 |
1840 |
James Ainsworth
about 1807 |
James Ainsworth
about 1774 |
John Ainsworth
3 Feb 1851 |
Elizabeth Pye
John Holden Ainsworth
27 Jan 1923 |
4 Oct 2006 |
June Foster,
Patricia Mary Arnold
Martha Ann Ainsworth
11 Nov 1876 |
William Webb Taylor
Martha Emily Lilleyman Ainsworth
1880 |
Mary Ainsworth
1878 |
1879 |
Mary Ann Ainsworth
22 Sep 1841 |
Joseph Taylor
Mary Jane Ainsworth
about 1885 |
Peter Ainsworth
18 Jun 1837 |
1838 |
Richard Ainsworth
Margaret Turner
Sarah Ainsworth
27 May 1846 |
Thomas Ainsworth
31 Dec 1879 |
1952 |
Florence Holden
Thomas Ainsworth
about 1813 |
Mary Seddon
Thomas Ainsworth
14 Mar 1849 |
Emily Lilleyman
Thomas Victor Ainsworth
about 1887 |
Aldcroft |
Elizabeth Aldcroft
about 1838 |
Ambrose Andrew Tapper
Martha Aldcroft
about 1836 |
Thomas Agar Aldcroft
about 1834 |
Thomas Aldcroft
about 1811 |
Elizabeth Agar
Aldersley |
Patience Aldersley
about 1792 |
William Payne
Alexander |
[Private] Alexander
[Private] Gunn
[Private] Alexander
Algate |
Bessie Jane Algate
about 1880 |
James Horton
Allan |
Alfred Allan
about 1850 |
Andrew Allan
Isabella Orr
Arabella Allan
about 1845 |
James Allan
John Allan
about 1852 |
John Allan
about 1811 |
Arabella Hall
John Allan
about 1843 |
Lucy Allan
about 1847 |
Mary Allan
Adam Anderson
Allatt |
Mary Allatt
about 1875 |
Fred Fenton Coulson
Allen |
Ada Allen
about 1885 |
Ann Allen
31 Oct 1845 |
Benjamin Allen
Bertie Allen
about 1893 |
Charlotte Allen
about 1887 |
Eliza Allen
about 1861 |
Elizabeth Sarah Allen
4 May 1843 |
Ellen Allen
24 Nov 1882 |
1948 |
John Bond
Ellen Allen
about 1862 |
Emma Allen
about 1870 |
George Allen
Judith Unknown
George Allen
about 1895 |
Henry Allen
about 1839 |
Hetty Allen
about 1898 |
John Allen
about 1859 |
Sarah Ann Smith
John Allen
about 1836 |
Mary Ann George
Judith Allen
about 1788 |
1863 |
Thomas Casswell
Laura Allen
about 1890 |
Mary Allen
William Clapham
Mary Ann Allen
about 1864 |
Thomas Allen
about 1808 |
Sarah Unknown
Thomas Allen
12 Dec 1846 |
Violet Mary Allen
about 1900 |
William Allen
7 Feb 1841 |
William John Clarkson Allen
Amy Antoinette Morehouse Scobell
Almond |
Elizabeth Almond
about 1843 |
Elizabeth Lydia Almond
17 Jan 1820 |
Fanny Almond
about 1853 |
Henry Almond
about 1847 |
James Almond
about 1852 |
John Almond
3 Oct 1814 |
5 Mar 1818 |
John Almond
Sarah Boolds
Jonathan Almond
Jonathan Edward Almond
about 1888 |
1902 |
Jonathan Robert Almond
about 1865 |
1920 |
Alice Crompton
Lydia Almond
about 1850 |
Mary Sarah Almond
about 1842 |
Rebecca Mary Almond
10 Oct 1826 |
Richard Almond
about 1846 |
Richard Pengelly Almond
19 Jan 1825 |
Sarah Slyman Almond
1822 |
Thomas Almond
about 1848 |
William Almond
18 Dec 1791 |
Sarah Kingwell,
Mary Pengelly
William Henry Kingwell Almond
18 Feb 1816 |
13 Nov 1893 |
Mary Eliza Harry,
Lavinia Wakefer Dight
Alston |
Mary Alston
about 1895 |
George Moore Cardow
Ambler |
Rebecca Ambler
about 1812 |
1889 |
Thomas Hanson
Ambrose |
Ellen Ambrose
Nathaniel Pye
Amelievitch |
Lieba-Gitta Amelievitch
about 1850 |
Yakov-Berka Rabinowich
Amesbury |
Hilda Helen Amesbury
29 May 1901 |
10 Jul 1983 |
Albert Kingwell
Walter William Amesbury
Annie Elizabeth Mary Day
Amory |
Annie Elizabeth Amory
about 1873 |
William Thomas Bond
Anderson |
Adam Anderson
Mary Allan
Grace Anderson
about 1878 |
26 Jul 1963 |
Henry Lidstone Paige
Jane Anderson
23 Oct 1809 |
William Christie
Margaret Anderson
Ernest John Le Sage
Margaret Anderson
8 May 1806 |
Mary Anderson
about 1819 |
14 Dec 1856 |
James Orr
Mary Anderson
29 May 1804 |
Robert Anderson
29 May 1812 |
William Anderson
Janet Taylor
William Anderson
29 Aug 1814 |
Anderton |
Hannah Anderton
Ralph Seddon
Andrew |
Elizabeth Andrew
about 1770 |
4 Nov 1813 |
William Paul
John Andrew
Elizabeth Knighton
John Andrew
about 1772 |
Mary Andrew
about 1769 |
1769 |
Richard Andrew
about 1775 |
Andrews |
Richard Andrews
about 1860 |
Alice Peru Paige
Richard Thomas Andrews
William Andrews
Peggy Lapthorne Horton
Andrus |
Ann Andrus
about 1838 |
Annie Maida Andrus
about 1878 |
Donald Allan Andrus
about 1870 |
Edward Ernest Andrus
about 1874 |
Fanny Andrus
about 1834 |
Florence Kate Andrus
about 1873 |
Florence M Andrus
about 1877 |
Francis Bain Andrus
about 1869 |
George S Andrus
about 1875 |
John Child Andrus
about 1831 |
1898 |
Matilda Moore,
Alice Gertrude Joynes Sharland
Julia Maria Andrus
about 1872 |
Kate Andrus
about 1842 |
Laura Gertrude Andrus
about 1878 |
Thomas Alchin Andrus
about 1832 |
Julia Janet Page Bain
Thomas Alchin Andrus
about 1872 |
William Andrus
about 1839 |
Florence Eliza Temple Sharland
William Andrus
about 1875 |
William Andrus
about 1801 |
Mary Ann Best
Angus |
Olive Grace Angus
23 Jun 1890 |
George Isaac Kingwell
Sarah Angus
about 1847 |
Trobridge Horton
Arberry |
Emma Jane Arberry
about 1840 |
John Tickner
Arbon |
Harriet Elizabeth Arbon
about 1874 |
Herbert Julian Burn
Archer |
[Private] Archer
[Private] Carr-Brion
[Private] Archer
[Private] Robinson
[Private] Archer
Argyll |
Mary Elizabeth Anne Argyll
about 1856 |
Thomas Onion
Samuel Argyll
Armitage |
David John Armitage
29 Jun 1956 |
16 Sep 1990 |
Christine Jacqueline Cundall
[Private] Armitage
[Private] Robinson
[Private] Armitage
[Private] Armitage
Armour |
Agnes Armour
about 1847 |
Agnes Torrence Armour
about 1868 |
Andrew Armour
about 1844 |
Andrew Torrance Armour
about 1880 |
Annie Thomson Armour
1 Oct 1863 |
13 Sep 1894 |
William Thomas
James Orr Armour
11 Aug 1869 |
John Armour
about 1866 |
John Armour
about 1812 |
Agnes Torrence
John Armour
about 1834 |
Mary Armour
about 1878 |
Mary Armour
about 1842 |
Robert Armour
about 1836 |
9 Nov 1915 |
Catherine Orr
Robert Armour
about 1874 |
William McLean Armour
about 1875 |
Armstrong |
Albert Armstrong
Alice Augusta May Kingwell
Francis Arthur Armstrong
about 1905 |
William Arthur Armstrong
about 1875 |
Alice Maud Hopkins
[Private] Armstrong
[Private] Waugh
[Private] Armstrong
Arnold |
Patricia Mary Arnold
7 Sep 1933 |
2005 |
Albert Oldham,
John Holden Ainsworth
Reginald George William Arnold
3 Mar 1910 |
Betty Mary Fullbrook
Samuel Arnold
Mary Clinick
Arrowsmith |
Henry Arrowsmith
1682 |
Elizabeth Hincks
Arthur |
Caroline Arthur
1832 |
Eliza Jane Arthur
1834 |
Emily Sarah Arthur
7 Oct 1847 |
Enid M Arthur
William Green Holden
Francis Arthur
15 Dec 1837 |
Mary Ann Arthur
1828 |
Paul John Arthur
1840 |
Philip Manning Arthur
1842 |
Phillis Arthur
1835 |
Richard Arthur
1845 |
Samuel Kingwell Arthur
1850 |
Sarah Arthur
1830 |
William Arthur
1797 |
Eliza Kingwell
William Arthur
2 Aug 1826 |
Ash |
Alice Ash
about 1779 |
William Phillips
Ashby |
George Henry Ashby
about 1881 |
John Francis Ashby
about 1896 |
Kate Ashby
about 1893 |
Mary Jane Ashby
about 1883 |
Mathias Ashby
about 1851 |
Hannah Carling
Sarah Elizabeth Ashby
about 1885 |
William Cundall
Selina Ashby
about 1887 |
William Ashby
about 1889 |
Ashford |
James Ashford
Tom Ashford
about 1857 |
Elizabeth Ann Horton
Ashley |
Ann Ashley
John Britten
Ashurst |
Mary Ellen Ashurst
about 1856 |
George Knowles
William Ashurst
Mary Holland
Ashwell |
Ada Ashwell
about 1892 |
1893 |
Charlie Ashwell
1 Jul 1868 |
Mary Pickles
Elsie Ashwell
about 1897 |
Henry Ashwell
about 1897 |
1899 |
Jane Ashwell
about 1895 |
1900 |
John Ashwell
about 1893 |
1893 |
Thomas Ashwell
Thomas Ashwell
about 1893 |
1893 |
Wilfrid Ashwell
13 Aug 1910 |
1991 |
Florence Gubbins
[Private] Ashwell
Askew |
Annie Isabel Askew
about 1903 |
William Henry Shackleton
Aston |
David Aston
about 1830 |
Hannah Lockett Robinson,
Fanny Barwis Casswell
Harold Edgar Aston
about 1869 |
Rosa Antoinette Aston
about 1856 |
Selina Frances Aston
about 1853 |
Atkinson |
Arthur Gordon Atkinson
about 1893 |
Catherine Atkinson
about 1780 |
Joseph Jason,
John Lucock
Ethel Lily Atkinson
12 Jul 1907 |
1948 |
Harold John Girdlestone
Frederick William Atkinson
about 1887 |
Grace Atkinson
13 Apr 1843 |
William Young
James Setchfield Atkinson
about 1891 |
John Henry Atkinson
about 1896 |
Simon William Atkinson
about 1864 |
Hannah Maria Coulson
Sydney Coulson Atkinson
about 1899 |
Thomas Albert Atkinson
about 1888 |
William Atkinson
1804 |
Mary Borrow
Attwill |
Alfred John Attwill
1880 |
22 Mar 1935 |
Dorothy Mabel Sharland
Alice Attwill
about 1879 |
Arthur Attwill
about 1877 |
Francis Attwill
about 1870 |
Fredrick Attwill
about 1875 |
George Attwill
about 1845 |
Emily Young
Helena Attwill
about 1872 |
Roy Attwill
15 Jan 1931 |
1988 |
[Private] Attwill
[Private] Hubbard
[Private] Attwill
[Private] Simpson
[Private] Attwill
[Private] Schafer
[Private] Attwill
[Private] Attwill
[Private] Attwill
[Private] Attwill
[Private] Attwill
[Private] Attwill
[Private] Attwill
Marilyn M Rudge
Atwill |
Alice Atwill
about 1819 |
Anne Atwill
about 1814 |
Caroline Atwill
about 1830 |
Caroline Atwill
about 1834 |
Haly Horton
Charlotte Hilson Atwill
about 1827 |
Elizabeth Atwill
about 1822 |
George Atwill
about 1826 |
John Atwill
about 1824 |
John Atwill
about 1834 |
Jane Crispin Horton
Richard Atwill
about 1811 |
Elizabeth Horton
Richard Atwill
about 1788 |
Kitty Hillson
Richard Atwill
Robert Atwill
William Atwill
about 1817 |
Mary Horton
Austin |
Agnes Austin
about 1836 |
13 Dec 1874 |
George Kaywood
Albert Austin
about 1839 |
Ann Austin
about 1763 |
Ann Austin
about 1838 |
Edwin Austin
about 1824 |
Elizabeth Austin
about 1770 |
Fanny Austin
about 1895 |
23 Feb 1919 |
George Austin
about 1859 |
15 May 1936 |
Emma Holt
James Austin
about 1730 |
1796 |
Mary Mann
James Austin
about 1758 |
James Austin
6 Mar 1807 |
Jane Austin
about 1828 |
Joan Austin
about 1761 |
John Austin
about 1763 |
John Austin
about 1831 |
John Austin
Agnes Marsden
Kerenhappuch Austin
about 1831 |
Lydia Marden Austin
about 1829 |
Margery Austin
about 1774 |
Peter Austin
10 Mar 1809 |
Margaret Rigby
Samuel Austin
about 1795 |
Mary Marden
Sarah Agnes Austin
about 1890 |
21 Feb 1919 |
Peter Hamer
Sarah Austin
about 1840 |
Sarah Marden Austin
about 1827 |
Walter Austin
about 1835 |
William Austin
about 1766 |
Avery |
Elizabeth Avery
Alexander Horton
Sophia Avery
about 1832 |
1880 |
Joseph Stanlick
[Private] Avery
Axworthy |
Sophia Axworthy
about 1819 |
1891 |
Richard Horton
William Axworthy
Ayling |
Edward Ayling
Mary Ayling
about 1825 |
William Eyers
Babb |
Charles Edward Babb
about 1860 |
Florence Paige
Charles Herbert Babb
about 1893 |
Edith Emily Babb
about 1891 |
1892 |
Babish |
Olga Elizabeth Babish
Herbert Leslie Stanley
Backshaw |
John Backshaw
about 1825 |
Mary Kaywood
John Backshaw
Thomas Backshaw
1854 |
Baikie |
John Baikie
Chirsty Henderson
Margaret Baikie
about 1828 |
Alexander Rugg
Baileff |
Mary Elizabeth Baileff
James Samuel Burns
Bailey |
Abraham Bailey
Mary Cherrington
Caroline R Bailey
Sidney T Webster
Charles Bailey
6 Sep 1901 |
Bertha Clarke
Edward Bailey
about 1833 |
Eliza Bailey
about 1817 |
James Webber
Emily Bailey
Louis Stening
John Bailey
before 1851 |
Susanna Casswell
Lucy Bailey
William Medling
Maria Bailey
about 1814 |
William Kinder Sharland
Mary Ann Bailey
about 1811 |
John Casswell
Sarah Bailey
1756 |
Richard Casswell
William Bailey
about 1831 |
[Private] Bailey
Bain |
Angus Bain
Ann Murray
Ann Bain
about 1782 |
Catherine Bain
about 1787 |
2 Apr 1861 |
William Rugg
Janet Bain
Andrew Rugg
Julia Janet Page Bain
about 1847 |
about 1939 |
Thomas Alchin Andrus
William Bain
about 1811 |
Julia Sophia Drew
Baker |
Ada Baker
about 1867 |
Alice Baker
about 1865 |
Ann Baker
Richard Quincy
Beatrice Baker
about 1876 |
Charles Edward Baker
1935 |
Nov 2020 |
[Private] Coulson
Charles Robert Baker
24 May 1902 |
Maud Mary Pennock
Eli Baker
about 1835 |
1836 |
Eliza Ann Baker
about 1856 |
Edward Plowman
Eliza Baker
about 1825 |
Eliza Jane Baker
about 1865 |
Elizabeth Baker
4 Feb 1829 |
Elizabeth Baker
27 Nov 1828 |
12 Jun 1904 |
Edmund Lord Hudson
Elizabeth Jane Baker
about 1843 |
Elizabeth Jane Baker
about 1858 |
Ellen Baker
about 1863 |
Emma Caroline Maria Baker
17 Feb 1841 |
16 Dec 1908 |
William Henry Sharland
Esther Baker
10 Dec 1830 |
Ethel Theresa Baker
16 Sep 1876 |
George Baker
about 1833 |
Ann Jane Keal
George Henry Baker
about 1878 |
about 1880 |
George John Baker
about 1839 |
Hannah Jane Baker
9 Oct 1839 |
Henry Baker
about 1827 |
21 Feb 1835 |
James Baker
about 1796 |
1869 |
Anna Maria Bennett
James George Baker
about 1832 |
Jane Mogridge
John Baker
about 1817 |
before 1861 |
Caroline Scorey
John Baker
about 1869 |
John Baker
Ann Paige
John Baker
about 1818 |
Laura Lydia Baker
about 1871 |
Leila Ann Baker
4 Jul 1869 |
Lizzie Florence Baker
20 Jun 1871 |
Lottie Baker
about 1860 |
Maria Baker
about 1824 |
Maria Paige Baker
25 Sep 1843 |
Marion Agnes Baker
about 1885 |
Martha Baker
about 1845 |
William Henry Scorey Baker
Mary Ann Baker
John Scoble
Mary Ann Baker
about 1819 |
Phillip Baker
Robert Baker
about 1832 |
Samuel Baker
about 1837 |
about 1837 |
Samuel Baker
about 1824 |
Sarah Baker
about 1821 |
William Baker
about 1867 |
William Ernest Baker
19 Mar 1874 |
William Henry Baker
14 Jan 1827 |
William Henry Scorey Baker
about 1846 |
Martha Baker,
Marion Webster
William Lang Paige Baker
about 1821 |
[Private] Baker
[Private] Baker
[Private] Baker
[Private] Baker
[Private] Baker
[Private] Baker
[Private] Baker
[Private] Coulson
Balcombe |
Edgar George Balcombe
Jessica Watt
Lillian Catherine Balcombe
1901 |
1967 |
Vincent Joseph Kingwell
Baldwick |
Helen Baldwick
about 1850 |
Thomas Richard Casswell
Baldwin |
Alice Baldwin
about 1888 |
Clara Baldwin
about 1882 |
Emily Baldwin
about 1884 |
John Baldwin
about 1886 |
John Joseph Baldwin
about 1857 |
Clara Mary Rixon
Ball |
Abraham Ball
about 1841 |
1882 |
Agnes Ann Ball
about 1830 |
Agnes Ball
about 1797 |
John Voysey
Agnes Ball
about 1787 |
John Worden
Agnes Ball
about 1779 |
Agnes Ball
about 1815 |
Alfred Ball
about 1855 |
1889 |
Alfred Ball
about 1869 |
Ann Ball
about 1781 |
Ann Ball
John Tapson
Ann Ball
27 Jan 1820 |
Ann Hooper Ball
about 1822 |
1822 |
Ann Hooper Ball
about 1832 |
Charles Ball
about 1758 |
1839 |
Susanna Palmer
Charles Ball
about 1799 |
Patience Oxenham
Charles Ball
about 1828 |
Dinah Ball
about 1837 |
Dionysia Ball
about 1790 |
20 Dec 1882 |
William Maddaford
Eliza Ann Ball
about 1834 |
Eliza Ball
about 1845 |
Eliza Ball
about 1855 |
Eliza Dionysia Ball
8 Nov 1824 |
1901 |
William Bishop Grave Chase
Eliza Madeford Ball
6 Mar 1821 |
1827 |
Elizabeth Andrew Ball
6 Nov 1820 |
15 Feb 1895 |
John King Mann
Elizabeth Ann Ball
about 1859 |
Elizabeth Ball
about 1788 |
1790 |
Elizabeth Ball
about 1801 |
Elizabeth Ball
about 1821 |
1822 |
Ellen Maria Ball
about 1857 |
Ernest Julian Ball
1861 |
Frederick Charles Ball
14 Dec 1870 |
8 Sep 1908 |
George Ball
about 1743 |
Mary Tapson
George Ball
about 1854 |
George Ball
about 1795 |
1795 |
George Ball
about 1813 |
George Ball
about 1837 |
Mary Amelia Lee
George Henry Ball
about 1849 |
George Thomas Lee Ball
1859 |
Ilet Susan Ball
about 1843 |
Henry Dark
James Gilbert Ball
about 1862 |
Jane Ball
about 1834 |
Jehu Ball
about 1804 |
12 Sep 1881 |
Ann Snell Westaway
Jehu Ball
about 1832 |
Eliza Kessell Gilbert
Jehu Ball
about 1867 |
Jenny Ball
about 1802 |
Joanna Ball
about 1805 |
John Jehu Ball
about 1842 |
1883 |
Joseph Ball
about 1760 |
1846 |
Patience Harvey
Joseph Ball
about 1827 |
Joseph Ball
about 1841 |
Joseph Ball
Joseph Ball
about 1797 |
1860 |
Sarah Mills Seldon
Joseph Ball
about 1834 |
1834 |
Joseph Ball
about 1835 |
1835 |
Joseph Ball
about 1836 |
1836 |
Julia Ann Lee Ball
1869 |
Lavinia Ball
about 1861 |
Lena Ball
about 1864 |
Louisa Ball
about 1821 |
John Stickland
Louisa Catherine Ball
19 Jun 1832 |
1886 |
Lucy Ann Ball
about 1846 |
Maria Agness Ball
3 Dec 1827 |
17 Dec 1884 |
John Sexton
Maria Ball
about 1846 |
Maria Ball
14 Nov 1822 |
Mary Amelia Lee Ball
1864 |
Mary Ann Ball
about 1840 |
Mary Anne Ball
18 Apr 1823 |
27 Feb 1857 |
John Harris Stephens
Mary Ball
about 1836 |
Mary Ball
about 1790 |
1875 |
John Kerslake
Mary Ball
about 1783 |
Mary Ball
about 1810 |
Mary Jane Ball
about 1842 |
Norman Charles Ball
1866 |
Norman Julian Ball
1862 |
1864 |
Patience Ball
about 1756 |
1839 |
Nicholas Tapson
Patience Ball
about 1802 |
Arthur Voysey
Patience Ball
about 1823 |
Patience Ball
about 1806 |
John Weeks
Patience Ball
about 1784 |
Jonathan Pellow
Richard Ball
about 1749 |
Richard Ball
about 1795 |
Jane Hooper
Richard Ball
about 1826 |
Richard Ball
about 1797 |
1876 |
Richard Ball
about 1794 |
Richard Ball
about 1819 |
Richard Henry Ball
about 1860 |
Susanna Ball
about 1799 |
John Smith
Susanna Ball
about 1793 |
Thomas King
Thomas Ball
Agnes Pidler
Thomas Ball
about 1746 |
Thomas Ball
about 1793 |
Thomas Ball
about 1829 |
Thomas Ball
about 1799 |
1807 |
Thomas Ball
1808 |
1808 |
Thomas Ball
about 1835 |
Thomas Ball
about 1861 |
Thomas Ball
about 1786 |
8 Dec 1857 |
Elizabeth Blachford,
Mary Clinick
Thomas Ball
about 1808 |
24 Jul 1884 |
Mary Ann Maddaford,
Elizabeth Gordon
Walter James Ball
14 Mar 1851 |
William Ball
about 1792 |
8 Jan 1849 |
Elizabeth Knighton Paul
William Ball
about 1833 |
1833 |
William Ball
about 1810 |
Mary Pellow
William Ball
about 1838 |
William Ball
about 1842 |
William Ball
about 1751 |
1833 |
Dionisia Tapson
William Ball
about 1832 |
William Ball
about 1825 |
William Henry Ball
22 Aug 1830 |
1830 |
William Henry Ball
25 Oct 1835 |
William Richard Ball
about 1838 |
Ballintyne |
Jean Ballintyne
1804 |
27 Mar 1878 |
Mungo Reid
John Ballintyne
Isabella Ewart
Balsley |
Denver Colorado Balsley
7 Oct 1906 |
19 Oct 1987 |
Lillian R Orr
Edwin M Balsley
1912 |
Esther L Balsley
1912 |
Robert Edward Balsley
28 Apr 1938 |
2 Oct 2014 |
Wallace C Balsley
1907 |
William Wallace Balsley
28 Feb 1861 |
Murrey Williams
[Private] Balsley
[Private] Balsley
Bamber |
Jane Bamber
about 1813 |
Matthew Bamber
20 May 1852 |
Martha Davis
Rachel Bamber
about 1823 |
1824 |
Thomas Bamber
21 Oct 1854 |
1862 |
Walter Bamber
3 Mar 1856 |
Sarah Elsey
William Bamber
about 1831 |
1908 |
Alice Isherwood
William Bamber
1828 |
1828 |
Band |
Phoebe Ellen Band
about 1873 |
Richard Band
about 1825 |
Mary Dainty
Banjamin |
Lewis Banjamin
Sophie Harris
Sarah Banjamin
10 Apr 1899 |
1983 |
Michael Rabinowich
Banks |
Annie Banks
about 1895 |
Bertha M Banks
Harry G Barnes
David Banks
about 1859 |
Mary Shackleton
David Banks
about 1896 |
Emma Venezia Banks
about 1899 |
Harmon W Banks
about 1898 |
Harriet Banks
about 1884 |
John Banks
about 1896 |
Joseph Sugden Banks
9 Jan 1903 |
Lydia Banks
about 1888 |
Martha Elizabeth Banks
about 1892 |
Mary Banks
about 1890 |
Sarah Banks
about 1887 |
Barber |
Ellen Barber
about 1869 |
Harry Garbutt Shaw
Barclay |
Thomasina Barclay
about 1870 |
David Orr
Barker |
Annie Barker
1895 |
Edward Barker
1859 |
Elizabeth Ann Boyce
Isabella Barker
about 1841 |
John Nicholson
Joanna Barker
about 1762 |
1826 |
James Best
John Barker
Mary Unknown
Katie Barker
1891 |
Lilly Barker
1896 |
Mary Barker
about 1769 |
Sarah Barker
1893 |
William Barker
Winifred Irene Coulson
Barnes |
Augusta Barnes
about 1854 |
Beatrice Barnes
about 1884 |
Delina Barnes
Peter B Martin
Elizabeth Barnes
about 1870 |
Elizabeth Barnes
1836 |
John William Crosweller
Frances Winnifred Barnes
about 1908 |
Harold Frederick Emms
Frederick William Barnes
about 1866 |
Harry G Barnes
Bertha M Banks
Jane Barnes
about 1824 |
Jesse Barnes
about 1866 |
John Barnes
about 1872 |
Josiah WIlliam Barnes
about 1877 |
Lydia Barnes
about 1859 |
Lydia Barnes
about 1822 |
Martha Matilda Barnes
about 1880 |
Mary Barnes
about 1783 |
1839 |
Trobridge Horton
Mary Louisa Barnes
about 1868 |
Olive Barnes
about 1861 |
Robert Barnes
about 1856 |
Robert Barnes
Sarah French
Sarah Jane Barnes
about 1826 |
Tabitha Barnes
about 1795 |
1876 |
James Light
Thomas French Barnes
about 1829 |
Charlotte Augusta Williams
William Barnes
Elizabeth Unknown
William French Barnes
about 1817 |
William Gutteridge Barnes
about 1847 |
Matilda Long
Barnesley |
Ellen Nora Barnesley
Charles Henry Starks
Barnett |
Ada Barnett
21 Sep 1891 |
Herbert Robey
Annie Mabel Barnett
about 1883 |
Joseph Davenport
Daniel Barnett
about 1843 |
Sarah Townley
Edith Ellen Barnett
1912 |
Emma Barnett
about 1856 |
1859 |
Emma Barnett
10 May 1866 |
Ethel Gray Barnett
31 Aug 1915 |
1979 |
Frank Crossley
Fanny Barnett
about 1816 |
Fred Barnett
15 Jul 1888 |
14 Nov 1967 |
Edith Gray
Geoffrey Percival Barnett
20 Oct 1925 |
22 Jul 2004 |
George Barnett
about 1820 |
George Barnett
about 1762 |
12 Aug 1821 |
Hannah Bowers
George Barnett
about 1788 |
1802 |
Hannah Barnett
25 Jan 1811 |
Samuel Ollier
Hannah Barnett
23 Apr 1794 |
1803 |
Harry Barnett
about 1887 |
Hannah Lightbrown
Henry Barnett
22 Jun 1845 |
1858 |
Henry Barnett
about 1864 |
1864 |
Jane Barnett
about 1848 |
1858 |
Jane Barnett
about 1861 |
Gaylard Mack
Jane Barnett
about 1813 |
John Barnett
John Barnett
1 Feb 1800 |
Joseph Barnett
16 May 1797 |
12 Aug 1821 |
Louisa Barnett
about 1854 |
Edward Smith
Lucy Barnett
about 1900 |
Malinda Barnett
about 1881 |
Ernest Beff
Malinda Barnett
about 1851 |
George Henry Walls
Percival Barnett
3 Oct 1896 |
1982 |
Elsie Harrison,
Lily Jackson
Percy Barnett
22 Oct 1894 |
1895 |
Sarah Jane Barnett
1913 |
Susan Gray Barnett
1 Feb 1914 |
30 Aug 2008 |
Charles Arthur Young
Thomas Barnett
about 1891 |
Thomas Barnett
about 1785 |
12 Aug 1821 |
Jane Cork
Thomas Barnett
about 1815 |
1835 |
William Barnett
28 Feb 1859 |
1927 |
Malinda Sherratt
William Barnett
about 1885 |
Edith Shaw
William Barnett
about 1821 |
1901 |
Louisa Townley
William Barnett
about 1847 |
Fanny Maria Gough
William Barnett
12 Mar 1812 |
12 Aug 1821 |
William Barnett
7 Jan 1791 |
[Private] Barnett
[Private] Clare
[Private] Barnett
[Private] Barnett
Barns |
Sarah Barns
about 1787 |
Philip Long
Baron |
Emma Baron
about 1856 |
Frederick Wild
Barons |
Albert Edward Barons
about 1855 |
Alfred Barons
about 1860 |
Ann Marshall Barons
about 1798 |
Anne Barons
about 1802 |
Avis Horton Barons
about 1818 |
8 Apr 1886 |
Richard Kingwell
Betsy Barons
about 1796 |
Charles Lethbridge Barons
about 1856 |
Daniel Barons
about 1865 |
Edward Barons
about 1794 |
Avis Horton
Edward Barons
about 1819 |
Elizabeth Lethbridge
Edward Barons
about 1788 |
Edward Barons
about 1819 |
1819 |
Eliza Barons
about 1792 |
Elizabeth Barons
about 1822 |
1823 |
Elizabeth Hoskin Barons
about 1825 |
Elizabeth Meathrell Barons
about 1867 |
Ellen Barons
about 1826 |
Emma Meathrel Barons
about 1858 |
Grace Barons
about 1836 |
Grace Barons
about 1799 |
Haley Barons
about 1859 |
Haly Horton Barons
about 1827 |
about 1911 |
Lydia Metherell
Hannah Barons
about 1830 |
Henry Barons
about 1785 |
Mary Sercombe
Henry Barons
Mary Luscombe
James Harris Barons
about 1820 |
Elizabeth Colton
Jane Barons
about 1814 |
Jane Mary Barons
about 1860 |
John Henry Kingwell
Jenny Marshall Barons
about 1802 |
Laura Lethbridge Barons
about 1853 |
Louisa Barons
about 1861 |
Margaretta Horton Barons
about 1821 |
William Holman
Mary Ann Barons
about 1805 |
3 Mar 1888 |
Samuel Kingwell
Mary Barons
about 1787 |
Mary Horton Barons
about 1833 |
Mary Lotty Barons
about 1868 |
Nancy Barons
about 1829 |
Richard Barons
about 1824 |
Sarah Dawe
Richard Barons
Anne Marshall
Richard Barons
about 1817 |
Richard Barons
about 1791 |
Rosezena Barons
about 1853 |
Samuel Barons
about 1845 |
Samuel Barons
about 1824 |
Thomas Barons
about 1815 |
Thomas Barons
about 1793 |
Thomas Edward Lethbridge Barons
about 1851 |
William Barons
about 1811 |
William Barons
about 1788 |
William Barons
about 1786 |
1835 |
Nancy Hoskin
William Metherall Barons
about 1864 |
Barratt |
Charlotte Barratt
1796 |
1878 |
William Stickland
Barritt |
Elizabeth Barritt
29 Feb 1888 |
7 Nov 1969 |
Percy Thornber
Phyllis Barritt
about 1908 |
Thomas Barritt
about 1878 |
Mary Ann Crompton
Barry |
Rosa Emma Barry
13 Jul 1882 |
Kenneth Eric Onion
Bartaby |
David J Bartaby
30 Dec 1904 |
1970 |
Elizabeth Magaret Casswell
[Private] Bartaby
[Private] Bartaby
Bartlett |
Ada Constance Bartlett
about 1879 |
Catherine Bartlett
24 Sep 1812 |
1847 |
Thomas Paige
Edith Mary Bartlett
about 1877 |
Elizabeth Gertrude Bartlett
about 1870 |
Ernest Edward Bartlett
about 1876 |
Grace Florence Bartlett
about 1867 |
Henry Paige Bartlett
1873 |
Jacob Bickford Bartlett
Elizabeth Gardner
Jane Bealy Bartlett
about 1792 |
George Paige
John A Bartlett
about 1840 |
Grace Paige
John Adams Bartlett
about 1872 |
Mary Bartlett
24 Sep 1812 |
Olive Paige Bartlett
about 1875 |
William Bartlett
about 1869 |
Barton |
Mary Jane Barton
about 1870 |
Henry Hill
Barwis |
Joseph Barwis
Bridget Unknown
Sarah Barwis
about 1798 |
13 Jan 1871 |
John Casswell
Baseley |
Catherine Baseley
about 1686 |
1760 |
Nicholas Perry
Gideon Baseley
about 1680 |
John Baseley
about 1676 |
Nicholas Baseley
Joane Panson
Nicholas Baseley
about 1684 |
Baskerville |
Ann Baskerville
about 1810 |
Thomas Kingwell
Robert Baskerville
Hannah Horton,
Christian Horton
William Baskerville
Mary Horton
Bassett |
Edith Annie Bassett
about 1875 |
Alfred Kingwell
Bastard |
Edmund Paige Bastard
about 1776 |
1800 |
Agnes Paige
Edmund Paige Bastard
about 1800 |
Eliza Paige Bastard
about 1829 |
Grace Bastard
about 1742 |
John Paige
Joan Bastard
about 1710 |
Joana Bastard
about 1734 |
John Bastard
about 1746 |
Joseph Bastard
Margery Bastard
Margery Bastard
about 1726 |
William Paige
Margery Bastard
Joseph Bastard
Mary Bastard
about 1744 |
1816 |
Robert Paige
Mary Bastard
about 1798 |
John Paige Jellard
Mary Bastard
about 1771 |
George Jellard
Mary Bastard
about 1825 |
Mary Bastard
about 1803 |
Peter Bastard
about 1712 |
Mary Leach
Peter Bastard
about 1740 |
Mary Paige
Peter Bastard
about 1769 |
Peter Bastard
Mary Wakeham
Peter Paige Bastard Bastard
about 1799 |
Richard Bastard
about 1748 |
Richard Bastard
about 1802 |
Eliza Paige
Richard Bastard
about 1837 |
Samuel Merrifield Paige Bastard
about 1832 |
Sarah Bastard
about 1835 |
William Bastard
about 1743 |
William Bastard
about 1714 |
William Bastard
Mary Trant
William Bastard
about 1801 |
Baster |
John Newman Baster
about 1860 |
Harriet Ellen Horton
Richard Baster
Batcheler |
Laura Louisa Batcheler
1843 |
7 Jan 1886 |
George Edward Sharland
Bate |
Arabella Bate
24 Aug 1832 |
28 Dec 1878 |
John Henry Dunn
John Bate
Elizabeth Unknown
John Bate
about 1795 |
Catherine Joanna Mann
John Mann Bate
about 1842 |
12 Feb 1875 |
Emma Branson
John Sanders Bate
about 1873 |
1877 |
Mary Bate
about 1837 |
Batt |
John Batt
Ann Unknown
Sarah Batt
about 1824 |
William Leaper Scobell,
Thomas W Milburn
Battershall |
Florence Mary Battershall
about 1863 |
25 Jan 1926 |
William Kingwell
Battison |
Isabella Battison
about 1829 |
Donald Manson
Baudon |
Marie-France Baudon
[Private] Thornber
Bawden |
Catherine Bawden
about 1811 |
Haly Horton
Clara Selina Bawden
about 1851 |
Richard Frederick Short
Elizabeth Bawden
about 1803 |
1836 |
Robert Horton
John Bawden
Anne Unknown
Bazine |
Maude Bazine
about 1877 |
William E Taggart
Bazley |
Charles Henry Bazley
about 1839 |
Alice Elizabeth Dorning
Constance Mary Bazley
22 Mar 1873 |
Frank Casswell
Beale |
Sarah Beale
about 1826 |
Edward Gulley
Beams |
[Private] Beams
[Private] Eve
Beare |
Catherine Beare
about 1786 |
18 Jan 1786 |
Elizabeth Beare
about 1780 |
Gertrude Prout Beare
about 1783 |
Grace Beare
about 1786 |
Hugh Beare
about 1753 |
Eve Kingwell
Hugh Beare
about 1784 |
Jenny Beare
about 1791 |
John Beare
Gertrude Prowte
John Beare
about 1747 |
Mary Horsewell Beare
about 1784 |
Sarah Beare
about 1782 |
William Beare
about 1751 |
Sarah Horsewell
Bearman |
[Private] Bearman
[Private] Waugh
[Private] Bearman
[Private] Bearman
Beaton |
Annie Beaton
about 1865 |
28 Oct 1919 |
Neil McKinnon,
Kenneth McLean
John Beaton
Annie McLeod
Beauchamp |
Sarah Beauchamp
Stafford Northcote
Beaver |
Ann Beaver
John Bentham
Matthew Beaver
Beck |
Leah Rosetta Beck
about 1810 |
William Scobell,
Joseph Taylor
Beddow |
Ernest Beddow
about 1875 |
Eliza Jane Horton
Beech |
Norman L Beech
Mary Jane Fairhurst
Beechey |
[Private] Beechey
[Private] Wyatt
Beedle |
Charlotte Ermina Ann Josephine Beedle
21 Nov 1867 |
6 Aug 1926 |
Benjamin Rowe Kingwell
Beervault |
Robert Beervault
about 1865 |
1890 |
Lucy Prest
Beeston |
Mary Beeston
John Chambers
Beff |
Dora Beff
about 1904 |
Ernest Beff
about 1879 |
Malinda Barnett
Begg |
Harriet Begg
Sidney Spurway Scobell
Margaret Begg
about 1854 |
Peter Mowat
Belenger |
Raymond Michael Belenger
18 Oct 1928 |
1987 |
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Belenger
[Private] Woodland
Bell |
John Thomas Bell
about 1860 |
Annie Casswell
Mary Ellen Bell
about 1888 |
Bellerby |
David Bellerby
21 Jun 1820 |
23 Jun 1820 |
Frances Bellerby
30 Apr 1826 |
20 Jun 1843 |
Harriet Bellerby
15 Dec 1834 |
Jane Bellerby
2 Oct 1821 |
John Bellerby
29 May 1819 |
Maria Bellerby
8 Feb 1833 |
2 Jun 1842 |
Mary Ann Bellerby
13 Jul 1828 |
23 Dec 1829 |
Mary Ann Bellerby
21 Oct 1830 |
Robert Bellerby
1854 |
Frances Hanesworth
Robert Bellerby
15 Feb 1824 |
Bendy |
Caroline Bendy
about 1804 |
William Scoble
William Bendy
Margaret Unknown
Benham |
Elizabeth Benham
about 1855 |
John G McDermott
Bennee |
Edward John Bennee
Lois Amelia Bennee
about 1871 |
John Horton
Bennet |
Jane Bennet
1776 |
William Mann
Bennett |
Ada Beatrice Bennett
3 May 1902 |
3 Mar 1953 |
Francis Edward Hopkins
Ann Bennett
6 Jul 1808 |
Anna Elizabeth Bennett
about 1861 |
1864 |
Anna Maria Bennett
14 Jan 1798 |
James Baker
Annetta Bennett
about 1895 |
1919 |
Catherine Ann Bennett
about 1858 |
Edgar Stanley Bennett
2 Mar 1907 |
[Private] Thomson
Elizabeth Bennett
about 1900 |
Elizabeth Bennett
about 1855 |
Eva Alice Bennett
30 Jun 1905 |
Frederick Bennett
about 1816 |
Elizabeth Unknown
Gladys May Bennett
about 1899 |
John R Colley
Grace Bennett
about 1809 |
John Knight
Henry Bennett
28 Apr 1850 |
Christiana Tindall
Ida Bennett
about 1891 |
James Bennett
20 Jan 1874 |
Phoebe Alice Rooke
James Bennett
about 1821 |
before 1891 |
Maria Pearce
James Bennett
about 1910 |
James Bennett
about 1897 |
James Bennett
about 1852 |
Jenifer Bennett
about 1831 |
Richard Tipper Young
John Bennett
about 1866 |
Annette Sarah Gaskill
John Bennett
about 1899 |
John Bennett
about 1854 |
John Bond Bennett
6 Jul 1808 |
Joseph Bennett
Sarah Bond
Joseph John Bennett
about 1895 |
Louisa Bennett
about 1852 |
Robert Ward
Mark Bennett
29 May 1868 |
Mary Ann Weatherill
Martha Bennett
about 1857 |
Mary Ann Bennett
Clarke Casswell
Mary E Bennett
about 1901 |
Mary Ellen Bennett
about 1862 |
Nora Bennett
29 Aug 1900 |
Olive Myra Bennett
9 Jun 1914 |
Frank Walton
Philip Bennett
about 1827 |
Martha Smetherham
Philip Bennett
about 1864 |
Samuel Bennett
about 1866 |
Sarah Bennett
28 Jul 1804 |
Sarah Bennett
about 1893 |
Sarah Bennett
about 1849 |
Selina Bennett
about 1860 |
Walter Bennett
about 1899 |
William Bennett
about 1851 |
Zabiah Bennett
about 1863 |
John Thomas Gray
[Private] Bennett
Bennetts |
Eliza Bennetts
about 1852 |
Robert French Dansie
Bentham |
Ann Bentham
1853 |
Catherine Bentham
about 1822 |
Catherine Bentham
1855 |
Charlotte Elizabeth Bentham
about 1863 |
Daniel Bentham
about 1859 |
James Bentham
about 1819 |
James Bentham
about 1838 |
John Bentham
about 1815 |
1841 |
Ann Beaver
John Robert Bentham
1850 |
Mary Jane Bentham
1849 |
1891 |
Henry Hopkins
Naomi Olive Bentham
about 1866 |
Henry Hopkins
Robert Bentham
about 1785 |
1848 |
Ann Unknown
Samuel Bentham
about 1824 |
William Bentham
about 1839 |
William Bentham
about 1826 |
Elizabeth Peasgood
William Bentham
1857 |
Best |
Ann Best
about 1788 |
Ann Best
about 1846 |
Charlotte Best
about 1796 |
1811 |
Francis Best
about 1837 |
James Best
Joanna Barker
James Best
about 1787 |
1787 |
Mary Ann Best
about 1841 |
Mary Ann Best
about 1809 |
William Andrus
Mary Best
about 1791 |
5 Apr 1872 |
Francis William Langsbeer Langdon
Robert Best
about 1804 |
Anna Westcott
Rose Ann Best
about 1839 |
Thomas Best
about 1785 |
1787 |
Thomas Best
about 1794 |
1797 |
Beswarrick |
Thomas May Beswarrick
Emblyn Scantlebury
Betty |
Alice Cordelia Betty
about 1866 |
James Betty
about 1834 |
Mary Perry Mann
Thomas Betty
Bickford |
Emma Bickford
William Horton
Bickle |
Henry Bickle
Mary Anne Horton
Mary Bickle
William Perry
[Private] Bickle
Bielby |
Mary Bielby
about 1795 |
1830 |
George Tate
Bigger |
George Lewis Bigger
about 1880 |
Annie Mary Kingwell
Walter E Bigger
Bigland |
Elizabeth Ann Bigland
about 1858 |
Henry Townley
Billingham |
George Edward Billingham
about 1873 |
Mary Sedman
Harold Edward Billingham
about 1898 |
Herbert George Billingham
about 1905 |
Percy Billingham
6 Jan 1902 |
Emily Mabel Hopkins
[Private] Billingham
Bingham |
Sarah Bingham
about 1821 |
William Wainman Holmes
Binns |
[Private] Binns
[Private] Coulson
[Private] Binns
Binsley |
Ann Binsley
about 1777 |
Austin or Orson Sissons
Birch |
Mary Birch
about 1821 |
1901 |
George Casswell
Bird |
Caroline Bird
about 1825 |
James Bullen
Bishop |
Elizabeth Bishop
Arthur Horton
James Burrows Bishop
Emelin or Emily Sprague
Jessie Burrows Bishop
about 1859 |
Samuel Alfred Bishop
about 1868 |
Rhoda Mary Horton
Sophia Bishop
Lucius Hartshorn
Thomas Bishop
about 1792 |
William Burrows Bishop
about 1856 |
1856 |
Bissland |
Elizabeth David Bissland
1875 |
James McCallum Kingwell
John Bissland
about 1852 |
Sarah Sturgeon
Blachford |
Elizabeth Blachford
Thomas Ball
Blackbourn |
Ann Blackbourn
about 1779 |
1782 |
Cuthbert Blackbourn
about 1835 |
Cuthbert Blackbourn
about 1773 |
Mary Owen
Cuthbert Blackbourn
about 1805 |
1811 |
Elizabeth Blackbourn
about 1768 |
George Blackbourn
about 1802 |
Henry Blackbourn
about 1740 |
1807 |
Elizabeth Worsdale,
Ann German
Henry Blackbourn
about 1781 |
1782 |
Henry Blackbourn
about 1800 |
Elizabeth Casswell
Mary Ann Blackbourn
about 1807 |
Henry Casswell
Mary Blackbourn
about 1771 |
Miriam Blackbourn
about 1786 |
Sarah Blackbourn
about 1775 |
Sarah Blackbourn
about 1791 |
Blackburn |
Florence Blackburn
1890 |
John Blackburn
about 1876 |
Richard Blackburn
about 1830 |
Mary Ellen Stott
Richard Blackburn
about 1883 |
Thomas Blackburn
about 1878 |
William Blackburn
about 1885 |
Blacker |
Henry Miller Blacker
about 1854 |
Clara Mary Ann Leonard Snook
Rosa Miller Blacker
about 1851 |
Walter Edward Miller Blacker
about 1856 |
William Blacker
about 1809 |
Martha Miller
William Miller Blacker
about 1848 |
Blackler |
Florence Emily Blackler
about 1908 |
Arthur Kingwell
Henry Jenkin Blackler
about 1840 |
Elizabeth Horton
Honour Blackler
about 1791 |
15 Dec 1875 |
Haly Horton
John Blackler
Mary Unknown
John Blackler
Blagdon |
Gladys Caroline Marion Blagdon
25 Jul 1914 |
Herbert William Webber Kingwell
Blake |
Ann Blake
about 1823 |
John Forward
Blanchard |
Grace Blanchard
Lillington Hanns
Blasson |
Maud Blasson
about 1871 |
William Martin Casswell
Thomas Blasson
Blenkinsop |
Alfred Blenkinsop
Agnes A Fenton
Blyth |
Frederica Augusta Blyth
about 1838 |
Henry Firth
Frederick Blyth
24 Jun 1909 |
Lily Fairhurst
[Private] Blyth
[Private] Blyth
[Private] Blyth
[Private] Blyth
Blyton |
Ann Blyton
about 1823 |
William Winter Casswell
Boals |
Edith R Boals
1870 |
William E Taggart
Bodilly |
Flora Bodilly
5 Sep 1868 |
10 Dec 1958 |
William Rugg
Ralph Hacker Bodilly
Hanna Jane Tucker
Boehmer |
Amy Boehmer
about 1866 |
1891 |
Charles Henry Boehmer
about 1829 |
Helen Clara Sharland
Clara Boehmer
about 1864 |
Solomon Franklin
Frederick Boehmer
Adelaide Unknown
Frederick Charles Boehmer
9 Aug 1868 |
Bohlin |
[Private] Bohlin
Dorothy Lilian Erica Kingwell
Bolton |
Laura Marie M Bolton
about 1855 |
John James Sharland
Bond |
Ada Mary Bond
about 1903 |
Albert Harry Bond
about 1888 |
Alfred Leonard Bond
4 Apr 1924 |
1999 |
Edith Bottomley
Ann Bond
about 1858 |
Annie Bond
about 1888 |
Arthur Bond
about 1877 |
Charles Bond
about 1817 |
before 1881 |
Fanny Nicholson
Charles Bond
about 1848 |
Ellen Parker
Charles Bond
about 1869 |
Charles Edward Bond
about 1868 |
Ada West,
Dora Walkington
Clara Bond
about 1877 |
Constance Emmeline Bond
26 Apr 1903 |
1965 |
William Reginald Darwin
Edith Agnes Bond
about 1896 |
Elizabeth Bond
about 1849 |
Ellen Bond
about 1874 |
1875 |
Emily Jane Bond
about 1866 |
Arthur Horton
Emma Bond
about 1878 |
1878 |
Ethel Ann Bond
25 Mar 1885 |
1885 |
Fanny Bond
about 1861 |
Fanny Bond
about 1880 |
Frances Ann Bond
about 1901 |
Frances Bond
about 1871 |
George Bond
about 1859 |
Agnes A Fenton
George Bond
about 1855 |
before 1860 |
George Bond
about 1886 |
George William Bond
about 1901 |
Gladys Ellen Bond
16 Nov 1901 |
1958 |
William Normanton Horsley,
Robert Coulson
Gladys Eva Bond
1900 |
Hannah Bond
about 1857 |
Harold Bond
about 1889 |
Harold Bond
about 1887 |
Harriet Bond
about 1819 |
Thomas Leak
Henry Bond
about 1896 |
Herbert Henry Bond
about 1878 |
1882 |
Hilda May Bond
about 1897 |
Isaac Bond
about 1822 |
Sarah Wainman,
Charlotte Crowhurst
Isaac Bond
about 1865 |
1866 |
Isaac Bond
about 1879 |
Emily Collings,
Mary Smith
Ivy Audrey Bond
21 May 1904 |
1958 |
Harold C Hall
Jack Alfred George Bond
1911 |
[Private] McKnight
John Bond
4 Sep 1867 |
Ellen Allen
John Bond
about 1867 |
Joseph Bond
about 1879 |
Laura Elizabeth Bond
about 1875 |
David Robinson
Laura Ellen Bond
about 1891 |
Madge Winifred Bond
about 1888 |
Mary Bond
about 1851 |
William Tate
Mary Bond
about 1870 |
1874 |
Mary Emily Bond
about 1860 |
William Henry Horton
Mary Gilbank Bond
about 1852 |
1904 |
John Lazenby
Mary Jane Bond
about 1873 |
1892 |
May Ethel Marion Bond
about 1910 |
Minnie Bond
about 1874 |
Muriel Bond
about 1887 |
Muriel M G Bond
1915 |
Nicholson Bond
about 1863 |
Elizabeth Croft
Percy William Bond
5 Nov 1906 |
1972 |
Amy Booth,
Ellen Bourke
Polly Bond
about 1881 |
1881 |
Rebecca Bond
about 1816 |
William Jackson
Richard Nicholson Bond
about 1889 |
Annie Hurlbutt
Robert Bond
about 1850 |
Sarah Headley
Robert Bond
about 1873 |
1912 |
Rosemary E Bond
12 Apr 1914 |
James C Challoner
Sarah Ann Bond
about 1852 |
Sarah Bond
Joseph Bennett
Sarah Bond
about 1856 |
Thomas Bond
about 1843 |
Elizabeth Lazenby,
Margaret Annie Lodge
Thomas Bond
about 1842 |
1842 |
Tom Bond
about 1881 |
1881 |
Violet Lilian Bond
about 1908 |
Walter Ernest Bond
about 1890 |
Walter George Alek Bond
about 1864 |
Esther Temple Sharland
William Bond
about 1865 |
William Bond
about 1845 |
Hannah Hollingworth
William Bond
about 1877 |
William Thomas Bond
about 1870 |
Annie Elizabeth Amory
[Private] Bond
[Private] Bond
[Private] Bond
[Private] Bond
[Private] Bond
[Private] Shufflebottom
[Private] Bond
[Private] Bond
Bone |
Alice Amelia Bone
about 1855 |
Allen Belfield Bone
22 Apr 1799 |
9 Jan 1876 |
Jane Anne Scobell
Charles Belfield Bone
about 1862 |
Edward William Bone
about 1846 |
Emily Frances Bone
about 1859 |
Foster John Bone
about 1843 |
Frank Foster Bone
about 1853 |
Frederick James Bone
about 1844 |
George Scobell Bone
about 1848 |
Gordon Bremer Bone
about 1851 |
Robert Bone
Amelia Unknown
Boolds |
Sarah Boolds
John Almond
Booth |
Amy Booth
5 Jun 1908 |
Percy William Bond
Cornelius Booth
6 Jun 1909 |
Ada Clarke
[Private] Booth
[Private] Booth
Born |
Aaron Born
about 1781 |
Amy Born
about 1767 |
Elizabeth Born
about 1778 |
Eve Born
about 1764 |
21 Feb 1782 |
John Born
Eve Kingwill
Mary Born
Edward Paige
Moses Born
about 1776 |
Philip Born
about 1784 |
Richard Born
about 1765 |
26 May 1771 |
Richard Born
about 1772 |
22 Nov 1772 |
Richard Born
about 1774 |
Thomas Born
about 1770 |
Borrow |
John Borrow
Mary Borrow
before 1851 |
William Atkinson
Bosåen |
[Private] Bosåen
[Private] Higgins
Bostick |
Godfrey R G Bostick
[Private] Kingwell
Boston |
Clara Elizabeth Charlotte Boston
Joseph George Card
Bottomley |
Edith Bottomley
Alfred Leonard Bond
Boulden |
Ellen Boulden
about 1870 |
Hercules John Webber
Samuel Boulden
Boulding |
Elizabeth Boulding
about 1638 |
1671 |
Richard Casswell
Thomas Boulding
Elizabeth Bracebridge
Bourgo |
[Private] Bourgo
[Private] Lewis
Bourke |
Ellen Bourke
Percy William Bond
John Bourke
about 1833 |
1922 |
Louisa O'Donnell
Bovey |
Fanny Michelmore Bovey
about 1827 |
William Browning
Bowden |
Ann Bowden
Benoni Tozer
Celia Bowden
Frank Paige
Bowers |
Hannah Bowers
about 1764 |
1803 |
George Barnett
Joseph Bowers
Jane Rhodes
Bowery |
Charles Bowery
Catherine West
Charles Miller Bowery
about 1876 |
Grace Adelaide Robinson
Bowler |
Elizabeth Bowler
about 1788 |
David Wainman
John Bowler
Bown |
Mary Bown
Richard Cutler
Boyce |
Albert Boyce
about 1869 |
Ann Boyce
about 1801 |
Ann Keatley Boyce
about 1843 |
about 1883 |
John Malton
Annie Louisa Boyce
about 1872 |
Thomas William Matson
Elizabeth Ann Boyce
about 1864 |
Edward Barker
Elizabeth Boyce
about 1825 |
Francis Boyce
about 1836 |
Catherine Megginson,
Margaret Potts
Francis Boyce
about 1869 |
Francis Boyce
Mary Marflitt
Francis Boyce
about 1865 |
George Potts Boyce
about 1879 |
1880 |
Hannah Isabella Boyce
about 1873 |
Jane Boyce
about 1831 |
John Megginson
Jane Keatley Boyce
17 Aug 1876 |
1952 |
Francis Alfred Hopkins
John Thomas Boyce
about 1854 |
Marflitt Boyce
about 1800 |
Ann Keatley
Marflitt Boyce
about 1829 |
Mary Watson
Marflitt Boyce
about 1859 |
Mary Boyce
about 1823 |
Robert Boyce
about 1856 |
William Boyce
about 1804 |
William Henry Boyce
about 1871 |
William Marflitt Boyce
about 1867 |
Boyer |
Ann Boyer
about 1772 |
Elizabeth Boyer
about 1770 |
John Boyer
Elizabeth Goodhugh
Margaret Boyer
about 1781 |
20 Mar 1862 |
Henry Killick,
William Durham
Mary Boyer
about 1774 |
Sarah Boyer
about 1778 |
Bracebridge |
Elizabeth Bracebridge
Thomas Boulding
Bradbury |
Samuel Bradbury
Susannah Casswell
Bradford |
[Private] Bradford
Ian Hugh Kingwell
Bradridge |
Elizabeth Bradridge
William Adams Paige
[Private] Bradridge
Bradshaw |
Elizabeth Bradshaw
about 1875 |
Frank Atkinson Eshelby
Brailey |
Emma Jane Brailey
about 1883 |
Charles Horton
Braley |
[Private] Braley
[Private] Mann
Bran |
Jane Bran
about 1824 |
Richard Cole
William Bran
Ann Unknown
Brandon |
Elizabeth Brandon
about 1820 |
Adam Kingwell
Brandwood |
Wilfred Douglas Brandwood
about 1891 |
Minnie Crompton
Brandys |
Marion Amelia Brandys
about 1811 |
23 Feb 1837 |
William Leaper Scobell
Brannan |
Ellen Mary Brannan
about 1833 |
Frederic Clarence Sharland
Emma Brannan
about 1835 |
Henrietta Maria Brannan
29 Jun 1831 |
about 1875 |
Frederic Clarence Sharland
Mark Brannan
about 1840 |
Walter Brannan
about 1831 |
William Brannan
about 1806 |
Mary Unknown
William Brannan
about 1837 |
Branson |
Emma Branson
5 Dec 1849 |
John Mann Bate
Henry Branson
about 1813 |
Sarah Burgess
Henry Branson
about 1837 |
Isabella Branson
about 1847 |
George King Mann
Jane Branson
7 Mar 1851 |
Sarah Branson
about 1839 |
Thomas Branson
about 1846 |
Brashears |
Francis Brashears
about 1812 |
Rebecca Weedon
Ida Brashears
about 1855 |
John Oliphant Scobell
Bray |
William Bray
Alice Noble
Brentnall |
Dorothy F Brentnall
[Private] Kingwell
Brewer |
Deborah Brewer
Charles Jenkins
Brian |
Charlotte Ann Brian
about 1871 |
1871 |
Christopher Brian
about 1827 |
1872 |
Maria Burn
Hannah Maria Brian
about 1857 |
John Strickland
John Henry Brian
1850 |
Joseph Brian
about 1865 |
Mary Jane Brian
about 1853 |
1871 |
Rebecca Brian
about 1862 |
William Lacy
Bright |
Charlotte Bright
about 1824 |
John Stile
Mary Ann Bright
about 1847 |
Ambler Hanson
Brimacombe |
Alice Flora Brimacombe
1881 |
Amelia Brimacombe
about 1857 |
Caroline Amelia Grace Brimacombe
about 1879 |
Charles Henry Brimacombe
about 1884 |
Elizabeth Ann Brimacombe
about 1852 |
1 Feb 1935 |
William Henry Kingwell
George Brimacombe
about 1820 |
Grace Parr
James Everard P Brimacombe
about 1876 |
James Parr Brimacombe
about 1850 |
about 1899 |
Amelia Hicks Wood
Sarah Brimacombe
about 1860 |
Brims |
Jane Brims
about 1838 |
James Dunnet
Brittain |
John Brittain
about 1777 |
Frances Casswell
Britten |
Charles Britten
about 1776 |
Elizabeth Britten
about 1769 |
John Britten
Ann Ashley
John Britten
about 1774 |
Margaret Britten
about 1784 |
13 Mar 1878 |
Isaac Sharland
Mary Britten
about 1772 |
Stephen Toghill
Samuel Britten
about 1766 |
Sarah Britten
about 1778 |
Thomas Britten
about 1770 |
Brock |
Mary Brock
Daniel Ward
Brooks |
Ann Brooks
John Hanham
Annie Catharine Brooks
about 1870 |
Arnold Brooks
2 Mar 1908 |
Mary Hill
Caroline Elizabeth Brooks
about 1869 |
Charles Brooks
about 1865 |
Charlotte Ellen Brooks
about 1874 |
Henry John Brooks
about 1867 |
Richard Brooks
about 1835 |
Mary Elizabeth Casswell
Richard Brooks
about 1864 |
Robert Brooks
about 1878 |
William Chambers Brooks
about 1872 |
[Private] Brooks
[Private] Brooks
[Private] Brooks
[Private] Brooks
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
[Private] Brooks
[Private] Brooks
[Private] Brooks
[Private] Brooks
Broom |
Alfred John Broom
about 1860 |
Eliza Matilda Horton
Evelyn May Broom
about 1891 |
John Broom
Brown |
Ann Brown
about 1737 |
Archie Rodney Brown
20 May 1894 |
1 Jun 1963 |
Lola Victoria Nickolaus
Eleanora Brown
about 1895 |
David McMullen Emms
Elizabeth Brown
about 1740 |
Fanny Brown
about 1857 |
Henry Casswell
Hannah Brown
about 1830 |
before 1871 |
William Burn
Isabella Brown
James Reid
James Brown
about 1822 |
Sarah Kingwell
James Brown
Jane Brown
about 1752 |
1836 |
John Scorey
Jane Brown
about 1788 |
Peter Fox
John Brown
Martha Casswell
Marie E Brown
Jan 1897 |
1955 |
Ernest E Wright
Martha Brown
William Agar
Mary Brown
about 1736 |
Mary Brown
about 1776 |
Mary Elizabeth Brown
about 1847 |
George Robinson
Matilda Brown
about 1860 |
Samuel Brown
Sarah Grace Brown
about 1836 |
Joseph Adams,
John Kingwell
Sarah Jane Brown
about 1858 |
Sophia Brown
about 1741 |
Browne |
Mary Browne
Wellborn Keatley
Susannah Browne
Richard Paige
Brownell |
James Brownell
about 1792 |
Ann Maria Sharland
William Brownell
about 1838 |
Browning |
Elizabeth Monday Browning
about 1845 |
William Paige Fairweather
Fanny Browning
about 1855 |
Florence May Browning
about 1899 |
Henry Browning
about 1867 |
Henrietta Shapland
Henry Browning
about 1897 |
Percy Arthur Browning
about 1898 |
William Browning
about 1821 |
Elizabeth Willcocks,
Fanny Michelmore Bovey
William Browning
about 1778 |
Browse |
Helen Browse
Robert Henry Paige
[Private] Browse
Bruce |
Jane Bruce
about 1844 |
Angus Rugg
Brundrett |
John J Brundrett
[Private] Gray
Brunt |
Mary Brunt
1895 |
Frank Casswell
Buckingham |
Mary Jane Buckingham
about 1861 |
John Edward Hemingway
Buckland |
Ann Elizabeth Buckland
9 Jan 1835 |
Charles Henry Buckland
30 Oct 1825 |
James Warwick Buckland
about 1790 |
Maria Paige
James Warwick Buckland
about 1813 |
Marianne Adelaide Buckland
about 1831 |
Mary Jane Buckland
26 Sep 1828 |
Thomas George Buckland
about 1821 |
William Lang Paige Buckland
about 1817 |
Buckle |
Rosamund Buckle
about 1727 |
Richard Rowbotham
Thomas Buckle
Buckley |
John Buckley
Lettice Buckley
John Speak
William Buckley
about 1837 |
Mary Jane Horton
Buckpit |
George Buckpit
Sarah Crocker
George Buckpit
about 1762 |
Sarah Buckpit
about 1766 |
John Scoble
Budd |
Sarah Jane Budd
about 1849 |
Arthur Trobridge Horton
Buick |
[Private] Buick
[Private] Fairhurst
Bull |
Mary Bull
Richard Casswell
Bullen |
Ada Kathleen Bullen
about 1889 |
Alfred Bullen
about 1854 |
Amelia Bullen
about 1853 |
Arthur Bullen
about 1856 |
Ada Paige Kingwell
Arthur Robert Kingwell Bullen
about 1885 |
1889 |
Dorothy Rita Bullen
about 1897 |
Ella Marjorie Bullen
about 1896 |
Gladys Irene Bullen
7 Apr 1894 |
1970 |
James Bullen
about 1826 |
Caroline Bird
Minnie Bullen
about 1859 |
Muriel Fanny Paige Bullen
about 1886 |
Percival Ernest Bullen
about 1869 |
Sarah W Bullen
about 1865 |
Violet Nita Bullen
5 Mar 1892 |
1945 |
Walter Bullen
about 1858 |
Bullmore |
Elsie Wilhelmine Bullmore
about 1876 |
John Square Paige
Bullock |
Ann Bullock
about 1825 |
Arthur Bullock
about 1843 |
Elizabeth Bullock
about 1823 |
Frederick George Sharland
Ellen Bullock
about 1841 |
Jane Bullock
about 1848 |
John Bullock
about 1827 |
Matilda Bullock
about 1834 |
Stephen Bullock
about 1846 |
Susannah Bullock
1850 |
Susannah Merrett Bullock
24 Jan 1829 |
Thomas Bullock
about 1796 |
Elizabeth Unknown
Thomas Bullock
about 1821 |
Mary Unknown
Bulmer |
Mary Ellen Bulmer
about 1850 |
William Coulson
Robert Bulmer
Bunker |
Charlotte Bunker
about 1814 |
William Tribble
Burbery |
Eleanor Mabel Burbery
about 1877 |
Herbert B Semmelmeyer
Burchell |
Winifred E Burchell
Hercules Joseph Waldron Kingwell
Burgess |
Sarah Burgess
about 1820 |
Henry Branson
Burgoyne |
Harold Paige Burgoyne
about 1880 |
Thomas Burgoyne
about 1845 |
1884 |
Agnes Paige
Thomas Hannaford Burgoyne
Thomas Lang Burgoyne
about 1877 |
Burkitt |
John Burkitt
William Codd Burkitt
about 1829 |
Harriet Casswell
Burn |
Ann Burn
about 1778 |
William Leak
Ann Burn
about 1803 |
Henry Proctor
Ann Burn
about 1843 |
Ann Burn
about 1772 |
Ann Frances Burn
1870 |
Annie Burn
about 1894 |
Arthur William Forward Burn
about 1884 |
Becky Burn
about 1774 |
Benjamin Burn
about 1825 |
1879 |
Mary Ann Julian
Benjamin Burn
about 1769 |
12 Jan 1842 |
Hannah Laster
Benjamin Burn
about 1802 |
14 Apr 1806 |
Benjamin Burn
about 1736 |
3 Feb 1805 |
Ann Stather
Benjamin Burn
about 1808 |
Benjamin Burn
about 1818 |
1889 |
Benjamin Burn
about 1817 |
26 Feb 1817 |
Benjamin Burn
about 1818 |
3 Mar 1818 |
Benjamin Burn
about 1821 |
4 Mar 1821 |
Benjamin Burn
Benjamin Burn
about 1686 |
Charles Burn
about 1856 |
Fanny Kirk
David Burn
about 1774 |
Ann Saunderson
David Burn
about 1804 |
David Burn
about 1850 |
David Burn
about 1699 |
Mary Cockrill
David Burn
about 1732 |
Margaret Stather
Edith Mary Burn
about 1897 |
Eliza Jane Burn
about 1854 |
Elizabeth Burn
about 1811 |
Elizabeth Burn
about 1815 |
Elizabeth Burn
about 1833 |
Ellen Burn
about 1852 |
Emily Burn
1870 |
Samuel James Fisher
Emma Burn
about 1853 |
Joseph Riseam
Ernest Alfred Burn
about 1898 |
George Burn
about 1833 |
21 Jul 1851 |
George Burn
about 1742 |
Hannah Burn
about 1800 |
12 May 1801 |
Hannah Burn
about 1771 |
6 Apr 1799 |
Hannah Burn
about 1813 |
John Nevil
Harriet Burn
about 1806 |
15 Jul 1806 |
Herbert Cyril Burn
about 1898 |
Herbert Julian Burn
about 1872 |
Harriet Elizabeth Arbon
Jane Burn
about 1770 |
Jemima Burn
about 1837 |
1857 |
Jeremiah Burn
about 1697 |
John Burn
about 1848 |
John Burn
about 1809 |
18 May 1809 |
John Burn
about 1810 |
John Burn
about 1840 |
John Burn
about 1734 |
12 Oct 1734 |
John Burn
about 1688 |
John William Burn
about 1867 |
Jane Charlton Wake
Joseph Burn
about 1822 |
Joseph Burn
about 1683 |
Joseph Peck Burn
about 1846 |
Kerenhappuch Burn
about 1835 |
Kezia Burn
about 1831 |
Laurence Benjamin Burn
about 1898 |
Maria Burn
about 1829 |
Christopher Brian
Maria Burn
about 1826 |
21 May 1826 |
Martha Burn
about 1824 |
George Goldie
Mary Burn
about 1807 |
Robert Thompson
Mary Burn
about 1846 |
Mary Burn
about 1740 |
Mary Burn
about 1768 |
Mary Lizzie Burn
about 1865 |
Henry Forward
Rachel Burn
about 1704 |
Rachell Burn
about 1694 |
Rebecca Burn
about 1796 |
Isaac Wright
Rebecca Burn
about 1856 |
1903 |
Humble Henry Wilson
Robert Burn
about 1828 |
24 Dec 1828 |
Sarah Ann Burn
about 1832 |
Sarah Ann Burn
about 1857 |
Sarah Burn
about 1823 |
Sarah Burn
about 1824 |
Sarah Burn
about 1777 |
Sarah Burn
about 1691 |
26 Oct 1691 |
Simeon Burn
about 1702 |
Solomon Burn
about 1810 |
26 Jun 1810 |
Susannah Burn
about 1794 |
25 Nov 1829 |
Thomas Craven
Susannah Burn
about 1773 |
before Apr 1777 |
Susannah Burn
about 1777 |
Thomas Burn
about 1812 |
1878 |
Thomas Burn
about 1852 |
William Burn
about 1793 |
Mary Butler
William Burn
about 1827 |
Hannah Brown,
Mary Wilson
William Burn
about 1820 |
15 Jul 1887 |
Mary Margaret Newlove,
Elizabeth Robinson
William Burn
about 1781 |
Elizabeth Thomlinson
William Burn
about 1805 |
Ann Stephenson
William Burn
about 1895 |
Burningham |
Agnes Burningham
1850 |
Charles Burningham
about 1853 |
Claude James Burningham
about 1890 |
Edgar Fred Burningham
about 1878 |
Edith Rose Burningham
about 1875 |
George Burningham
about 1856 |
Gladys Jane Burningham
about 1887 |
Harry Philip Burningham
about 1882 |
Henry Burningham
about 1855 |
Herbert Charlie Burningham
about 1884 |
James Burningham
about 1822 |
Mary Ferrebee
James Burningham
about 1847 |
Percy John Burningham
about 1890 |
Rose Emma Burningham
about 1859 |
Tom Albert Burningham
about 1849 |
Sarah Ann Hurrell
Tom Albert Burningham
about 1880 |
William Burningham
about 1845 |
Burns |
James Samuel Burns
Mary Elizabeth Baileff
Robert Joseph Burns
about 1896 |
Olive Victoria Seaton
Burridge |
Alice Burridge
Trobridge Horton
Burrows |
Ann Burrows
about 1821 |
Robert Lemon
Jane Burrows
about 1845 |
Burt |
Nicholas Burt
Mary Unknown
William Burt
about 1807 |
Jane Linney
William Burt
about 1835 |
Burton |
Elizabeth Burton
about 1755 |
1817 |
Thomas Casswell
Emma Burton
about 1828 |
1901 |
Edmund Lawrence Lizard
Henry Burton
Margaret Thompson
Samuel Burton
Mary Ann Harvey
Butcher |
Dorothy H Butcher
7 Jul 1897 |
William Thomas Kingwell
Butland |
Pasco Butland
about 1703 |
1740 |
Thomas Dennis
Butler |
Martha Butler
Mary Butler
6 Jul 1790 |
William Burn
Walter Butler
about 1800 |
1850 |
Christiana Kirkby
Butson |
Elizabeth Butson
John Hitt
Margery Butson
about 1827 |
Jethro Middling
William Butson
Butterworth |
[Private] Butterworth
Monica Rosemary Mann
[Private] Butterworth
[Private] Abeysekera
Buxton |
Bernard Leslie Buxton
21 Oct 1930 |
1997 |
Gladys Iris Coulson
Byford |
[Private] Byford
[Private] Fairhurst
Byrne |
Annie Byrne
14 Feb 1891 |
William Gray
Thomas Byrne
Caburn |
Jessie Caburn
about 1872 |
Alfred James Horton
John Caburn
Cadman |
Alexandra Eliza Cadman
7 Jun 1863 |
Henry Stickland
William Cadman
about 1850 |
William Emmett Cadman
about 1826 |
Ellen Cartwright
Cafferty |
Roseanne Cafferty
Alexander Pattison
Cain |
Elizabeth Cain
about 1846 |
John Cain
about 1822 |
Nancy Walton
Sarah Cain
about 1846 |
Thomas Cain
about 1843 |
Elizabeth Carter Stickland
Calder |
Esther Calder
John Shearer
Calkin |
Lillian Dennis Calkin
about 1909 |
Percival Joseph Calkin
about 1883 |
Nellie Dennis Mann
Callaway |
Ann Louisa Callaway
1830 |
Richard Kingwell
Frederick Callaway
about 1907 |
Frederick William Callaway
about 1879 |
Elizabeth Ann Horton
Zachariah Callaway
Callow |
Henry Duncan Callow
about 1856 |
Jessie Horton
Cameron |
Isabella Cameron
Robert Miller
Camish |
Alice Camish
about 1872 |
Ann Mary Camish
about 1864 |
Eleanor Coulson Camish
about 1875 |
Maria Camish
about 1867 |
Robert Camish
Mary Ann Unknown
Robert Duncanson Camish
about 1870 |
Samuel Camish
about 1843 |
Margaret Duncanson
Campbell |
Alice Campbell
John Thomas Kingwell
Alvira Campbell
about 1840 |
Walter Murray
Ann Campbell
about 1826 |
Kenneth McLean
Catherine Campbell
about 1872 |
Alexander McLean
Grace Campbell
John Smith
Isabella Campbell
about 1859 |
David Sutherland Malcolm
Jean Letts Campbell
[Private] Kingwell
John Campbell
Margaret Unknown
Lauchlan Campbell
Mary Ann Nicolson
[Private] Campbell
[Private] Fairhurst
Canniford |
Eleanor Crossman Canniford
about 1822 |
Emily Mary Canniford
about 1855 |
1906 |
John Ambrose Kingwell
Thomas Canniford
about 1824 |
1886 |
Emily Anne Kingwell
Thomas Canniford
about 1856 |
Hannah Mill Harvey
Thomas Canniford
Philipa Ball Stephens
Cannon |
William Cannon
about 1856 |
Emmaline Abbott Kingwell
William Cannon
Caples |
Harriet Caples
Charles Ernest Jones
Card |
Colin Robert Card
about 1891 |
Annie Beaton McLean
Joseph George Card
Clara Elizabeth Charlotte Boston
Cardew |
Emily Cardew
about 1887 |
Alfred Louis Stening
Thomas Cardew
Elizabeth Unknown
Cardow |
George Moore Cardow
about 1898 |
Mary Alston
[Private] Cardow
[Private] Smith
Cardwell |
Mary Cardwell
about 1807 |
1867 |
William Copperthwait
Sarah Cardwell
about 1824 |
John Hilton
Carling |
Hannah Carling
about 1860 |
Mathias Ashby
Carpenter |
Frances Hannah Carpenter
James Johnson
Louisa Jane Carpenter
about 1816 |
George James Taylor
Carr-Brion |
Hugh Harry Carr-Brion
26 Feb 1915 |
26 Sep 2005 |
Phyllis Evelyn Stening
[Private] Carr-Brion
[Private] Young
[Private] Carr-Brion
[Private] Carr-Brion
[Private] Kujore,
[Private] Archer
[Private] Carr-Brion
[Private] Hobson
[Private] Carr-Brion
Carola Mary Shackleton Mann,
[Private] Le Sage
[Private] Carr-Brion
John Victor Fairhurst
[Private] Carr-Brion
Carter |
Agnes Page Carter
13 Oct 1810 |
Ann Carter
31 Aug 1769 |
1770 |
Ann Carter
about 1806 |
Charles Sherratt
Anna Carter
about 1771 |
Annie Carter
about 1866 |
Charlotte Carter
about 1779 |
Eliza Bastard Carter
about 1818 |
Elizabeth Carter
about 1847 |
Philip Kingwell
Fanny Carter
about 1789 |
Grace Carter
about 1773 |
Grace Gay Carter
24 Mar 1812 |
Harriot Carter
about 1791 |
Henry John Carter
18 Aug 1813 |
4 May 1895 |
Anne Doyle
Jane Carter
about 1768 |
Joan Carter
about 1785 |
Joanna Carter
about 1770 |
John Carter
about 1783 |
28 Jun 1815 |
Elizabeth Stickland
John Carter
about 1738 |
Joseph Carter
Grace Gay
Lydia Carter
about 1787 |
Mary Carter
about 1776 |
Mary Carter
about 1744 |
Mary Leach Carter
about 1818 |
Nicholas Carter
about 1775 |
1839 |
Agnes Paige
Robert Carter
about 1747 |
14 Apr 1818 |
Joan Earland
Robert Carter
about 1772 |
1852 |
Robert Carter
Joan Ham
Robert Carter
about 1740 |
Sarah Carter
about 1774 |
Sarah Carter
about 1781 |
Cartwright |
Ellen Cartwright
about 1823 |
William Emmett Cadman
Case |
Jane Case
about 1819 |
Nicholas William Paige
John Case
Frances Unknown
Casey |
Eliza Casey
Edward McSorley
Casswell |
Albert Casswell
about 1894 |
Amy Casswell
about 1733 |
1733 |
Amy Casswell
about 1861 |
Amy Casswell
27 Oct 1884 |
Ann Casswell
about 1837 |
1838 |
Ann Casswell
11 Aug 1762 |
Ann Casswell
about 1725 |
1741 |
Ann Casswell
about 1662 |
1663 |
Ann Casswell
about 1666 |
Ann Casswell
about 1783 |
William Thorpe
Ann Casswell
about 1780 |
Jesse Fridlington
Ann Casswell
about 1748 |
1748 |
Ann Casswell
about 1828 |
Ann Casswell
about 1825 |
Ann Casswell
26 Aug 1838 |
Ann Casswell
about 1827 |
Ann Casswell
about 1783 |
Thomas Tow
Ann Casswell
about 1803 |
Ann Casswell
about 1780 |
1783 |
Ann Casswell
about 1788 |
John Crow
Ann Chambers Casswell
about 1853 |
1917 |
Walter Handsley
Ann Cherrington Casswell
about 1797 |
Ann Winter Casswell
1850 |
Anna Dorothea Casswell
about 1896 |
Annie Casswell
about 1866 |
John Thomas Bell
Annie Elizabeth Casswell
about 1899 |
Archibald Kidd Casswell
4 Jun 1842 |
1843 |
Arthur Carwell Casswell
about 1893 |
Arthur Casswell
about 1871 |
Arthur Henry Seymour Casswell
about 1892 |
Austin William Casswell
about 1835 |
Beatrice Mary Casswell
about 1895 |
Benjamin Casswell
about 1727 |
1727 |
Benjamin Casswell
about 1729 |
1738 |
Benjamin Casswell
about 1805 |
1829 |
Benjamin Casswell
about 1696 |
1742 |
Ann Unknown
Bernard Sumner Casswell
about 1867 |
13 Feb 1937 |
Bertie Casswell
about 1891 |
Blanche Casswell
about 1893 |
Caroline Casswell
about 1800 |
1801 |
Caroline Casswell
about 1803 |
1803 |
Caroline Tinsley Casswell
about 1844 |
Robert Holtby
Carrie Casswell
about 1880 |
1870 |
1870 |
Catherine Casswell
about 1797 |
1797 |
Catherine Casswell
about 1841 |
Catherine Casswell
2 Jan 1835 |
Cecil Casswell
about 1900 |
Charles Casswell
about 1844 |
Charles Casswell
about 1875 |
Annie Elizabeth Morton
Charles Casswell
about 1897 |
Charles Godfrey Casswell
13 Apr 1904 |
Phyllis Charlotte Heath
Charlotte Casswell
about 1824 |
1824 |
Charlotte Casswell
about 1807 |
Charlotte Casswell
about 1789 |
Charlotte Casswell
about 1832 |
Cicely Ann Casswell
about 1889 |
Clarke Casswell
about 1837 |
Mary Ann Bennett
Constance Mary Casswell
about 1874 |
Cuthbert Casswell
18 Sep 1878 |
1953 |
Margaret Eliza Taylor
Cuthbert Edward John Casswell
about 1910 |
1924 |
Cyril Casswell
about 1901 |
1901 |
Daniel Casswell
about 1700 |
1703 |
Daniel Casswell
about 1704 |
1709 |
Daniel Casswell
about 1735 |
1735 |
Dorothy Mabel Louise Casswell
23 Jul 1910 |
1995 |
Douglas Gibbings Casswell
9 Jun 1904 |
1972 |
Phyllis Whitehead
Eagle Casswell
about 1726 |
about 1792 |
Anne Field
Edith Dorothea Casswell
about 1894 |
Edith Gertrude Casswell
about 1889 |
Edith Queenie Casswell
15 Dec 1915 |
1988 |
Harold S Ianson
Edward Casswell
about 1841 |
Edward Casswell
about 1883 |
Edward Crow Casswell
about 1844 |
Edwin Casswell
about 1830 |
Eleanor Casswell
about 1787 |
1787 |
Eleanor Casswell
about 1788 |
1789 |
Eleanor Casswell
about 1789 |
Robert Pepper
Eleanor Casswell
about 1777 |
Eleanor Kathleen Casswell
about 1891 |
Eleanor Louise Casswell
about 1895 |
Elenor Casswell
about 1815 |
Eliz Casswell
about 1765 |
Eliza Casswell
about 1819 |
1846 |
Eliza Casswell
about 1836 |
Eliza Casswell
about 1856 |
Eliza Casswell
about 1849 |
Eliza Casswell
about 1819 |
Eliza Willows Casswell
about 1892 |
Elizabeth Anne Casswell
17 Dec 1868 |
5 Mar 1930 |
William Clarence Herbert Mann
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1835 |
1924 |
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1822 |
1835 |
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1791 |
William Crow
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1799 |
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1736 |
1736 |
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1737 |
1783 |
John Tindal
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1765 |
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1719 |
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1656 |
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1695 |
1704 |
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1786 |
George Adcock
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1746 |
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1775 |
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1847 |
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1830 |
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1806 |
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1849 |
Elizabeth Casswell
10 Sep 1883 |
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1808 |
Henry Blackbourn
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1688 |
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1798 |
Elizabeth Casswell
about 1836 |
Elizabeth Magaret Casswell
18 Jun 1905 |
19 Oct 1982 |
David J Bartaby
Emma Casswell
about 1826 |
Emma Casswell
about 1831 |
Emma Casswell
about 1894 |
Emma Casswell
about 1859 |
Emma Casswell
about 1879 |
Emma Ellis Casswell
about 1859 |
Eric Denison Seymour Casswell
about 1894 |
Ethel Beatrice Casswell
about 1895 |
Ethel Casswell
about 1877 |
Ethel Casswell
about 1900 |
Eva Casswell
about 1900 |
Eva Gertrude Casswell
about 1906 |
Evelyn Violet Casswell
about 1898 |
Fanny Alice Casswell
about 1855 |
Fanny Barwis Casswell
about 1837 |
David Aston
Fanny Casswell
about 1845 |
30 Jan 1852 |
Fanny Casswell
about 1853 |
Fanny Casswell
1875 |
1876 |
Florence Casswell
about 1889 |
1889 |
Florence Casswell
about 1887 |
Frances Casswell
about 1794 |
1795 |
Frances Casswell
about 1795 |
1795 |
Frances Casswell
about 1761 |
Frances Casswell
about 1781 |
John Brittain
Frances Casswell
about 1753 |
William Cuxton
Frances Casswell
about 1790 |
Frances Nora Casswell
about 1886 |
Frank Casswell
7 Apr 1863 |
22 Sep 1941 |
Constance Mary Bazley
Frank Casswell
about 1895 |
Frank Casswell
about 1899 |
Frank Casswell
about 1869 |
Mary Brunt,
Emma Crane
Fred Casswell
about 1902 |
1902 |
Frederic George Casswell
about 1863 |
Lucy Fisher
Frederick Casswell
about 1824 |
Frederick Casswell
about 1846 |
Emily March
Frederick Casswell
about 1876 |
Frederick Garner Casswell
about 1892 |
George Casswell
about 1760 |
Elizabeth Tindall
George Casswell
about 1784 |
28 Jan 1850 |
Mary Russell
George Casswell
about 1815 |
Fanny Dean
George Casswell
4 Jun 1794 |
Mary Crow
George Casswell
about 1781 |
1782 |
George Casswell
about 1796 |
1797 |
George Casswell
about 1815 |
George Casswell
about 1828 |
George Casswell
about 1842 |
7 Jun 1918 |
Ann Mary Garner
George Casswell
about 1883 |
1883 |
George Casswell
about 1880 |
George Casswell
14 Sep 1882 |
George Casswell
about 1758 |
1758 |
George Casswell
about 1761 |
1829 |
Ann Cherrington
George Casswell
about 1792 |
Sarah Edwards
George Casswell
about 1813 |
1891 |
Jane Wilson,
Mary Birch
George Chambers Casswell
about 1902 |
George Edward Casswell
about 1839 |
George Frank Casswell
about 1863 |
George Taylor Casswell
about 1732 |
6 Mar 1797 |
Mary Clark
George Thompson Casswell
about 1848 |
1925 |
Elizabeth Leaver
Gilbert Tom Casswell
7 Feb 1906 |
Gladys May Casswell
about 1896 |
Hannah Casswell
about 1834 |
1835 |
Harold Casswell
about 1885 |
1889 |
Harold Casswell
about 1894 |
Harold Casswell
about 1886 |
Harriet Casswell
about 1829 |
Harriet Casswell
about 1828 |
William Codd Burkitt
Helen Casswell
about 1880 |
Hellen Sarah Casswell
about 1829 |
Henrietta Casswell
about 1833 |
Henry Casswell
3 Feb 1882 |
29 Jul 1958 |
Bessie Mabel McDermott
Henry Casswell
about 1820 |
Henry Casswell
about 1793 |
Mary Claypole
Henry Casswell
about 1836 |
1898 |
Annie Pickworth Lilly
Henry Casswell
about 1856 |
Fanny Brown
Henry Casswell
about 1882 |
Henry Casswell
about 1850 |
19 Oct 1918 |
Anna McLeod Clarke
Henry Casswell
about 1802 |
1841 |
Mary Ann Blackbourn
Henry Casswell
about 1800 |
Louisa Joyce
Henry Casswell
about 1842 |
Henry Casswell
about 1831 |
Herbert Casswell
about 1887 |
Hilda Annie Casswell
about 1898 |
Hilda Helen Casswell
17 Aug 1907 |
1976 |
Walter Laughton Panrucker
Hincks Casswell
about 1699 |
1722 |
Isaac Lumby Casswell
about 1826 |
1855 |
James Casswell
about 1850 |
Jenny Casswell
about 1845 |
Jeremiah Casswell
about 1704 |
1706 |
John Beeston Casswell
about 1840 |
John Casswell
3 Nov 1843 |
1928 |
Mary Jane Dawson
John Casswell
26 Sep 1873 |
about 1940 |
Susannah Gibbings
John Casswell
about 1810 |
19 May 1857 |
Elizabeth Thompson
John Casswell
about 1721 |
1771 |
Elizabeth Unknown
John Casswell
about 1658 |
1658 |
John Casswell
about 1664 |
John Casswell
about 1697 |
Elizabeth Perkinson
John Casswell
about 1731 |
John Casswell
about 1755 |
1820 |
Ann Quincy
John Casswell
about 1793 |
1820 |
Elizabeth Cole
John Casswell
about 1793 |
1851 |
Catherine Kidd
John Casswell
about 1750 |
1782 |
Elizabeth Dexter
John Casswell
about 1776 |
1786 |
John Casswell
about 1824 |
John Casswell
about 1801 |
Hannah Green
John Casswell
about 1837 |
John Casswell
about 1818 |
John Casswell
about 1857 |
John Casswell
about 1789 |
11 Mar 1862 |
Sarah Barwis
John Casswell
about 1825 |
5 Nov 1842 |
John Casswell
1654 |
Elizabeth Unknown
John Casswell
about 1842 |
1842 |
John Casswell
about 1873 |
Elizabeth Marshall
John Casswell
about 1751 |
1822 |
Ann Castledine,
Mary Patman
John Casswell
about 1776 |
1814 |
Elizabeth Taylor
John Casswell
about 1726 |
1787 |
Frances Gould,
Eleanor Winter
John Casswell
about 1686 |
1747 |
Mary Taylor
John Casswell
about 1800 |
John Casswell
about 1748 |
1748 |
John Casswell
about 1793 |
27 Dec 1866 |
Harriet Joyce
John Casswell
about 1808 |
1835 |
John Casswell
about 1815 |
John Casswell
about 1764 |
1824 |
Ann Lumby
John Casswell
about 1789 |
1840 |
Ann Lumby
John Casswell
about 1822 |
Mary Ann Bailey,
Frances Debois
John Cuthbert Casswell
about 1831 |
John Henry Casswell
about 1828 |
John Henry Casswell
31 Jan 1833 |
John Henry Casswell
about 1892 |
John Lawrence Casswell
1871 |
1872 |
John Millington Casswell
about 1832 |
John Reginald Casswell
2 Jul 1903 |
2 Feb 1991 |
John Winter Casswell
about 1808 |
1808 |
Joseph Arthur Casswell
about 1904 |
Joseph Casswell
about 1724 |
1727 |
Joseph Casswell
15 Jan 1759 |
Joseph Casswell
about 1840 |
1841 |
Joseph Casswell
about 1623 |
1627 |
Joseph Casswell
about 1694 |
1730 |
Elizabeth Holderness
Joseph Casswell
about 1783 |
1783 |
Joshua Casswell
about 1839 |
Judith Casswell
about 1807 |
Julia Casswell
about 1836 |
Kate Casswell
about 1874 |
1919 |
Kate Summers Casswell
about 1865 |
Katherine Casswell
about 1790 |
George Dodson
Katherine Casswell
about 1882 |
Laura Casswell
about 1882 |
Lawrence Casswell
about 1903 |
Louisa Casswell
11 Jul 1829 |
Lumby Casswell
about 1824 |
1825 |
Mabel Casswell
about 1875 |
19 Jan 1966 |
Margaret Casswell
about 1879 |
Maria Ann Casswell
about 1832 |
Maria Casswell
about 1785 |
Clark Armstone Ducket
Maria Casswell
about 1788 |
1788 |
Maria Casswell
about 1792 |
1792 |
Maria Casswell
about 1791 |
James Cole
Maria Casswell
about 1836 |
Marianne Casswell
about 1820 |
Martha Casswell
about 1712 |
Martha Casswell
about 1717 |
1761 |
John Brown,
Edward Pacey
Mary Ann Casswell
about 1833 |
Mary Caroline Casswell
about 1821 |
Mary Casswell
about 1834 |
Edward Darby
Mary Casswell
about 1758 |
Mary Casswell
about 1723 |
Mary Casswell
about 1804 |
Mary Casswell
about 1727 |
Mary Casswell
about 1784 |
Mary Casswell
about 1745 |
Mary Casswell
about 1832 |
Mary Casswell
about 1830 |
Mary Casswell
about 1788 |
Nicholas Willsman
Mary Casswell
about 1851 |
Mary Casswell
about 1777 |
Robert Jackson
Mary Casswell
about 1759 |
Mary Casswell
about 1714 |
Mary Casswell
about 1700 |
1701 |
Mary Casswell
about 1805 |
Mary Elizabeth Casswell
about 1830 |
Mary Elizabeth Casswell
about 1889 |
Mary Elizabeth Casswell
about 1853 |
1876 |
Mary Elizabeth Casswell
about 1842 |
Richard Brooks
Mary Ellen Casswell
about 1877 |
1878 |
Mary Theodora Casswell
about 1884 |
Mary-Ann Casswell
about 1825 |
Mary-Anne Casswell
about 1801 |
May Casswell
about 1886 |
Nathaniel Clark Casswell
about 1756 |
6 Aug 1821 |
Sarah Casswell,
Hannah Warren
Nathaniel Clark Casswell
6 May 1811 |
4 Jun 1879 |
Sarah Elizabeth White,
Elizabeth Whittaker
Paul D Casswell
16 Feb 1946 |
17 Jun 2004 |
[Private] Partridge
Richard Casswell
about 1762 |
1841 |
Elizabeth Millington,
Mary Bull
Richard Casswell
about 1718 |
1773 |
Mary Green
Richard Casswell
about 1763 |
Richard Casswell
about 1790 |
1790 |
Richard Casswell
about 1796 |
23 Mar 1879 |
Richard Casswell
about 1626 |
Elizabeth Boulding
Richard Casswell
about 1702 |
Richard Casswell
about 1785 |
Richard Casswell
about 1813 |
Richard Casswell
about 1746 |
Catherine Hodgson
Richard Casswell
about 1830 |
Richard Casswell
about 1755 |
Elizabeth Roberts
Richard Casswell
about 1722 |
1789 |
Sarah Bailey,
Susanna Gould
Richard Casswell
about 1751 |
1803 |
Sarah Williamson
Richard Casswell
about 1660 |
1709 |
Elizabeth Hincks
Richard Casswell
about 1690 |
Elizabeth Hodgson
Richard Casswell
about 1796 |
Elizabeth Cox
Richard Casswell
about 1785 |
Richard Casswell
about 1833 |
Richard Millington Casswell
about 1802 |
Frances Webster
Robert Casswell
about 1843 |
Robert Darby Casswell
about 1795 |
1834 |
Elizabeth Winks
Rupert Frank Casswell
19 May 1900 |
1970 |
Florence M Curtis
Russell Casswell
about 1880 |
Samuel Casswell
about 1732 |
Elizabeth Wilson
Samuel Casswell
about 1759 |
Samuel Casswell
about 1669 |
Kathrine Goodman
Samuel Casswell
about 1727 |
1727 |
Samuel Casswell
about 1761 |
Samuel Casswell
about 1778 |
Hannah Abel,
Elizabeth Leake
Samuel Casswell
about 1826 |
Samuel Casswell
about 1802 |
1802 |
Samuel Casswell
about 1803 |
Elizabeth Green
Samuel Casswell
about 1835 |
Samuel Casswell
about 1891 |
Samuel Casswell
about 1692 |
Samuel Casswell
about 1785 |
Ann Winter
Sarah Ann Casswell
about 1813 |
Sarah Casswell
about 1766 |
Sarah Casswell
about 1817 |
Sarah Casswell
about 1721 |
Sarah Casswell
about 1780 |
Sarah Casswell
about 1782 |
1782 |
Sarah Casswell
about 1787 |
1787 |
Sarah Casswell
about 1792 |
John Simpson
Sarah Casswell
about 1807 |
Sarah Casswell
4 Jun 1819 |
Sarah Casswell
about 1628 |
Samuel Compton
Sarah Casswell
about 1769 |
Sarah Casswell
about 1750 |
29 Jul 1803 |
John Speight,
Nathaniel Clark Casswell
Sarah Casswell
about 1684 |
1686 |
Saray Casswell
about 1698 |
1698 |
Sidney Casswell
about 1897 |
Stephen Cherrington Casswell
about 1791 |
Stephen Joyce Casswell
about 1817 |
Susan Casswell
about 1817 |
Susanna Casswell
about 1800 |
John Bailey
Susanna Casswell
about 1839 |
Susanna Casswell
about 1763 |
Joseph Hardy
Susannah Casswell
about 1783 |
George Willows
Susannah Casswell
about 1793 |
John Coulson
Susannah Casswell
about 1786 |
1786 |
Susannah Casswell
about 1791 |
1791 |
Susannah Casswell
about 1799 |
Samuel Bradbury
Thomas Bailey Casswell
about 1752 |
1764 |
Thomas Bowles Casswell
about 1828 |
Thomas Casswell
7 May 1839 |
1912 |
Elizabeth Ann Rylatt
Thomas Casswell
about 1768 |
27 Nov 1841 |
Susanna Tindall
Thomas Casswell
about 1806 |
14 Jun 1849 |
Catherine Martin
Thomas Casswell
about 1728 |
Thomas Casswell
about 1805 |
1805 |
Thomas Casswell
about 1806 |
1807 |
Thomas Casswell
21 Oct 1757 |
1758 |
Thomas Casswell
about 1791 |
Elizabeth Williamson
Thomas Casswell
about 1779 |
1781 |
Thomas Casswell
about 1782 |
Sarah Nobles
Thomas Casswell
about 1818 |
Thomas Casswell
about 1838 |
Thomas Casswell
about 1834 |
Thomas Casswell
about 1754 |
1842 |
Elizabeth Burton
Thomas Casswell
about 1786 |
Thomas Casswell
about 1791 |
Ann Henson
Thomas Casswell
about 1828 |
Sarah Summers
Thomas Casswell
about 1779 |
1852 |
Mary Wells
Thomas Casswell
about 1813 |
1856 |
Elizabeth Chambers
Thomas Casswell
about 1782 |
1822 |
Judith Allen
Thomas Casswell
about 1810 |
Thomas Casswell
about 1790 |
1792 |
Thomas Richard Casswell
about 1888 |
Thomas Richard Casswell
about 1848 |
Helen Baldwick
Thomas Russell Casswell
about 1813 |
10 Feb 1885 |
Eliza Willows
Thomas Russell Casswell
about 1844 |
Emma Pickworth
Thomas Russell Casswell
about 1890 |
Thomas Rylatt Casswell
about 1861 |
Annie Elizabeth Waby
Thomas Rylatt Casswell
about 1886 |
1908 |
Tom Casswell
about 1839 |
1920 |
Ann Jane Sumner
Tryphena Casswell
about 1725 |
Samuel Holderness
Victoria Casswell
31 Jan 1887 |
Wilfrid Casswell
25 Jul 1887 |
William Casswell
18 Jul 1884 |
1971 |
Florence Pipes
William Casswell
about 1781 |
1781 |
William Casswell
about 1842 |
William Casswell
about 1840 |
William Casswell
16 Jun 1844 |
William Casswell
about 1827 |
William Casswell
about 1779 |
1782 |
William Casswell
about 1783 |
1783 |
William Edwards Casswell
about 1817 |
1818 |
William Martin Casswell
about 1865 |
20 Jun 1952 |
Maud Blasson
William Martin Casswell
about 1840 |
William Tindal Casswell
about 1841 |
William Winter Casswell
about 1811 |
William Winter Casswell
about 1817 |
Ann Blyton
Winifred Mary Casswell
about 1887 |
[Private] Casswell
[Private] Casswell
[Private] Casswell
[Private] Casswell
[Private] Casswell
[Private] Casswell
[Private] Casswell
[Private] Hedgcock
Castledine |
Ann Castledine
about 1750 |
1784 |
John Casswell
Edward Castledine
about 1755 |
George Castledine
5 Oct 1748 |
John Castledine
5 Mar 1744 |
Thomas Castledine
Ann Gladdon
Catt |
Hephzibah Catt
about 1849 |
Fred Cole
Samuel Catt
Catterall |
Fanny Catterall
15 Apr 1819 |
Henry Higham
Thomas Catterall
Mary Unknown
Cave |
William Cave
about 1867 |
Mary Densham
William Roy Cave
Stella Irene Kingwell
Cawley |
Ann Cawley
about 1796 |
James Williams
Cawrse |
George Cawrse
about 1831 |
Margaret Northmore Hillson
Cawse |
Arthur Cawse
about 1702 |
Henry Cawse
Mary Trowbridge
Joan Cawse
16 Feb 1697 |
John Cawse
about 1708 |
Chadder |
Mary Chadder
Faby Dimond
Chadwick |
Alice Chadwick
about 1846 |
John Wilman
Ann Chadwick
about 1854 |
Frederick Nixon
Charles Chadwick
about 1824 |
Esther Chadwick
about 1802 |
Joseph Whittle
George Easson Chadwick
Daisy Ella Kingwell
James Chadwick
Challoner |
James C Challoner
Rosemary E Bond
Chambers |
Elizabeth Chambers
about 1813 |
Thomas Casswell
Evelyn Annie Chambers
about 1900 |
John Chambers
Mary Beeston
John William Chambers
about 1875 |
Mary Ann Ward
William Chambers
about 1864 |
Ellen Kingwell
William Chambers
about 1899 |
Champ |
Margaret Pearl Champ
22 Sep 1891 |
James Franklin Kingwell
Wesley Warren Champ
about 1863 |
Katie Kean
Champion |
Elizabeth Champion
George Price
Chandler |
Mary Chandler
John Jessop
Channing |
James Channing
about 1852 |
Maria Kingwell
John Channing
Chapman |
Jane Chapman
about 1857 |
James Gough
[Private] Chapman
[Private] O'Donnell Bourke
Chapple |
Alfred John Chapple
about 1878 |
Elizabeth Ellen Chapple
about 1843 |
Philip Horton
John Chapple
about 1837 |
Emma Vanstone
Lillian Alice Chapple
about 1880 |
Henry Kingwell
Samuel Chapple
Sarah Chapple
about 1806 |
William Shortridge Venton
Chase |
Charles Russell Chase
about 1860 |
Charlotte Jennetta Chase
23 Sep 1831 |
Eliza Edith Chase
about 1863 |
Albert Ham
Elizabeth Jane Chase
about 1862 |
George Chase
Jane Grave
Henry Paul Chase
about 1856 |
Jane Elinor Chase
22 Jun 1828 |
Jessie Chase
about 1857 |
1864 |
John Knighton Chase
about 1869 |
John Sexton Chase
about 1866 |
1868 |
Maria Charlotte Chase
about 1866 |
Frank Philp
Mary Anne Elizabeth Chase
about 1820 |
Mary Selina Chase
about 1835 |
Charles Wathen
William Ball Chase
about 1859 |
1860 |
William Ball Chase
about 1864 |
William Bishop Grave Chase
about 1827 |
Eliza Dionysia Ball
Chatterton |
Betty Chatterton
1823 |
Joseph Higham
Chave |
Laura Thomazine Chave
about 1807 |
William Michael Tucker Paige
Cheetham |
Sarah Ann Cheetham
13 Jan 1887 |
Henry Charles Sharland
Chegwyn |
John Chegwyn
Joseph Chegwyn
about 1842 |
Mary Chegwyn
about 1842 |
Richard Chegwyn
about 1801 |
1848 |
Charlotte Perry
Cherrington |
Ann Cherrington
about 1766 |
George Casswell
Mary Cherrington
Abraham Bailey
William Cherrington
Frances Darby
Cheyne |
Alexander Cheyne
about 1825 |
Elspet Roberton
Elspet Cheyne
about 1862 |
Kenneth McLean
Childs |
Charles Childs
Grace Oliver
David Childs
2 Aug 1798 |
Elizabeth Childs
22 Jan 1800 |
John Childs
about 1811 |
Maria Childs
about 1808 |
Joseph Jessop
Robert Oliver Childs
31 Oct 1803 |
Chipeur |
[Private] Chipeur
[Private] Fowler
[Private] Chipeur
[Private] Chipeur
Chisholm |
[Private] Chisholm
[Private] Dillon,
[Private] Gunn
Christie |
Alexander Christie
about 1848 |
Anthony Christie
about 1843 |
Barbara Christie
about 1873 |
David Christie
about 1845 |
Elizabeth Baxter Christie
about 1878 |
Alexander Louis Stracey Le Sage
Elizabeth Christie
about 1850 |
George Christie
about 1852 |
Helen Christie
about 1838 |
James Christie
about 1840 |
Jessie MacGregor
Jane Christie
about 1869 |
Jessie Christie
about 1867 |
John Christie
Hellen Towrs
Nellie Christie
1882 |
Robert Christie
about 1836 |
William Christie
1 Feb 1806 |
Jane Anderson
William Christie
about 1832 |
Chubb |
Jessie Chubb
about 1845 |
Jehu Perry
Samual Chubb
Thomas Chubb
Jemima Hitchins
Churchward |
Mary Churchward
Faby Dimond
Mary Elizabeth Churchward
Robert Horton
Clapham |
Martha Clapham
28 Jul 1783 |
John Hanson,
John Phillips
Sally Clapham
about 1780 |
William Clapham
Mary Allen
Clapp |
Edward Scobell Clapp
about 1842 |
Ellen Petronel Clapp
27 Dec 1838 |
William Clapp
about 1797 |
Mary Paige
William Prideaux Clapp
25 May 1840 |
Clare |
[Private] Clare
[Private] Litting
[Private] Clare
[Private] Barnett
[Private] Clare
[Private] Le Sage
Clark |
Albert Clark
about 1857 |
Eliza Francis Williams
Celia Clark
Bryan Waudby
Eliz Clark
about 1781 |
1781 |
Elizabeth Clark
about 1782 |
Henry Clark
1781 |
Elizabeth Roberts
Howard Williams Clark
about 1889 |
James Clark
about 1860 |
Phillippa Gage Leason
Justinian Clark
about 1886 |
Mary Clark
about 1735 |
1791 |
George Taylor Casswell
Mary Clark
about 1778 |
Mary Clark
William Paul
Nathaniel Clark
23 Apr 1763 |
Mary Gunniston
Rose Annie Clark
about 1871 |
1914 |
Andrew McMillan Todd,
Robert John Girdlestone
William Henry Clark
Mary Ann Paige
[Private] Clark
Clarke |
Ada Clarke
28 Mar 1911 |
Cornelius Booth
Anna McLeod Clarke
about 1861 |
John Luttman-Johnson,
Henry Casswell
Bertha Clarke
20 Oct 1907 |
Charles Bailey
Elizabeth Clarke
William Rae
Ellen Murray Clarke
about 1872 |
Samuel Thomas Horton
Harriet Clarke
21 Mar 1906 |
Harold Mines
James Henry Clarke
22 Apr 1882 |
Elizabeth Ellen Ainsworth
Robert George Clarke
about 1859 |
Sarah Ann Unknown
Clarkson |
George Clarkson
Ann Unknown
Mary Clarkson
1847 |
Francis Williamson
William Clarkson
about 1849 |
Mary Ellen Watson
Claypole |
John Claypole
Ann Unknown
Mary Claypole
about 1798 |
Henry Casswell
Cleghorn |
Albert Herbert Cleghorn
about 1889 |
Jane Paige
William Cleghorn
Cleverley |
Elizabeth Jarvis Cleverley
about 1833 |
John Cleverley
3 May 1821 |
Ann Elizabeth Kingwell
Stephen Cleverley
Susan Jarvis
Stephen Cleverley
about 1818 |
Susan Cleverley
about 1827 |
Thomas Jarvis Cleverley
about 1825 |
Clift |
Ann Clift
about 1790 |
John Clift
Mary Newman
Mary Clift
about 1787 |
2 Apr 1826 |
Thomas Scoble
Clinick |
Grace Clinick
Mary Clinick
about 1816 |
Samuel Arnold,
Thomas Ball
Clough |
Alice Clough
about 1905 |
Alice Clough
about 1870 |
Bertha Clough
about 1865 |
Joseph Crompton
Betsy Clough
about 1869 |
Charles Clough
about 1867 |
Doris Clough
about 1909 |
Edna Clough
about 1902 |
Elizabeth Ellen Clough
about 1860 |
Grace Clough
about 1862 |
Jane Clough
about 1864 |
John Clough
about 1836 |
Alice Potter
John Holden Clough
about 1909 |
John James Clough
about 1873 |
Sarah Jane Holden
Walter Clough
about 1876 |
Clutterbuck |
Emma Clutterbuck
23 Nov 1850 |
Frederick Vivian Horton
Richard Clutterbuck
Maria Unknown
Coad |
Margaret Coad
Woolstone Lapthorne
Coale |
William Freeman Coale
21 Nov 1872 |
Katherine Estelle Scobell
Cockeram |
Elizabeth Ann Cockeram
about 1876 |
James Horton
Cockerill |
Ann Cockerill
about 1762 |
Coulson Cockerill
about 1771 |
Eleanor Cockerill
about 1765 |
Charles Rowbotham
Mary Cockerill
about 1761 |
Thomas Cockerill
about 1731 |
Eleanor Coulson
William Cockerill
4 Mar 1767 |
Cocking |
Henry J Cocking
Maureen B Wilcox
[Private] Cocking
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Cocking
[Private] Cocking
[Private] Cocking
[Private] Cocking
Cockrem |
Anne Elizabeth Cockrem
about 1882 |
Sydney Samuel Horton
Cockrill |
Mary Cockrill
David Burn
Codd |
Robert Cuming Codd
Mary Sercombe Horton
Sarah Codd
18 Aug 1834 |
3 Apr 1912 |
John Horton
Coghill |
Alexander Coghill
about 1903 |
Alexander Gunn Coghill
about 1876 |
Donaldina Dunnet
Alexandrina Coghill
about 1890 |
David Mowat Coghill
about 1913 |
Donald Coghill
about 1850 |
Georgina Gunn
Donald Coghill
about 1883 |
Donald Coghill
about 1900 |
George Coghill
about 1887 |
George Coghill
about 1907 |
Georgina Gunn Coghill
about 1909 |
[Private] Enman
Hugh Allan Farris Coghill
29 Dec 1914 |
Isabella Jane Coghill
about 1922 |
15 Nov 2002 |
James D Coghill
about 1901 |
Jean Coghill
about 1853 |
Margaret Begg Coghill
21 Feb 1903 |
Mary Murray Coghill
about 1879 |
Sinclair Gunn Coghill
17 Nov 1880 |
15 Dec 1946 |
Isabella Mowat
William Coghill
Margaret Murray
William Coghill
about 1849 |
William Coghill
about 1874 |
[Private] Coghill
Colborne |
Benjamin Colborne
Jane Colborne
about 1824 |
after 1911 |
John Branston Sharland
Cole |
Ada Jane Cole
about 1868 |
Alfred Cole
about 1886 |
Annie Louisa Cole
about 1876 |
Arthur Cole
about 1880 |
Benjamin William Cole
about 1863 |
3 Jun 1923 |
Bertha Lily Cole
about 1866 |
15 Dec 1867 |
Charles Fred Cole
about 1882 |
Charles Herbert Cole
about 1873 |
Charlotte Cole
about 1817 |
Eliza Cole
about 1844 |
Eliza Cole
about 1848 |
Elizabeth Ann Cole
about 1865 |
Elizabeth Cole
about 1797 |
John Casswell
Elizabeth Cole
about 1822 |
Elizabeth Cole
about 1846 |
Ellen Cole
about 1819 |
George Croucher
Ellen Cole
about 1839 |
Emily Cole
about 1842 |
Fred Cole
3 May 1849 |
Hephzibah Catt
George Cole
about 1813 |
Louisa Gates,
Sarah Ann Phillips
George Cole
about 1845 |
1848 |
George Cole
about 1772 |
Jane Miller
George Cole
1850 |
George Cole
about 1850 |
George William Cole
about 1851 |
Harriet Cole
about 1830 |
1879 |
George Hampton
Harriet Cole
about 1811 |
1812 |
Harry Cole
about 1890 |
Harry Cole
about 1854 |
James Cole
Maria Casswell
Jane Cole
about 1773 |
1835 |
William Lidstone
Jane Cole
about 1840 |
Job Cole
about 1836 |
25 Aug 1901 |
Ann Coulson
Job Henry Cole
about 1879 |
John Cole
about 1826 |
John Cole
about 1848 |
John Cole
about 1843 |
Joseph Cole
about 1856 |
Martha Cole
about 1844 |
14 Jul 1862 |
James Starks
Maud Cole
about 1884 |
Rachel Emily Cole
about 1872 |
Richard Cole
about 1824 |
Jane Bran
Richard Cole
Richard Cole
about 1857 |
Rose Amelia Cole
about 1883 |
Walter Cole
about 1888 |
Walter Cole
about 1855 |
Fanny Miller
William Cole
about 1815 |
Mary Unknown
William Cole
about 1836 |
William Cole
about 1860 |
Coleman |
Margaret Coleman
about 1819 |
Haly Horton
Pansy Marguerite Coleman
8 Sep 1915 |
Mervyn Venton Kingwell
Thomas Coleman
William Coleman
Della Comstock
Coles |
Jefferis William Coles
about 1823 |
Mary Jane Bealy Paige
John Jeffries Bartlett Coles
about 1849 |
Mary Ann Coles
about 1850 |
Colins |
Elizabeth Colins
Henry Gray
Collett |
Francis James P Collett
about 1885 |
Francis Richard E H Collett
about 1860 |
Jane Treeby Paige
Rebecca Collett
24 Dec 1856 |
John James Kingwell
Richard Collett
Sarah Upshall
Colley |
Ada Louisa Colley
about 1873 |
George Paige
Esther Ellen Colley
about 1879 |
James Crompton
Gary Colley
1964 |
1997 |
Harry Colley
1 Feb 1905 |
1981 |
Ennie Elizabeth Crane
Harry Gordon Colley
20 Aug 1929 |
1998 |
Gladys Robinson
John R Colley
Gladys May Bennett
[Private] Colley
[Private] Colley
[Private] Colley
[Private] Colley
[Private] Colley
[Private] Colley
Collings |
Emily Collings
about 1876 |
Isaac Bond
Emma Collings
about 1848 |
Richard Edwin Paige
Henry Collings
about 1854 |
James Collings
about 1826 |
Harriet Kingwell
James Collings
about 1862 |
John Collings
about 1866 |
John Collings
Collins |
Alice Collins
about 1872 |
Louis James Stening
Annie Collins
20 Dec 1874 |
Joseph Young
Betsy Collins
about 1825 |
Charlotte Eliza Collins
about 1860 |
Fred Ernest Paige
Clara Elizabeth Collins
about 1879 |
William Ira Kingwell
Edith Lilly Collins
1 Sep 1901 |
26 Jun 1989 |
Ernest Walter Sharland
Ellen Collins
Timothy Foley
Emmeline Blanchet Collins
about 1835 |
Euphemia Collins
18 Aug 1873 |
Fanny Collins
about 1827 |
Harry Collins
about 1863 |
Sarah Ann Day
Jane Collins
about 1822 |
John Collins
about 1800 |
1828 |
Fanny Gorman
Robert Collins
about 1823 |
William Collins
about 1832 |
Mary Hislop
Collinson |
Aaron Collinson
Tomlinson Coulson
Colman |
John James Colman
about 1873 |
Ada Headley
Lillian Colman
about 1896 |
Colton |
Elizabeth Colton
about 1823 |
James Harris Barons
Richard Colton
about 1827 |
Jane Horton
Richard Colton
Compton |
Christian Compton
about 1830 |
William Edward Paige
Henry Compton
Samuel Compton
Sarah Casswell
Comstock |
Della Comstock
William Coleman
Congdon |
Mary Congdon
Richard Mann
Constable |
Adelaide Celia Constable
about 1863 |
Thomas Paige
John Libbard Constable
Conybeare |
Sarah Jane Conybeare
about 1844 |
1879 |
Arthur Trobridge Horton
Thomas Conybeare
Thomas Conybeare
about 1810 |
Elizabeth Hayman
Cook |
Ann Cook
about 1796 |
12 Jul 1881 |
Noah Pilkington
Annie Gertrude Cook
about 1880 |
1920 |
Lionel George Lyne
Clara Louisa Cook
Thomas Hippsley Horn
Edith H Cook
about 1887 |
John Thomas Horton
Frank Cook
Fred Cook
Mary Valerie Kingwell
Margaret Anne Cook
about 1830 |
Frederick Hanham
Mary Ann Cook
about 1809 |
William Kingwell
William Cook
Elizabeth Unknown
Cooke |
Edna Alice Louise Cooke
Francis Paige Kingwell
Cooksey |
Charles Cooksey
Ellen Louisa Horn
Cool |
Rose Cool
about 1852 |
James Dunkinson
Coombs |
Mary Jane Coombs
Joseph Wyatt
Cooper |
Ann Jane Cooper
about 1788 |
Joseph Scobell
Louisa Cooper
Joseph Pickles
Mary Cooper
about 1826 |
Robert Wright
Cope |
Emma Cope
1837 |
Samual Rigby
James Cope
Copperthwait |
Betsy Copperthwait
about 1838 |
Isaac Turner
Edith Copperthwait
about 1874 |
Ellen Copperthwait
about 1844 |
Henry Whiteley
James Edward Copperthwait
about 1853 |
Ellen Flitcroft
Jane Copperthwait
about 1829 |
1859 |
David Holden
John William Copperthwait
about 1840 |
1846 |
John William Copperthwait
about 1850 |
Rebecca Duckworth
Joseph Copperthwait
about 1876 |
Mary Ann Copperthwait
about 1837 |
John Leech
Mary Copperthwait
about 1871 |
Thomas Copperthwait
30 Jul 1846 |
Thomas Copperthwait
about 1874 |
William Copperthwait
about 1807 |
1877 |
Mary Cardwell
Coppin |
Sarah Coppin
about 1769 |
Abraham Sanders
Corber |
Benjamin Corber
about 1783 |
Margaret Northmore
Benjamin Corber
about 1815 |
Elizabeth Corber
about 1806 |
Grace Corber
about 1818 |
about 1871 |
Alexander Horton
Harriet Northmore Corber
about 1827 |
Jane Corber
about 1822 |
John Corber
about 1811 |
Margaret Corber
about 1808 |
Mary Corber
about 1816 |
Mary Northmore Corber
George Luscombe
Susanna Northmore Corber
about 1813 |
Thomas Corber
about 1824 |
William Corber
about 1829 |
Cork |
Ann Cork
2 Feb 1783 |
Ann Cork
about 1767 |
Benjamin Cork
17 Jul 1787 |
Benjamin Cork
1804 |
Hannah Unknown
Benjamin Cork
about 1764 |
Betty Cork
about 1750 |
Elizabeth Cork
4 Dec 1780 |
Fanny Cork
27 Aug 1771 |
Fanny Cork
about 1753 |
Hannah Cork
3 Dec 1774 |
Jane Cork
24 May 1789 |
Thomas Barnett,
Simon Johnson
Mary Cork
12 Nov 1776 |
Mary Cork
about 1761 |
Meriah Cork
9 Feb 1785 |
Samuel Cork
about 1748 |
1790 |
Hannah Rawley
Samuel Cork
about 1779 |
William Cork
9 Dec 1772 |
William Cork
about 1758 |
Cormack |
Catherine Cormack
about 1827 |
James Malcolm
Cornelius |
Agnes Perry Cornelius
about 1792 |
Catherine Perry Cornelius
about 1790 |
Elizabeth Cornelius
about 1809 |
Hannah Cornelius
about 1794 |
Hannah Cornelius
about 1806 |
John Cornelius
about 1788 |
Julia Cornelius
about 1798 |
Nicholas Cornelius
about 1760 |
1838 |
Agnes Perry
Cornish |
Albert Ernest Cornish
about 1862 |
Alfred Cornish
about 1866 |
Edith Paige
Annie Cornish
about 1871 |
Arthur William Cornish
about 1875 |
Clifford Cornish
about 1880 |
Edith Laura Cornish
about 1878 |
Frederick Cornish
about 1895 |
Frederick Hughes Cornish
about 1861 |
1864 |
Henry Charles Cornish
about 1867 |
James Cornish
James Hughes Cornish
about 1831 |
Laura Elizabeth Phelps
James Hughes Cornish
about 1869 |
Jessie Cornish
about 1858 |
Trobridge Horton
John Phelps Cornish
about 1859 |
Kate Cornish
about 1872 |
Louisa Cornish
about 1880 |
Haly Horton
Mary Ellen Cornish
about 1858 |
Charles Isaac Houseman
Sarah Ann Cornish
Thomas Symons Walters
Sarah Jane Cornish
about 1873 |
Cose |
Bertha Cose
about 1879 |
Charles John Cose
about 1871 |
1873 |
Edith Cose
about 1876 |
Edward Kingwell Cose
about 1872 |
1872 |
Eliza Cose
about 1875 |
George Kingwell Cose
about 1873 |
Henry Cose
1841 |
Alice Ash Kingwell
William Cose
William Henry Cose
about 1870 |
Cosgrove |
[Private] Cosgrove
[Private] Holden
Cotton |
Isabella Emma Cotton
about 1874 |
Arthur John Budd Horton
Couch |
Ann Couch
27 Nov 1753 |
1832 |
Richard Kingwill
Bridget Couch
about 1724 |
David Couch
Harriet Unknown
Elizabeth Couch
22 Apr 1751 |
Harry Couch
about 1870 |
Henry Couch
about 1725 |
Isabel Couch
about 1873 |
John Couch
16 Oct 1758 |
John Couch
Charity Evens
John Couch
about 1723 |
John Couch
Bridget Prowse
John Couch
about 1721 |
Margaret Couch
29 May 1756 |
31 Oct 1773 |
Margaret Couch
about 1729 |
Mary Couch
25 May 1761 |
3 Jun 1761 |
Mary Couch
7 Mar 1767 |
Mary Lucy K Couch
about 1870 |
Maude Couch
about 1875 |
Paul John Couch
about 1866 |
Robert Couch
about 1726 |
Sarah Thornton
Robert Couch
16 Jun 1762 |
Samuel Couch
28 Jun 1770 |
Sarah Couch
about 1748 |
Thomas Couch
28 Nov 1764 |
William Claude Macpherson Couch
about 1864 |
Clara Walker
William Macpherson Couch
about 1840 |
Lydia Kingwell
Coughlin |
James Stanislaus Coughlin
13 Nov 1905 |
3 Sep 1906 |
John Henry Coughlin
19 Jun 1908 |
Lawrence Gerard Coughlin
2 Oct 1906 |
Mary Margaret Catherine Coughlin
4 Feb 1915 |
Patrick Coughlin
Emily Mary Kingwell
Samuel Patrick Coughlin
2 Jan 1913 |
William Joseph Coughlin
5 Jan 1910 |
[Private] Coughlin
[Private] Coughlin
Coulson |
Ada Anne Coulson
about 1887 |
Alice Beal Coulson
about 1831 |
John Studley
Alice Coulson
about 1886 |
Alice Mary Coulson
about 1861 |
about 1862 |
Amy Coulson
about 1864 |
1940 |
Mark Shipley,
Richard Donnison
Amy Hannah Coulson
about 1841 |
1879 |
Harry Shaw
Anastasia Augusta Coulson
1861 |
Moses Gage Leason
Ann Coulson
18 Oct 1798 |
1860 |
William Welbank,
John Nicholson
Ann Coulson
about 1772 |
John Nicholson
Ann Coulson
about 1828 |
1860 |
William Greenwood
Ann Coulson
about 1839 |
5 Aug 1911 |
Job Cole
Ann Coulson
about 1840 |
Annie Coulson
1873 |
19 May 1958 |
Annie Coulson
1897 |
Arthur Coulson
about 1857 |
Emma Schofield
Arthur Coulson
about 1889 |
Arthur Edward Coulson
about 1876 |
Annie Hardy
Caroline Setchfield Coulson
about 1865 |
1929 |
Charles Coulson
about 1833 |
Christiana Hodgson
Christopher Coulson
about 1796 |
1796 |
Christopher Coulson
25 Jul 1774 |
1867 |
Ann Hill
Christopher Coulson
20 Nov 1803 |
Margaret Haggard
Clara Coulson
about 1862 |
Clara Coulson
1881 |
Constance Emily Coulson
1874 |
Edith Annie Coulson
about 1903 |
Edith Rose Coulson
about 1879 |
Herbert Naisbit Nelson
Edward Eric Coulson
about 1902 |
Eleanor Coulson
about 1852 |
Eleanor Coulson
about 1735 |
Thomas Cockerill
Elizabeth Coulson
about 1836 |
about 1877 |
William Hill
Elizabeth Coulson
about 1828 |
Elizabeth Coulson
about 1828 |
Elizabeth Coulson
about 1884 |
Ellen Coulson
17 Jun 1821 |
Robert Duncanson
Elsie Coulson
about 1902 |
Emma Coulson
about 1892 |
Ernest Herbert Coulson
1873 |
Mary Annie Lee
Ernest Taylor Coulson
about 1879 |
Sarah Jane Preston
Ethel Coulson
about 1902 |
Frances Ann Coulson
about 1847 |
Thomas Holmes
Francis Coulson
about 1846 |
1881 |
Jane Fenton
Francis Coulson
about 1825 |
Fred Coulson
about 1866 |
Fred Coulson
about 1905 |
Fred Fenton Coulson
about 1876 |
Mary Allatt
Frederick Boynton Coulson
about 1903 |
Frederick Coulson
about 1836 |
Harriet Eliza Drew
Frederick William Coulson
about 1863 |
George Coulson
1880 |
George Coulson
25 Feb 1797 |
1871 |
Rebecca Snarr
George Coulson
1839 |
George Robert Coulson
17 Apr 1941 |
14 Dec 2016 |
Georgiana Elizabeth Coulson
about 1870 |
Henry Shilleto Hall
Gladys Coulson
about 1899 |
Gladys Iris Coulson
26 Jan 1937 |
11 Nov 2016 |
Bernard Leslie Buxton
Hannah Coulson
30 Dec 1800 |
14 Jan 1841 |
Hannah Coulson
about 1850 |
Thomas Thomlinson
Hannah Coulson
about 1885 |
Hannah Maria Coulson
about 1868 |
Simon William Atkinson
Harold Coulson
1873 |
1957 |
Harry Coulson
about 1835 |
Henry Coulson
about 1890 |
Hidea Winifred Coulson
about 1906 |
James Coulson
about 1907 |
James John Coulson
1860 |
1906 |
James William Coulson
1869 |
Amy Beatrice Taylor
Jane Coulson
about 1762 |
Jane Coulson
about 1850 |
Joseph Dawson,
James Hetherington
Jane Coulson
14 Jul 1808 |
Jane Elizabeth Coulson
about 1881 |
John Frederick Robinson
Joanna Coulson
9 Jan 1832 |
John Coulson
about 1838 |
25 Sep 1909 |
Frances Sollitt
John Coulson
about 1844 |
before 1881 |
Mary Ann Flood
John Coulson
before 25 Jun 1840 |
Ann Rowbotham
John Coulson
about 1788 |
Susannah Casswell
John Robert Coulson
about 1876 |
1882 |
Jonathan Coulson
27 Mar 1803 |
29 Oct 1873 |
Ann Matson,
Ann Garbutt,
Charlotte Simpson
Jonathan Coulson
about 1731 |
1811 |
Ann Rainforth
Jonathan Coulson
about 1768 |
21 May 1835 |
Elizabeth Peircy
Jonathan Coulson
about 1797 |
19 Jun 1799 |
Jonathan Coulson
about 1812 |
18 Feb 1858 |
Mary Ann Wilson
Jonathan Coulson
about 1837 |
28 Sep 1926 |
Martha Neill
Jonathan Coulson
3 Mar 1799 |
Jonathan Coulson
1870 |
5 Sep 1960 |
Bathia Cummin
Jonathan Coulson
about 1873 |
Caroline Fearns
Jonathan Wilson Coulson
about 1839 |
3 Oct 1909 |
Hannah Foxton
Joseph Arthur Coulson
about 1905 |
Kate Coulson
about 1876 |
Henry Witty Curtis
Lillie Coulson
about 1869 |
Lily Coulson
1891 |
1891 |
Lily Jane Coulson
1881 |
Lily Jane Coulson
1906 |
Lucy Coulson
about 1868 |
1872 |
Lucy Eileen Coulson
26 Jan 1912 |
1954 |
James Edward Hammond
Margaret Coulson
1866 |
3 Sep 1949 |
Mary Ann Coulson
about 1839 |
Thomas Franklin
Mary Ann Coulson
about 1823 |
Richard Williamson
Mary Coulson
about 1764 |
Mary Coulson
about 1807 |
9 Jul 1838 |
Mary Coulson
about 1809 |
20 Jul 1836 |
John Nicholson
Mary Coulson
about 1839 |
John Pearson
Mary Elizabeth Coulson
about 1878 |
Mary Jane Coulson
about 1850 |
William Duckles English
Mary Jane Coulson
about 1873 |
Richard Holtby Stocks
Michael Coulson
about 1766 |
20 Dec 1841 |
Mary Sissons
Michael Coulson
29 May 1805 |
1871 |
Jane Taylor,
Hannah Harrison
Michael Coulson
about 1848 |
Michael Matson Coulson
24 Jun 1827 |
25 Feb 1828 |
Mildred Gladys Coulson
8 Apr 1897 |
Aug 1986 |
James Edward Little
Millicent May Coulson
25 Apr 1915 |
1967 |
Henry Norman Cundall
Miriam Coulson
about 1904 |
Nanny Coulson
10 Apr 1806 |
Robert Coulson
22 Oct 1873 |
Feb 1953 |
Jane Elizabeth Gough,
Gladys Ellen Bond
Robert Coulson
about 1816 |
1882 |
Jane Gough
Robert Coulson
about 1770 |
2 Oct 1854 |
Elizabeth Roulsby
Robert Coulson
about 1792 |
Robert Coulson
about 1845 |
Robert Coulson
26 Jun 1842 |
Robert Coulson
1873 |
1873 |
Robert Coulson
about 1872 |
Hannah Thomas
Robert Percy Coulson
26 Oct 1934 |
29 Sep 2019 |
[Private] Hopkins
Robert Sholto Coulson
11 Nov 1907 |
Ruth Coulson
11 Sep 1778 |
13 Apr 1845 |
William Little
Sarah Alice Coulson
about 1855 |
Sarah Ann Coulson
about 1869 |
Sarah Ann Coulson
about 1859 |
Simeon Coulson
about 1908 |
Thomas Coulson
about 1863 |
Thomas Coulson
about 1883 |
Tomlinson Coulson
7 Apr 1811 |
Aaron Collinson
Walter Everard Coulson
1877 |
1888 |
Wiliam Coulson
about 1813 |
16 Oct 1816 |
William Coulson
about 1760 |
1777 |
William Coulson
about 1800 |
4 Feb 1870 |
William Coulson
about 1842 |
Mary Ellen Bulmer
William Coulson
about 1876 |
William Coulson
27 Aug 1801 |
14 Mar 1867 |
Anastasia Matson
William Coulson
about 1836 |
28 Dec 1874 |
Eliza Warriner
William Coulson
about 1833 |
1895 |
Elizabeth Setchfield
William Coulson
about 1835 |
William Frederick Coulson
about 1874 |
Gertrude Pickard
William James Coulson
1899 |
1991 |
Winifred Irene Coulson
about 1901 |
William Barker
[Private] Coulson
[Private] Coulson
[Private] Young
[Private] Coulson
[Private] Noble
[Private] Coulson
Charles Edward Baker
[Private] Coulson
[Private] Baker
[Private] Coulson
[Private] Binns
[Private] Coulson
[Private] Wood
[Private] Coulson
Court |
Elizabeth Court
about 1850 |
Ambrose Andrew Tapper
Covell |
Mary A Covell
about 1847 |
Jason H Tower
Cowan |
Patricia Mary Elizabeth Cowan
29 Nov 1921 |
1992 |
Mark Andrew Rugg-Gunn
Richard Innes Cowan
about 1895 |
Gladys Lillias Forrester Gilchrist
Cox |
Alfred Cox
about 1842 |
Arthur Spear Cox
about 1860 |
Charles Cox
1831 |
Drusilla Stickland
Elizabeth Cox
Richard Casswell
Ellen Cox
about 1848 |
Isaac Cox
Ann Keatley
James Cox
about 1786 |
Mary Massey Paige,
Mary Langdon
James Paige Cox
30 Jul 1811 |
Rhoda Unknown
James Wallis Cox
about 1854 |
Jane Belworthy Cox
John Saunders Paige
Jane Paige Cox
about 1809 |
John Cox
about 1817 |
Mary Cicely Cox
about 1852 |
Robert B Cox
about 1865 |
Thomas Cox
about 1814 |
1815 |
Thomas Cox
about 1815 |
William Lang Paige Cox
about 1813 |
Hannah Wallis
William Lang Paige Cox
about 1856 |
[Private] Cox
Eugene Hunt
Coyle |
Herbert Lionel Coyle
about 1886 |
Beatrice Gertrude Horton
John Henry Coyle
Craig |
Maria Craig
about 1818 |
William Mack
Craik |
James Craik
Margaret Farquar
Robert Arthur Craik
Jun 1878 |
14 Jan 1951 |
Mary Ann Kingwell
Cranch |
Elizabeth Cranch
about 1782 |
John Brown Paige
Richard Cranch
Elizabeth Unknown
Crane |
Emma Crane
about 1856 |
Henry John Hobson,
Frank Casswell
Ennie Elizabeth Crane
22 Feb 1902 |
24 Jan 1978 |
Harry Colley
George Crane
Margaret Currie Moore
Cranford |
Elizabeth Cranford
about 1770 |
William Tucker
Craven |
Ann Craven
about 1817 |
Ann Craven
about 1712 |
1784 |
William Sugden
John Craven
about 1838 |
Thomas Craven
about 1788 |
Susannah Burn,
Scott Nancy
Thomas Craven
about 1836 |
Cresser |
Frederick William Cresser
about 1869 |
Charlotte Elizabeth Amelia Newey
Crimp |
Fred Crimp
about 1874 |
Annie Kingwell
Joseph Crimp
about 1844 |
Elizabeth Harriet Rowlinson
Winnifred Crimp
about 1896 |
Crispin |
Anne Crispin
about 1809 |
1866 |
Philip Horton
Crocker |
Alice Crocker
about 1806 |
Ann Crocker
Richard Jackson
Elizabeth Crocker
about 1777 |
Haly Horton
Ellen Lang Crocker
about 1817 |
Francis Middleweek
Fanny Lang Crocker
about 1824 |
Henry Crocker
about 1827 |
John Crocker
Alice Horton
John Crocker
about 1807 |
Miriam Eliza Crocker
21 Jan 1910 |
Matthew Fairhurst
Prudence Lang Crocker
about 1814 |
1846 |
Francis Middleweek
Sarah Crocker
George Buckpit
William Crocker
about 1789 |
Eleanor Lang
Croft |
Elizabeth Croft
Nicholson Bond
Crompton |
Ada Crompton
13 Jun 1888 |
1891 |
Ada Crompton
about 1899 |
Ada Crompton
1906 |
1906 |
Alice Crompton
about 1832 |
1867 |
Allison Sewart
Alice Crompton
about 1868 |
Jonathan Robert Almond
Alice Crompton
about 1852 |
Alice Crompton
about 1865 |
William Ramsden
Alice Crompton
about 1877 |
1879 |
Alice Crompton
about 1879 |
1880 |
Anne Crompton
about 1850 |
Annie Crompton
19 Nov 1887 |
Herbert Hill
Annie Crompton
1900 |
1904 |
Annie Crompton
1906 |
1906 |
Annie Harper Crompton
16 Aug 1903 |
James Rawsthorne
Arnold Crompton
about 1908 |
Benjamin Crompton
about 1842 |
16 Nov 1918 |
Frances Gater
Benjamin Crompton
21 Jun 1863 |
Elizabeth Ann Entwistle
Benjamin Crompton
27 Mar 1868 |
Sarah Ann Nuttall
Betsy Ann Crompton
about 1884 |
Betsy Crompton
about 1906 |
Charles Crompton
about 1907 |
Clifford Leslie Crompton
about 1899 |
Doris Crompton
15 Nov 1910 |
May 1985 |
Frederick Howarth
Doris Crompton
about 1904 |
Elias Crompton
about 1826 |
1878 |
Charlotte Marsden
Elias Crompton
about 1857 |
Elijah Crompton
11 Nov 1844 |
29 Aug 1894 |
Alice Ann Hall
Elijah Crompton
19 May 1883 |
Alice Scholes
Elijah Crompton
about 1887 |
Elizabeth Crompton
about 1848 |
Elizabeth Crompton
about 1839 |
1840 |
Elizabeth Crompton
about 1870 |
Robert Ramsden
Elizabeth Crompton
about 1895 |
Ellen Crompton
about 1873 |
George Townsend
Ellen Crompton
about 1860 |
1862 |
Emily Crompton
about 1888 |
Ethelwen Crompton
about 1886 |
George Crompton
about 1881 |
Nancy Rothwell
Gordon Cecil F Crompton
about 1901 |
Harry Taylor Crompton
14 Jun 1896 |
1896 |
James Crompton
about 1877 |
Esther Ellen Colley
James Crompton
about 1824 |
1879 |
Margaret Mather
James Crompton
about 1852 |
James Crompton
about 1898 |
James Crompton
25 Apr 1905 |
Hilda Mortimore
John Crompton
about 1803 |
before 1870 |
Ann Williams
John Crompton
27 Apr 1886 |
Mary Elizabeth Hatchman
John Crompton
about 1828 |
1844 |
John Crompton
about 1866 |
Martha Russell
John Stanley Crompton
about 1889 |
Joseph Crompton
23 Jul 1871 |
1936 |
Lizzie Taylor
Joseph Crompton
about 1837 |
1899 |
Sarah Taylor
Joseph Crompton
about 1877 |
Florence Annie Jones
Joseph Crompton
about 1862 |
Bertha Clough
Joseph Crompton
about 1909 |
Laura Crompton
19 Jan 1891 |
1891 |
Leonard Crompton
about 1911 |
Leslie Crompton
1900 |
Lizzie Crompton
9 Oct 1885 |
1886 |
Maggie Crompton
about 1893 |
Margaret Crompton
about 1849 |
1875 |
Allison Sewart
Margaret Crompton
about 1880 |
John Hardman
Margaret Ellen Crompton
about 1886 |
Mary Ann Crompton
about 1876 |
23 Mar 1934 |
Thomas Barritt
Mary Ellen Crompton
about 1878 |
Minnie Crompton
25 Mar 1892 |
Wilfred Douglas Brandwood
Moses Crompton
about 1870 |
about 1871 |
Richard Crompton
about 1860 |
Sarah Crompton
about 1869 |
1870 |
Stanley Crompton
20 Oct 1913 |
18 Apr 1995 |
Elizabeth Green Ainsworth
Stanley Crompton
6 Aug 1890 |
29 Sep 1918 |
Susannah Crompton
about 1874 |
John Robert Davies
Susannah Crompton
about 1879 |
Peter Hatchman
Thomas Crompton
about 1849 |
1922 |
Susannah Higham
Thomas Crompton
about 1907 |
William Crompton
about 1835 |
before 1871 |
Elizabeth Shuttleworth
William Crompton
about 1859 |
Henrietta Hurst
William Crompton
about 1877 |
1879 |
William Crompton
about 1892 |
William Henry Crompton
about 1872 |
Mary Ann Perrins
[Private] Crompton
[Private] Young
[Private] Crompton
[Private] Rushton
[Private] Crompton
Roy David Newell
[Private] Crompton
[Private] Holden
[Private] Crompton
[Private] Crompton
[Private] Crompton
Crook |
Ellen Crook
about 1829 |
John Pilkington
John Crook
Cross |
Ann Cross
about 1834 |
Moses Leason
Frederick Cross
about 1854 |
Amelia Clark Robinson,
Mary Ann Dawson
Frederick Cross
about 1882 |
Gertrude Cross
about 1889 |
Kate Cross
about 1880 |
Mabel Cross
about 1883 |
Mary Cross
20 May 1770 |
Richard Kingwill
Maud Amelia Cross
about 1880 |
Crossley |
Ann Crossley
John Welbank
Frank Crossley
Ethel Gray Barnett
Lillie Marie Crossley
4 Jul 1878 |
Frederick Francis Middleweek
[Private] Crossley
[Private] Partington
Crossman |
John Samuel Crossman
Barbara Elizabeth Moore
Crosweller |
Annie Eliza Crosweller
about 1863 |
Charles Herries Swan
Elizabeth Crosweller
about 1862 |
John William Crosweller
about 1836 |
Elizabeth Barnes
Croucher |
George Croucher
about 1823 |
Ellen Cole
John Croucher
about 1848 |
William Croucher
Sarah Cutler
William Croucher
about 1846 |
Crow |
Ann Crow
22 Jun 1742 |
William Sissons
John Crow
Elizabeth Ducket
John Crow
about 1808 |
John Crow
Ann Casswell
Mary Crow
about 1807 |
George Casswell
William Crow
about 1788 |
Elizabeth Casswell
Crowder |
Lydia Crowder
about 1796 |
Joseph Tong
Crowhurst |
Ada F Crowhurst
about 1866 |
Alfred Crowhurst
about 1856 |
Ann Crowhurst
about 1841 |
Ann Crowhurst
about 1841 |
Catherine Crowhurst
about 1860 |
Charles Henry Crowhurst
26 Jul 1836 |
Charles Henry Crowhurst
about 1817 |
Charlotte Crowhurst
about 1837 |
Isaac Bond
Cordelia Crowhurst
about 1858 |
Cordelia Messenger Crowhurst
about 1816 |
1884 |
George King Mann
Cordelia Messenger Crowhurst
about 1858 |
Cornelius Crowhurst
about 1780 |
Elizabeth Messenger
Cornelius Crowhurst
about 1813 |
Mary Ninham,
Matilda Share
Cornelius Crowhurst
about 1851 |
Cornelius Thomas Crowhurst
about 1846 |
Digory Warne Crowhurst
about 1844 |
Elizabeth Ann Crowhurst
9 Nov 1840 |
Elizabeth Ann Crowhurst
about 1813 |
1827 |
Elizabeth Crowhurst
about 1855 |
Elizabeth Messenger Crowhurst
about 1837 |
Ellen Crowhurst
about 1852 |
Emily Jane Crowhurst
about 1856 |
Francis Crowhurst
about 1862 |
Francis Crowhurst
about 1862 |
Francis Messenger Crowhurst
about 1825 |
Mary Frances Milborrow
George Crowhurst
about 1820 |
Hannah Ward
Jane Crowhurst
about 1839 |
Jane Crowhurst
about 1852 |
Jessie Crowhurst
about 1871 |
John Robert Crowhurst
about 1808 |
Hannah Staite
John Robert Crowhurst
about 1848 |
1853 |
Mary Crowhurst
about 1849 |
Mary Crowhurst
about 1864 |
Mary Elizabeth Crowhurst
about 1844 |
Mary Jane Crowhurst
about 1841 |
Philip Raddell Crowhurst
24 Aug 1838 |
Rose Crowhurst
about 1868 |
Susan Crowhurst
about 1847 |
Thomas Crowhurst
about 1806 |
Ann Raddall
Thomas Crowhurst
about 1834 |
Thomas Crowhurst
about 1856 |
Thomas Crowhurst
Sarah Unknown
William Crowhurst
about 1813 |
Jane Hender
Croxford |
Percy Raynor Croxford
Florence Beatrice Kingwell
Cull |
George Cull
about 1818 |
Sarah Scorey
Cummin |
Bathia Cummin
Jonathan Coulson
Cumming |
Alexander Cumming
Margaret Sutherland
Alexandrina Cumming
about 1815 |
12 Nov 1884 |
William Gunn
Annie Cumming
1860 |
Elizabeth Cumming
about 1853 |
Janet Cumming
about 1818 |
James Law
Johan Cumming
William Rugg
John Cumming
Elizabeth Thomson
John Cumming
about 1854 |
Robert Cumming
about 1829 |
Jean Orr
Cundall |
Christine Jacqueline Cundall
14 Jan 1958 |
16 Sep 1990 |
David John Armitage
David Neil Cundall
31 Aug 1956 |
1956 |
Elizabeth Cundall
about 1886 |
Hannah Winnifred Cundall
about 1909 |
Henry Norman Cundall
11 Jan 1911 |
1 Oct 1999 |
Annie Scaife,
Millicent May Coulson
James Cundall
about 1855 |
Hannah Jarvis
James Cundall
about 1883 |
John William Cundall
about 1891 |
Mary E Cundall
about 1912 |
Thomas Cundall
about 1882 |
Thomas Mathias Cundall
about 1910 |
1912 |
William Cundall
about 1880 |
Sarah Elizabeth Ashby
William James Cundall
about 1907 |
[Private] Cundall
[Private] Cundall
[Private] Cundall
Curnock |
Annie Curnock
about 1848 |
Dennis Curnock
Ann Hopkins
Dennis Reginald Curnock
about 1894 |
Edith Mary Curnock
about 1889 |
George Curnock
about 1818 |
Mary Stickland,
Eliza Ann Nuttall
George Dennis Curnock
about 1857 |
1911 |
Mary Leslie
George Leslie Curnock
about 1886 |
George Wesley S Curnock
about 1884 |
Gladys Mary S Curnock
about 1889 |
Helen Curnock
about 1854 |
Mary Elizabeth Curnock
about 1851 |
Joseph Bourne Waterhouse
Sarah Ann Curnock
about 1852 |
Wesley Curnock
about 1859 |
1897 |
Ellen Sandys
Curran |
[Private] Curran
Colin Stanley Guillaume
Currie |
Sarah Currie
about 1796 |
1879 |
James Kirkland Moore
Curry |
Annie Violet Curry
1891 |
20 Sep 1980 |
Edwin Kingwell
James Patrick Curry
Annie Moushall
Curtice |
Ada Curtice
about 1878 |
Alice Curtice
about 1873 |
Annie Curtice
about 1883 |
Charlotte S Curtice
about 1866 |
Elizabeth Curtice
about 1829 |
Emily Curtice
about 1868 |
Frank Mann Curtice
about 1871 |
1871 |
George Curtice
about 1880 |
George Mann Curtice
about 1841 |
1900 |
Charlotte Parsons Gynn
Jenny Curtice
about 1797 |
John Curtice
about 1832 |
John Mann Curtice
about 1875 |
Mary Ann Curtice
about 1835 |
Mary Curtice
about 1877 |
William Curtice
about 1754 |
1834 |
Jane or Joan Langdon
William Curtice
about 1823 |
William Curtice
about 1794 |
9 Oct 1844 |
Mary Ann Facey,
Susan Oliver Mann
William Curtice
about 1864 |
Curtis |
Florence M Curtis
1 Oct 1899 |
Rupert Frank Casswell
Francis Fellowfield Curtis
about 1832 |
Annie Witty
Henry Witty Curtis
about 1877 |
Kate Coulson
Thomas Curtis
Ann Matilda Sharland
Cussans |
Ann Emily Cussans
about 1854 |
Dorothy Ellen Cussans
about 1870 |
Elizabeth Cussans
about 1852 |
Robert Gough
Henry Cussans
about 1849 |
Margaret H Cussans
about 1866 |
Rachel Cussans
about 1868 |
William Albert Gough
Rosa Jane Cussans
about 1860 |
Thomas Smith Cussans
about 1864 |
William Cussans
about 1820 |
Mary Smith
Cutler |
Ann Cutler
about 1784 |
James Etheridge
Charles Cutler
about 1843 |
Ellen Cutler
about 1839 |
George Cutler
21 Feb 1815 |
Mary Hollands
George Richard Cutler
about 1861 |
Harry Cutler
about 1845 |
James Cutler
about 1854 |
Jane Cutler
about 1794 |
William Scorey
Jane Cutler
about 1852 |
John Cutler
about 1858 |
Joseph Cutler
about 1760 |
1840 |
Ann Shering
Joseph Cutler
about 1790 |
Sarah King
Mary Cutler
about 1792 |
William Rooke
Richard Cutler
about 1788 |
Mary Bown
Sarah Cutler
about 1786 |
William Croucher
William Cutler
about 1848 |
Cuxton |
Ann Cuxton
about 1778 |
Castle Cuxton
about 1784 |
1785 |
John Cuxton
about 1774 |
1775 |
Richard Cuxton
about 1789 |
William Cuxton
Frances Casswell
Dainty |
Elizabeth Dainty
about 1857 |
Thomas Wilcox
Mary Dainty
about 1827 |
Richard Band
Sarah Dainty
about 1858 |
Dalwood |
Bertha Mary Dalwood
about 1890 |
Charles Herbert Dalwood
about 1868 |
Clara Spindler
Danby |
Charlotte Danby
about 1831 |
Thomas Torr Dawson
Dansie |
Blanche French Dansie
about 1863 |
Cecil French Dansie
1887 |
Eliza Dansie
about 1824 |
Octavius William Mayman
Emma Mary Ann Dansie
about 1848 |
1850 |
Emma Matilda French Dansie
about 1858 |
William Paige
Fanny French Dansie
about 1861 |
Florence Dansie
about 1856 |
Gerald French Dansie
1890 |
Lily E Spriggs
Lydia French Dansie
about 1865 |
Mary Ann Dansie
about 1819 |
Robert Dansie
about 1822 |
30 Aug 1894 |
Emma French Morgan
Robert Dansie
about 1786 |
Mary Ann Parr
Robert French Dansie
about 1851 |
Eliza Bennetts
Sarah Dansie
about 1829 |
Thomas French Dansie
about 1854 |
Darby |
Alice Beatrice Darby
about 1872 |
Annie Sophia Darby
about 1867 |
Clara Martha Darby
about 1866 |
Edith Darby
about 1871 |
Edward Darby
about 1827 |
Mary Casswell
Emily Darby
about 1862 |
Frances Darby
William Cherrington
Gertrude Eliza Darby
about 1869 |
Herbert Darby
about 1874 |
1874 |
John Edward Darby
about 1859 |
Kate Darby
about 1863 |
Mary Elizabeth Darby
about 1860 |
William Darby
about 1865 |
William Darby
Darbyshire |
Lavinia Darbyshire
about 1842 |
George Ramsden
Dare |
Abraham Dare
Sarah Unknown
Mary Jane Dare
28 Oct 1834 |
Nicholas Paige
Dark |
Henry Dark
about 1843 |
Ilet Susan Ball
Darling |
Thomas Darling
Jane Smith
Dart |
John Dart
about 1829 |
Ann Wyatt Kingwell
Joseph Dart
Darwin |
William Reginald Darwin
7 Jul 1902 |
Constance Emmeline Bond
Davenport |
Alice Ada Davenport
1911 |
Joseph Davenport
about 1885 |
Annie Mabel Barnett
Joseph Davenport
about 1908 |
Davey |
James Davey
Mary Unknown
Rosanna (or Rosina) Davey
about 1806 |
Jeremiah Middling
Davidson |
Annie Maud M Davidson
about 1884 |
Cecil de la Poer Mylne Davidson
about 1885 |
David Davidson
Caroline Grace Rowe
Davies |
Gladys Davies
about 1890 |
Gwendoline Davies
about 1897 |
John Davies
about 1859 |
Lucy Watts
John Robert Davies
about 1875 |
Susannah Crompton
Thomas Davies
about 1898 |
Wilfred Davies
about 1888 |
Davis |
Alfred Davis
about 1837 |
Archibald Harold Douglas Davis
1895 |
Elizabeth Sarah Davis
about 1828 |
Elsie Margaret Dora Davis
1893 |
Emmeline Rosalinda C P Davis
about 1857 |
George Stickland
Fanny Davis
about 1856 |
George Davis
about 1819 |
Gilbert Charles Henry Davis
about 1889 |
Henry Davis
about 1858 |
Grace Maria Jessop
Henry Davis
about 1825 |
Caroline Sarten
Hilda Caroline Ann Davis
about 1890 |
Iris Lorna Ena Ella Davis
about 1906 |
James Davis
Mary Trobridge Horton
Jane Davis
William Palmer
John Davis
about 1791 |
Sarah Sarten
John Davis
about 1822 |
Lotty Alma Ruby Davis
31 Dec 1898 |
1971 |
John James Fairhurst
Martha Davis
about 1863 |
Matthew Bamber
Mary Ann Davis
about 1854 |
Mary Davis
about 1810 |
Stephen Ings
Sarah Davis
about 1861 |
Susan Davis
about 1817 |
Thomas Davis
about 1850 |
William Davis
about 1830 |
[Private] Davis
John D C Harris
Davison |
Augusta Davison
about 1814 |
about 1871 |
William Young
Hugh Davison
Nancy McGee
John Davison
about 1816 |
Mary Davison
about 1820 |
Davy |
Andilaida Davy
about 1837 |
Humphrey Davy
Jenifer Unknown
Humphry Davy
about 1822 |
Humphry Davy
about 1798 |
Mahalath Middling
James Davy
about 1835 |
Jane Davy
about 1827 |
John Davy
about 1833 |
Mahalath Davy
about 1828 |
Mariah Davy
about 1833 |
Mary Davy
about 1823 |
Dawe |
Emma Dawe
about 1846 |
John Paige
Henry Dawe
Richard Dawe
Sarah Dawe
Richard Barons
William Dawe
about 1842 |
Jane Horton
Dawson |
Alfred Dawson
about 1867 |
Alice Dawson
about 1873 |
Ann Dawson
about 1853 |
Ann Eliza Dawson
about 1844 |
1921 |
Henry Pape
Arnold Dawson
about 1862 |
Benny Dawson
about 1883 |
Edith Dawson
about 1886 |
Elizabeth Ann Dawson
about 1843 |
Elizabeth Dawson
about 1836 |
1886 |
David Kilby
Ellen Dawson
18 Jan 1874 |
3 Jan 1953 |
David Orr
Emily Dawson
about 1876 |
Frances Dawson
about 1870 |
Harriet Dawson
about 1839 |
Henry Dawson
about 1812 |
Elizabeth Unknown
Herbert Dawson
about 1880 |
John Dawson
John Dawson
about 1878 |
John Dawson
about 1766 |
1849 |
Elizabeth Torr
John Dawson
about 1798 |
John Dawson
about 1856 |
John Samuel Dawson
about 1845 |
Joseph Dawson
about 1842 |
Jane Coulson
Lawrence Dawson
about 1808 |
3 May 1889 |
Ann Maria Dixon
Lawrence Dawson
about 1843 |
1895 |
Fanny Steel,
Sarah Ann Sprigens
Lawrence Thomas Dawson
about 1848 |
Mary Ann Dawson
about 1847 |
Frederick Cross
Mary Elizabeth Dawson
about 1877 |
Mary Hannah Dawson
about 1871 |
Mary Jane Dawson
3 Jun 1841 |
1919 |
John Casswell
Mary Jane Dawson
about 1846 |
Samuel Dawson
about 1801 |
1801 |
Thomas Dawson
about 1844 |
Ann Lambert
Thomas Torr Dawson
about 1815 |
1895 |
Charlotte Danby
Tom Dawson
about 1880 |
Tom Dawson
about 1854 |
William Dawson
about 1870 |
William Dawson
about 1874 |
William Dawson
about 1795 |
Sarah Hunt
William Dawson
about 1867 |
William Henry Dawson
about 1841 |
Day |
Annie Elizabeth Mary Day
Walter William Amesbury
Mildred Gladys Coulson
Sarah Ann Day
about 1862 |
Harry Collins
[Private] Day
Ernest Wright
de Vine |
George de Vine
Harriet Augusta Sharland
Deal |
Mary Ann Deal
about 1817 |
William Richard Paige
Thomas Deal
Dean |
Fanny Dean
about 1823 |
George Casswell
Seth Ellis Dean
Deane |
Betty Deane
about 1795 |
Haly Horton
Debois |
Frances Debois
about 1837 |
John Casswell
Deeble |
Caroline Deeble
1849 |
John Hill Rogers
Edward Deeble
Jane Unknown
Delano |
Julia A Delano
about 1840 |
Henry N Smith
Dennerley |
Frances Dennerley
about 1849 |
Jesse Whalley
Joseph Dennerley
Dennis |
Charlotte Dennis
about 1768 |
Elizabeth Dennis
23 Feb 1737 |
12 Jun 1812 |
John Mann
Elizabeth Dennis
about 1763 |
Martha Dennis
about 1734 |
Mary Dennis
about 1731 |
Mary Dennis
about 1765 |
Silas Dennis
about 1729 |
Mary Sullivan
Thomas Dennis
about 1726 |
Thomas Dennis
Pasco Butland
Densham |
Mary Densham
about 1862 |
William Cave
Derby |
Edith Derby
about 1884 |
Edwin Ryder Middleweek
Derrett |
Robert Derrett
about 1824 |
Mary Ann Tucker
Desimone |
[Private] Desimone
[Private] Guillaume
Dewdney |
Emily Dewdney
about 1815 |
Edward Pearse
Harriet Dewdney
about 1817 |
28 Jul 1845 |
Francis Paige
Isaac Dewdney
about 1821 |
Sarah Dewdney
about 1813 |
John Pearse
Thomas Dewdney
Ann Sainthill Murch
Thomas Dewdney
about 1819 |
Dexter |
Elizabeth Dexter
John Casswell
Dickinson |
Ada Scobell Dickinson
about 1855 |
Benjamin Dickinson
Edith Dickinson
about 1862 |
Ellen Margaretta Scobell Dickinson
about 1847 |
1848 |
Henry Edward Dickinson
about 1850 |
1855 |
Henry Salter Dickinson
about 1856 |
Henry William Dickinson
about 1816 |
Margaretta Eliza Courtenay Scobell
Robert Dickinson
Margaret Unknown
Robert John Dickinson
about 1861 |
Ida Louisa Douglass Scobell
Dickson |
Hannah Dickson
William Greene
Dieter |
Ida Katherine Dieter
about 1885 |
Gilbert Linton Scobell
Digby |
[Private] Digby
Samuel Byron Kingwell
Dight |
Lavinia Wakefer Dight
18 Jun 1821 |
William Henry Kingwell Almond
Robert Dight
Elizabeth Wakefer
Dillon |
Arthur Montague Ward Dillon
Hannah Louisa Horton
[Private] Dillon
[Private] Chisholm
[Private] Dillon
Dimond |
Anna Paige Dimond
about 1834 |
Anne Dimond
11 Aug 1771 |
Charles Dimond
about 1843 |
Charlotte Dimond
1835 |
1835 |
Elizabeth Dimond
10 Dec 1758 |
Elizabeth Dimond
30 Jun 1802 |
Elizabeth Ellen Dimond
about 1833 |
Faby Dimond
about 1801 |
9 May 1869 |
Mary Chadder,
Elizabeth Paige
Faby Dimond
about 1768 |
Mary Browne Oldreive
Faby Dimond
Mary Churchward
Hannah Dimond
18 Jun 1804 |
James Dimond
11 Mar 1780 |
John Dimond
24 Dec 1764 |
Joseph Chadder Dimond
about 1826 |
Mary Chadder Dimond
about 1828 |
Mary Dimond
19 Feb 1760 |
Mary Dimond
16 Oct 1757 |
8 Mar 1758 |
Philipa Dimond
27 Mar 1774 |
Robert Paige Dimond
about 1838 |
Susanna Dimond
24 Aug 1766 |
Dixon |
Ann Maria Dixon
about 1807 |
1859 |
Lawrence Dawson
Ann Tillson Dixon
about 1819 |
Charles Dixon
about 1816 |
Eliza Dixon
about 1815 |
Ellen Dixon
21 Mar 1904 |
William Fairhurst
George Taylor Dixon
about 1805 |
Harriot Jane Dixon
about 1809 |
John Dixon
about 1772 |
Mary Peck
John Dixon
about 1813 |
John Dixon
Ann Tilson
Robert Tilson Dixon
about 1804 |
Sophia Dixon
about 1811 |
Tilson Dixon
about 1770 |
Dobson |
Frances Dobson
about 1780 |
George Kirkby
Dodderidge |
James Dodderidge
about 1802 |
Elizabeth Horton
Susannah Dodderidge
Thomas Watts
Dodds |
Margaret Ann Dodds
about 1866 |
Francis Hopkins
Dodson |
Ann Dodson
about 1800 |
George Sollitt
George Dodson
Katherine Casswell
Doherty |
Catherine Doherty
about 1837 |
25 Aug 1908 |
Samuel Philip Manning Kingwell
John Doherty
Margaret Whelan
Doidge |
Amos Doidge
Jenny Ann Warn
Amy Elizabeth Doidge
23 Mar 1901 |
Kenneth Kingwell
Annabella Doidge
about 1810 |
Henry Doidge
Jane Doidge
about 1813 |
John Soper Perry
Mary Ann Doidge
1862 |
James Rouse Kingwell
Mary Ann Doidge
about 1834 |
Solomon Perry
Mary Ann Doidge
about 1871 |
Jehu Perry
Mary Doidge
about 1809 |
Phillippa Doidge
about 1820 |
1867 |
William Perry
Donne |
Sarah Donne
about 1772 |
1858 |
Nicholas Paige
Donnelly |
Olive Mary Donnelly
about 1890 |
John Henry Swan
Donnison |
Edith Annie Donnison
about 1881 |
Florence Donnison
about 1877 |
Fred Donnison
about 1896 |
John Richard Donnison
about 1895 |
Lillia Donnison
about 1875 |
Richard Donnison
about 1847 |
Charlotte Taylor,
Amy Coulson
Thomas William Donnison
about 1900 |
Dore |
Kathleen Dore
Frederick William Howard Paige
[Private] Dore
Dorning |
Alice Elizabeth Dorning
about 1850 |
Charles Henry Bazley
Dory |
Alice Dory
about 1749 |
Elizabeth Dory
about 1743 |
John Dory
about 1704 |
Elizabeth Webb
John Dory
about 1744 |
Mary Dory
29 May 1746 |
1809 |
Robert Sharland
Thomas Dory
about 1747 |
Thomas Dory
about 1754 |
Thomas Dory
Alice Unknown
Douglas |
Donald Douglas
Ann Rugg
John Douglas
21 Oct 1840 |
[Private] Douglas
[Private] MacDonald
Doulton |
Grace Doulton
about 1755 |
William Mortimore
Dove |
Adam Dove
Jane Smith
Dowler |
Hannah Maria Dowler
about 1825 |
John Onion
Downes |
Ellen Annie Downes
about 1848 |
Logan Downes
about 1818 |
Ellen Scobell
Logan Lewis Downes
about 1853 |
Mary Georgiana Downes
about 1849 |
Doyle |
Anne Doyle
about 1834 |
Henry John Carter
Drake |
Sarah Drake
Daniel Stracey
Draper |
Peggy Draper
Arthur Hugh Paul Girdlestone
Drew |
Ann Drew
about 1811 |
Catherine Drew
about 1815 |
Harriet Drew
about 1813 |
Harriet Eliza Drew
about 1851 |
Frederick Coulson
Julia Sophia Drew
about 1815 |
William Bain
Mary Ann Drew
about 1853 |
John Greenhalgh
Susannah Drew
about 1821 |
Thomas Drew
about 1816 |
Charlotte Freeman
William Drew
about 1780 |
Catherine Henley
William Drew
about 1818 |
Driart |
Jeanne Odette Marie Driart
about 1893 |
1960 |
Patrick Francis O'Donnell Bourke
Duck |
Sarah Agnes Duck
Ernest John Paige
[Private] Duck
Ducket |
Clark Armstone Ducket
about 1786 |
Maria Casswell
Elizabeth Ducket
about 1787 |
John Crow
Thomas Ducket
Sarah Unknown
Duckworth |
Rebecca Duckworth
John William Copperthwait
Duncan |
Caroline Duncan
about 1839 |
Henry Jenkins
Duncanson |
Alice Duncanson
about 1847 |
Ann Duncanson
about 1858 |
Charles Duncanson
about 1830 |
Edward Duncanson
about 1828 |
Elizabeth Duncanson
about 1840 |
George Duncanson
about 1854 |
George Lacy Duncanson
about 1823 |
James Duncanson
about 1833 |
Jane Duncanson
about 1850 |
1919 |
William Rooke
John Coulson Duncanson
about 1846 |
John Duncanson
about 1816 |
Margaret Duncanson
about 1844 |
Samuel Camish
Mary Ann Duncanson
about 1842 |
Robert Duncanson
about 1818 |
Ellen Coulson
Robert Duncanson
about 1791 |
Ann Trott
Thomas Duncanson
about 1825 |
William Duncanson
about 1820 |
Dundas |
Adam Dundas
Mary Sutherland
Adam Dundas
about 1882 |
4 Oct 1959 |
Elizabeth Ann Durrand
Annie Dundas
about 1900 |
David Dundas
about 1890 |
James William Dundas
about 1884 |
John Dundas
about 1855 |
Agnes Rugg
John George Dundas
about 1886 |
Magnus Dundas
about 1898 |
Margaret Dundas
about 1888 |
Mary Dundas
about 1883 |
Thomas Dundas
about 1892 |
William Rugg Dundas
about 1894 |
Dungey |
Henrietta Nancy Dungey
Samuel Raby
Dunham |
Caroline Letitia Dunham
15 Jun 1856 |
Duncan Edward Bullock Sharland
Daniel Dunham
Mary Unknown
Daniel Dunham
about 1792 |
Caroline Prince
Dunkinson |
Alice Dunkinson
about 1882 |
Ann Dunkinson
1863 |
Bessie Dunkinson
about 1888 |
Elizabeth Dunkinson
about 1879 |
George Dunkinson
1857 |
George Dunkinson
about 1886 |
Harriet Dunkinson
1861 |
James Dunkinson
1824 |
Sarah Parnell
James Dunkinson
1854 |
Rose Cool
John Dunkinson
about 1890 |
Mabel Dunkinson
about 1895 |
Mary Dunkinson
1866 |
Mary Dunkinson
1861 |
Robert Dunkinson
about 1883 |
Sarah Dunkinson
1860 |
16 Oct 1886 |
Francis Edwin Basil Sharland
William Dunkinson
1869 |
Dunlop |
John Dunlop
[Private] Kingwell
Thomas Dunlop
Mary Ann Kingwell
Dunn |
Elizabeth Dunn
29 Feb 1792 |
Edmond Paige
Ellen Georgina Dunn
about 1858 |
Frank Dunn
about 1862 |
Elizabeth Paige
John G Dunn
Mary Harriet Scobell
John Henry Dunn
about 1831 |
Arabella Bate
Mary Dunn
George Nicholls
Mary Dunn
about 1791 |
1849 |
Thomas Paige
Minnie Dunn
about 1898 |
Wilfred W Dunn
about 1891 |
Dunnet |
Alexander Dunnet
about 1867 |
Christina Dunnet
about 1879 |
David Gunn Dunnet
about 1872 |
Donaldina Dunnet
about 1876 |
Alexander Gunn Coghill
Elizabeth Dunnet
about 1883 |
Isaac Dunnet
about 1864 |
James Dunnet
about 1831 |
Jane Brims
James Dunnet
about 1870 |
Jane Dunnet
about 1874 |
Margaret Dunnet
John Williamson
Dunsmuir |
James Dunsmuir
Ellen Orr
Dunstan |
Elizabeth Dunstan
about 1841 |
1872 |
James Gough
John Dunstan
Dunster |
Ann Dunster
Joseph Whittle
Durham |
Elizabeth Margaret Knight Durham
about 1824 |
29 May 1837 |
Mary Knight Durham
about 1822 |
1 May 1822 |
William Durham
about 1782 |
4 May 1853 |
Margaret Boyer
Durrand |
Elizabeth Ann Durrand
about 1887 |
Adam Dundas
Dutton |
Doris J Dutton
about 1899 |
1957 |
James Edward Little
Dyer |
Kathleen Jane Dyer
[Private] Kingwell
Reginald Francis Dyer
1897 |
Susannah Dyer
1844 |
John Kingwell
William Henry Dyer
about 1861 |
1905 |
Jane Ann Hoar,
Mary Phayer
William Henry Dyer
about 1893 |
Dymond |
Eliza Dymond
about 1860 |
Archelaus Kingwell,
William Ledbetter
George Dymond
about 1829 |
Maria Fewings
George Dymond
about 1856 |
Mary A Dymond
about 1852 |
William Dymond
about 1858 |
Eales |
Abraham Chitson Eales
about 1845 |
Ann Eales
about 1842 |
Betsey Eales
about 1840 |
James Edgcombe Eales
about 1810 |
Mary Cox Paige
Susan Eales
about 1834 |
Earland |
Joan Earland
about 1748 |
9 Jun 1833 |
Robert Carter
Earle |
Eliza Earle
about 1831 |
Elizabeth Earle
about 1797 |
Elizabeth Earle
about 1836 |
Emma Earle
about 1845 |
George Earle
about 1806 |
Jane Earle
about 1840 |
Jenny Ann Edmunds Earle
about 1787 |
John Earle
about 1799 |
John Earle
about 1829 |
1877 |
Tryphena Sherrell
Joseph Earle
about 1801 |
Mary Earle
about 1790 |
Mary Earle
about 1868 |
Peter Earle
about 1794 |
Mary Kingwell
Peter Earle
about 1833 |
Selina Laundry
Samuel Earle
Joan Hodge
Samuel Earle
about 1788 |
Sarah Earle
about 1792 |
Sydney Earle
about 1878 |
William Earle
about 1873 |
Easterbrook |
Laura Easterbrook
about 1863 |
Arthur Trobridge Kingwell
Easton |
Joseph Easton
about 1806 |
Ann Unknown
Echoluoma |
Mary Echoluoma
Isaac Koski
Edelstein |
Francisca Edelstein
3 Feb 1857 |
Joseph Lebenheim
Edgecombe |
Henrietta Edgecombe
about 1857 |
John Edgecombe
about 1856 |
Thomas Edgecombe
about 1834 |
Susan Oliver Parsons
Thomas Edward Edgecombe
about 1860 |
Edmonds |
Alice Susan Edmonds
about 1865 |
1942 |
George Sharland
Arthur Edmonds
about 1850 |
1852 |
Augusta Isabella Edmonds
about 1858 |
Charles Edmonds
about 1838 |
Edwin Edmonds
about 1852 |
George Edmonds
about 1835 |
George Edmonds
George Hollingsworth Edmonds
about 1859 |
George Hubert Edmonds
about 1834 |
Susan Hollingsworth,
Emma Richardson
Henry Edmonds
about 1843 |
Hubert Richardson Edmonds
about 1868 |
John Edmonds
about 1813 |
Mary Ann Unknown
Mary Ann Edmonds
about 1846 |
Philadelphia Edmonds
about 1840 |
1908 |
Walter Hylands
William Edmonds
about 1836 |
William Henry Edmonds
about 1877 |
Edwards |
Albert Edwards
about 1892 |
Alice Ann Edwards
about 1885 |
Arthur Edwards
about 1886 |
Janet Gemmell
Edward Edwards
about 1882 |
Eleanor Edwards
about 1894 |
George Edwards
14 Jun 1915 |
21 Feb 2007 |
Margaret Cristobel Elizabeth McIvor
John William Edwards
about 1896 |
Mary Jane Edwards
about 1893 |
May Edwards
about 1898 |
Robert Edwards
about 1889 |
Sarah Edwards
George Casswell
Susannah Edwards
about 1897 |
Thomas Edwards
about 1855 |
Mary Jane Fairhurst
Thomas Edwards
about 1886 |
Walter Edwards
about 1891 |
[Private] Edwards
Lynda Larson
[Private] Edwards
[Private] Fowler
[Private] Edwards
Anna Hammer
[Private] Edwards
[Private] Lane
[Private] Edwards
James Graham
[Private] Edwards
[Private] Larson
[Private] Edwards
[Private] Edwards
[Private] Edwards
[Private] Edwards
[Private] Wood
[Private] Edwards
[Private] Edwards
[Private] Unknown
[Private] Edwards
[Private] Edwards
Elford |
Mary Elford
Rhoda Elford
about 1861 |
Jarvis Horton
Rosina Elford
about 1881 |
Philip Maddick Horton
Ellacott |
Ann Ellacott
about 1844 |
Elizabeth Norn Ellacott
about 1849 |
1872 |
Thomas Adam Kingwell
James Ellacott
about 1835 |
John Ellacott
about 1806 |
Ann Monk
John T Ellacott
about 1846 |
Mary Jane Ellacott
about 1841 |
Stephen Peard
William Ellacott
about 1839 |
Elliot |
William Cochrane Elliot
about 1828 |
Charlotte Paige
Elliott |
Charles Elliott
about 1855 |
Elizabeth Elliott
about 1850 |
George Elliott
about 1860 |
Grace Elliott
about 1785 |
28 Jun 1850 |
Thomas Kingwell
Harriett Elliott
1851 |
Archelaus Kingwell
James Elliott
about 1857 |
John Elliott
about 1849 |
Mary Ann Elliott
about 1849 |
William Henry Holman
Moses Elliott
Philip Elliott
about 1826 |
Mary Ann Kingwell
Philip Elliott
about 1853 |
Thomas Elliott
about 1817 |
Elizabeth Unknown
William Elliott
about 1848 |
Ellis |
Margaret Ellis
about 1823 |
John Hoskin Horton
Ellison |
Isaac Ellison
Jane Ellison
about 1825 |
William Rudd
Elphick |
[Private] Elphick
[Private] Sturt
Elsey |
Sarah Elsey
1859 |
Walter Bamber
Emmett |
Agnes Emmett
1850 |
18 Oct 1910 |
Thomas Thornber
Emms |
Adelaide Wildash Emms
11 Aug 1888 |
16 Jun 1910 |
Alfred Edwin Emms
about 1848 |
Alfred Louis Emms
17 Apr 1885 |
15 Nov 1965 |
Louise Marie Tower
Alice Emms
about 1874 |
Ralph Fielding,
William D Smith
Alice Florence Emms
13 Oct 1863 |
21 Dec 1863 |
Alice Florence Emms
30 Oct 1864 |
1936 |
George Mason Stanley
Arthur Edwin Emms
7 Aug 1869 |
24 Dec 1958 |
Elizabeth Haliday
David McMullen Emms
3 Jun 1894 |
8 Nov 1943 |
Harriet Gertrude Martin,
Eleanora Brown
Edith May Emms
26 Aug 1894 |
Walter Robinson
Elizabeth Emms
about 1839 |
Frances Edith Clara Emms
12 Apr 1868 |
7 Oct 1942 |
John Alexander McWilliams
Fred T Emms
about 1909 |
Frederick Arthur Emms
30 Oct 1895 |
27 May 1921 |
Fredrick William Emms
15 Dec 1871 |
Mary Elizabeth Orr
George Emms
1 Feb 1842 |
before 1891 |
Alice Mary Elizabeth Sharland
George Sharland Emms
11 Aug 1866 |
7 Jul 1923 |
Elizabeth Adelaide Valentine
George Valentine Emms
7 Sep 1890 |
5 Feb 1954 |
Gertrude Kloeck
Gertrude A Emms
21 Aug 1895 |
27 Nov 1895 |
Harold Frederick Emms
14 Dec 1905 |
Frances Winnifred Barnes
Helen Louise Emms
14 Jun 1913 |
Irving Haladay Emms
15 Mar 1899 |
1 Feb 1983 |
Gertrude Hill
Jane Gertrude Emms
15 Sep 1892 |
16 Jan 1940 |
Sebastian Raymond Russo,
Elliot Hunt Pendleton,
Harry Meister
Mary Hilda Emms
9 Nov 1911 |
Ruth C Emms
7 Apr 1915 |
Shirley J Emms
8 Jun 1921 |
about 1950 |
Jack I Weinstein
Sophia Emms
about 1840 |
William Emms
about 1814 |
Fanny Gorman
William Emms
about 1844 |
[Private] Emms
[Private] Emms
Emms or Reder |
[Private] Emms or Reder
Prentice Lee Trammell
Emslie |
Alexander Emslie
Ann Littlejohn
Jane Emslie
about 1848 |
William Rugg
English |
Gertrude English
about 1887 |
Robert Coulson English
about 1877 |
1902 |
Robert Loftus English
William Duckles English
1852 |
about 1887 |
Mary Jane Coulson
William English
about 1884 |
Enman |
[Private] Enman
Georgina Gunn Coghill
Entwisle |
Alice Entwisle
1785 |
John Green
Entwistle |
Elizabeth Ann Entwistle
1865 |
Benjamin Crompton
Eshelby |
Frank Atkinson Eshelby
about 1873 |
Elizabeth Bradshaw
George Bradshaw Eshelby
27 Aug 1901 |
Audrey Lilian Rhodes Gough
Marian Eshelby
1906 |
Phyllis Mary Eshelby
1903 |
[Private] Eshelby
[Private] Eshelby
Etheridge |
James Etheridge
Ann Cutler
Evans |
Jane Evans
about 1827 |
Henry Wexham
Eve |
[Private] Eve
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
[Private] Eve
[Private] Beams
Evens |
Audrey Evens
about 1707 |
John Harvey
Charity Evens
about 1684 |
John Searle,
John Couch
Elizabeth Evens
about 1695 |
George Mann
Elizabeth Jane Evens
10 Mar 1836 |
Charles Morrice Paige
Grace Evens
about 1693 |
John Evens
Jane Jarvis
Mary Evens
about 1700 |
18 Nov 1700 |
Philip Evens
about 1705 |
23 Jul 1705 |
Thomas Evens
about 1689 |
15 Mar 1690 |
Thomasin Evens
about 1698 |
Walter Evens
Thomasin Gliddon
Walter Evens
about 1691 |
William Evens
about 1686 |
Ewan |
Archibald Gordon Ewan
27 Nov 1924 |
1 Jun 1935 |
Archibald Kitchner Ewan
11 Aug 1899 |
16 Jul 1954 |
Emily Elizabeth Mann
John Ewan
about 1859 |
Jessie A Unknown
Patricia Helen Ewan
13 Jun 1934 |
26 May 2008 |
[Private] Merchant
[Private] Ewan
Harold Maurice Marden
Ewart |
Isabella Ewart
John Ballintyne
Ewbank |
Susannah Ewbank
Robert Skelton
Exley |
Hannah Exley
about 1846 |
John Lee
Eyers |
Edward Eyers
about 1850 |
Minnie Humpryes Goatley
Rachel Eyers
about 1840 |
Thomas Eyers
William Eyers
about 1815 |
Rachel Tinker,
Mary Ayling
William Eyers
about 1845 |
Facey |
Mary Ann Facey
about 1801 |
1835 |
William Curtice
Fagg |
Mary Fagg
Joshua Joyce
Fairful |
William Fairful
about 1897 |
Fairfull |
Christina Kilgour Fairfull
about 1901 |
Janet Manson Fairfull
about 1899 |
Andrew Richard Upcott
Margaret Fairfull
about 1906 |
Robert Fairfull
about 1873 |
Margaret Jane Gunn
Robert Sidney Fairfull
about 1903 |
Fairhurst |
Alice Fairhurst
9 Nov 1869 |
Alice Fairhurst
1884 |
Alice Fairhurst
8 Aug 1911 |
Robinson Waugh
Anna Maria Davies Fairhurst
about 1903 |
Annie Fairhurst
1883 |
Catherine Fairhurst
1898 |
Denis Peter Fairhurst
27 Oct 1930 |
18 Mar 2010 |
[Private] Pilbrow
Ellen Fairhurst
about 1871 |
William Knight
Emily Fairhurst
1887 |
Eric Roy Fairhurst
30 Nov 1928 |
2002 |
[Private] Murray
Florence Fairhurst
1892 |
George Edward Fairhurst
24 May 1917 |
9 Sep 1943 |
Mary Kate House
James Fairhurst
1889 |
Jane Fairhurst
about 1902 |
John James Fairhurst
11 Jul 1903 |
1977 |
Lotty Alma Ruby Davis
John Victor Fairhurst
12 May 1924 |
28 Nov 1994 |
[Private] Carr-Brion
Kezia Fairhurst
about 1905 |
1929 |
Leopold Kroll
Lily Fairhurst
2 May 1910 |
Frederick Blyth
Martha Fairhurst
1900 |
Mary Jane Fairhurst
about 1860 |
Thomas Edwards
Mary Jane Fairhurst
8 Oct 1914 |
Norman L Beech
Matthew Fairhurst
1890 |
Matthew Fairhurst
28 Dec 1907 |
Miriam Eliza Crocker
Noah Fairhurst
1896 |
Thomas Fairhurst
1867 |
1868 |
Thomas Fairhurst
1864 |
1864 |
Walter Fairhurst
1898 |
Walter Fairhurst
14 Nov 1893 |
1960 |
Eliza Susana Newson
William Fairhurst
1 Nov 1875 |
Lily Wilcox
William Fairhurst
1886 |
William Fairhurst
about 1862 |
about 1872 |
William Fairhurst
19 Oct 1901 |
Ellen Dixon
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Buick
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Cocking
[Private] Fairhurst
Raymond Michael Belenger
[Private] Fairhurst
Gordon J Harris
[Private] Fairhurst
Robert H Head,
Harry Tattersall
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Stephens
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Campbell
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Byford
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Parkes
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] McKeen
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Fairhurst
Fairweather |
Ada Helena Fairweather
about 1881 |
Ann Fairweather
about 1848 |
Elizabeth Fairweather
about 1852 |
John Fairweather
about 1814 |
Ann Paige
John Fairweather
about 1850 |
Mary Grace Fairweather
about 1846 |
Susan Fairweather
about 1854 |
William Paige Fairweather
about 1857 |
1897 |
Elizabeth Monday Browning
William Percival Fairweather
about 1879 |
Falkenhagen |
Amelia Henrietta Julian Falkenhagen
1871 |
1954 |
Eli Horton
Fallscheer |
Katherine Fallscheer
about 1859 |
John Kloeck
Farley |
Elizabeth Farley
about 1815 |
George Full
Farnworth |
Samuel Arthur Mason Farnworth
Vera Farnworth
about 1891 |
Stanley Charles Hanham
Farquar |
Margaret Farquar
James Craik
Farrell |
Mary Ann Farrell
Stephen May
Susan Farrell
Thomas Roach
Fearns |
Caroline Fearns
about 1876 |
Jonathan Coulson
Feather |
John Feather
Mary Feather
about 1803 |
William Shackleton
Fellows |
Margaret Fellows
about 1852 |
Thomas Wilcox
Fentiman |
John Fentiman
Maud Mary Fentiman
Henry James Sharland
Fenton |
Agnes A Fenton
about 1859 |
Alfred Blenkinsop,
George Bond
James Fenton
about 1807 |
Ann Longbottom
Jane Fenton
1850 |
Francis Coulson
Ferrebee |
Dorcas Ferrebee
about 1822 |
Hannah Ferrebee
about 1817 |
Julia Ferrebee
about 1830 |
Mary Ferrebee
about 1820 |
James Burningham
Sarah Emma Ferrebee
about 1834 |
Susannah Ferrebee
about 1815 |
Walter Ferrebee
about 1826 |
William Ferrebee
Sarah Unknown
William Ferrebee
about 1828 |
William Ferrebee
about 1825 |
Fewings |
Maria Fewings
about 1829 |
George Dymond
Fiander |
Abraham Fiander
Betty Unknown
Mary Fiander
about 1795 |
William Kindin
Fice |
Agness Fice
about 1815 |
Elizabeth Fice
about 1812 |
James Rendle,
Richard Kingwell
Grace Fice
about 1820 |
Irene Fice
about 1822 |
Mary Ann Fice
about 1817 |
Richard Kingwell
Thomas Fice
about 1775 |
Elizabeth Unknown
William Fice
about 1809 |
Field |
Anne Field
Eagle Casswell
Fielding |
Alice Bernice Fielding
1 Jan 1902 |
29 Mar 1910 |
Arthur E Fielding
about 1892 |
10 Dec 1967 |
Florence Smith
Garnet Walter Fielding
31 May 1899 |
8 Jun 1899 |
Harold Ralph Fielding
8 Aug 1896 |
9 Dec 1964 |
Ralph Fielding
about 1868 |
3 Jan 1902 |
Alice Emms
Ruth Evelyn Fielding
about 1894 |
21 Mar 1979 |
Ralph M Spearing
Fields |
Jean May Fields
21 May 1934 |
1999 |
Ronald Francis Hopkins
Finch |
Elizabeth Finch
about 1852 |
Reginald Williams Stickland
Findlay |
[Private] Findlay
[Private] Guillaume
[Private] Findlay
[Private] Findlay
Firth |
Harry Charles Gibbon Firth
about 1874 |
Henry Firth
about 1834 |
Fanny Clara Sharland,
Frederica Augusta Blyth
James Grason Firth
Mary Ann Halstead
Joseph Firth
Betsey Pope
Marianne Lena Firth
about 1876 |
Peter Pope Firth
24 Feb 1800 |
Mary Ann Gibbon
Sidenham Firth
about 1873 |
Fisher |
Ada Fisher
about 1881 |
Richard Albert Jones
Anne Fisher
about 1725 |
23 Feb 1725 |
Florence Fisher
about 1889 |
George Fisher
about 1882 |
James Herbert Fisher
about 1896 |
Lucy Fisher
about 1867 |
Frederic George Casswell
Matthew Fisher
about 1879 |
Richard Fisher
Eve Kingwill
Richard Fisher
about 1729 |
19 Apr 1729 |
Richard Fisher
about 1731 |
Samuel James Fisher
about 1868 |
about 1900 |
Emily Burn
Thomas A Fisher
about 1890 |
Thomas Fisher
about 1856 |
Martha Unknown
William Fisher
about 1893 |
Fishwick |
Elizabeth Fishwick
about 1856 |
John Paige
Fleming |
Edwin Ellis Fleming
Avis Barons Kingwell
Frank M Fleming
Phoebe Mary Kingwell
Thomas Fleming
about 1830 |
1849 |
Alice Isherwood
Thomas Fleming
[Private] Fleming
[Private] Hogan
Flitcroft |
Ellen Flitcroft
about 1853 |
James Edward Copperthwait
Thomas Flitcroft
Flood |
Elizabeth Flood
Thomas Paige
John Flood
Sarah Snell
Mary Ann Flood
about 1836 |
John Coulson
Fogg |
Elizabeth Fogg
1864 |
Nathaniel Pye
Fogwell |
Agnes Paige Fogwell
about 1803 |
1886 |
George Fogwell
about 1779 |
Agnes Paige
George Fogwell
about 1801 |
1889 |
Amelia Frances Michelmore
Richard Fogwell
about 1807 |
1890 |
Foley |
Annie Foley
about 1852 |
19 Aug 1926 |
Frederick Scobell
Timothy Foley
Ellen Collins
Foote |
Henry Foote
Annie Unknown
William Foote
about 1864 |
Frances Horton
Forbes |
Isabelle Forbes
about 1816 |
Jean Forbes
about 1815 |
John Forbes
Isabelle Rosie
Ford |
Ann Ford
Charles Swan
Bertha F Ford
Frederick Thomas Mann
John Ford
Mary Ford
about 1776 |
1821 |
John Hoskin Horton
Minnie Mary Ford
about 1869 |
Daniel Paige
Richard Ford
about 1793 |
Peggy Horton
Susanna Ford
about 1838 |
Forsyth |
Janet Forsyth
Thomas MacCallum
Forward |
Albert Forward
about 1892 |
Bethesda Forward
about 1835 |
Cyril Forward
about 1899 |
Elizabeth Forward
about 1818 |
Frederick Forward
about 1898 |
Hannah Forward
about 1813 |
Harold Forward
about 1894 |
Helen Forward
about 1837 |
Henry Forward
about 1863 |
1920 |
Mary Lizzie Burn
James Forward
about 1853 |
Jane Forward
about 1828 |
John Forward
about 1823 |
Mary Fryman,
Ann Blake
John Henry Forward
about 1889 |
Jonathan Forward
Elizabeth Unknown
Joseph Forward
about 1832 |
Mary Ann Forward
about 1849 |
Mary Forward
about 1816 |
Samuel Forward
about 1859 |
Samuel Forward
about 1790 |
Hannah Pascho
Samuel Forward
about 1820 |
Susannah Forward
about 1861 |
Susannah Forward
about 1840 |
Theresa Forward
about 1855 |
1859 |
Thomas Forward
about 1830 |
William Forward
about 1825 |
Fosgate |
[Private] Fosgate
[Private] Lawrence
Fossett |
Valerie Mary Fossett
William Hercules Kingwell
Foster |
Caroline Agnes Foster
about 1885 |
George William B Ward
June Foster
about 1926 |
1966 |
John Holden Ainsworth
Fosterd |
Peternell Fosterd
1731 |
Richard Paige
Fothergill |
Elizabeth Fothergill
about 1844 |
William Greenwood
Fountain |
Alfred Fountain
Louisa Fountain
about 1862 |
before 1901 |
William Henry Phillips or Horton
Fowler |
Abraham Fowler
Abraham Fowler
5 Aug 1810 |
Alfred Fowler
22 Mar 1868 |
24 Jun 1940 |
Isabella Orr
Beatrice Hilda Fowler
21 May 1893 |
Archibald Ward
Ernest Fowler
about 1893 |
Hiram Fowler
about 1827 |
about 1886 |
Eliza Hill
Isaac Fowler
26 Oct 1801 |
Betsy Waddington
John Fowler
about 1835 |
John Thomas Fowler
about 1863 |
Joseph Fowler
about 1860 |
Maria Fowler
about 1837 |
Mary Fowler
about 1851 |
Mary Fowler
about 1894 |
Norman Russell Fowler
12 Sep 1903 |
Dec 1996 |
Gwendoline Griffith
Sarah Fowler
about 1840 |
Susannah Fowler
about 1825 |
Walker Fowler
about 1858 |
Walter Fowler
about 1866 |
Walter Fowler
about 1897 |
William Fowler
about 1871 |
Martha Ann Wright
William Fowler
about 1833 |
[Private] Fowler
[Private] Edwards
[Private] Fowler
[Private] Pickering
[Private] Fowler
[Private] Chipeur
Fowles |
Jane Fowles
about 1854 |
1896 |
William Lerro,
John James Sharland
William Fowles
Fox |
Amelia Fox
about 1818 |
Betty Fox
about 1819 |
Elizabeth Fox
about 1807 |
Hannah Grace Fox
about 1846 |
Thomas Robinson
James Fox
about 1821 |
Jane Unknown
Jane Fox
about 1813 |
Thomas Paige
Louisa Fox
about 1815 |
Mary Fox
about 1809 |
Peter Fox
about 1773 |
about 1850 |
Jane Brown
Peter Fox
about 1826 |
Foxton |
Hannah Foxton
about 1850 |
14 Aug 1920 |
Jonathan Wilson Coulson
Jane Foxton
about 1856 |
John Foxton
about 1853 |
William Foxton
about 1813 |
Jane Unknown
Foxworthy |
Mary Foxworthy
about 1812 |
23 Oct 1883 |
Trobridge Horton
Francis |
Ann Francis
William Paige
Emily A Francis
about 1833 |
Edward Wedlock
Franklin |
Ann Elizabeth Franklin
about 1865 |
Celia Franklin
about 1893 |
Frederick Cecil Franklin
about 1898 |
10 Jul 1916 |
Jessie Franklin
about 1862 |
Kate Franklin
about 1860 |
Marjorie May Franklin
about 1902 |
Solomon Franklin
about 1864 |
Clara Boehmer
Thomas Franklin
about 1836 |
Mary Ann Coulson
Fraser |
David William Fraser
Elvira Kingwell
Fredman |
Dorothy Irene Ross Fredman
19 Aug 1891 |
Alfred Edward Kingwell
Freeman |
Abraham Freeman
about 1803 |
Isabella Stickland
Benjamin Freeman
about 1804 |
Charles Freeman
about 1806 |
Charlotte Freeman
about 1813 |
Thomas Drew
David Freeman
about 1800 |
Esther Freeman
about 1798 |
Frances Freeman
about 1792 |
Hannah Freeman
about 1802 |
Harriett Freeman
about 1809 |
John Freeman
Mary Ann Unknown
Joseph Freeman
about 1767 |
Sarah Pickering
Joseph Freeman
about 1794 |
Lucy Mary Freeman
about 1834 |
1841 |
Mary Freeman
about 1788 |
Sarah Freeman
about 1791 |
William Axworthy Freeman
about 1811 |
Ann Kingwell
William Freeman
Elizabeth Unknown
French |
Sarah French
Robert Barnes
William H French
Joan Wilson Pilkington
[Private] French
[Private] Ollerenshaw,
[Private] Kingwell
Fridlington |
David Fridlington
about 1807 |
David Fridlington
about 1816 |
Eleanor Fridlington
about 1810 |
Eliza Fridlington
about 1821 |
Jane Fridlington
about 1812 |
Jesse Fridlington
Ann Casswell
Jesse Fridlington
about 1814 |
Mary Anne Fridlington
about 1802 |
Sarah Fridlington
about 1806 |
Susanna Fridlington
about 1804 |
Friend |
Margaret L Friend
William Norman R Kingwell
Frost |
George Frost
about 1748 |
1753 |
Langford Frost
about 1722 |
Grace Mann
Mary Jane Frost
about 1843 |
Philip Horton
Michael Frost
Michael Frost
Sarah Frost
about 1780 |
William Leason
Teresa Frost
3 Sep 1899 |
1982 |
Thomas Medling
William Charles Thomas Frost
Alma Florence Kingwell
Fryman |
Mary Fryman
about 1825 |
1871 |
John Forward
Full |
Caroline Full
about 1848 |
Catherine Full
about 1851 |
Charlotte Full
about 1853 |
George Full
about 1807 |
Susan Paige,
Elizabeth Farley
George Full
about 1839 |
George Full
Betsey Unknown
James Frederick Full
Jane Anne Horton
James Full
Mary Unknown
Louise Full
about 1846 |
Mary Ann Full
about 1837 |
Mary Ann Full
about 1825 |
4 Feb 1896 |
Solomon Perry
Susan Full
about 1843 |
Fullbrook |
Betty Mary Fullbrook
17 Dec 1909 |
Reginald George William Arnold
Furneaux |
Edwin Furneaux
about 1840 |
Frances Horton
Richard Furneaux
about 1833 |
Winifred Horton
Walter James Furneaux
about 1869 |
William Arthur Furneaux
about 1866 |
William Furneaux
Fursman |
Mary Fursman
Joseph Sharland
Furze |
Mary Furze
William Mann
Gage |
Ann Gage
Anne Elizabeth Gage
about 1868 |
Minnie Gage
about 1865 |
Moses Gage
about 1799 |
1859 |
Margaret Leason
Galbraith |
Maggie Galbraith
about 1859 |
Alexander Horton
William Galbraith
ELiza Unknown
Galligani |
Raymond Galligani
25 Mar 1911 |
8 Dec 1976 |
Georgia Ivy Russo
Garbutt |
Ann Garbutt
1801 |
18 Aug 1862 |
Jonathan Coulson
Gardener |
Elizabeth Gardener
about 1814 |
Richard Scoble
Joseph Gardener
Mary Shilton
Gardner |
Ada Isabel Gardner
about 1850 |
Alfred John Gardner
before 1905 |
Annie Gardner
about 1887 |
John Saunders Mann
Charles Edward Lea Gardner
about 1843 |
Elizabeth Gardner
Jacob Bickford Bartlett
Henry Gale Gardner
about 1818 |
Isabella Stickland Wesley
John Wesley Gardner
about 1852 |
Kate Helena Gardner
about 1858 |
Garland |
Anthony Garland
about 1848 |
Emily Garland
about 1858 |
Mary Garland
about 1850 |
Richard Paige Garland
about 1855 |
Robert Garland
about 1821 |
Julia Symons Paige
Robert Garland
about 1852 |
Garner |
Ann Mary Garner
about 1860 |
George Casswell
Garnet |
Lydia Garnet
about 1755 |
Joseph Hanson
William Garnet
Garriock |
Margaret Garriock
about 1838 |
James Morton
Gaskell |
Martha Gaskell
about 1816 |
before 1871 |
Henry Townley
Roger Gaskell
Gaskill |
Annette Lydia Gaskill
about 1840 |
Annette Sarah Gaskill
about 1865 |
John Bennett
Arabella Gaskill
about 1837 |
Ida Gaskill
about 1842 |
Joseph D Gaskill
about 1836 |
Mary Ann Waters
Joseph Gaskill
about 1864 |
Joseph Gaskill
Maria Unknown
Maria Gaskill
1831 |
25 Dec 1832 |
Mary Elizabeth Gaskill
about 1849 |
Gater |
Frances Gater
1843 |
2 Jan 1908 |
Benjamin Crompton
Gates |
Louisa Gates
about 1814 |
1836 |
George Cole
Gawthorp |
John Gawthorp
about 1766 |
1839 |
Martha Laycock
Margaret Gawthorp
9 Feb 1808 |
2 Oct 1864 |
Richard Halstead
Gay |
Grace Gay
Joseph Carter
William Gay
Caroline Elizabeth Murray
William Gay
about 1872 |
Geddes |
Isabella Geddes
James Nicolson
Gelder |
Elizabeth R Gelder
Andrew James Kingwell
Gemmell |
Janet Gemmell
about 1885 |
Arthur Edwards
George |
Eliza Ann George
Richard Joseph Scobell
Eliza George
about 1852 |
George George
about 1818 |
Mary Wicks
George George
about 1849 |
James George
Mary Ann George
about 1840 |
John Allen
Rebecca George
about 1843 |
Georgeson |
Mary Wochab Georgeson
about 1827 |
Angus Rugg
Thomas Georgeson
Ann Gunn
German |
Ann German
1798 |
Henry Blackbourn
Gerrard |
[Private] Gerrard
[Private] Higgins
[Private] Gerrard
Gerry |
Jane Gerry
about 1731 |
1755 |
William Perry
Nicholas Gerry
about 1727 |
William Gerry
Mary Jakeman
William Gerry
about 1734 |
1737 |
William Gerry
about 1738 |
Gesang |
Fanny Gesang
about 1832 |
Alexander Lebenheim
Gibb |
Barbara Gibb
about 1841 |
Helen Gibb
about 1839 |
James Gibb
Catherine Orr
Mary Gibb
about 1853 |
William Gibb
about 1843 |
Gibbens |
Mary Jane Gibbens
about 1870 |
John Henry Kingwell
Gibbings |
Susannah Gibbings
27 Nov 1870 |
1953 |
John Casswell
Gibbon |
Mary Ann Gibbon
about 1811 |
Peter Pope Firth
Gilbank |
Ann Gilbank
about 1790 |
Thomas Nicholson
Gilbert |
Anne Gilbert
about 1728 |
Dinah Gilbert
about 1726 |
Eliza Kessell Gilbert
6 Jun 1830 |
Jehu Ball
James Gilbert
about 1803 |
Eliza Unknown
Joanna Gilbert
about 1739 |
1813 |
William Perry
Richard Gilbert
Joan Nichols
Richard Gilbert
about 1731 |
William Gilbert
about 1734 |
[Private] Gilbert
[Private] Lewis
Gilchrist |
Gladys Lillias Forrester Gilchrist
Richard Innes Cowan
Gill |
Ernest William Gill
1879 |
Eva Harriett Gill
1877 |
Florence Jane Gill
1882 |
Parry Mitchell Gill
1855 |
Harriet Horton Kingwell
Parry Mitchell Gill
1881 |
Thomas Dawson Gill
about 1870 |
Mary Young
William Dawson Gill
about 1899 |
Gillard |
Catherine Gillard
1796 |
John Paige
Elizabeth Gillard
about 1810 |
1859 |
John Lane,
George Ford Horton
John Gillard
Mary Paige
Nathaniel Gillard
about 1778 |
Peter Gillard
about 1812 |
Mary Ann Grant Jillard
Thomas Gillard
about 1849 |
Girdlestone |
Arthur Edward Girdlestone
about 1863 |
Arthur Hugh Paul Girdlestone
22 Sep 1915 |
2006 |
Peggy Draper
Arthur Robert Sharland Girdlestone
19 Mar 1883 |
1965 |
Constance Mary Walker
Aubrey Edward Sharland Girdlestone
about 1886 |
1886 |
Charles Frederick Girdlestone
about 1851 |
Edward Girdlestone
about 1827 |
Mary Ann Mousir
Emma Charlotte Girdlestone
about 1855 |
Ernest Edward Girdlestone
about 1861 |
Florence Hope Mary Sharland Girdlestone
about 1882 |
about 1887 |
Harold John Girdlestone
13 Feb 1909 |
Ethel Lily Atkinson
Hubert Sharland Girdlestone
about 1880 |
1880 |
Mary Ann Priscilla Girdlestone
about 1847 |
Robert John Girdlestone
about 1849 |
1941 |
Ada Florence Sharland,
Rose Annie Clark,
Matilda A Richards
Rosalie Mary Hope Girdlestone
15 Jun 1913 |
30 Jun 1986 |
Tudor Roberts
Gladdon |
Ann Gladdon
Thomas Castledine
Glasson |
John Glasson
about 1841 |
before 1871 |
Amelia Hayes
Glencross |
James Scobell Glencross
16 Dec 1828 |
Josiah Glencross
about 1800 |
1875 |
Mary Sarah Scobell
Josiah Glencross
24 Jan 1834 |
Josiah Glencross
Dorothy Hickes James
Kate Scobell Glencross
about 1831 |
Loveday Wallis Glencross
about 1840 |
1841 |
Mary Dorothy Glencross
11 Dec 1827 |
Glenn |
Annie Glenn
Richard Paige
Gliddon |
Thomasin Gliddon
Walter Evens
Gloyns |
Mary Gloyns
16 Jun 1833 |
Philip Manning
Goaman |
Bertha Goaman
about 1872 |
Horatio Vincent Robertson
James Goaman
Christiana Watts
William Goaman
about 1828 |
Susannah Rich Richardson
Goatley |
Ada Victoria Goatley
about 1871 |
Eliza Elizabeth Goatley
about 1868 |
Elizabeth Rebecca Goatley
about 1841 |
1842 |
Emily Eunice Goatley
about 1866 |
Leonard Goatley
about 1837 |
Leonard William Goatley
about 1865 |
Martha Eunice Goatley
about 1839 |
Mary Ann Eva Goatley
about 1877 |
Minnie Humpryes Goatley
about 1870 |
George King Mann,
Edward Eyers
Sophia Goatley
about 1880 |
Thomas Edwin Goatley
about 1863 |
Thomas Goatley
about 1835 |
Eliza Sophia Packman
Thomas Goatley
about 1804 |
1842 |
Esther Longhurst
Gohrt |
Albert Edgar Gohrt
about 1902 |
Eric Clifford Gohrt
about 1910 |
John Gohrt
about 1872 |
Ada Leah Jones
Phillip Leslie Gohrt
about 1907 |
Robert Edward Gohrt
about 1903 |
William John Gohrt
about 1905 |
Goldie |
Ann Elizabeth Goldie
about 1844 |
Elizabeth Burn Goldie
about 1859 |
George Goldie
Martha Burn
Goldie or Burn |
Henry Neely Burn Goldie or Burn
about 1852 |
1886 |
Angelina Walker
Goldston |
[Private] Goldston
[Private] Goldston
Goldsworthy |
Elizabeth Goldsworthy
about 1815 |
William Mann
Gollop |
Dinah Gollop
17 May 1800 |
16 Mar 1841 |
Richard Scobell
William Gollop
Elizabeth Norman
Goode |
Robert Charles Jeffery Goode
Ninon Dorothy Guillaume
[Private] Goode
[Private] Jones
[Private] Goode
[Private] Irvine
Gooderham |
[Private] Gooderham
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Gooderham
[Private] Gooderham
Goodhugh |
Elizabeth Goodhugh
John Boyer
Gooding |
[Private] Gooding
[Private] Morris
[Private] Gooding
[Private] Gooding
[Private] Gooding
[Private] Gooding
Goodman |
Danile Goodman
Alice Unknown
Kathrine Goodman
about 1672 |
1721 |
Samuel Casswell
Mary Jane Goodman
about 1828 |
John Smerdon
Goodwin |
Caroline Goodwin
about 1857 |
Elizabeth Goodwin
about 1842 |
Esther Goodwin
about 1856 |
Henry Goodwin
about 1844 |
Jane Goodwin
about 1845 |
1888 |
James Gough
John Goodwin
about 1853 |
John Goodwin
about 1860 |
Matilda Goodwin
about 1847 |
Sarah Goodwin
about 1841 |
Thomas Goodwin
about 1817 |
Esther White
Thomas Goodwin
about 1850 |
Gordon |
Elizabeth Gordon
about 1825 |
Thomas Ball
Gorman |
Fanny Gorman
about 1802 |
John Collins,
William Emms
Gough |
Ann Gough
about 1839 |
Anne Gough
6 Jun 1807 |
28 Dec 1809 |
Anne Gough
13 Jan 1810 |
Annie Emily Gough
about 1906 |
Arthur Henry Gough
about 1897 |
Audrey Lilian Rhodes Gough
26 Jul 1902 |
2004 |
George Bradshaw Eshelby
Catherine Gough
26 Jan 1805 |
Cyril George Gough
about 1903 |
Dorothy May Gough
about 1905 |
Harry Robinson
Douglas William Gough
about 1901 |
Elizabeth Elsie Gough
13 Jun 1889 |
1891 |
Elizabeth Gough
about 1837 |
Elizabeth Hall Gough
5 Feb 1792 |
Ethel Constance Gough
26 Oct 1911 |
George Gordon Leslie Holman
Fanny Maria Gough
1850 |
William Barnett
Hannah Gough
8 Feb 1803 |
Hilda Gough
about 1892 |
Horace Sydney Gough
about 1902 |
James Gough
about 1840 |
2 Apr 1904 |
Elizabeth Dunstan,
Jane Goodwin,
Jane Chapman
James Gough
about 1761 |
1852 |
Elizabeth Hall
James Gough
1 Aug 1797 |
Jane Elizabeth Gough
about 1876 |
1918 |
Robert Coulson
Jane Gough
about 1835 |
1879 |
Robert Coulson
John Gough
14 Feb 1800 |
Joseph Gough
6 Nov 1789 |
Minnie Gough
about 1894 |
Percy James Gough
about 1897 |
Raymond James Gough
about 1904 |
Robert Gough
about 1843 |
Sarah Ann Abbert,
Elizabeth Cussans
Robert William Gough
about 1895 |
Ronald Albert Gough
about 1893 |
Sarah Gough
about 1832 |
Sarah Gough
about 1831 |
Sarah Gough
1787 |
Selina Gough
about 1829 |
Selina Gough
about 1826 |
Selina Gough
28 Jun 1864 |
George Oswald Wood
Thomas Gough
21 Nov 1794 |
Jane Hanesworth
Thomas Hainsworth Gough
about 1846 |
Wilfred Thomas Gough
about 1900 |
William Albert Gough
about 1866 |
Rachel Cussans
William Henry Gough
about 1878 |
Beatrice Maud Wilson
Gould |
Amelia Gould
3 Jul 1840 |
John Wright
Ann Gould
about 1726 |
1726 |
Betsy Phippen Gould
about 1847 |
Clarrisa Gould
8 Sep 1833 |
Elizabeth Gould
about 1722 |
1722 |
Frances Gould
about 1727 |
1769 |
John Casswell
Frances Gould
about 1724 |
1724 |
George Alexander Gould
5 Jul 1890 |
Florence Beatrice Overbaugh
Helen Isabel Gould
31 Aug 1895 |
Henry Smith Gould
about 1811 |
1855 |
Amelia Scobell
Henry Smith Gould
about 1844 |
John Gould
5 Apr 1842 |
John Gould
Frances Torrington
John Gould
about 1731 |
Joseph Scobell Gould
6 Aug 1849 |
17 Dec 1929 |
Jessie Hopson,
Helen Lynn
Marion A Gould
14 Aug 1892 |
Mary Anne Gould
about 1836 |
Mary Gould
about 1723 |
Susanna Gould
about 1729 |
Richard Casswell
William Henry Gould
17 Jun 1879 |
Graham |
Alexander Graham
about 1821 |
Ann Graham
about 1814 |
26 Jun 1883 |
Roderick McDonald
Ann Graham
John McLean
Catherine Graham
about 1836 |
Donald Graham
about 1784 |
Ann McGregor
Donald Graham
about 1816 |
Donald Graham
about 1839 |
Frances Graham
John William McLean
Isabella Graham
about 1829 |
Isabella Graham
about 1843 |
James Graham
[Private] Edwards
John Graham
about 1826 |
John Graham
Margaret McLean
John Graham
about 1843 |
Kenneth Graham
about 1810 |
Kenneth Graham
about 1838 |
Malcolm Graham
about 1845 |
Margaret Graham
about 1821 |
Margaret Graham
about 1847 |
John McLean
Margaret Graham
about 1800 |
1855 |
Donald McLean
Maria Graham
William Scott
Mary Graham
about 1812 |
Alexander McLean
Roderick Graham
about 1831 |
Roderick Graham
about 1836 |
Rachel McLean
Roderick Graham
about 1881 |
Mary Graham McLean
Roderick Graham
about 1796 |
Margaret McKenzie
Roderick Graham
Eric Unknown
[Private] Graham
[Private] Jackson
[Private] Graham
[Private] Johnson
[Private] Graham
[Private] Graham
[Private] Graham
[Private] Graham
Grave |
Jane Grave
George Chase
Gray |
Albert Gray
1888 |
Amy Gray
about 1898 |
Ann Gray
about 1834 |
Annie Gray
1915 |
Annie Gray
about 1894 |
Daniel Gray
Ann Keatley
David Gray
[Private] Guillaume
Edith Gray
8 Jun 1886 |
26 Oct 1978 |
Fred Barnett
Elizabeth Gray
about 1795 |
5 Jan 1799 |
Elizabeth Gray
about 1805 |
Elizabeth Gray
about 1839 |
Eva Gray
about 1892 |
Fred Gray
1887 |
Frederic Gray
about 1868 |
1875 |
Frederick Gray
about 1890 |
1901 |
Gertie Gray
about 1896 |
Henry Gray
3 Feb 1839 |
Susan Knight
Henry Gray
about 1775 |
Elizabeth Colins
Henry Gray
about 1800 |
James Gray
about 1810 |
James Gray
about 1830 |
Jane Gray
about 1834 |
Jane Gray
about 1832 |
Johana Gray
about 1842 |
John Gray
about 1840 |
John Gray
about 1802 |
Jane Nichols
John Gray
about 1836 |
John Thomas Gray
about 1862 |
Zabiah Bennett
Louie Gray
1889 |
Margaret Gray
about 1829 |
John Wiseman
Mary Gray
1917 |
1920 |
Robert Gray
3 Mar 1893 |
Lucy Evelyn Smith
Susan Ann Gray
about 1860 |
1914 |
Thomas Gray
about 1807 |
Elizabeth Rutter
Thomas Gray
about 1839 |
William Gray
15 Nov 1887 |
Annie Byrne
William Gray
about 1797 |
William Gray
Grace Cutmore Horton
William Henry Gray
4 Oct 1865 |
19 Sep 1930 |
Mary Kaywood,
Sarah Ann Lemon
[Private] Gray
Thomas Shuttleworth
[Private] Gray
[Private] Gray
Eric Pennington
[Private] Gray
John J Brundrett
[Private] Gray
[Private] Gray
Green |
Alice Ann Green
about 1821 |
Ann Green
about 1799 |
Ann Green
about 1804 |
James George Newey
Dinah Wilson Green
about 1818 |
Elizabeth Green
about 1808 |
Samuel Casswell
Hannah Green
about 1804 |
John Casswell
Hannah Green
about 1739 |
Richard Tasker
Hannah Green
about 1833 |
Charles Townsend
Jane Green
about 1819 |
John Green
about 1796 |
John Green
Jane Wilson
John Green
about 1809 |
John Green
about 1846 |
Syrena Walton
John Green
1786 |
Alice Entwisle
Joseph Green
Ann King
Joseph Green
about 1811 |
Joseph Green
Joseph Lester Green
about 1813 |
Mary Melliar Paige
Joseph Paige Green
about 1856 |
Margaret Green
about 1876 |
16 Jul 1933 |
Joseph Shackleton
Mary Elizabeth Green
about 1859 |
Mary Green
about 1747 |
29 May 1808 |
Valentine Sissons
Mary Green
Richard Casswell
Mary Green
about 1793 |
1797 |
Mary Green
about 1801 |
Mary Green
Richard Holderness
Mary Green
about 1811 |
Mary Green
Thomas Milborrow
Matthew Green
about 1814 |
Nanny Green
about 1780 |
18 Apr 1865 |
William Holden
Peggy Green
30 Sep 1777 |
Robert Green
about 1823 |
Thomas Green
about 1813 |
William Green
about 1816 |
William Green
Margaret Unknown
William James Green
about 1858 |
[Private] Green
Paul Thomas Shuttleworth
Greene |
Elsie Greene
about 1893 |
Eva Greene
about 1898 |
1970 |
Irene Greene
about 1900 |
Margaret Greene
about 1896 |
William Greene
Hannah Dickson
William Henry Greene
about 1867 |
Lilias Ann Kingwell
Greenhalgh |
Caroline Jessie Greenhalgh
about 1880 |
Charles Erichsen Drew Greenhalgh
about 1885 |
Charlotte Mildred Greenhalgh
about 1878 |
Ethel Greenhalgh
Harry Hill
Hilda Louise Greenhalgh
about 1886 |
John Greenhalgh
about 1851 |
Mary Ann Drew
John Percival Handel Greenhalgh
about 1876 |
Percy Greenhalgh
22 Apr 1897 |
Martha Holden
Thomas Walter Agar Greenhalgh
about 1882 |
[Private] Greenhalgh
[Private] Greenhalgh
Greenwood |
Jane Ann Coulson Greenwood
1860 |
1860 |
John Coulson Greenwood
30 May 1855 |
Mary Ann Ogleby
John James Greenwood
about 1879 |
Maria Greenwood
about 1862 |
Mary Greenwood
Jonathan Laycock
Rebecca Frances Greenwood
1852 |
Robert Greenwood
about 1866 |
Tom Greenwood
about 1864 |
William Coulson Greenwood
about 1880 |
William Greenwood
about 1827 |
Ann Coulson,
Elizabeth Fothergill
William Greenwood
about 1869 |
Greep |
Matilda Tryphena Greep
about 1851 |
Thomas Horton
William Greep
Grace Webber
Gregory |
Rachael Greenfield Gregory
about 1814 |
George Southey
Sarah Gregory
1777 |
William Lang Paige
Gresham-Wells |
Cecilia Mary Gresham-Wells
24 Jul 1905 |
2 Mar 1985 |
Andrew Rugg Gunn
Grey |
Annie Grey
John Ramsay Tosh
Susanna Grey
Edmond Paige
Griffith |
Gwendoline Griffith
6 Dec 1917 |
11 Jan 2003 |
Norman Russell Fowler
Griffiths |
Alice Mary Griffiths
about 1857 |
1946 |
William Kingwell
John Griffiths
about 1819 |
Mary Unknown
Margery Griffiths
11 Apr 1903 |
Frederick Pilkington
Robert Griffiths
about 1860 |
Elizabeth Williams
Grimstone |
[Private] Grimstone
[Private] Gunn
Groat |
Jean Groat
James Rosie
Grove |
Hannah Grove
George Sharland
Helen Grove
Charles Midlam
Gruber |
Charles Gruber
about 1880 |
Florence Scobell
Gilbert Gruber
about 1908 |
Kathleen Gruber
about 1902 |
Grylls |
May Phillippa Grylls
about 1853 |
Henry Paige
William Michell Grylls
about 1829 |
Elizabeth Farran Penrose
Gubbins |
Florence Gubbins
21 Dec 1911 |
1993 |
Wilfrid Ashwell
Guillaume |
Bertram Guillaume
1889 |
Cecil William Guillaume
20 Jan 1888 |
21 Sep 1977 |
Dorothy Alison Kingwell
Colin Stanley Guillaume
1916 |
19 Nov 1976 |
[Private] Curran
Eric Guillaume
1897 |
Guillaume Guillaume
about 1837 |
1913 |
Louisa Hodge
Louisa Guillaume
about 1860 |
Ninon Dorothy Guillaume
about 1912 |
Robert Charles Jeffery Goode
Ninon Guillaume
about 1887 |
1887 |
Stanley Guillaume
1890 |
William Guillaume
1863 |
1901 |
Caroline Gertrude Thomson
William Guillaume
1925 |
1 May 1982 |
Yvonne Louise Guillaume
1914 |
Walter Addison Scott
[Private] Guillaume
David Gray
[Private] Guillaume
[Private] Desimone
[Private] Guillaume
[Private] Findlay
Gullett |
Ann Harriett Gullett
about 1836 |
Isaac Kingwell
Susan Gullett
about 1827 |
William Horton
Gulley |
Edith Dorcas Gulley
about 1885 |
Edward Gulley
about 1824 |
Sarah Beale
Edwin John Gulley
about 1881 |
Emily Jane Gulley
about 1874 |
Henry Edward Gulley
about 1879 |
John Gulley
about 1847 |
1890 |
Elizabeth Anne Kerswell
Louisa Mary Gulley
about 1872 |
Mabel Elizabeth Gulley
about 1888 |
Sarah Ann Gulley
about 1870 |
Philip Horton,
James Pratt
Thomas Richard Gulley
about 1883 |
William Gulley
about 1868 |
Gunn |
Alexander Gunn
about 1851 |
Isabella Rosie
Alexander Gunn
about 1897 |
Alexander John Gunn
6 Sep 1889 |
6 Jul 1916 |
Alexander Sinclair Gunn
about 1871 |
29 Dec 1935 |
Elizabeth Jane Tosh
Alexander Sinclair Gunn
about 1894 |
Alexandrina Gunn
about 1884 |
Andrew Rugg Gunn
26 Nov 1884 |
1 Sep 1972 |
Gertrude Martha Smith,
Margaret Reid Shackleton,
Cecilia Mary Gresham-Wells
Ann Gunn
Thomas Georgeson
Annie Gray Gunn
about 1892 |
Barbara Baike Gunn
about 1890 |
Charles Edward Gunn
3 Jan 1949 |
1978 |
Christina Gunn
about 1887 |
Dorothea Rachel Gunn
26 Dec 1890 |
16 Feb 1958 |
Elizabeth Gunn
about 1897 |
Elizabeth Maud Gunn
23 Feb 1888 |
1971 |
Donald MacRae
George Sinclair Gunn
about 1900 |
Georgina Gunn
about 1854 |
Donald Coghill
Georgina Gunn
about 1886 |
Helen Gray Gunn
about 1898 |
Isabella Gunn
16 Apr 1886 |
Daniel George Smith
Isabella Gunn
about 1893 |
Isabella Gunn
about 1882 |
Isabelle Gunn
Robert McKay
J Malcolm Gunn
about 1905 |
James Gunn
about 1858 |
Christina McKenzie
James Gunn
about 1893 |
1893 |
Jane Gunn
6 Sep 1842 |
Jane Gunn
about 1881 |
Janet Gunn
John McKenzie
Janet MacKenzie Gunn
about 1885 |
Jessie Manson Gunn
about 1899 |
John Douglas Gunn
5 Apr 1861 |
25 Nov 1940 |
Mary McLean,
Margaret Mary Munro
John Gunn
about 1875 |
John Gunn
about 1896 |
John Ramsay Gunn
about 1897 |
John Williamson Gunn
about 1898 |
Margaret Gunn
4 Jul 1840 |
Margaret Jane Gunn
29 Jun 1873 |
1 Jan 1934 |
Robert Fairfull
Marjorie Smith Gunn
about 1876 |
Mary Jane Gunn
about 1901 |
Mary Jane Gunn
about 1889 |
Sinclair Gunn
about 1846 |
Jessie Manson,
Elizabeth Williamson
Sinclair Gunn
about 1895 |
Sinclair Gunn
about 1900 |
Sinclair Gunn
about 1894 |
Sinclair Gunn
about 1879 |
Violet Graham Gunn
about 1904 |
William Gunn
about 1834 |
16 Dec 1870 |
Elizabeth Rugg
William Gunn
28 May 1863 |
1898 |
William Gunn
26 Jun 1816 |
13 Aug 1871 |
Margaret Manson,
Alexandrina Cumming
William Gunn
Jean Rosie
William Gunn
about 1848 |
William Gunn
about 1868 |
Elizabeth Nicolson
William Gunn
about 1874 |
William Gunn
1879 |
1880 |
William John Gunn
about 1882 |
[Private] Gunn
[Private] Osborne
[Private] Gunn
[Private] Alexander
[Private] Gunn
[Private] Chisholm
[Private] Gunn
[Private] Mackenzie
[Private] Gunn
[Private] Rochford
[Private] Gunn
[Private] Grimstone
Gunnell |
John William Gunnell
Edith Emily Starks
Gunniston |
Mary Gunniston
Nathaniel Clark
Gynn |
Charlotte Parsons Gynn
about 1843 |
George Mann Curtice
Haggard |
Margaret Haggard
1820 |
1860 |
Christopher Coulson
Thomas Haggard
Hannah Unknown
Haggas |
Martha Haggas
Kitchingman Horn
Hale |
Amy Eliza Hale
William Henry Paige
Haley |
Caroline Haley
about 1857 |
George Coulson Hill
Jane Colwich Haley
John Phillips Paige
Samuel Haley
William Colwich Haley
Haliday |
Elizabeth Haliday
10 Apr 1872 |
6 Jan 1944 |
Arthur Edwin Emms
Hall |
Alice Ann Hall
1851 |
Elijah Crompton
Annie Sarah Hall
about 1852 |
Arabella Hall
about 1821 |
John Allan
Arabella Hall
about 1857 |
Catherine Edith Hall
about 1860 |
Catherine Hall
about 1832 |
Benjamin Maggs
Charlotte Hall
1855 |
Charlotte Hall
about 1825 |
Elizabeth Dennis Hall
about 1830 |
25 Apr 1831 |
Elizabeth Hall
about 1766 |
James Gough
Ellen Hall
about 1827 |
Ellen Mary Hall
about 1855 |
Ernest Edward Hall
about 1864 |
George Harrison Hall
about 1829 |
Sarah Newman
George William Hall
about 1867 |
Harold C Hall
16 Sep 1897 |
Ivy Audrey Bond
Harrison George Hall
about 1834 |
1874 |
Harrison George Hall
about 1862 |
1893 |
Harrison Hall
about 1798 |
29 May 1838 |
Arabella Mann
Henry Shilleto Hall
about 1871 |
Georgiana Elizabeth Coulson
James Hall
1807 |
Sarah Unknown
John Wilton Hall
about 1862 |
Jonathan Hall
1854 |
Margaret Hall
1843 |
Mary Hall
1845 |
Mary Hall
about 1823 |
Millicent Elizabeth Hall
about 1897 |
William Hall
1839 |
Hallam |
Edith Mary Hallam
about 1888 |
Jonathan Hallam
Samuel Hallam
about 1860 |
Janet Rugg
Walter Hallam
about 1890 |
Halliday |
Archibald Thomas Charity Halliday
about 1908 |
Archibald William A Halliday
Winifred Susan Kingwell
Gerard Henry Halliday
about 1905 |
Margaret Susan Halliday
about 1904 |
Halstead |
Albert Halstead
1867 |
Emma Irving
Alfred Halstead
about 1894 |
Alice Halstead
about 1891 |
Amy Halstead
about 1896 |
Arthur Halstead
1864 |
Elizabeth Lindley
Betty Halstead
6 Sep 1772 |
11 Nov 1786 |
Christopher Halstead
22 Jul 1780 |
David Halstead
1875 |
1876 |
Elizabeth Ann Halstead
about 1846 |
16 Oct 1884 |
Elizabeth Halstead
1866 |
Elizabeth Halstead
1859 |
Elizabeth Halstead
24 Mar 1808 |
Emma Halstead
about 1850 |
1851 |
Emma Halstead
1856 |
1879 |
Eva Halstead
about 1902 |
George Halstead
1872 |
George Halstead
1862 |
Mary Elizabeth Jones,
Emily Lawrence
Grace Halstead
8 Feb 1780 |
20 Sep 1780 |
Hannah Halstead
about Oct 1810 |
George Horn
Harold Halstead
about 1899 |
26 Jun 1916 |
Henry Halstead
28 Apr 1799 |
Ann Ackroyd
Henry Halstead
27 Nov 1779 |
Henry Halstead
about 1847 |
1883 |
James Halstead
about 1786 |
1835 |
Ann Sutcliffe
James Halstead
1864 |
James Halstead
about 1824 |
Mary Ann Mellor,
Mary Haslop
James Halstead
1850 |
1851 |
John Halstead
27 Apr 1775 |
John Halstead
26 Aug 1781 |
22 Mar 1785 |
Lena Halstead
about 1904 |
Lilly Halstead
about 1891 |
Margaret Halstead
about 1848 |
1848 |
Martha Halstead
22 Mar 1767 |
Martha Halstead
about 1862 |
Mary Ann Halstead
23 Sep 1844 |
20 Sep 1901 |
Sugden Shackleton
Mary Ann Halstead
1858 |
James Grason Firth
Mary Ann Halstead
about 1814 |
John Lees
Mary Halstead
8 Jan 1774 |
Nancy Halstead
about 1822 |
Abraham Lees
Olive Halstead
25 Apr 1784 |
Richard Halstead
about 1820 |
11 Mar 1885 |
Margaret Gawthorp,
Elizabeth Kelly
Richard Halstead
1869 |
Robert Halstead
2 Nov 1783 |
Sarah Ann Halstead
1854 |
Noble Norman
Sarah Ann Halstead
about 1886 |
George Pickering
Sarah Halstead
about 1860 |
Sarah Halstead
about 1846 |
1847 |
William Halstead
1 Nov 1769 |
William Halstead
1856 |
1856 |
William L Halstead
about 1908 |
Ham |
Albert Ham
about 1859 |
Eliza Edith Chase
Joan Ham
Robert Carter
Robert Dillon Ham
Hamer |
Lena Hamer
James Medling
Peter Hamer
Sarah Agnes Austin
[Private] Hamer
Hamill |
[Private] Hamill
[Private] O'Donnell Bourke
Hamley |
William Walter Hamley
[Private] Kingwell
Hamling |
Sarah Jane Hamling
about 1856 |
Francis Veale
Hamlyn |
Harriet Hamlyn
about 1803 |
14 Jan 1888 |
William Horton
Mary Hamlyn
Robert Weeks
Mary Hamlyn
about 1799 |
Thomas Burridge Horton
Hammer |
Anna Hammer
[Private] Edwards
Hammond |
Foster Arthur Samuel Hammond
about 1909 |
Foster Gilbert Belton Hammond
about 1882 |
Ada Mary Kingwell
James Edward Hammond
29 Nov 1901 |
Lucy Eileen Coulson
James Hammond
Isabella Unknown
Oswald Charles Hammond
about 1910 |
[Private] Hammond
[Private] Hammond
Hampton |
Eliza Hampton
about 1863 |
Elizabeth Hampton
about 1856 |
Ellen Hampton
about 1853 |
Emily Hampton
about 1858 |
George Hampton
about 1825 |
Harriet Cole
George Hampton
about 1859 |
Henry Hampton
about 1868 |
Mary Jane Hampton
about 1851 |
Handsley |
Walter Handsley
about 1845 |
Ann Chambers Casswell
Hanesworth |
David Hanesworth
1767 |
Jane Wrigglesworth
David Hanesworth
Mary Willson
Elizabeth Hanesworth
1 May 1806 |
Frances Hanesworth
29 Oct 1792 |
Robert Bellerby
Jane Hanesworth
about 1807 |
Thomas Gough
Hanham |
Abdiel Hanham
9 Oct 1820 |
1908 |
Elizabeth Nettleton,
Evangeline Gertrude Pegg
Abdiel William Hanham
1857 |
Algernon Basil Hanham
about 1894 |
Elizabeth Hanham
16 May 1829 |
Eric Abdiel Hanham
about 1892 |
Ethel Mary Hanham
about 1867 |
Frank Herbert Hanham
about 1856 |
Frederick Hanham
4 Dec 1826 |
Margaret Anne Cook
Gertrude Nettleton Hanham
1859 |
Grace Beatrice Hanham
about 1863 |
Harriet Sharland Hanham
15 Sep 1821 |
Edward Lockstone
Henry Hanham
3 May 1818 |
Howard Henry Hanham
about 1861 |
John Hanham
Ann Brooks
John Hanham
about 1795 |
John Hanham
about 1792 |
Kathleen Muriel Hanham
about 1887 |
Leonard Leighton Hanham
1870 |
Stanley Charles Hanham
about 1864 |
Vera Farnworth
Stella Blanche Hanham
about 1890 |
Stuart Aubrey Hanham
about 1889 |
Sybil Elaine Hanham
about 1895 |
1895 |
William Hanham
about 1793 |
8 Jan 1858 |
Marianne Sharland
William Hanham
25 May 1819 |
Matilda Elizabeth Robertson
Hann |
Judith Annie Hann
about 1853 |
1898 |
Fred Paige
Hannaford |
Eliza Ann Hannaford
about 1845 |
Elizabeth Hannaford
William Newman
Grace Paige Hannaford
about 1840 |
Robert Charles Walker
Mabel Annie Hannaford
about 1877 |
Thomas Rugg
Mary Ann Week Hannaford
Mary Hannaford
Christopher Newman
William Kay Hannaford
about 1815 |
Grace Paige
William Paige Hannaford
about 1850 |
Hanns |
George Hanns
about 1789 |
Grace Blanchard Hanns
about 1792 |
Hannah Hanns
about 1783 |
Joanna Hanns
about 1785 |
Solomon Perry
Lillington Hanns
about 1749 |
1829 |
Grace Blanchard
Hanson |
Ambler Hanson
about 1846 |
Mary Ann Bright
Ann Hanson
about 1842 |
Emma Hanson
1849 |
Joseph Harrison
Evelyn Piddocke Hanson
1857 |
16 Mar 1944 |
Robert Webber Kingwell
George Hanson
about 1807 |
Hannah Hanson
1843 |
John Hanson
about 1834 |
John Hanson
4 Mar 1789 |
1816 |
Martha Clapham
John Hanson
Hannah Piddocke
John Hanson
about 1806 |
Joseph Hanson
Lydia Garnet
Joseph Hanson
1 Nov 1793 |
Lydia Hanson
about 1814 |
1814 |
Lydia Hanson
about 1816 |
James Smith
Martha Hanson
about 1814 |
Martha Hanson
about 1839 |
Mary Ann Hanson
1844 |
Mary Hanson
about 1813 |
18 Apr 1869 |
Joseph Shackleton
Morris Hanson
about 1811 |
Nancy Hanson
5 Nov 1796 |
Sarah Hanson
28 Jul 1810 |
James Leach
Sarah Hanson
about 1810 |
Sarah Hanson
about 1837 |
Sarah Hanson
20 Nov 1791 |
Thomas Hanson
9 Jan 1812 |
before 1861 |
Rebecca Ambler
Thomas Hanson
about 1808 |
Thomas Hanson
16 Dec 1786 |
William Hanson
about 1805 |
Mary Ann Nicholls
Harbut |
Mary Anne Harbut
about 1835 |
John Scorey
Harden |
Ellen Harden
John Shuttleworth
Hardie |
David Hardie
Lucy R Constance Le Sage
Harding |
Sophia Harding
about 1815 |
Job Rooke
Hardman |
George Hardman
about 1833 |
Rosanna Woods
George Williams Hardman
about 1809 |
John Hardman
about 1813 |
Ann Hodkinson
John Hardman
about 1881 |
Margaret Crompton
Paul Hardman
about 1821 |
Sarah Hardman
10 May 1811 |
1879 |
William Kaywood
Thomas Hardman
Hannah Williams
Thomas Hardman
about 1806 |
Tom Hardman
1911 |
Hardy |
Annie Hardy
about 1879 |
Arthur Edward Coulson
Joseph Hardy
Susanna Casswell
Harford |
Jane Harford
about 1831 |
John Newsham
Matthew Harford
about 1809 |
Hargraves |
Nancy Hargraves
about 1814 |
James Wood
Harland |
Hannah Harland
about 1806 |
William Potts
Harper |
Ann Maria Harper
22 Jun 1847 |
William Kingwell
Edith Jane Harper
about 1880 |
Edward Harper
Ann Unknown
Fanny Matilda Harper
about 1873 |
about 1874 |
James Harper
John Harper
about 1847 |
6 Aug 1923 |
Matilda Fanny Kingwell
John Thomas Harper
about 1870 |
Margeret Jane Harper
about 1877 |
Samuel John K Harper
about 1869 |
Harrigan |
Annie Harrigan
about 1871 |
John Hovell
Harrington |
Mabel Harrington
Harold Christmas Jones
[Private] Harrington
Harris |
Dorothy Harris
about 1900 |
Edgar Matthias Harris
about 1807 |
1873 |
Emma Sharland
Gordon J Harris
[Private] Fairhurst
James Gilbert Harris
about 1873 |
Mabel Annie Kingwell
James Harris
Ann Horton
John D C Harris
[Private] Davis
John Gilbert Harris
Maria Harris
15 Apr 1866 |
William Gullett Kingwell
Matthias Harris
Maria Unknown
Sophie Harris
Lewis Banjamin
[Private] Harris
[Private] Kingwell
Harrison |
Cyril Harrison
[Private] Worthington
Elsie Harrison
about 1893 |
Percival Barnett
Emma H Harrison
about 1875 |
Esther Harrison
about 1780 |
James Taylor
Evelyn Harrison
about 1877 |
Hannah Harrison
1820 |
Michael Coulson
Harold Waddington Harrison
about 1883 |
Hylda M W Harrison
about 1880 |
John Harrison
John Harrison
Ellen Unknown
Joseph Harrison
about 1844 |
Emma Hanson
Mabel Harrison
about 1871 |
Margaret Ethel Harrison
about 1874 |
Mary Gertrude Harrison
about 1870 |
Reginald William Hanson Harrison
about 1881 |
Roger Harrison
Sarah Harrison
about 1816 |
John Waters
Harry |
Mary Eliza Harry
about 1817 |
William Henry Kingwell Almond
William Harry
Mary Unknown
Hart |
Catherine Hart
Giles Seddon
Charles Hart
about 1842 |
Emily Hart
about 1847 |
George Hart
about 1855 |
George Lennard Paige Hart
about 1897 |
George Sidney Hart
about 1858 |
Susannah Paige
James Hart
1850 |
John Hart
about 1844 |
Stephen Hart
about 1816 |
Harriet Hayward
Hartland |
Jacob Hartland
Ann Unknown
Stella May Hartland
Sep 1877 |
Cleverly John Kingwell
Hartley |
Ellen Hartley
about 1805 |
William Pickles
Hartshorn |
Elgin Constant Hartshorn
30 Aug 1858 |
1937 |
Ada Howland
Lucius Hartshorn
Sophia Bishop
Hartshorn or Howland |
Mildred A Hartshorn or Howland
3 Jan 1884 |
1971 |
William Henry Snow,
William Henry Lines
Rachel Blossom Hartshorn or Howland
12 May 1887 |
15 Mar 1977 |
Alfred Idso
Harvey |
Catherine Harvey
about 1743 |
Elizabeth Harvey
about 1734 |
Elizabeth Harvey
about 1738 |
Emily Blanche Harvey
about 1852 |
Walter Reuben Lockstone
Hannah Mill Harvey
about 1864 |
Thomas Canniford
Jean Harvey
John Russell
John Harvey
Audrey Evens
Mary Ann Harvey
Samuel Burton
Mary Harvey
James Middling
Nicholas Harvey
Susanna Woodrow
Patience Harvey
about 1771 |
Joseph Ball
Thomasin Harvey
about 1735 |
William Harvey
about 1732 |
Haskell |
Fanny Haskell
about 1858 |
George Haskell
about 1831 |
Emma Horton
Jessie Haskell
about 1860 |
Rosina Haskell
about 1856 |
Thomas Haskell
Haslop |
Mary Haslop
about 1831 |
James Halstead
Thomas Haslop
Hatchman |
Eliza Hatchman
about 1886 |
Ernest Hatchman
about 1895 |
George Hatchman
about 1861 |
Susanna Heaton,
Sylvia Morris
James Hatchman
about 1906 |
James Hatchman
Alice Unknown
Mary Elizabeth Hatchman
about 1885 |
John Crompton
Peter Hatchman
about 1878 |
Susannah Crompton
Phyllis Hatchman
about 1909 |
Thomas Hatchman
Hatton |
William Hatton
Mary Ann Paige
Hawes |
Matilda Hawes
18 Nov 1845 |
William Tapsell
Hawke |
Betsey Hawke
about 1838 |
Philip Horton Luscombe
Hawkins |
Bernard Henry Hawkins
27 Sep 1829 |
1918 |
Hannah Maria Wiscombe
Charles Hawkins
about 1801 |
1835 |
Mary Scobell
Charles Scobell Hawkins
about 1863 |
George Sydney Hawkins
about 1832 |
1833 |
John Hawkins
about 1831 |
Joseph Scobell Hawkins
about 1825 |
Richard Scobell Hawkins
about 1834 |
Samuel James Hawkins
about 1852 |
1905 |
Sarah Ann Hawkins
about 1831 |
1914 |
Archibald M Howland
Sophia Scobell Hawkins
27 Sep 1829 |
William Hawkins
about 1830 |
Hayes |
Amelia Hayes
8 May 1838 |
John Glasson,
Philip Horton
James Hayes
about 1799 |
Elizabeth Unknown
Hayhurst |
Alfred E Hayhurst
about 1880 |
Florence Blanche Shapland
Hayman |
Elizabeth Hayman
about 1815 |
Thomas Conybeare
John Hayman
Haynes |
George Haynes
about 1886 |
Florence Georgina Horton
George Haynes
Hayward |
Charles Hayward
about 1834 |
Hannah Hayward
about 1805 |
8 Sep 1805 |
Harriet Hayward
about 1818 |
Stephen Hart
Henry Hayward
about 1840 |
James Hayward
about 1806 |
Ann White
Jane Hayward
about 1813 |
Thomas Starks
Louisa Hayward
about 1811 |
Mary Ann Hayward
about 1803 |
Susan Hayward
about 1816 |
Thomas Hayward
about 1781 |
Mary Lawrence
Thomas Hayward
about 1836 |
William Hayward
about 1820 |
Head |
Jane Head
Philip Horton
Mary Anne Head
11 Feb 1798 |
Alexander Horton
Robert H Head
[Private] Fairhurst
Robert Head
Mary Unknown
William Head
[Private] Head
[Private] Robinson
[Private] Head
[Private] Head
Headley |
Ada Headley
about 1873 |
John James Colman
Elizabeth Headley
about 1867 |
George William Headley
about 1878 |
Henry Headley
about 1861 |
Jane Headley
about 1875 |
John Thomas Headley
1870 |
Mary Ann Headley
about 1864 |
Sarah Headley
about 1859 |
John Nelson,
Robert Bond
William Headley
about 1835 |
Jane Unknown
Healey |
John William Healey
1882 |
Susanna Pye
Heard |
John Heard
Ann Kingwell
Hearn |
Jessie Hearn
about Feb 1877 |
before 1910 |
Richard Stanley Scobell
Heath |
Ellen Dorcas Heath
1858 |
Francis John Sharland
Mary Ann Heath
about 1815 |
William Henry Lockstone
Phyllis Charlotte Heath
9 Mar 1900 |
Charles Godfrey Casswell
Heaton |
Annie Heaton
31 May 1897 |
1898 |
Edmund Heaton
about 1824 |
Elizabeth Unknown
Holmes Heaton
9 Apr 1866 |
Mary Shackleton
Jack Heaton
19 Jun 1908 |
James Heaton
James S Heaton
16 Sep 1901 |
Edith Taylor
Susanna Heaton
about 1861 |
1886 |
George Hatchman
Thomas Heaton
5 Apr 1892 |
Mary Smith,
Mabel Milne
Walter Heaton
9 Jun 1898 |
1898 |
[Private] Heaton
[Private] Heaton
[Private] Heaton
Hedgcock |
[Private] Hedgcock
[Private] Casswell
Helldahl |
Nicolai Erik Helldahl
about 1849 |
about 1887 |
Sophia Jane Rose
Hellyer |
Elizabeth Hellyer
about 1786 |
Henry Hodge
John Hellyer
Sarah Hellyer
John Horton
Hemingway |
Albert Hemingway
about 1890 |
Andrew Hemingway
about 1886 |
Fred Hemingway
about 1891 |
Mary Kate Kingwell
John Edward Hemingway
about 1858 |
Mary Jane Buckingham
Sarah May Hemingway
about 1893 |
[Private] Hemingway
Hemmett |
Amy Hemmett
about 1790 |
10 Nov 1853 |
Richard Wyatt Kingwell
Hender |
Jane Hender
about 1810 |
William Crowhurst
Henderson |
Chirsty Henderson
John Baikie
Henley |
Catherine Henley
about 1780 |
William Drew
Henshaw |
Jennie Henshaw
about 1891 |
Richard Hubert White
William Henshaw
about 1821 |
Mary Thompson
Henson |
Ann Henson
about 1799 |
1892 |
Thomas Casswell
Francis Henson
Ann Unknown
Herrett |
Henry Herrett
about 1856 |
Ellizabeth Ellen Taylor
Herring |
Ann Herring
John Lumby
Hesmondhalgh |
Henry Hesmondhalgh
25 Jan 1891 |
Agnes Ellen Pilkington
[Private] Hesmondhalgh
[Private] Hesmondhalgh
[Private] Hesmondhalgh
[Private] Hesmondhalgh
[Private] Hesmondhalgh
[Private] Hesmondhalgh
Hetherington |
James Hetherington
Jane Coulson
[Private] Hetherington
Hey |
Mary Ann Hey
about 1853 |
John Hindle
Hiatt |
Hazel Hiatt
John Rowe Kingwell
Hickin |
Lucy Hickin
about 1836 |
Javes Spindler
Hicks |
Amelia Hicks
Edouard A Le Sage
Hiern |
Avis Hiern
about 1726 |
23 Mar 1759 |
John Silke,
George Mann
Avis Hiern
about 1723 |
12 Jan 1725 |
Charles Hiern
about 1720 |
James Hiern
about 1717 |
Mary Hiern
Philip Welsh
Thomas Hiern
Priscilla Nash
Higgins |
Alfred Charles Higgins
about 1898 |
Ernest Charles Higgins
about 1887 |
Lilian Claretta Higgins
about 1891 |
Rosina Matilda Higgins
about 1885 |
William Higgins
about 1865 |
Matilda Horton
William Higgins
William James Higgins
about 1884 |
[Private] Higgins
[Private] O'Donnell Bourke
[Private] Higgins
[Private] Higgins
[Private] Gerrard
[Private] Higgins
[Private] Bosåen
[Private] Higgins
Higham |
Alice Higham
about 1843 |
Alice Higham
about 1833 |
1840 |
Alice Higham
about 1872 |
Alice Higham
about 1810 |
Alice Higham
about 1850 |
Becky Higham
about 1867 |
Betsy Higham
about 1836 |
1840 |
Betsy Higham
about 1835 |
1836 |
Betty Higham
22 Apr 1839 |
Edward Higham
20 Feb 1816 |
1858 |
Esther Ellen Higham
1860 |
Fanny Higham
about 1859 |
1860 |
George Higham
5 Mar 1808 |
1868 |
Sarah Sharples
George Higham
about 1855 |
1856 |
Henry Higham
23 Mar 1812 |
23 May 1812 |
Henry Higham
23 Apr 1813 |
Fanny Catterall
Henry Higham
about 1852 |
James Higham
19 May 1806 |
Jannett Higham
about 1855 |
John Higham
about 1839 |
Ann Tonge
John Higham
about 1767 |
1841 |
Betty Unknown
John Higham
10 Apr 1801 |
John Higham
26 Dec 1836 |
Joseph Higham
about 1829 |
Betty Chatterton
Joseph Higham
about 1877 |
Margaret Higham
about 1861 |
Mary Ann Higham
about 1848 |
Mary Higham
22 Apr 1839 |
1840 |
Richard Higham
3 Sep 1804 |
Robert Higham
4 Nov 1802 |
Sarah Ann Higham
1857 |
Sarah Ellen Higham
about 1865 |
James Nuttall
Sarah Higham
about 1841 |
Susannah Higham
about 1849 |
1923 |
Thomas Crompton
Thomas Higham
2 Apr 1845 |
William Higham
15 Apr 1799 |
William Higham
about 1857 |
1858 |
Higley |
Mary Ann Higley
1840 |
John Winser
Hill |
Ada Annie Hill
1891 |
Charles William Swan
Ann Hill
about 1775 |
Christopher Coulson
Arthur Manley Hill
21 Jan 1843 |
Cecilia Elizabeth Hill
about 1878 |
Charles Roche Hill
about 1838 |
Eliza Hill
1830 |
Hiram Fowler
Elizabeth Hill
about 1839 |
before 1851 |
Fanny Hill
about 1841 |
George Coulson Hill
about 1857 |
22 Jun 1929 |
Caroline Haley
George Hill
Gertrude Hill
about 1903 |
Irving Haladay Emms
Harry Hill
6 May 1913 |
Ethel Greenhalgh
Henry Ernest Hill
14 Jun 1846 |
Henry Hill
about 1864 |
Mary Jane Barton
Herbert Hill
10 Mar 1891 |
Annie Crompton
John Edwin Dickson Hill
about 1837 |
John Hill
Lucy Unknown
John Thomas Hill
about 1811 |
Frances Scoble
Julia Hill
Jarvis Newman
Margaret Hill
about 1837 |
Robert Watt
Marjorie Hill
about 1921 |
13 Dec 2002 |
Frank Kell
Marjorie Hill
about 1899 |
Mary Ann Hill
John Rogers
Mary Hill
22 Apr 1910 |
Arnold Brooks
Mary Jane Hill
about 1841 |
Melony Hill
Richard Edwin Hill
14 Apr 1844 |
Sarah Pash Hill
about 1789 |
John Stickland
Thomas Hill
William Arthur Hill
about 1876 |
William Hill
about 1830 |
Elizabeth Coulson,
Jemima Augusta Hodgson
William Hill
before 1851 |
Elizabeth Kingwell
William John Hill
14 Dec 1849 |
[Private] Hill
[Private] Young
[Private] Hill
[Private] Lomax
[Private] Hill
Dorothy Unknown
[Private] Hill
[Private] Unknown
[Private] Hill
[Private] Hill
[Private] Hill
[Private] Hill
[Private] Hill
[Private] Hill
Hills |
Stela Eaton Hills
Gurden Adolph Merchant
Hillson |
Elizabeth Hillson
Joseph Scoble
Elizabeth Hillson
about 1838 |
Alexander Horton
George Hillson
Peggy Horton
Kitty Hillson
about 1791 |
Richard Atwill
Margaret Northmore Hillson
about 1843 |
William Alexander Horton,
George Cawrse
Mary Jane Hillson
about 1850 |
Richard Mumford Horton
Richard Hillson
about 1813 |
Eliza Horton
William Hillson
William Hillson
Hilson |
Mary Hilson
about 1804 |
John Horton
Hilton |
Alice Ann Hilton
about 1867 |
Nicholas Holden
Charles Henry Hilton
about 1855 |
Elizabeth Ann Hilton
about 1854 |
1854 |
Elizabeth Hilton
about 1862 |
John Hilton
[Private] McNally
John Hilton
about 1821 |
Sarah Cardwell
Joseph Hilton
about 1860 |
Mary Ellen Hilton
about 1858 |
Hincks |
Elizabeth Hincks
about 1662 |
Henry Arrowsmith,
Richard Casswell
John Hincks
Hinde |
Edith Mary Woodhams Hinde
about 1879 |
William Horton
Hindle |
Jane Hindle
about 1893 |
1893 |
John Hindle
about 1852 |
10 Oct 1920 |
Lydia Shackleton,
Mary Ann Hey
John Hindle
about 1897 |
Joseph Hindle
about 1889 |
Mary Ann Hindle
about 1887 |
Polly Hindle
about 1890 |
1891 |
Sarah Hannah Hindle
about 1888 |
Thomas Hindle
about 1886 |
William Hindle
about 1892 |
Hinds |
Catherine Mary Hinds
about 1884 |
Edmund John Hinds
about 1889 |
Edmund Wason Hinds
about 1853 |
Catherine Rugg
Elizabeth Chris Hinds
about 1882 |
Jessie Hinds
about 1885 |
Victoria Emily Hinds
about 1887 |
Hine |
Sarah Hine
about 1805 |
Richard Langworthy
Hingston |
Charlotte Hingston
about 1811 |
Grace Cutmore Hingston
about 1817 |
Philip Horton
Mary Hingston
about 1790 |
Peter Hingston
Grace Unknown
Richard Paige Hingston
17 Aug 1823 |
25 Jul 1824 |
William Hingston
about 1787 |
Julian Paige
William Hingston
Mary Randle
William Hingston
about 1813 |
Hislop |
Mary Hislop
about 1838 |
18 Mar 1880 |
William Collins
Hitchins |
Jahu Hitchins
Jemima Hitchins
Thomas Chubb
Hitt |
John Hitt
Elizabeth Butson
Sarah Butson Hitt
about 1766 |
William Marden
Hoar |
Honour Hoar
about 1804 |
Samuel Southcott
Jane Ann Hoar
about 1870 |
William Henry Dyer
John Hoar
Fanny Unknown
Hoare |
John Hoare
Audrey Florence Kingwell
Hobson |
Ernest Edward Hobson
about 1884 |
Henry John Hobson
about 1849 |
Emma Crane
John Richard Hobson
20 Dec 1861 |
Hannah Jackson
Percy Hobson
about 1885 |
Robert Hobson
18 Dec 1887 |
Muriel Wells
Robert Hobson
about 1813 |
Elizabeth Westerman
Robert Hobson
Ann Whiteley
Winifred Alice Hobson
26 Apr 1886 |
[Private] Hobson
[Private] Hobson
[Private] Carr-Brion
[Private] Hobson
Elizabeth Margaret Humphreys
[Private] Hobson
Hockaday |
Charles Alfred Hockaday
about 1877 |
Ellen Kate Hockaday
about 1879 |
Philip Henry Hockaday
about 1876 |
William Henry Hockaday
about 1850 |
Mary Anne Walk Horton
Hodder |
Emma Hodder
about 1826 |
Thomas Paige
Francis Hodder
Mary Unknown
Hodge |
Bridget Hodge
about 1816 |
Elizabeth Hodge
about 1811 |
Elsie Emmeline Hodge
1864 |
Francis Robert Hodge
1839 |
1909 |
Margaret Welch,
Fanny Caroline Kingwell
Gladwise Hodge
about 1818 |
Harriet Hellier Hodge
about 1825 |
Harriet Hodge
21 Mar 1794 |
Henry Hellier Hodge
about 1808 |
Henry Hodge
Elizabeth Hellyer
Henry Paige Hodge
about 1822 |
Joan Hodge
Samuel Earle
Leonard Percival Hodge
1865 |
Lilian Mabel Hodge
1867 |
Louisa Hodge
about 1840 |
Guillaume Guillaume
Mary Hodge
about 1822 |
Minnie Maud Margret Hodge
1866 |
Susanna Fairweather Hodge
about 1812 |
Susannah Hodge
about 1813 |
22 May 1888 |
Richard Scobell
Thomas Hodge
Mary Kingwell
Thomas Hodge
1796 |
Thomas Hodge
Susanna Paige
Thomas Hodge
about 1815 |
Thomas Hodge
Ann Selick
Hodgson |
Albert Hodgson
about 1905 |
Archelaus Hodgson
about 1902 |
Archelaus Hodgson
about 1909 |
Arthur Hodgson
about 1899 |
Catherine Hodgson
about 1751 |
Richard Casswell
Christiana Hodgson
about 1830 |
Charles Coulson
Dora Ellen Hodgson
about 1911 |
Elizabeth Hodgson
Richard Casswell
Elizabeth Maud Hodgson
about 1906 |
Henry Hodgson
about 1907 |
James Hodgson
about 1880 |
Emily Christina Kingwell
James Hodgson
about 1903 |
Jemima Augusta Hodgson
about 1844 |
William Hill
John Bryan Hodgson
about 1909 |
John Hodgson
about 1871 |
Annie Kingwell
John Hodgson
about 1900 |
John Hodgson
about 1838 |
Elizabeth Unknown
John Hodgson
about 1904 |
Hodkinson |
Ann Hodkinson
John Hardman
Hogan |
Mary Hogan
Solomon Perry
[Private] Hogan
[Private] Fleming
Hogg |
Betty Hogg
about 1808 |
William Kay
Holcroft |
Alexander Holcroft
Eva Medling
[Private] Holcroft
[Private] Holcroft
[Private] Holcroft
[Private] Holcroft
Holden |
Albert Stott Holden
about 1888 |
Maud Mary Wilkins
Alice Holden
about 1884 |
Frederick Baron Wild
Caroline Holden
about 1885 |
1885 |
David Holden
about 1822 |
Jane Copperthwait
Ellen Holden
about 1881 |
Ellen Holden
about 1891 |
Ellen Holden
about 1858 |
Elsie Holden
about 1898 |
Emily Holden
31 May 1878 |
Giles Ainsworth
Florence Holden
28 Oct 1879 |
12 Feb 1971 |
Thomas Ainsworth
Green Holden
1850 |
about 1931 |
Caroline Stott
Green Holden
about 1821 |
1855 |
Eliza Jones
Hannah Holden
8 Jul 1893 |
Robert Horrocks
Harry Holden
6 Feb 1908 |
Barbara Metcalfe
Herbert Holden
about 1897 |
John Holden
about 1895 |
Lawrence Holden
about 1830 |
Lily Holden
about 1893 |
Mabel Holden
about 1905 |
Martha Holden
about 1891 |
Percy Greenhalgh
Mary Ann Holden
30 Sep 1886 |
Charles Stanley Whalley
Mary Ann Holden
about 1854 |
Nicholas Holden
about 1851 |
Alice Ann Hilton
Sarah Jane Holden
about 1876 |
John James Clough
Sarah Jane Holden
about 1856 |
Stephen Holden
about 1901 |
William Green Holden
2 Mar 1912 |
Enid M Arthur
William Holden
about 1781 |
Nanny Green
William Holden
about 1859 |
1860 |
[Private] Holden
[Private] Crompton
[Private] Holden
[Private] Cosgrove
[Private] Holden
[Private] O'Malley
[Private] Holden
[Private] Phillips
[Private] Holden
[Private] Holden
[Private] Holden
[Private] Holden
[Private] Holden
[Private] Holden
Holderness |
Elizabeth Holderness
about 1762 |
Joseph Casswell
Joseph Holderness
about 1760 |
1768 |
Mary Holderness
1746 |
Richard Holderness
Mary Green
Samuel Holderness
about 1717 |
Tryphena Casswell
Samuel Holderness
about 1754 |
Holland |
Mary Ann Holland
11 Feb 1869 |
William Henry Paige Penhey
Mary Holland
William Ashurst
Hollands |
Mary Hollands
about 1816 |
George Cutler
Nellie Hollands
about 1873 |
Edward Percy Sharland
Hollier |
Ann Hollier
26 Apr 1817 |
John Scorey
William Hollier
Agnes Woolfras
Hollingsworth |
John Hollingsworth
Susan Hollingsworth
George Hubert Edmonds
Hollingworth |
Hannah Hollingworth
about 1845 |
William Bond
John Hollingworth
about 1813 |
Holman |
Amanda Maria Holman
about 1850 |
Benjamin Edward Holman
about 1844 |
Mary Ann Kingwell
Benjamin Ernest Holman
about 1882 |
Benjamin Holman
about 1794 |
Elizabeth Winsor
Edward Holman
about 1847 |
Edward Kingwell Holman
Nov 1873 |
Nellie Unknown
Elizabeth Caroline Holman
about 1837 |
Ellen Elizabeth Holman
about 1831 |
Faith Ryana Winsor Holman
about 1840 |
1917 |
Thomas Henry Lethbridge
Francis Henry Holman
about 1834 |
George Gordon Leslie Holman
30 Nov 1897 |
Ethel Constance Gough
Henry Francis Holman
about 1842 |
Henry Holman
about 1825 |
17 Jul 1833 |
James Holman
about 1856 |
John Holman
about 1849 |
Louisa Holman
about 1822 |
16 Dec 1823 |
Louisa Jane Holman
about 1828 |
Margaretta Barons Holman
about 1876 |
Margaretta Holman
about 1852 |
Sydney James Holman
about 1879 |
Walter Holman
Annie Unknown
William Henry Holman
about 1841 |
Mary Ann Elliott
William Henry Holman
about 1871 |
William Holman
about 1820 |
Margaretta Horton Barons
Holmes |
Alfred Holmes
about 1890 |
Alice Holmes
about 1852 |
Annie Holmes
about 1879 |
Caroline Judith Holmes
13 Jan 1821 |
Catherine Margaret Holmes
5 Nov 1827 |
Edmond Holmes
27 Nov 1825 |
Elizabeth Holmes
about 1875 |
Emma Holmes
about 1848 |
Florence Holmes
about 1886 |
Frederick Holmes
about 1857 |
John Frederick Holmes
26 Dec 1823 |
John Holmes
about 1885 |
Louis Holmes
about 1828 |
Louisa Holmes
about 1832 |
Mary Holmes
about 1807 |
Mary Holmes
about 1854 |
Robert Holmes
about 1880 |
Sarah Holmes
about 1836 |
Sarah Holmes
about 1810 |
Thomas Holmes
about 1846 |
Frances Ann Coulson
Thomas Holmes
about 1883 |
Thomas Holmes
Sarah Wainman
Thomas Wainman Holmes
about 1844 |
Wainman Holmes
about 1805 |
Ann Walker,
Harriet Sharland Lockstone
Wainman Holmes
about 1826 |
William Arthur Holmes
about 1875 |
William Henry Holmes
about 1865 |
Emily Maria Hudson
William Henry Holmes
about 1858 |
William Wainman Holmes
26 Aug 1818 |
Sarah Bingham
Holt |
Emma Holt
about 1868 |
15 Mar 1947 |
George Austin
Mary Holt
about 1801 |
Thomas Pye
Holtby |
Jane Margaret Holtby
about 1873 |
Robert Holtby
about 1841 |
Caroline Tinsley Casswell
Holyland |
Ann Holyland
Thomas Messenger
Honner |
[Private] Honner
[Private] Kingwell
Honor |
Laura Honor
about 1873 |
Joseph Henry Silby
Hooke |
Jenny Hooke
30 Jun 1796 |
Alexander Horton
Samuel Hooke
Honor Unknown
Hooper |
Jane Hooper
about 1796 |
Richard Ball
Rowland Hooper
Ann Hopkins
Hopkins |
Alexander Joseph Hopkins
about 1895 |
Alfred Henry Hopkins
about 1892 |
12 Sep 1916 |
Elizabeth L Thompson
Alfred Hopkins
about 1889 |
Alfred Marflitt Hopkins
29 May 1914 |
18 Nov 1973 |
Alfred Tate Hopkins
about 1854 |
1946 |
Kate Rudd
Alice Maud Hopkins
about 1877 |
William Arthur Armstrong
Ann Hopkins
Rowland Hooper
Ann Hopkins
about 1880 |
Ann Hopkins
Dennis Curnock
Annie Elizabeth Hopkins
about 1908 |
Arthur George Hopkins
about 1897 |
Beatrice Ida Hopkins
about 1907 |
Cecil Hopkins
about 1900 |
Charles Lesley Hopkins
about 1904 |
Clarence Ernest Hopkins
about 1899 |
1899 |
Cyril Hopkins
1900 |
Doris Evelyn Hopkins
about 1898 |
Dorothy Hopkins
about 1909 |
Eliza Hopkins
23 Mar 1852 |
George Michael Philbin
Emily Mabel Hopkins
about 1896 |
1932 |
Percy Billingham
Florence May Maud Hopkins
about 1896 |
Frances Jane Hopkins
about 1900 |
Francis Alfred Hopkins
17 Nov 1875 |
1956 |
Jane Keatley Boyce
Francis Edward Hopkins
7 Apr 1897 |
1960 |
Ada Beatrice Bennett
Francis Hopkins
about 1865 |
Margaret Ann Dodds
Francis Hopkins
about 1892 |
Fred Hopkins
about 1861 |
1864 |
Freda Louise Hopkins
about 1903 |
Frederick Hopkins
about 1893 |
Hannah Eliza Hopkins
about 1873 |
Alexander Robinson
Harold Hopkins
about 1903 |
1903 |
Henry Hopkins
13 Jul 1849 |
Mary Jane Bentham,
Naomi Olive Bentham
Henry Hopkins
1828 |
8 Feb 1909 |
Hannah Tate
Henry William Hopkins
about 1881 |
Jane Hopkins
about 1888 |
John Hopkins
Kate Eleanor Hopkins
about 1878 |
Lillian Hopkins
about 1891 |
Margaret Alice Hopkins
about 1896 |
Mary Magdalen Hopkins
about 1858 |
1859 |
Ronald Francis Hopkins
26 Sep 1932 |
18 Nov 2009 |
Jean May Fields
Rosalind Maude Hopkins
about 1890 |
Victor Lionel Scotney
Stanley Hopkins
2 Feb 1934 |
1989 |
Vernie Gwendoline Hopkins
16 Nov 1893 |
1953 |
William Edward Antonia Hopkins
29 Jul 1894 |
Kate Scott
William Hopkins
about 1887 |
[Private] Hopkins
Robert Percy Coulson
[Private] Hopkins
[Private] Hopkins
[Private] Hopkins
[Private] Hopkins
[Private] Hopkins
[Private] Hopkins
[Private] Hopkins
[Private] Hopkins
[Private] Hopkins
Hopson |
Jessie Hopson
about 1849 |
Joseph Scobell Gould
William Hopson
Agnes Unknown
Hore |
Rose Hore
Richard Parnell
Horn |
Annie Horn
about 1873 |
Clara Horn
about 1891 |
David Horn
about 1834 |
Deborah Horn
about 1836 |
Ellen Louisa Horn
about 1864 |
Charles Cooksey
George Horn
7 Apr 1807 |
Hannah Halstead
James Horn
12 Feb 1811 |
Joseph Sanders Horn
about 1866 |
Joshua Horn
about 1817 |
Kitchingman Horn
Martha Haggas
Kitchingman Horn
about 1819 |
Kitchingman Horn
about 1821 |
Martha Horn
25 Aug 1808 |
Mary Elizabeth Horn
about 1869 |
Mary Horn
25 Aug 1808 |
Sarah Horn
about 1814 |
Thomas Hippsley Horn
about 1865 |
Clara Louisa Cook
Thomas Horn
William Horn
about 1838 |
Mary Jane Stokes
Horrocks |
Robert Horrocks
11 Apr 1886 |
Hannah Holden
[Private] Horrocks
[Private] Horrocks
Horsewell |
Sarah Horsewell
William Beare
Horsley |
Annie Horsley
about 1875 |
Arthur Wardill Horsley
about 1886 |
Denis W Horsley
about 1927 |
1929 |
Dorothy M Horsley
about 1931 |
1931 |
George Edwin Horsley
about 1877 |
Mary Horsley
about 1878 |
Robert Normanton Horsley
about 1910 |
Thomas William Horsley
about 1846 |
Frances Normanton
William Normanton Horsley
about 1884 |
1931 |
Sarah Ellen Longden,
Gladys Ellen Bond
William Normanton Horsley
about 1882 |
1883 |
Horswill |
Agnes Horswill
about 1796 |
Elizabeth Horswill
about 1805 |
Henry Grant Horswill
about 1799 |
Henry Horswill
about 1772 |
1840 |
Mary Ann Scoble
Mary Ann Scoble Horswill
about 1802 |
Sarah Scoble Horswill
about 1801 |
Horton |
Ada Horton
about 1874 |
Ada Kezia Horton
about 1858 |
1880 |
Ada Mary Horton
about 1893 |
Adeline Horton
about 1904 |
Agnes Horton
about 1786 |
1794 |
Agnes Horton
about 1803 |
Albert Horton
about 1885 |
Albert Horton
about 1899 |
Albert James Horton
about 1876 |
Albert William Horton
about 1888 |
Albert William Horton
1884 |
1884 |
Alexander Horton
13 Dec 1810 |
8 Sep 1871 |
Frances Tincombe Northmore,
Grace Corber
Alexander Horton
about 1788 |
19 Aug 1863 |
Jenny Hooke
Alexander Horton
about 1835 |
Elizabeth Hillson,
Maggie Galbraith
Alexander Horton
about 1753 |
1755 |
Alexander Horton
about 1757 |
1781 |
Alexander Horton
about 1795 |
Mary Anne Head
Alexander Horton
about 1812 |
1852 |
Alexander Horton
about 1826 |
Alexander Horton
about 1824 |
Elizabeth Avery
Alexander Horton
about 1844 |
Alexander Horton
about 1847 |
Louisa Wood
Alexander Horton
about 1860 |
Ann Elizabeth Langworthy
Alexander Horton
about 1891 |
Alfred Edward Horton
about 1879 |
Alfred Henry Horton
about 1897 |
Alfred Horton
about 1865 |
Alfred James Horton
about 1868 |
Alfred James Horton
8 Jul 1866 |
Jessie Caburn
Alfred Robert Horton
20 Jun 1862 |
Alice Horton
about 1751 |
1824 |
James Walk
Alice Horton
about 1784 |
John Crocker
Alice Horton
10 Mar 1814 |
27 Feb 1894 |
Alice Horton
about 1816 |
1830 |
Alice Horton
about 1903 |
Alice Horton
19 Jul 1869 |
Alice Hoskin Horton
about 1813 |
Robert Roberts
Alice Mary Ann Horton
about 1881 |
Alice Maud Mary Horton
about 1887 |
Herbert Langworthy
Alice Maude Horton
about 1886 |
Alma Jessie Horton
about 1882 |
Harold Shaw
Altha Horton
about 1902 |
Alvin Arthur Horton
1 Sep 1900 |
1989 |
Amelia Eliza Horton
about 1848 |
Amy Bickford Horton
about 1868 |
1954 |
Amy Hilda Horton
about 1897 |
Amy Horton
about 1887 |
Andrew James Horton
about 1910 |
Ann Crocker Horton
about 1851 |
Ann Eden Horton
about 1850 |
1871 |
Ann Horton
about 1794 |
James Harris
Ann Horton
7 May 1849 |
Ann Horton
about 1846 |
1846 |
Ann Horton
about 1867 |
Ann Maria Horton
about 1849 |
Anne Grace Horton
14 Jun 1858 |
Anne Horton
about 1822 |
James Sandover
Anne Horton
about 1819 |
William Sandover
Anne Horton
about 1836 |
Annie Elizabeth Horton
about 1881 |
Annie Horton
about 1897 |
Annie Horton
about 1883 |
Annie Margaret Horton
about 1902 |
Annie Maria Horton
about 1875 |
Arthur Horton
about 1770 |
1826 |
Jane Unknown
Arthur Horton
about 1801 |
Anne Unknown
Arthur Horton
about 1837 |
Arthur Horton
about 1834 |
Elizabeth Bishop
Arthur Horton
about 1824 |
13 Feb 1909 |
Mary Phillips
Arthur Horton
about 1873 |
Ethel Kate Newcombe
Arthur Horton
about 1882 |
Emily Jane Bond
Arthur Horton
about 1881 |
Arthur Horton
about 1901 |
Arthur Horton
about 1907 |
Arthur John Budd Horton
about 1877 |
Isabella Emma Cotton
Arthur John Horton
1880 |
Millicent Mary Morton
Arthur Samuel William Horton
about 1906 |
Arthur Trobridge Horton
about 1814 |
30 Mar 1879 |
Mary Sercombe
Arthur Trobridge Horton
1850 |
1852 |
Arthur Trobridge Horton
about 1747 |
1747 |
Arthur Trobridge Horton
8 Nov 1847 |
Sarah Jane Budd
Arthur Trobridge Horton
about 1850 |
Arthur Trobridge Horton
about 1859 |
1893 |
Arthur Trobridge Horton
about 1844 |
Sarah Jane Conybeare,
Emily Stile
Arthur Trobridge Horton
about 1879 |
Arthur Trowbridge Horton
about 1755 |
Arthur Trowbridge Horton
16 Mar 1816 |
6 Aug 1879 |
Jane Shepherd
Avis Horton
about 1794 |
before 1861 |
Edward Barons
Avis Horton
about 1785 |
1787 |
Avis Horton
22 Jan 1819 |
John Shepherd
Beatrice Alice Horton
about 1874 |
Walter Thomas Theobald
Beatrice Alice Horton
7 Oct 1896 |
Beatrice Ellen Florence Horton
about 1897 |
1898 |
Beatrice Gertrude Horton
about 1885 |
Herbert Lionel Coyle
Beatrice Horton
about 1882 |
Beatrice Mary Horton
about 1902 |
Bessie Horton
about 1889 |
Betty Horton
about 1808 |
Betty Horton
about 1788 |
1794 |
Betty Horton
about 1798 |
Blanche Gertrude Horton
about 1881 |
Blanche Mabel Horton
about 1891 |
Caroline Horton
about 1837 |
1866 |
Walter Lamble
Caroline Horton
about 1864 |
John Martin
Caroline Horton
about 1899 |
Charles Alexander Horton
about 1854 |
Charles Ernest Horton
about 1871 |
Charles Horton
about 1880 |
Emma Jane Brailey
Charles Pascoe Horton
about 1907 |
Charles Sydney Horton
about 1884 |
Charles William Horton
about 1910 |
Charlotte Horton
about 1883 |
Charlotte MacKey Horton
about 1888 |
Christian Horton
about 1753 |
Robert Baskerville
Clara Edwina Horton
about 1863 |
Clara Irene Horton
16 Aug 1893 |
Clara Lapthorn Horton
about 1872 |
William Henry Short
Clemen John Horton
about 1898 |
David Ernest Horton
about 1890 |
David Thomas Horton
12 Mar 1861 |
Charlotte MacKey Streeter
Doris Evelyn Horton
about 1910 |
Doris Horton
about 1909 |
Dorothy Horton
about 1887 |
Edith Fanny Horton
1881 |
Edith Horton
about 1885 |
Edith Horton
about 1907 |
Edith Mary Horton
about 1889 |
Edna May Horton
about 1898 |
Edward George Horton
about 1896 |
Edward Horton
about 1887 |
Edward Northmore Horton
about 1840 |
20 Dec 1921 |
Emelin or Emily Sprague,
Elizabeth Webber
Edwin Horton
about 1870 |
Beatrice Ida Langdon
Edwin Horton
about 1863 |
Kezia Skelley Rowse
Edwin Horton
14 Jun 1883 |
Eleanor Mary Horton
about 1909 |
Eli Horton
about 1862 |
Justina Matthews,
Amelia Henrietta Julian Falkenhagen
Elias Rowse Horton
about 1891 |
Eliza Horton
about 1813 |
Charles Sture
Eliza Horton
about 1817 |
Richard Hillson
Eliza Horton
about 1849 |
Eliza Horton
about 1842 |
Eliza Horton
about 1825 |
Robert Rawlins
Eliza Horton
about 1895 |
Eliza Jane Horton
about 1875 |
Ernest Beddow
Eliza Matilda Horton
about 1860 |
Alfred John Broom
Eliza Rowse Horton
about 1849 |
William Luscombe
Elizabeth Ann Horton
about 1854 |
Elizabeth Ann Horton
about 1859 |
1861 |
Elizabeth Ann Horton
about 1856 |
Tom Ashford
Elizabeth Ann Horton
about 1880 |
Frederick William Callaway
Elizabeth Anne Horton
about 1830 |
William Edward Rowe
Elizabeth Anne Horton
about 1838 |
1844 |
Elizabeth Anne Horton
about 1834 |
Elizabeth Anne Horton
about 1845 |
George Nichols
Elizabeth Anne Horton
about 1889 |
Elizabeth Hilson Horton
about 1826 |
James Northmore
Elizabeth Horton
about 1817 |
Richard Atwill
Elizabeth Horton
about 1843 |
Trobridge Horton Kingwell
Elizabeth Horton
about 1802 |
James Dodderidge
Elizabeth Horton
about 1786 |
Elizabeth Horton
about 1786 |
Elizabeth Horton
about 1810 |
John Veal Northmore
Elizabeth Horton
about 1815 |
Elizabeth Horton
about 1828 |
Elizabeth Horton
about 1817 |
William Kingwell
Elizabeth Horton
about 1837 |
Elizabeth Horton
about 1841 |
Henry Jenkin Blackler
Elizabeth Horton
about 1844 |
Elizabeth Horton
21 Nov 1847 |
Henry William Horton
Elizabeth Horton
about 1853 |
Elizabeth Horton
about 1850 |
Elizabeth Horton
about 1841 |
William White
Elizabeth Horton
16 Dec 1854 |
Robert Stephens
Elizabeth Horton
about 1879 |
Elizabeth Jane Horton
about 1849 |
Elizabeth Jane Horton
1 Jul 1894 |
Elizabeth Sercombe Horton
about 1870 |
Elizabeth Vivian Horton
about 1842 |
Ella Mary Horton
about 1886 |
Ellen Beatrice Horton
about 1883 |
Ellen Gertrude Horton
about 1883 |
Ellen Horton
about 1840 |
Ellen Horton
about 1849 |
William Small
Ellen Horton
about 1870 |
Ellen Horton
about 1871 |
Ellen Jane Corber Horton
about 1855 |
Ellen Mary Horton
about 1882 |
1910 |
Ellen Thurza Horton
about 1880 |
Ellen Walk Horton
about 1857 |
Emily Edith Horton
1 Nov 1876 |
Frank Mouncy
Emily Grace Horton
about 1870 |
Emily Horton
about 1880 |
Emily Horton
about 1898 |
Emily Jane Horton
about 1876 |
Emily Louisa Horton
about 1894 |
Emily Rosina Horton
about 1895 |
Emma Florence Horton
about 1879 |
Charles William Reid
Emma Horton
about 1836 |
George Haskell
Emma Horton
about 1843 |
1862 |
Emma Horton
5 Jul 1857 |
Emma Horton
about 1880 |
Emma Horton
about 1868 |
Emma Jane Corber Horton
about 1852 |
Emma Jane Horton
about 1870 |
Emma Sarah Horton
about 1840 |
1855 |
Emma Thomasine Horton
about 1857 |
Henry Luscombe
Ernest Edward Horton
about 1880 |
Ernest Henry Horton
about 1902 |
Ernest Horton
about 1888 |
Ernest James Horton
about 1879 |
1882 |
Ernest James Horton
about 1900 |
Ernest John Horton
about 1884 |
Estella Olivia Horton
27 Feb 1887 |
Ethel Maud Horton
about 1889 |
Ethel May Horton
about 1900 |
Ethel May Horton
about 1895 |
Eva Erie Horton
14 Mar 1908 |
Evelyn Annie Mary Horton
about 1907 |
Evelyn Kate Horton
about 1888 |
Fanny Anne Horton
about 1844 |
1881 |
Fanny Anne Horton
about 1861 |
1862 |
Fanny Elizabeth Horton
about 1862 |
Fanny Horton
about 1867 |
Fanny Horton
about 1834 |
Fanny Horton
about 1852 |
Fanny Northmore Horton
about 1857 |
1935 |
Simon Edward Ryder
Fanny Northmore Horton
about 1855 |
1858 |
Fanny Sophia Horton
1 Jun 1873 |
Fanny Tincombe Horton
about 1872 |
Florence Alice Horton
about 1871 |
James Marton Pengelly
Florence Beatrice Horton
22 Jul 1902 |
1903 |
Florence Emily Horton
17 Oct 1903 |
Florence Georgina Horton
about 1884 |
George Haynes
Florence Horton
about 1879 |
Florence Kate Horton
18 Jun 1893 |
Florence Maud Horton
about 1894 |
Florence May Horton
about 1889 |
Frances Horton
about 1844 |
Edwin Furneaux
Frances Horton
1 Jun 1869 |
William Foote
Frances Maude Horton
about 1902 |
Frances Northmore Horton
about 1818 |
William Savery
Frances Northmore Horton
about 1842 |
Frances Northmore Horton
about 1861 |
Francis Horton
about 1866 |
1906 |
Mary Jane Pearce
Francis John Horton
about 1898 |
Frank Alfred Horton
about 1900 |
Frank Northmore Horton
24 Jan 1879 |
Frederic Ernest Horton
about 1877 |
Frederick Alexander Horton
about 1898 |
Frederick Horton
about 1885 |
Frederick Horton
about 1905 |
Frederick John Horton
12 Aug 1880 |
1883 |
Frederick Richard Horton
about 1910 |
Frederick Sprague Horton
about 1865 |
Mary Edith Parken
Frederick Vivian Horton
about 1854 |
1909 |
Emma Clutterbuck
Frederick Vivian Horton
24 Nov 1877 |
Lily Prowse
Frederick Vivian Horton
about 1905 |
George Edgar Horton
about 1887 |
George Ford Horton
about 1803 |
Elizabeth Gillard,
Sarah Ann Phillips
George Ford Horton
about 1856 |
1888 |
Ellen Stroud
George Harry Maunders Horton
about 1877 |
Kate Marion Punchard
George Horton
about 1839 |
1850 |
George Horton
about 1849 |
George Horton
1891 |
George Horton
17 May 1855 |
5 Feb 1910 |
George Percival Horton
about 1890 |
George Thomas Horton
about 1899 |
George William Horton
about 1910 |
Gertrude Horton
about 1876 |
1906 |
Albert Edward Widdon
Gilbert Henry Horton
about 1878 |
Grace Cutmore Horton
about 1842 |
William Gray
Haley Horton
about 1715 |
1779 |
Mary Maddock
Haly Horton
9 Dec 1808 |
1838 |
Haly Horton
about 1747 |
1820 |
Margaret Lapthorne
Haly Horton
about 1775 |
1853 |
Elizabeth Crocker
Haly Horton
1689 |
Mary Trowbridge
Haly Horton
about 1805 |
Catherine Bawden
Haly Horton
about 1790 |
1834 |
Honour Blackler
Haly Horton
about 1789 |
1866 |
Betty Deane
Haly Horton
about 1798 |
Elizabeth Luscombe
Haly Horton
about 1831 |
1854 |
Haly Horton
about 1827 |
1849 |
Caroline Rowse
Haly Horton
about 1832 |
2 Nov 1915 |
Caroline Atwill
Haly Horton
about 1828 |
Margaret Coleman
Haly Horton
about 1834 |
Mary Jane Northmore
Haly Horton
about 1864 |
Louisa Cornish
Haly Horton
about 1877 |
1891 |
Haly James Horton
about 1903 |
Hannah Horton
about 1717 |
1719 |
Hannah Horton
about 1747 |
Robert Baskerville
Hannah Horton
about 1789 |
1831 |
Henry Mudge
Hannah Horton
about 1876 |
Francis Walter John Short
Hannah Leah Horton
about 1855 |
Hannah Louisa Horton
about 1868 |
Arthur Montague Ward Dillon
Harold Horton
about 1890 |
Harold Robert Horton
about 1901 |
Harold William Horton
about 1910 |
Harriet Corber Horton
about 1860 |
Harriet Ellen Horton
about 1856 |
John Newman Baster
Harriet Ellen Horton
21 Jun 1890 |
James Reginald Kingwell
Harriet Emma Horton
about 1858 |
1878 |
Harriet Hamlyn Horton
about 1836 |
Philip Abbott
Harriet Hillson Horton
about 1867 |
1867 |
Harriet Horton
about 1800 |
Harriet Horton
about 1827 |
1849 |
Harriet Horton
about 1849 |
1855 |
Harriet Horton
about 1858 |
William Charles Lavers
Harriett Hillson Horton
about 1873 |
1873 |
Harry Horton
about 1905 |
Henry Arthur Horton
about 1892 |
Henry George Horton
about 1888 |
Henry Horton
1 Apr 1809 |
1845 |
Anne Rowse
Henry Horton
about 1800 |
Sarah Hoskin
Henry Horton
about 1852 |
1861 |
Henry Horton
about 1847 |
1868 |
Henry Horton
about 1867 |
Henry John Tickner Horton
about 1884 |
Henry Robert Horton
4 Jul 1864 |
Henry William Horton
about 1832 |
Maria Ann Adams,
Sarah Scoble,
Elizabeth Horton
Herbert William Horton
about 1883 |
Herman Nicholls Horton
about 1903 |
Honor Blackler Horton
about 1825 |
1853 |
John Horton
Horace Manley Horton
13 Sep 1897 |
1898 |
Ida Horton
about 1901 |
Irene Beryl Horton
about 1909 |
James Alfred Horton
about 1901 |
James Arthur Horton
about 1857 |
21 Sep 1915 |
Elizabeth Pawley
James Doddridge Horton
about 1840 |
1874 |
James Edward Northmore Horton
about 1863 |
James Horton
about 1814 |
5 Jan 1882 |
Ann Jackson
James Horton
about 1835 |
Susanna Matilda Tapley
James Horton
7 Jun 1842 |
1852 |
James Horton
about 1843 |
James Horton
about 1879 |
Bessie Jane Algate
James Horton
about 1874 |
Elizabeth Ann Cockeram
James Horton
2 Jun 1888 |
James Horton
about 1856 |
Mary Luscombe Sanders
James Horton
about 1879 |
Edith Annie Elizabeth Rider
James Northmore Horton
about 1833 |
21 Oct 1858 |
James Northmore Horton
about 1863 |
Jane Ann Horton
about 1835 |
Jane Anne Horton
about 1846 |
William Lawrence Pitts
Jane Anne Horton
about 1842 |
James Frederick Full
Jane Anne Horton
about 1861 |
Jane Crispin Horton
about 1835 |
John Atwill
Jane Elizabeth Horton
about 1859 |
Jane Horton
about 1842 |
Thomas Horton Kingwell
Jane Horton
about 1744 |
Jane Horton
about 1793 |
1794 |
Jane Horton
about 1806 |
John Hosking
Jane Horton
1824 |
1824 |
Jane Horton
1825 |
1843 |
Jane Horton
about 1836 |
Thomas Netherton
Jane Horton
about 1820 |
John Northmore,
John Steevens
Jane Horton
about 1817 |
Samuel Luscombe
Jane Horton
28 Jun 1822 |
Jane Horton
about 1821 |
1837 |
Jane Horton
about 1827 |
Richard Colton
Jane Horton
about 1846 |
William Dawe
Jane Mary Horton
about 1849 |
Thomas Walke
Jane Mary Horton
about 1849 |
1851 |
Jane Mary Horton
9 Jul 1864 |
22 Jan 1866 |
Janie Louise Horton
about 1904 |
Jarvis Horton
about 1857 |
Rhoda Elford
Jemima Pearn Horton
about 1904 |
Jenny Horton
about 1801 |
Thomas Luscombe
Jenny Horton
about 1793 |
Jessie Edith Horton
about 1871 |
Jessie Horton
3 Sep 1860 |
Henry Duncan Callow
Jessie Jane Horton
about 1857 |
Jessie Maud Horton
about 1895 |
John Edwin Horton
about 1874 |
Mary Bate Perkins Short
John Ellis Horton
about 1852 |
1869 |
John Henry Horton
about 1862 |
John Henry Horton
about 1873 |
John Horton
about 1816 |
1853 |
Mary Lakeman
John Horton
about 1801 |
23 Jan 1882 |
Mary Hilson
John Horton
about 1804 |
1869 |
Grace Rowland
John Horton
about 1817 |
1891 |
John Horton
about 1822 |
John Horton
about 1824 |
Jane Mumford,
Mary May
John Horton
about 1819 |
1897 |
Honor Blackler Horton,
Caroline Rowse
John Horton
about 1824 |
John Horton
about 1830 |
Letitia Ward
John Horton
about 1838 |
9 May 1897 |
Elizabeth Lavers
John Horton
about 1832 |
Ann Netherton
John Horton
26 Nov 1834 |
15 Dec 1903 |
Sarah Codd
John Horton
about 1857 |
Ellen Langworthy
John Horton
about 1822 |
John Horton
about 1840 |
Sarah Hellyer
John Horton
about 1842 |
Mary Northmore
John Horton
about 1871 |
John Horton
about 1845 |
1848 |
John Horton
about 1858 |
Mary Ann Horton
John Horton
about 1860 |
Sarah Jane Horton
John Horton
about 1867 |
John Horton
about 1865 |
John Horton
about 1855 |
1898 |
Rosina Light
John Horton
about 1873 |
1874 |
John Horton
about 1874 |
Lois Amelia Bennee
John Horton
about 1872 |
John Horton
about 1898 |
1899 |
John Horton
about 1910 |
John Hoskin Horton
about 1775 |
1837 |
Mary Ford
John Hoskin Horton
about 1801 |
17 Apr 1875 |
Margaret Ellis
John James Horton
4 Dec 1861 |
John Luscombe Horton
about 1883 |
John Northmore Horton
about 1850 |
1858 |
John Ormonde Horton
about 1911 |
John Skelley Horton
about 1889 |
John Thomas Horton
about 1888 |
Edith H Cook
Joseph Horton
about 1853 |
Joshua Horton
6 Aug 1854 |
Jane Luscombe
Joshua Horton
about 1824 |
1828 |
Joshua Horton
about 1890 |
Joshua Northmore Horton
about 1848 |
Joshua Northmore Horton
about 1875 |
Thirza Florence Warren
Julia Loretta Josephine Horton
14 Oct 1903 |
Kathleen Elizabeth Horton
about 1874 |
1874 |
Kathleen Victoria Horton
about 1901 |
1902 |
Katie Roseveare Horton
about 1872 |
Kitty Atwill Horton
about 1862 |
John Worth Maddacott
Laura Ann Horton
about 1881 |
Laura Horton
about 1878 |
Laura Jane Horton
13 Feb 1888 |
Lavinia Rhoda Horton
about 1893 |
Leonora Emma Horton
about 1885 |
Letitia Horton
about 1861 |
Lewis Ormonde Horton
about 1888 |
Lilian Mary Horton
about 1909 |
Lillian Horton
about 1887 |
Lily Lavinia Horton
about 1910 |
Lina M Horton
about 1881 |
Lionel Humphrey Horton
about 1910 |
Louisa Chapple Horton
about 1879 |
Albert Charles Pinhay Rogers
Lydia Ann Horton
about 1858 |
Lydia Ann Horton
about 1853 |
Edward Wedlock
Mabel Jane Horton
about 1888 |
Margaret Hilson Horton
about 1907 |
Margaret Horton
about 1822 |
1830 |
Margaret Horton
about 1849 |
Shadrack Willcox
Margaret Horton
about 1862 |
1862 |
Margaret Lapthorn Horton
about 1828 |
Thomas Vine
Margaret Thirza Horton
about 1864 |
Samuel Light
Margaret Vine Horton
about 1908 |
Maria Hook Horton
about 1826 |
1900 |
Joshua Horton Northmore,
Trobridge Horton
Maria Horton
about 1804 |
Maria Wilmot Horton
about 1878 |
Marianne Horton
about 1865 |
Marjorie Horton
about 1909 |
Mary Ann Axworthy Horton
about 1847 |
William Tapley
Mary Ann Horton
18 Mar 1857 |
Mary Ann Horton
about 1846 |
Mary Ann Horton
about 1868 |
John Horton
Mary Ann Horton
about 1850 |
Mary Anne Horton
about 1808 |
Mary Anne Horton
28 Apr 1828 |
Mary Anne Horton
about 1829 |
1846 |
Mary Anne Horton
about 1831 |
Henry Bickle
Mary Anne Horton
about 1838 |
Mary Anne Walk Horton
about 1846 |
William Henry Hockaday
Mary Barons Horton
23 Jan 1844 |
Edward Wilcocks
Mary Barons Horton
about 1842 |
9 May 1906 |
Mary Caroline Horton
about 1880 |
Mary Elizabeth Horton
about 1862 |
1862 |
Mary Elizabeth Horton
about 1881 |
1882 |
Mary Elizabeth Horton
about 1884 |
Mary Horton
about 1820 |
William Atwill
Mary Horton
8 Jan 1807 |
1876 |
Matthew Fortescue Northmore,
Trobridge Horton
Mary Horton
about 1780 |
John Northmore
Mary Horton
about 1686 |
Mary Horton
about 1845 |
John Mortimore
Mary Horton
about 1749 |
Mary Horton
about 1777 |
Philip Lavers
Mary Horton
about 1755 |
1760 |
Mary Horton
about 1794 |
Mary Horton
about 1801 |
Mary Horton
about 1791 |
Mary Horton
25 Nov 1801 |
William Baskerville
Mary Horton
about 1820 |
Mary Horton
about 1814 |
Mary Horton
about 1813 |
James Lealman
Mary Horton
about 1837 |
Mary Horton
about 1842 |
John Sercombe
Mary Horton
about 1844 |
Mary Horton
about 1884 |
1886 |
Mary Hoskin Horton
about 1774 |
1777 |
Mary Jane Horton
about 1856 |
Richard Atwill Rowe
Mary Jane Horton
about 1847 |
William Buckley
Mary Jane Horton
about 1865 |
Mary Jane Horton
about 1871 |
Mary Julia Horton
about 1865 |
Mary Lydia Horton
about 1902 |
Mary Sercombe Horton
about 1847 |
Robert Cuming Codd
Mary Trobridge Horton
about 1834 |
James Davis
Mary Trobridge Horton
about 1876 |
Matilda Horton
about 1857 |
Richard Sanders
Matilda Horton
about 1867 |
Matilda Horton
about 1863 |
William Higgins
Matthew Fortescue Horton
about 1831 |
Matthew Fortescue Northmore Horton
about 1863 |
1899 |
Mary Jane Rendle
Mildred Jane Horton
about 1906 |
Minnie Alice Horton
about 1891 |
1893 |
Minnie Horton
about 1874 |
Minnie Horton
about 1886 |
1888 |
Nicholas Lang Horton
about 1859 |
1859 |
Nora Horton
about 1903 |
Noreen Mary Horton
about 1909 |
Pascoe Horton
about 1881 |
Peggy Horton
about 1782 |
Stephen Northmore
Peggy Horton
about 1794 |
Richard Ford
Peggy Horton
about 1806 |
Elias Smardon
Peggy Horton
about 1807 |
George Hillson
Peggy Horton
about 1816 |
Peggy Horton
about 1823 |
1823 |
Peggy Horton
about 1849 |
1852 |
Peggy Lapthorne Horton
about 1820 |
William Andrews
Percy Roseveare Horton
about 1889 |
Philip Ford Horton
about 1818 |
26 Sep 1881 |
Frances Smaridge,
Mary Ann Rogers
Philip Frederick Charles Horton
about 1890 |
Philip Henry Horton
about 1839 |
Philip Horton
about 1821 |
11 Mar 1890 |
Jane Vaudon Sercombe,
Amelia Hayes
Philip Horton
7 Apr 1805 |
1827 |
Philip Horton
about 1780 |
1852 |
Elizabeth Lavers
Philip Horton
about 1802 |
1881 |
Anne Crispin,
Mary Jane Frost
Philip Horton
about 1805 |
about 1851 |
Elizabeth Hoskin,
Grace Cutmore Hingston
Philip Horton
about 1785 |
27 Nov 1861 |
Margaret Northmore
Philip Horton
about 1824 |
1903 |
Jane Head
Philip Horton
about 1816 |
1895 |
Elizabeth Walk
Philip Horton
about 1840 |
Mary Prout,
Elizabeth Anne Kerswell
Philip Horton
about 1852 |
1852 |
Philip Horton
about 1870 |
1871 |
Philip Horton
about 1843 |
Elizabeth Ellen Chapple
Philip Horton
about 1852 |
Philip Horton
about 1867 |
Philip Horton
about 1865 |
Elizabeth Tickner
Philip Horton
about 1870 |
1897 |
Sarah Ann Gulley
Philip Maddick Horton
about 1777 |
1846 |
Jenny Northmore
Philip Maddick Horton
about 1838 |
1884 |
Anne Sercombe
Philip Maddick Horton
about 1869 |
Rosina Elford
Philip Maddick Horton
about 1876 |
Lydia Ann Maddacott
Philip Maddock Horton
about 1844 |
Philippa Horton
15 Aug 1859 |
Phillip Horton
about 1758 |
1824 |
Jenny Norris
Phillip John Horton
20 May 1886 |
1888 |
Phoebe Horton
about 1857 |
Phylis Horton
about 1910 |
Priscilla Horton
about 1835 |
Robert Lapthorne
Rhoda Emily Horton
about 1883 |
Rhoda Horton
13 Jan 1868 |
Rhoda Mary Horton
about 1869 |
Samuel Alfred Bishop
Rhoda Maud Horton
about 1879 |
Rhoda Mildred Horton
about 1893 |
Richard Atwill Horton
about 1869 |
1955 |
Ada Maude Le Tissier
Richard Ford Horton
about 1813 |
1824 |
Richard Francis Horton
about 1870 |
Hughetta Violet Old
Richard Henry Horton
about 1877 |
Richard Horton
about 1802 |
1876 |
Winifred Pethabridge,
Sophia Axworthy
Richard Horton
about 1833 |
Richard Horton
about 1825 |
1825 |
Richard Horton
about 1853 |
1867 |
Richard Horton
about 1866 |
Ellen Medland
Richard Horton
about 1900 |
Richard Jackson Horton
21 Jan 1853 |
Richard James Horton
7 Apr 1866 |
3 Dec 1867 |
Richard James Horton
about 1908 |
Richard Mumford Horton
about 1849 |
1934 |
Mary Jane Hillson
Richard Mumford Horton
about 1873 |
1880 |
Richard Sanders Horton
about 1885 |
Richard Thomas Horton
about 1881 |
Rita Mildred Horton
about 1891 |
Robert Axworthy Horton
about 1844 |
Mary Ann Martin Turpin
Robert Edwin Horton
about 1857 |
1869 |
Robert Horton
about 1797 |
Elizabeth Bawden
Robert Horton
about 1828 |
Robert Horton
about 1815 |
1826 |
Robert Horton
about 1873 |
Mary Elizabeth Churchward
Robert Horton
about 1879 |
Robert Marshall Horton
about 1848 |
1850 |
Robert Thomas Horton
about 1836 |
Jane Ponsford
Robert Thomas Horton
about 1873 |
Rosa Bonheur Horton
about 1902 |
Rose Beatrice Horton
about 1884 |
Philip Phillips
Rose Maud Horton
about 1896 |
Russel Fortescue M Horton
about 1894 |
Russell William Horton
about 1908 |
Ruth Horton
about 1908 |
Ruth Marjorie Horton
about 1908 |
Sadie Rhea Horton
about 1889 |
Samuel Horton
about 1811 |
1847 |
Elizabeth Sandover
Samuel Horton
about 1848 |
Samuel Horton
about 1883 |
Samuel Horton
about 1887 |
Samuel John Horton
about 1878 |
Samuel Thomas Horton
about 1842 |
28 Nov 1897 |
Emma Roseveere
Samuel Thomas Horton
about 1865 |
Ellen Murray Clarke
Samuel Thomas Leslie Horton
about 1907 |
Sarah Ann Horton
about 1818 |
1906 |
Sarah Ann Horton
6 Aug 1892 |
Sarah Horton
about 1720 |
1722 |
Sarah Horton
about 1746 |
Sarah Horton
about 1833 |
William Nicholls
Sarah Horton
7 Feb 1870 |
Sarah Jane Horton
about 1870 |
Sarah Jane Horton
about 1859 |
John Horton
Sarah Jane Horton
about 1868 |
William John Lillicrap
Sidney Charles Horton
5 Apr 1886 |
Florence Elizabeth Mudge
Sidney David Horton
about 1909 |
Sidney Horton
about 1887 |
Sophia Ellen Horton
about 1868 |
1869 |
Sophia Elliot Axworthy Horton
about 1846 |
William Henry Turpin
Sophia Flora Horton
about 1850 |
Sophia Horton
about 1856 |
Strobridge Horton
about 1688 |
Sarah Lewin,
Grace Trease,
Philippa Wills
Susanna Horton
about 1867 |
John Henry Redknap
Susannah Horton
about 1833 |
Henry Rowse
Sydney Samuel Horton
about 1874 |
Anne Elizabeth Cockrem
Thomas Arthur Horton
about 1872 |
Selina Mary Luckham
Thomas Burridge Horton
about 1790 |
1864 |
Mary Hamlyn
Thomas Horton
about 1760 |
1760 |
Thomas Horton
about 30 Sep 1806 |
1822 |
Thomas Horton
about 1765 |
Jenny Martyn
Thomas Horton
about 1825 |
Jane Mary Vivian
Thomas Horton
about 1826 |
Sarah Tozer,
Sarah Smith
Thomas Horton
28 Jan 1847 |
Elizabeth Mortimore,
Louisa Mortimore
Thomas Horton
about 1838 |
Thomas Horton
about 1850 |
Matilda Tryphena Greep
Thomas James Horton
27 Jul 1896 |
Trobridge Horton
about 1790 |
18 Nov 1871 |
Mary Luscombe
Trobridge Horton
about 1722 |
1793 |
Alice Burridge
Trobridge Horton
about 1751 |
1811 |
Alice Hosking
Trobridge Horton
about 1758 |
1817 |
Elizabeth Martin
Trobridge Horton
about 1783 |
Mary Barnes,
Nancy Hoskin
Trobridge Horton
about 1810 |
1890 |
Sarah Marshall
Trobridge Horton
about 1782 |
1857 |
Mary Luscombe
Trobridge Horton
about 1796 |
4 Mar 1860 |
Susanna Mugford
Trobridge Horton
about 1810 |
6 Aug 1867 |
Mary Foxworthy
Trobridge Horton
about 1829 |
12 Mar 1873 |
Trobridge Horton
about 1816 |
20 Jan 1889 |
Mary Horton,
Maria Hook Horton
Trobridge Horton
about 1825 |
1830 |
Trobridge Horton
about 1844 |
Sarah Angus
Trobridge Horton
about 1836 |
Mary Jane Stevens
Trobridge Horton
25 Jun 1845 |
1905 |
Jessie Cornish
Trobridge Horton
about 1832 |
1832 |
Trobridge Horton
1813 |
1813 |
Trobridge Horton
about 1851 |
Trobridge Horton
about 1853 |
Mary Anne Northmore
Trobridge Horton
27 Jan 1845 |
1868 |
Trobridge Horton
about 1861 |
Trobridge Horton
about 1910 |
Trobridge Serpell Horton
about 1881 |
Trobridge William Horton
about 1867 |
Tryphena Horton
about 1849 |
1871 |
Tryphosa Rhoda Horton
about 1857 |
1873 |
Vera Horton
about 1903 |
Vere Merle Horton
7 Oct 1895 |
Walter George Horton
about 1898 |
Walter Horton
about 1878 |
Ann Hannaford Mythen
Walter Horton
about 1910 |
William Alexander Horton
22 Oct 1843 |
1870 |
Margaret Northmore Hillson
William Alexander Horton
about 1870 |
Louisa Oliver
William Alexander Horton
about 1898 |
William Arthur Horton
20 Mar 1884 |
William Charles Horton
about 1899 |
William Edward Horton
about 1864 |
Elizabeth Luscombe
William Edward Horton
about 1866 |
William Eli Horton
about 1885 |
William Francis Horton
about 1862 |
Fanny Tickner
William Francis Horton
about 1889 |
27 Nov 1916 |
William Henry Burrage Horton
about 1833 |
1903 |
William Henry Horton
about 1853 |
Margaret Niles
William Henry Horton
30 Dec 1840 |
1858 |
William Henry Horton
about 1840 |
1882 |
Ellen Tribble
William Henry Horton
about 1851 |
Susannah Unknown,
Jane Ann Maddock
William Henry Horton
29 Sep 1859 |
Mary Emily Bond
William Henry Horton
about 1863 |
1869 |
William Henry Horton
about 1870 |
William Henry Horton
about 1873 |
William Henry Horton
about 1863 |
Henrietta Manley,
Grace Mary Isaac
William Henry Horton
about 1879 |
1881 |
William Henry Horton
about 1871 |
William Henry Horton
about 1883 |
William Henry Horton
about 1860 |
Louisa Julia Nicholls
William Henry Horton
21 Apr 1892 |
William Henry Horton
29 Apr 1896 |
William Henry Horton
about 1869 |
1902 |
Emily Louisa Tuckett
William Henry Horton
about 1896 |
William Horton
about 1791 |
William Horton
about 1804 |
12 Nov 1879 |
Harriet Hamlyn
William Horton
about 1821 |
Elizabeth Palmer
William Horton
about 1820 |
Adaline Jennings
William Horton
about 1832 |
William Horton
about 1830 |
Susan Gullett
William Horton
about 1839 |
Laura Sanders
William Horton
about 1842 |
William Horton
about 1821 |
1844 |
Emma Bickford
William Horton
about 1846 |
Emblyn Scantlebury
William Horton
about 1847 |
William Horton
about 1848 |
Elizabeth Jane Sercombe,
Mary Grace Maunder
William Horton
about 1874 |
William Horton
about 1866 |
Agnes Pearce Roberts
William Horton
about 1880 |
Edith Mary Woodhams Hinde
William Horton
about 1871 |
Mary Turner
William Horton
about 1871 |
Margaret Stoneman
William Horton
about 1895 |
William Horton
about 1888 |
William Horton
about 1884 |
William J Horton
about 1859 |
William John Horton
about 1860 |
1900 |
William John Horton
6 Jan 1885 |
William John Horton
about 1893 |
William John Horton
about 1893 |
William Philip Horton
about 1903 |
William Robert Horton
about 1874 |
1883 |
William Thomas Horton
about 1879 |
Emily Elizabeth Nicholson
William Thomas Horton
about 1900 |
William Thomas Walk Horton
about 1840 |
Winifred Edith Horton
about 1897 |
Winifred Horton
about 1826 |
Richard Furneaux
Winifred Margaret Phyllis Horton
about 1907 |
Winifred May Horton
21 Sep 1899 |
Hoskin |
Elizabeth Hoskin
about 1810 |
1840 |
Philip Horton
John Hoskin
Mary Unknown
John Hoskin
Alice Unknown
Nancy Hoskin
about 1796 |
William Barons,
Trobridge Horton
Sarah Hoskin
about 1801 |
Henry Horton
Hosking |
Alice Hosking
about 1752 |
1828 |
Trobridge Horton
John Horton Hosking
about 1838 |
John Hosking
about 1800 |
Jane Horton
Mary Hosking
about 1820 |
Hanry Luscombe
Zilpha Hosking
about 1781 |
Thomas Newman
Hough |
Mary Hough
about 1810 |
Joseph Taylor
House |
Mary Kate House
11 Apr 1915 |
George Edward Fairhurst
Walter John House
[Private] Kingwell
Houseman |
Charles Isaac Houseman
about 1856 |
1944 |
Mary Ellen Cornish
David Houseman
about 1893 |
Eric Houseman
about 1896 |
Harry Webber Kingwell Houseman
about 1859 |
1945 |
Isaac Houseman
1889 |
1889 |
Joan Houseman
about 1902 |
Mary Houseman
about 1891 |
Ruth Houseman
about 1895 |
Thomas Houseman
about 1812 |
1891 |
Caroline Kingwell
Hovell |
Annie Hovell
about 1905 |
Frank Hovell
about 1900 |
John Hovell
about 1872 |
Annie Harrigan
John Hovell
about 1894 |
Nellie Charlotte F Hovell
about 1897 |
7 Nov 1990 |
George King Mann
Howard |
Betty Howard
Thomas Lawrence
Howarth |
Frederick Howarth
19 Feb 1911 |
Doris Crompton
[Private] Howarth
[Private] Thornber
Howe |
Eleanor Langley Howe
about 1792 |
William Lang Paige
Howell |
Robert Heath Howell
about 1803 |
1846 |
Mary Ann Vyse
Robert John Howell
about 1840 |
Charlotte Paige
[Private] Howell
[Private] Newell
[Private] Howell
[Private] Howell
Howkins |
[Private] Howkins
[Private] Kingwell
Howland |
Ada Howland
20 Jul 1858 |
Elgin Constant Hartshorn,
William Henry Sharland
Annie Agnes Howland
about 1873 |
Archibald M Howland
7 Sep 1822 |
25 Dec 1902 |
Sarah Ann Hawkins
James Howland
about 1842 |
Eliza Paige
Marion Marie Howland
16 Dec 1922 |
20 Apr 2007 |
Sarah E Howland
about 1854 |
Theresa J Howland
about 1852 |
William G Howland
about 1865 |
William John Howland
about 1870 |
[Private] Howland
[Private] Howland
Hubbard |
[Private] Hubbard
[Private] Attwill
Hudson |
Agnes Jane Hudson
about 1870 |
Edmund Lord Hudson
10 May 1826 |
10 Jun 1899 |
Elizabeth Baker
Edmund Lord Hudson
about 1855 |
Emily Maria Hudson
about 1868 |
William Henry Holmes,
George King Mann
Emma Hudson
about 1854 |
George Edward Jones
Esther Hudson
about 1866 |
Florence Annie Paige Hudson
about 1863 |
25 Feb 1885 |
John Hudson
Mary Lilly Hudson
about 1857 |
Robert Percy Hudson
1860 |
Thomas Abraham Hudson
8 Apr 1843 |
Esther Slater
Thomas Hudson
Martha Unknown
William Harold Hudson
about 1859 |
William Hudson
Mary Unknown
Hulbert |
Olive Fanny E Hulbert
about 1899 |
Reginald Hulbert
about 1874 |
Olive Maud Stickland
Humphreys |
Elizabeth Margaret Humphreys
[Private] Hobson
Hunt |
Eugene Hunt
1 Aug 1922 |
29 Jan 1988 |
[Private] Cox
James Warner Hunt
Emily Elizabeth Kingwell
John William Hunt
Prudence Unknown
Sarah Hunt
about 1805 |
William Dawson
Sidney Hunt
24 Jan 1877 |
10 Jan 1948 |
Marjorie Ethel Sharland
Wilbert Frederick Hunt
about 1890 |
Alma Jane Kingwell
William Hunt
Sarah Unknown
[Private] Hunt
[Private] Nichols
Hurlbutt |
Annie Hurlbutt
Richard Nicholson Bond
Hurrell |
Albert Thomas Hurrell
about 1876 |
Eliza J Hurrell
about 1853 |
Ethel Kingwell Hurrell
about 1874 |
Herbert Philip Hurrell
about 1872 |
John Hurrell
about 1819 |
Jane Kingwell
Mary Hurrell
21 Sep 1761 |
John Paige
Philip Kingwell Hurrell
1840 |
Susan Ann Nicholls
Sarah Ann Hurrell
1850 |
Tom Albert Burningham
Hurst |
Alice Hurst
about 1842 |
1870 |
Harry Taylor
Ellen Hurst
about 1863 |
Emanuel Hurst
about 1834 |
Elizabeth Tong
Hannah Hurst
about 1868 |
Henrietta Hurst
about 1870 |
William Crompton
Henry Hurst
about 1803 |
Martha Unknown
Joseph Hurst
about 1878 |
Martha Hurst
about 1865 |
John Merrill
Thomas Hurst
about 1861 |
Hutcheson |
Eleanor Hutcheson
about 1840 |
1923 |
Robert William Scobell
Hutchings |
Frank Hutchings
Mary Hutchings
about 1843 |
William Venton
Hutchison |
Isabelle Hutchison
John Ritchie
Huxham |
Eliza Huxham
about 1808 |
1831 |
John Northmore
Susan Huxham
about 1803 |
John Northmore
Hylands |
Albert Arthur Hylands
about 1875 |
Clara Jane Hylands
about 1870 |
Ernest Edwin Hylands
about 1872 |
Florence Grace Hylands
about 1882 |
Frederick Charles Hylands
about 1877 |
George William Hylands
about 1866 |
Howard Thomas Hylands
about 1884 |
Lewis Henry Hylands
about 1865 |
Louise Augusta Hylands
about 1874 |
George Welfare
Susannah Hylands
about 1863 |
Walter Hylands
about 1841 |
Philadelphia Edmonds
Walter John Hylands
about 1868 |
Winnian Constance Hylands
about 1886 |
Hyne |
Sarah Hyne
about 1788 |
William Paige
Ianson |
Harold S Ianson
8 Feb 1905 |
1965 |
Edith Queenie Casswell
Idso |
Alfred Idso
18 Jan 1885 |
30 Jan 1946 |
Rachel Blossom Hartshorn or Howland
Mildred E Idso
about 1912 |
Olaus Idso
about 1860 |
Anna Gabriella Lura
[Private] Idso
Iles |
Edna Louise Iles
about 1904 |
Joseph Harold Young
Ingham |
Maria Ingham
about 1863 |
1937 |
Mungo Reid Orr
Mary Ann Ingham
about 1851 |
Sarah Ingham
about 1866 |
Timothy Ingham
about 1827 |
1876 |
Sarah Tetley
Tom Ingham
about 1855 |
Ings |
Amos Ings
about 1821 |
Annie Ings
about 1875 |
Arthur Ings
about 1881 |
Charles Ings
about 1842 |
Eliza Ings
about 1813 |
Elizabeth Ings
about 1849 |
Emily Ings
about 1857 |
Ethel Elizabeth Ings
about 1870 |
Harriet Ings
about 1844 |
Harriet Ings
about 1812 |
Henry Ings
about 1868 |
Isaac Ings
about 1786 |
Elizabeth Unknown
James Ings
about 1827 |
Jane Ings
about 1825 |
Jane Ings
about 1832 |
John Ings
about 1830 |
Lucy Ings
about 1884 |
Margaret Alice Ings
about 1878 |
Mary Ings
about 1852 |
Thomas Pearce
Reuben Ings
about 1818 |
Robert Charles Ings
about 1872 |
Robert Ings
about 1847 |
Margaret Salter
Selina Ings
about 1823 |
Stephen Ings
about 1817 |
Mary Davis
Thomas Ings
Catharine Unknown
William Ings
about 1810 |
William Stephen Ings
about 1886 |
Inrig |
Catherine Inrig
about 1848 |
John Inrig
about 1849 |
Magnus Inrig
about 1803 |
Janet Rugg
William Inrig
about 1852 |
Irvine |
[Private] Irvine
[Private] Goode
[Private] Irvine
[Private] Irvine
[Private] Irvine
Irving |
Emma Irving
about 1866 |
Albert Halstead
Isaac |
Grace Mary Isaac
about 1876 |
William Henry Horton
Isherwood |
Alice Isherwood
6 Feb 1830 |
1900 |
Thomas Fleming,
William Bamber
Betty Isherwood
22 Oct 1828 |
Caroline Isherwood
28 Mar 1834 |
Elizabeth Isherwood
3 Apr 1845 |
John Isherwood
about 1827 |
Mary Isherwood
about 1825 |
Sarah Isherwood
19 Jun 1840 |
Thomas Isherwood
about 1837 |
Thomas Isherwood
about 1791 |
1860 |
Alice Unknown
Jackson |
Alice Watson Jackson
29 Jul 1901 |
13 Jun 1990 |
Ann Jackson
17 Jun 1822 |
James Horton
Carolyn Emily Jackson
11 Mar 1898 |
Duncan Porter Jackson
15 Jan 1904 |
26 Jul 1994 |
Eleanor Lillian Semmelmeyer
Ethel Pearl Jackson
12 Aug 1905 |
Hannah Jackson
about 1862 |
John Richard Hobson
Jean Jackson
5 Mar 1901 |
John Jackson
about 1846 |
28 Jun 1890 |
Emily Maria Sharland
Lily Jackson
Percival Barnett
Mary Jackson
about 1847 |
Ralph N Jackson
[Private] Kingwell
Richard Jackson
Ann Crocker
Robert Jackson
about 1855 |
Robert Jackson
about 1780 |
Mary Casswell
Sarah Ann Jackson
about 1841 |
Sidney Webster Jackson
1 May 1908 |
William Jackson
about 1813 |
before 1871 |
Rebecca Bond
William Jackson
about 1857 |
[Private] Jackson
[Private] Graham
[Private] Jackson
[Private] Kingwell
Jakeman |
Mary Jakeman
William Gerry
James |
Dorothy Hickes James
Josiah Glencross
Mary James
Gabriel Knight
Jarman |
Harry Percival Jarman
about 1881 |
Kate Emma Kingwell
Henry Jarman
Jarvis |
Hannah Jarvis
about 1859 |
James Cundall
Jane Jarvis
John Evens
Susan Jarvis
Stephen Cleverley
William Jarvis
Anne Steer
Jason |
Joseph Jason
Catherine Atkinson
Jasper |
Albert Edward Jasper
about 1905 |
Richard Albert Jasper
about 1878 |
Beatrice Mary Kingwell
Richard Newry Jasper
Winnifred Annie Jasper
about 1910 |
Jeatt |
Mary Jeatt
Edmund Paige
Jeffery |
Elizabeth Ann Jeffery
about 1840 |
Ellen Mann Jeffery
about 1843 |
George Jeffery
about 1843 |
John Jeffery
about 1795 |
Susanna Perry
John Jeffery
about 1839 |
Mary Worth Jeffery
about 1839 |
Susan Catherine Perry Jeffery
about 1835 |
William Jeffery
about 1829 |
Winifred Eliza Jeffery
about 1833 |
Jeffrey |
Ann Jeffrey
29 May 1814 |
Ann Jeffrey
about 1847 |
Arthur Jeffrey
Mary Lavers
Catherine Jeffrey
about 1809 |
Ellen Jeffrey
about 1851 |
Emma Jeffrey
about 1845 |
Hester Jeffrey
about 1807 |
5 Jun 1891 |
Philip Kingwell
Mary Jeffrey
30 Jun 1816 |
4 Sep 1817 |
William Jeffrey
about 1777 |
1861 |
Sarah King
William Jeffrey
11 Aug 1811 |
Emma Stentiford
Jellard |
Agnes Jellard
about 1803 |
Agnes Paige Jellard
about 1842 |
Anne Jellard
about 1835 |
Edmund Jellard
about 1839 |
Elizabeth Jellard
about 1838 |
Frank Jellard
about 1837 |
George Bastard Jellard
about 1801 |
George Jellard
Mary Bastard
Harriet Jellard
about 1805 |
John Paige Jellard
about 1802 |
1889 |
Agnes Paige,
Mary Bastard
John Paige Jellard
about 1833 |
Mary Bastard Jellard
about 1798 |
Richard Paige
William Henry Jellard
about 1831 |
William Jellard
about 1806 |
Anna Paige
Jenkin |
Amy Annie Jenkin
30 Nov 1879 |
1970 |
William Hercules Kingwell
Jenkins |
Abraham Jenkins
19 Sep 1762 |
Betty Jenkins
about 1765 |
1852 |
Charles Jenkins
Deborah Brewer
Charles Jenkins
about 1764 |
Edward Jenkins
Edward Jenkins
about 1771 |
Emily Elizabeth Jenkins
about 1837 |
Edward Emanuel Sharland
Henry Duncan Jenkins
about 1865 |
Bessie Kingwell
Henry Jenkins
Caroline Duncan
James Jenkins
about 1776 |
Jane Jenkins
about 1838 |
Frank Kendall
Joseph Jenkins
Mary Jenkins
about 1780 |
1848 |
George Price
Mary Jenkins
about 1820 |
William Cox Paige
Richard Jenkins
about 1774 |
Thomas Jenkins
about 1769 |
William Jenkins
about 1761 |
Jennings |
Adaline Jennings
about 1818 |
William Horton
Sarah Jennings
Thomas Hippisley Stokes
Jessop |
Ann Jessop
7 Jan 1788 |
Charles Jessop
about 1833 |
Ann Kindin
Charles Jessop
about 1864 |
Elizabeth Jessop
about 1843 |
Elizabeth Jessop
4 Apr 1784 |
George Jessop
about 1838 |
Grace Jessop
about 1840 |
Grace Maria Jessop
about 1862 |
Henry Davis
Henry Jessop
about 1831 |
Henry Jessop
about 1780 |
Jane Jessop
about 1861 |
John Jessop
about 1830 |
John Jessop
Mary Chandler
John Jessop
26 Jan 1792 |
Joseph Jessop
about 1793 |
Maria Childs
Joseph Jessop
about 1845 |
Mary Jessop
about 1782 |
Sarah Jessop
15 Nov 1789 |
Stephen Jessop
about 1836 |
Thursa Jessop
about 1848 |
William Jessop
about 1866 |
Jewell |
Annie Eliza Jewell
about 1848 |
20 May 1898 |
George Newman Kingwell
Jillard |
Elizabeth Jillard
19 Apr 1821 |
George Jillard
about 1776 |
1858 |
Mary Perring
Henry Jillard
4 Apr 1810 |
1844 |
Mary Ann Tucker
John Henry Jillard
about 1843 |
John Perring Jillard
21 Dec 1816 |
Mary Ann Grant Jillard
1 Feb 1819 |
Peter Gillard
Mary Jane Jillard
about 1840 |
Nicholas William Paige
Nathaniel Jillard
21 Dec 1811 |
Susan Jillard
John Paige
[Private] Jillard
Jillet |
Martha Jillet
25 May 1804 |
Thomas Stott
Thomas Jillet
Sarah Turner
Johns |
Frederick Richard Johns
about 1870 |
Laura Dinnis Johns
about 1873 |
Richard Johns
about 1837 |
Susan Oliver Parsons
Susan Oliver Johns
about 1865 |
1891 |
Johnson |
Alexander Johnson
about 1892 |
Frederick Herbert Johnson
about 1889 |
Hannah Johnson
about 1794 |
James Rigby
Henry James Johnson
about 1861 |
Janet Rugg
Henry James Johnson
28 Sep 1884 |
Florence Louisa Simmons
James Johnson
Frances Hannah Carpenter
Maggie May Johnson
about 1890 |
Simon Johnson
about 1785 |
12 Oct 1843 |
Jane Cork
[Private] Johnson
[Private] Graham
Johnston |
James Johnston
1968 |
1968 |
Mary Johnston
1836 |
Andrew Orr
[Private] Johnston
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Johnston
[Private] Johnston
Johnstone |
Christina Johnstone
about 1821 |
John Manson
Jonas |
Alan Jonas
about 1856 |
Ezra Henry Jonas
about 1841 |
Leah Jonas
about 1843 |
Levi Jonas
about 1848 |
Lucy Jonas
12 Oct 1852 |
22 Jul 1942 |
Richard Kingwell
Noah Jonas
about 1862 |
Bell Unknown
Rhoda L Jonas
1887 |
Thomas Jonas
about 1816 |
Mary Ann Parsons
Jones |
Ada Josephine Jones
about 1903 |
Ada Leah Jones
23 Jun 1874 |
John Gohrt
Ada Rene Jones
about 1890 |
Agnes Rhubinetta Jones
about 1905 |
Albert Edward Jones
22 Sep 1874 |
Alfred Edward Jones
Grace Agnes Mafreda Paige
Alfred Nicholas Jones
16 Dec 1882 |
Lilian Frances Patton
Arthur Andrew Jones
4 Oct 1885 |
Arthur Harold Jones
about 1908 |
Charles Alfred Jones
26 May 1848 |
25 Jul 1894 |
Elizabeth Ann Knowles
Charles Alfred Jones
about 1900 |
Charles Ernest Jones
20 Dec 1877 |
Harriet Caples
Charles Jones
about 1893 |
Ebenezer Owen Jones
about 1861 |
Emma Matilda Paige
Ebenezer Owen Jones
Edward Jones
about 1832 |
Sarah Sanders
Edward Jones
Edwin Jones
Ellizabeth Ellen Taylor
Eliza Jones
about 1824 |
Green Holden
Eliza Jones
about 1865 |
Edward Joseph Lucas
Elizabeth Ann Jones
20 Feb 1880 |
1954 |
Arthur Young
Emily Louisa Jones
11 Apr 1877 |
Emma Jones
about 1831 |
William Paige
Esther Irene Jones
about 1905 |
Esther Lottie Jones
8 Feb 1881 |
Eva Linda Jones
about 1900 |
1986 |
Henry Paige Kingwell
Florence Annie Jones
about 1883 |
Joseph Crompton
Francis Owen Jones
about 1897 |
Frank Jones
Mary Lilian Medling
Frederick Charles Jones
11 Apr 1872 |
Lucinda Jane Middleton
George Alfred Jones
15 Jan 1869 |
Ellen Rene Wild
George Alfred Jones
about 1910 |
George Allen Jones
about 1902 |
George Edward Jones
about 1853 |
Emma Hudson
George Ernest Jones
3 Nov 1883 |
George Jones
about 1822 |
Mary Newsham
George Jones
5 Dec 1873 |
Gertrude Jones
1911 |
Hannah Winifred Jones
about 1895 |
Harold Christmas Jones
17 Dec 1890 |
1979 |
Mabel Harrington
Harriet Jones
about 1898 |
Helen Gladys Jones
about 1895 |
Henry H Jones
about 1879 |
Horace Jones
about 1894 |
John Jones
about 1814 |
Lillian Martha Jones
about 1907 |
Lucinda Jane Jones
about 1903 |
Margaret Edith Jones
about 1906 |
Maria Jones
about 1820 |
Mary Anne Jones
about 1855 |
1864 |
Mary Elizabeth Jones
about 1873 |
1908 |
George Halstead
Mary Emma Jones
about 1900 |
Mary Jones
about 1817 |
Mary Jones
17 Apr 1876 |
Mona Leah Jones
about 1908 |
Richard Albert Jones
about 1859 |
Ada Fisher
Richard Albert Jones
8 Jan 1905 |
Robert Jones
about 1903 |
[Private] Kingwell
Sarah Elizabeth Jones
about 1858 |
William Afflick
Susy Jones
about 1823 |
Thomas Christopher Jones
Margaret Jane Kingwell
Thomas Jones
Elizabeth Platt
Thomas Jones
about 1910 |
Thomas Jones
William Frederick Jones
about 1900 |
William Jones
William Newsham Jones
10 Apr 1885 |
Agnes Theresa Turner
[Private] Jones
[Private] Goode
[Private] Jones
[Private] Jones
[Private] Jones
[Private] Jones
[Private] Jones
Joyce |
Edward Joyce
25 Aug 1803 |
Elizabeth Joyce
2 Oct 1785 |
Felix Joyce
19 Sep 1800 |
Francis Joyce
23 Mar 1808 |
Frederick Joyce
10 Nov 1798 |
Harriet Joyce
29 Feb 1792 |
John Casswell
Henry Joyce
29 Mar 1790 |
Joshua Joyce
Mary Fagg
Joshua Joyce
4 Dec 1795 |
Louisa Joyce
8 Mar 1794 |
Henry Casswell
Maria Joyce
2 Apr 1787 |
Thomas Joyce
29 Mar 1790 |
Joyner |
Pauline Joyner
about 1838 |
William Joyner
about 1782 |
Hannah Medcraft
Judd |
Raymond Earl Judd
29 Jul 1901 |
2 Jan 1963 |
Glenna Charlyn Robinson
[Private] Judd
[Private] Judd
Julian |
Mary Ann Julian
about 1833 |
Benjamin Burn
Kane |
Margaret Kane
5 Feb 1903 |
Leopold Kroll
Kauffmann |
Mildred Kauffmann
Herbert Leslie Stanley
Kay |
Edmund Kay
about 1838 |
Elizabeth Kay
1841 |
Elizabeth Kay
about 1842 |
Giles Ainsworth
James Kay
about 1847 |
Martha Kay
about 1833 |
1902 |
John Pye
Nancy Kay
about 1828 |
Thomas Kay
about 1830 |
William Kay
about 1805 |
Betty Hogg
William Kay
about 1835 |
Kaywood |
Agnes Kaywood
about 1877 |
1889 |
Ann Kaywood
about 1844 |
1844 |
Charles Kaywood
about 1837 |
1837 |
George Kaywood
about 1839 |
27 Sep 1906 |
Agnes Austin,
Margaret Sharples
John Kaywood
about 1845 |
Joseph Kaywood
about 1838 |
1838 |
Margaret Ann Kaywood
24 Oct 1872 |
6 Oct 1910 |
Henry Pilkington
Martha Kaywood
about 1875 |
1892 |
Mary Kaywood
20 Jun 1862 |
13 Jul 1915 |
William Henry Gray
Mary Kaywood
about 1833 |
John Backshaw
Robert Kaywood
about 1865 |
1866 |
Sarah Jane Kaywood
about 1866 |
1891 |
Sarah Jane Kaywood
26 Feb 1885 |
Thomas Murphy
Sarah Kaywood
about 1875 |
Sarah Kaywood
about 1842 |
William Kaywood
about 1811 |
Sarah Hardman
William Kaywood
14 Mar 1852 |
Mary Ann Parkinson
Keal |
Ann Jane Keal
about 1834 |
George Baker
Kean |
Katie Kean
Wesley Warren Champ
Kearns |
James Kearns
about 1845 |
1928 |
Lilla E Scobell
Sidney Scobell Kearns
about 1888 |
1972 |
Keatley |
Ann Keatley
about 1801 |
Marflitt Boyce
Ann Keatley
about 1766 |
Isaac Cox,
Daniel Gray
Elizabeth Keatley
21 Nov 1804 |
Ellis Keatley
3 Jun 1808 |
Fanny Keatley
17 Feb 1812 |
John Keatley
16 Nov 1806 |
John Keatley
1809 |
Elizabeth Welborn
John Keatley
11 Jan 1759 |
Leah Keatley
19 Jun 1814 |
24 Feb 1815 |
Mary Keatley
about 1768 |
Rachel Keatley
19 Jun 1814 |
22 May 1815 |
Richard Keatley
9 Apr 1816 |
Wellborn Keatley
about 1779 |
1855 |
Mary Browne
Wellborn Keatley
11 Jun 1810 |
Keefer |
Anna Whilamena Keefer
28 Nov 1882 |
William Henry Nutter
Philip Keefer
Catherine Unknown
Keegan |
Mary Keegan
Ezra Medling
Keen |
William J Keen
[Private] Kingwell
Keighley |
Josiah Keighley
about 1845 |
Agnes Paige
Keith |
Alexander Keith
about 1902 |
Joseph Keith
about 1869 |
29 Dec 1905 |
Elizabeth Russell Orr
Kell |
Frank Kell
Marjorie Hill
[Private] Kell
[Private] Kell
Kelly |
Elizabeth Kelly
about 1826 |
Richard Halstead
Lorraine Kelly
about 1902 |
Arthur Mason Stanley
Olive Emily Kelly
James Leonard Woodruffe Sharland
Patrick J Kelly
[Private] Kingwell
Kendall |
Arthur Kendall
about 1872 |
Bertha Hellen Kendall
about 1869 |
Frank Kendall
about 1840 |
Jane Jenkins
Frederick Richard Kendall
about 1870 |
Isabella Sutor Jenkins Kendall
26 Mar 1876 |
Fred Deeble Rogers
Lizzie Jenkins Kendall
about 1873 |
Frederick William Lamb
Kennard |
Arnold Kennard
about 1879 |
Evelyn Kennard
7 Feb 1875 |
George Samuel Kingwell
Herbert John Kennard
about 1875 |
James Bernard Tucker Kennard
about 1871 |
Annie Glanville Kingwell
Phoebe Kennard
about 1873 |
Richard Kennard
about 1847 |
Eliza Ann Tucker
Susannah Kennard
about 1782 |
James Murray
Kenwood |
Margaret Kenwood
William Salter
Kerr |
Alexander Kerr
Christine McLeod
Mary Kerr
about 1788 |
Murdoch McKenzie
Kerslake |
Charles Kerslake
about 1827 |
George Kerslake
about 1818 |
John Kerslake
about 1792 |
Mary Ball
John Kerslake
about 1823 |
Richard Kerslake
about 1821 |
Thomas Kerslake
about 1830 |
William Kerslake
about 1815 |
Kerswell |
Elizabeth Anne Kerswell
about 1845 |
John Gulley,
Philip Horton
Thomas Kerswell
Dorcas Roberts
Keslake |
Bessie Keslake
about 1883 |
Hilda Winnifred Keslake
about 1880 |
Lucy Mary S Keslake
about 1877 |
Stanley Walter H Keslake
about 1878 |
William Cousins Keslake
about 1849 |
Mary Maria Williams
Kidd |
Archibald Kidd
Mary Unknown
Catherine Kidd
about 1804 |
1851 |
John Casswell
Kilby |
Charles Torr Kilby
about 1869 |
David Dawson Kilby
about 1880 |
David Kilby
about 1841 |
1893 |
Elizabeth Dawson
Lawrence Thomas Kilby
about 1867 |
Lois Dixon Kilby
about 1873 |
William Henry Kilby
1871 |
William Kilby
Killick |
Ann Killick
about 1777 |
Anne Killick
about 1803 |
Elizabeth Killick
about 1801 |
Henry Killick
about 1774 |
29 Apr 1819 |
Margaret Boyer
Henry Valentine Killick
about 1805 |
4 Jan 1884 |
Margaret Killick
about 1810 |
8 Feb 1817 |
Phoebe Killick
about 1817 |
20 Oct 1819 |
Samuel Killick
about 1819 |
Sarah Killick
about 1807 |
Susannah Ellen Killick
about 1816 |
1864 |
George Edward Sharland
Thomas Killick
1809 |
2 Apr 1809 |
Valentine Killick
Anne Tiesdell
Valentine Killick
about 1780 |
Kindin |
Ann Kindin
about 1831 |
Charles Jessop
Eliza Kindin
about 1826 |
Elizabeth Fiander Kindin
about 1820 |
Jane Kindin
about 1835 |
Mary Fiander Kindin
about 1828 |
Mary Kindin
about 1822 |
Thomas Kindin
about 1824 |
William Kindin
Mary Fiander
William Kindin
about 1829 |
King |
Ann King
Joseph Green
Ann King
about 1836 |
Henry William Waldron
Clement King
about 1828 |
Clement King
Avis Lapthorne
Elizabeth Eve King
6 May 1824 |
1884 |
David Uren
George King
about 1825 |
John King
about 1836 |
Mary King
about 1830 |
Mary King
13 Apr 1811 |
Mary King
John Lockstone
Sarah King
Joseph Cutler
Sarah King
about 1775 |
1854 |
William Jeffrey
Susanna King
about 1832 |
Thomas King
8 May 1791 |
Susanna Ball
Thomas King
1787 |
Eve Kingwell
Thomas King
about 1821 |
Kingston |
Edith Lilian Kingston
James Hercules Kingwell
Kingwell |
Ada Mary Kingwell
about 1878 |
Foster Gilbert Belton Hammond
Ada Mary Newlyn Kingwell
28 Feb 1872 |
about 1915 |
Ada Paige Kingwell
30 Mar 1859 |
1949 |
Arthur Bullen
Adam Kingwell
about 1765 |
24 Feb 1848 |
Julian Luscombe
Adam Kingwell
about 1804 |
1808 |
Adam Kingwell
about 1810 |
1850 |
Elizabeth Brandon
Agnes Margaret Kingwell
6 Mar 1909 |
Albert Edward Kingwell
23 Dec 1882 |
15 Feb 1914 |
Albert Isaac Kingwell
1860 |
1897 |
Mary Phayer
Albert Kingwell
4 Oct 1872 |
Clara Spindler
Albert Kingwell
13 Feb 1898 |
12 Oct 1980 |
Hilda Helen Amesbury
Albert Kingwell
1876 |
1877 |
Albert Kingwell
about 1897 |
Albert Walter Charles Kingwell
14 Jun 1925 |
18 May 1972 |
Alfred Edward Kingwell
about 1859 |
7 Nov 1899 |
Louisa Jane Wyatt
Alfred Edward Kingwell
28 Mar 1887 |
Dorothy Irene Ross Fredman
Alfred Henry Kingwell
1900 |
Alfred John Kingwell
1 Sep 1912 |
Alfred Kingwell
about 1892 |
Alfred Kingwell
about 1875 |
Edith Annie Bassett
Alfred Leslie Kingwell
4 May 1892 |
22 May 1979 |
Alfred Richard Kingwell
6 Dec 1896 |
21 Feb 1952 |
Alfred William John Kingwell
about 1910 |
Alice Ash Kingwell
about 1846 |
Henry Cose
Alice Augusta May Kingwell
1884 |
1958 |
Albert Armstrong
Alice Kingwell
about 1880 |
Walter Scoble
Alice Kingwell
about 1869 |
Alice Mabel Kingwell
1890 |
John Thomas Damerell Rundle
Alice Mabel Kingwell
about 1886 |
Alice Rebecca Kingwell
16 Mar 1868 |
Alice Ruth Kingwell
29 Sep 1902 |
26 Jan 1982 |
Alma Florence Kingwell
19 May 1889 |
William Charles Thomas Frost
Alma Jane Kingwell
16 Jan 1890 |
Wilbert Frederick Hunt
Alma Kingwell
about 1877 |
Alwyn Rupert Kingwell
about 1906 |
1986 |
Amelia Kingwell
about 1887 |
Andrew James Kingwell
about 1912 |
Elizabeth R Gelder
Andrew Peter Kingwell
1946 |
2016 |
Ann Elizabeth Kingwell
8 Aug 1819 |
John Cleverley
Ann Kingwell
about 1816 |
1819 |
Ann Kingwell
about 1779 |
1808 |
John Heard
Ann Kingwell
about 1817 |
William Axworthy Freeman
Ann Kingwell
18 Apr 1837 |
George Williams
Ann Maria Kingwell
5 Sep 1875 |
Ann Waldron Kingwell
about 1848 |
John Martin Webber
Ann Wyatt Kingwell
about 1826 |
John Dart
Ann Wyatt Kingwell
about 1815 |
Annie Eliza Kingwell
about 1884 |
William Thomas Pollard
Annie Glanville Kingwell
about 1873 |
James Bernard Tucker Kennard
Annie Kingwell
1881 |
Annie Kingwell
about 1889 |
Annie Kingwell
about 1874 |
Fred Crimp
Annie Kingwell
about 1878 |
John Hodgson
Annie Mary Kingwell
30 Sep 1886 |
George Lewis Bigger
Annie Veronica Kingwell
1922 |
1974 |
Archelaus Andrews Kingwell
31 Mar 1819 |
1902 |
Mary Ann Waldron
Archelaus John Rice Kingwell
about 1876 |
1923 |
Hannah Scott
Archelaus Kingwell
about 1855 |
24 Feb 1935 |
Harriett Elliott
Archelaus Kingwell
about 1849 |
1932 |
Eliza Dymond
Archelaus Kingwell
14 Apr 1887 |
1910 |
Archelaus Kingwell
25 Apr 1909 |
1960 |
Ruby May Powel
Archelaus Leighton Kingwell
29 Nov 1931 |
1995 |
Barbara Williams
Arthur Kingwell
about 1905 |
Florence Emily Blackler
Arthur Trobridge Kingwell
about 1868 |
1945 |
Laura Easterbrook
Audrey Florence Kingwell
14 Apr 1910 |
John Hoare
Audrey Louisa Kingwell
about 1903 |
Avis Barons Kingwell
1885 |
Edwin Ellis Fleming
Avis Horton Kingwell
about 1885 |
Sidney Thomas Matthews
Beatrice Eliza Kingwell
about 1893 |
1895 |
Beatrice Mabel Kingwell
7 Jul 1884 |
12 Feb 1920 |
Arthur Albert Rae
Beatrice Mary Kingwell
25 Feb 1880 |
Richard Albert Jasper
Benjamin James Kingwell
5 Nov 1916 |
7 Nov 1981 |
Benjamin Kingwell
1883 |
Benjamin Rowe Kingwell
1 Mar 1862 |
23 Mar 1950 |
Charlotte Ermina Ann Josephine Beedle
Bertram George Kingwell
11 Apr 1890 |
1892 |
Bertram George Thomas Kingwell
about 1889 |
1967 |
Bessie Barons Kingwell
22 Oct 1887 |
Bessie Kingwell
about 1867 |
Henry Duncan Jenkins
Bessie Maria Kingwell
about 1884 |
Ernest Harry Seaton
Bessie Monica Kingwell
about 1905 |
Charles R E Aggett
Bessy Louisa Kingwell
about 1888 |
Hedley F Mathews
Caroline Kingwell
about 1826 |
1917 |
Thomas Houseman
Caroline Kingwell
about 1828 |
Richard Watts
Caroline Kingwell
about 1823 |
May 1824 |
Caroline Kingwell
about 1847 |
Edwin Westaway
Caroline Kingwell
about 1846 |
1847 |
Catherine Kingwell
about 1784 |
Richard Puddicombe
Catherine Kingwell
about 1837 |
Catherine Kingwell
about 1828 |
Catherine Kingwell
about 1813 |
Catherine Kingwell
25 Nov 1835 |
Cedric Duley Kingwell
8 Jul 1888 |
2 Jul 1964 |
Annie Elizabeth Swan,
Ella Sharland
Charles Ford Kingwell
21 Nov 1895 |
1976 |
Isabella Silby
Charles Henry Kingwell
2 Feb 1891 |
1980 |
Charles Henry Kingwell
3 Mar 1893 |
1894 |
Charles Samuel Kingwell
30 Apr 1910 |
1987 |
Charlotte Elizabeth Kingwell
about 1868 |
Isaac Webber
Charlotte Kingwell
about 1828 |
William Phillips
Cleon Francis Kingwell
about 1879 |
1879 |
Cleverley Vicars Kingwell
1859 |
1927 |
Isabella Scott Murray
Cleverly John Kingwell
about 1877 |
Stella May Hartland
Daisy Ella Kingwell
about 1886 |
George Easson Chadwick
Daisy Teresa Kingwell
1893 |
1979 |
William Edward Rowe
David Pierce Kingwell
8 Apr 1919 |
20 Apr 1983 |
Phyllis Hope Lindon
Dennis Langsbeare Kingwell
about 1886 |
1887 |
Dora Fanny Kingwell
about 1888 |
1963 |
Doris Eileen Kingwell
18 Apr 1906 |
Colin George Whytcross
Dorothy Alison Kingwell
about 1885 |
27 Feb 1976 |
Cecil William Guillaume
Dorothy Ambrose Kingwell
30 Oct 1891 |
1893 |
Dorothy Lilian Erica Kingwell
1923 |
28 Dec 2016 |
[Private] Bohlin
Edith Maria Kingwell
about 1883 |
Edna Kingwell
about 1906 |
Edward Snow Kingwell
about 1861 |
1861 |
Edwin James Kingwell
1925 |
18 May 1980 |
Edwin Kingwell
1862 |
2 Feb 1906 |
Mary A Rodgers
Edwin Kingwell
1891 |
20 Dec 1941 |
Annie Violet Curry
Edwin Vicars Kingwell
about 1889 |
1963 |
Elda Kingwell
about 1892 |
Eleanor Elsie Kingwell
22 Sep 1912 |
19 Jan 2006 |
Eliza Jane Kingwell
about 1870 |
Eliza Kingwell
about 1804 |
William Arthur
Elizabeth A Kingwell
about 1908 |
Elizabeth Ann Kingwell
about 1844 |
John Sowden
Elizabeth Ann Kingwell
about 1880 |
Sydney George Steer
Elizabeth Barons Kingwell
21 Nov 1886 |
1887 |
Elizabeth Jane Kingwell
1903 |
Elizabeth Kingwell
about 1819 |
1 Apr 1845 |
Elizabeth Kingwell
about 1791 |
Elizabeth Kingwell
about 1848 |
Francis Robert Bowden Rockett
Elizabeth Kingwell
about 1864 |
Elizabeth Kingwell
about 1773 |
Elizabeth Kingwell
about 1815 |
William Hill
Elizabeth Kingwell
about 1880 |
Elizabeth Kingwell
about 1817 |
Elizabeth Kingwell
about 1847 |
Thomas Tanner
Elizabeth Kingwell
1907 |
1910 |
Ella Mary Kingwell
about 1880 |
Ellen Kingwell
about 1828 |
Thomas Sercombe
Ellen Kingwell
about 1869 |
William Chambers
Ellen Kingwell
about 1855 |
Ellen Madeline Kingwell
about 1893 |
Ellen Paige Kingwell
about 1844 |
1926 |
Henry James Witton
Elsie Elizabeth Winnifred Kingwell
31 Jul 1889 |
9 Mar 1961 |
George Francis Halford McCartin
Elsie Kathleen Kingwell
about 1901 |
Elsie Kingwell
about 1894 |
Elsie May Kingwell
17 Jan 1893 |
Hubert Cecil Yeandle
Elvira Kingwell
about 1891 |
David William Fraser
Emily Anne Kingwell
about 1828 |
1900 |
Thomas Canniford
Emily Christina Kingwell
about 1879 |
James Hodgson
Emily Elizabeth Kingwell
10 Mar 1887 |
James Warner Hunt
Emily Kingwell
about 1882 |
Emily Mary Kingwell
11 Jan 1878 |
Patrick Coughlin
Emily Paige Kingwell
about 1846 |
1930 |
William Southcott
Emma Amanda Kingwell
about 1862 |
Samuel Templeman
Emma Kingwell
17 Jan 1822 |
James John Moore
Emma Kingwell
18 Jun 1840 |
1842 |
Emma Paige Kingwell
about 1853 |
1929 |
Augustine Southey
Emmaline Abbott Kingwell
about 1854 |
William Cannon
Eric Garfield Kingwell
1 Jul 1883 |
23 Oct 1955 |
Lilian Mary Venton
Ernest Kingwell
about 1893 |
1893 |
Ernest Philip Kingwell
about 1884 |
1907 |
Ernest Samuel Kingwell
14 Nov 1881 |
1976 |
Martha Howlett Mainley
Ernest Stanley Kingwell
about 1894 |
1963 |
Ethel Alice Kingwell
about 1904 |
Ethel E Kingwell
about 1886 |
Ethel Kingwell
about 1903 |
Ethel May Kingwell
about 1884 |
Ethel Minnie Strickland Kingwell
2 Jul 1876 |
7 Sep 1960 |
Roderick McIver,
John Alfred Oswald Waller
Eve Kingwell
about 1761 |
Hugh Beare
Eve Kingwell
about 1789 |
Thomas King
Eve Kingwell
about 1807 |
Benjamin Terrey
Eve Kingwell
about 1812 |
1813 |
Evelyn L Kingwell
about 1905 |
Fanny Caroline Kingwell
about 1843 |
15 Apr 1934 |
Francis Robert Hodge
Fanny Kingwell
about 1839 |
1840 |
Fanny Kingwell
about 1862 |
John Osborne Pike
Fanny Marjorie Kingwell
about 1892 |
Fanny Matilda Kingwell
about 1890 |
John William Patchett
Fanny Philipa Kingwell
31 Oct 1888 |
Leyland B Smith
Florence Anita Kingwell
about 1909 |
Florence Beatrice Kingwell
about 1875 |
Percy Raynor Croxford
Florence Elizabeth Kingwell
about 1878 |
Florence Elizabeth Kingwell
about 1892 |
Florence Emily Kingwell
about 1880 |
Florence Gladys Kingwell
about 1888 |
Florence Kingwell
about 1875 |
Forist Frank Kingwell
9 Jan 1885 |
5 Feb 1885 |
Frances Sarah Kingwell
about 1899 |
Frances Vera Kingwell
22 May 1898 |
Francis Benjamin Kingwell
19 Aug 1887 |
20 Apr 1977 |
Francis Frederick Kingwell
about 1865 |
1914 |
Sarah Matthias
Francis Paige Kingwell
28 Apr 1903 |
Edna Alice Louise Cooke
Francis Robert Kingwell
11 Jan 1891 |
14 Oct 1916 |
Frank Kingwell
about 1891 |
1895 |
Freda Miriam Kingwell
about 1896 |
Frederick Henry Kingwell
about 1902 |
Frederick Kingwell
about 1897 |
George Callaway Kingwell
about 1853 |
1854 |
George Henry Dyer Kingwell
16 Aug 1873 |
1931 |
Elizabeth Munkley
George Isaac Kingwell
about 1890 |
1932 |
Olive Grace Angus
George Jeremiah Kingwell
about 1855 |
about 1875 |
George Kingwell
about 1880 |
George Kingwell
about 1891 |
George Kingwell
about 1892 |
George Newman Kingwell
about 1833 |
1922 |
Annie Eliza Jewell
George Richard Kingwell
about 1855 |
1907 |
Mary Stanlick
George Samuel Kingwell
about 1869 |
1952 |
Evelyn Kennard
George Thomas Kingwell
7 Feb 1888 |
1981 |
Gladys Bowring Kingwell
about 1882 |
1964 |
William Henry Francis Onion
Gladys Kingwell
about 1911 |
Gladys Marie Kingwell
29 Jul 1894 |
Hannah Kingwell
about 1803 |
Harold Ernest Kingwell
about 1887 |
1965 |
Mary Elizabeth Paterson
Harold Grant Kingwell
16 Mar 1905 |
27 May 1995 |
Harold Kingwell
1902 |
1902 |
Harriet Emma Kingwell
about 1877 |
1896 |
Harriet Horton Kingwell
about 1846 |
Parry Mitchell Gill
Harriet Kingwell
about 1832 |
James Collings
Harry Kingwell
about 1887 |
Harry Kingwell
about 1900 |
Harry Kingwell
23 Mar 1902 |
Hazel C Kingwell
about 1899 |
Feb 1981 |
Helen Grace Kingwell
10 Nov 1921 |
15 Sep 2015 |
Roderick Gollan MacPherson
Helen Matilda Kingwell
about 1814 |
1901 |
William Tapper
Henry Kingwell
about 1879 |
Lillian Alice Chapple
Henry Kingwell
about 1890 |
Henry Paige Kingwell
about 1901 |
6 Apr 1958 |
Eva Linda Jones
Herbert Isaac Kingwell
about 1864 |
Herbert Victor Kingwell
10 Jun 1894 |
Mar 1968 |
Herbert William Webber Kingwell
23 May 1909 |
1982 |
Gladys Caroline Marion Blagdon
Hercules Joseph Waldron Kingwell
about 1910 |
Winifred E Burchell
Hercules Kingwell
1882 |
9 Feb 1901 |
Hilda M Kingwell
about 1889 |
Hilda May Kingwell
about 1898 |
Charles Manning
Hugh Paige Kingwell
1 May 1890 |
6 Jun 1965 |
Hilda Florence Welfare
Hugh Robert Kingwell
about 1894 |
24 Aug 1918 |
Ian Hugh Kingwell
1917 |
12 Nov 1999 |
[Private] Bradford
Ida Kingwell
about 1882 |
William Probert
Isaac Kingwell
about 1785 |
28 Jan 1869 |
Mary Scoble
Isaac Kingwell
about 1835 |
3 Nov 1923 |
Ann Harriett Gullett
Isaac Kingwell
30 May 1859 |
Sarah Jane Ross
Ivy Louisa Kingwell
about 1912 |
James F Kingwell
6 Sep 1917 |
8 Apr 2003 |
James Franklin Kingwell
7 Jun 1889 |
Nov 1967 |
Margaret Pearl Champ
James Hercules Kingwell
17 Jul 1889 |
1971 |
Edith Lilian Kingston
James Kingwell
about 1875 |
James Kingwell
1909 |
James McCallum Kingwell
11 Apr 1878 |
9 Aug 1916 |
Elizabeth David Bissland
James Reginald Kingwell
15 May 1888 |
1960 |
Harriet Ellen Horton
James Rouse Kingwell
about 1863 |
1952 |
Mary Ann Doidge
James Samuel Kingwell
25 Feb 1880 |
Anna D Tapsell
Jane Ann Kingwell
about 1859 |
Jane Ann Kingwell
about 1881 |
Henry Smith
Jane Kingwell
about 1821 |
Henry Phillips
Jane Kingwell
about 1814 |
John Hurrell
Jane Kingwell
about 1858 |
1904 |
Edwin Sherrell
Jane Kingwell
16 Mar 1834 |
Henry Parnell
Janet McCallum Kingwell
1904 |
Jenny Cora Kingwell
about 1900 |
Wilfred Henry Nicholls
Jeremy Francis Kingwell
1 Apr 1962 |
1982 |
Jesse Kingwell
about 1848 |
1932 |
John Winnicott
Jessie Elizabeth Kingwell
19 May 1871 |
Henry Walter Page
John Aloysius Kingwell
1880 |
2 Aug 1963 |
Louisa Mary Millard
John Ambrose Kingwell
about 1851 |
1919 |
Emily Mary Canniford
John Henry Kingwell
26 Nov 1902 |
30 Nov 1916 |
John Henry Kingwell
about 1857 |
Tryphena Ley,
Jane Mary Barons,
Mary Jane Gibbens
John Howard Kingwell
about 1892 |
1896 |
John Jabaz Kingwell
about 1799 |
John James Kingwell
22 Nov 1847 |
31 Jan 1906 |
Rebecca Collett
John Kingwell
about 1823 |
1824 |
John Kingwell
about 1770 |
Ann Wyatt
John Kingwell
about 1793 |
1798 |
John Kingwell
about 1835 |
9 Jun 1899 |
Elizabeth Doddridge Luscombe
John Kingwell
about 1830 |
Jane Northmore Luscombe
John Kingwell
about 1840 |
16 Nov 1874 |
John Kingwell
about 1868 |
Sarah Sanders Luscombe
John Kingwell
about 1856 |
Sarah Grace Brown
John Kingwell
about 1796 |
3 Dec 1798 |
John Kingwell
about 1819 |
11 Oct 1838 |
John Kingwell
about 1839 |
Susannah Dyer
John Kingwell
about 1889 |
John Kingwell
18 Apr 1879 |
John Kingwell
about 1796 |
13 Dec 1865 |
Elizabeth Matthew,
Mary Snow
John Kingwell
26 Dec 1823 |
15 Nov 1891 |
Lilias Moore
John Kingwell
about 1824 |
Ann Wilcocks Truscott
John Kingwell
about 1856 |
John Kingwell
1915 |
8 Aug 1988 |
John Rowe Kingwell
1 Feb 1891 |
11 May 1984 |
Hazel Hiatt
John Smith Kingwell
about 1841 |
John Thomas Kingwell
1 Nov 1876 |
Alice Campbell
John Victor Philip Kingwell
2 Apr 1896 |
1897 |
John William James Kingwell
1907 |
1907 |
John William Kingwell
about 1923 |
3 Feb 1923 |
Joseph Hercules Kingwell
about 1853 |
1878 |
Kate Jennifer Young
Joseph William Kingwell
18 Aug 1927 |
2004 |
Josephine Alice Maud Kingwell
about 1905 |
Josephine Ellen Kingwell
about 1889 |
Julia Kingwell
about 1800 |
James Toms
Kate Ann Kingwell
about 1882 |
Kate Emma Kingwell
about 1878 |
Harry Percival Jarman
Kathleen Alice Kingwell
30 Jul 1921 |
21 Nov 2006 |
Kathleen Hope Kingwell
about 1900 |
1901 |
Kathleen Irene Kingwell
11 Oct 1893 |
1968 |
Keith Bowring Kingwell
18 Jul 1892 |
1892 |
Keith William Kingwell
12 May 1916 |
26 Mar 2000 |
Nelda Lee Koski
Kenneth Francis Kingwell
21 Oct 1880 |
31 Jul 1952 |
Margaret Annie Pearce
Kenneth Kingwell
8 Oct 1896 |
1950 |
Amy Elizabeth Doidge
Laura Mildred Kingwell
19 Aug 1894 |
5 Mar 1899 |
Leonard Merson Kingwell
14 Aug 1882 |
1951 |
Kate Scott Wilson
Leslie John Kingwell
17 Dec 1897 |
1964 |
Susie Lidstone,
Alice White
Lilian Kingwell
about 1901 |
Lilias Ann Kingwell
about 1875 |
William Henry Greene
Lillian Mary Kingwell
about 1896 |
Lily Kingwell
about 1885 |
Lorna Mary Stickland Kingwell
14 May 1921 |
12 May 2006 |
Henry Lester Lewis
Louisa Callaway Kingwell
about 1858 |
Louisa Charlotte Kingwell
about 1852 |
1903 |
Louisa Kingwell
about 1894 |
Louisa Mary Kingwell
13 Dec 1893 |
Louisa May Kingwell
18 Apr 1904 |
Leonard Robb
Louisa May Kingwell
about 1894 |
1895 |
Lucy Beatrice Kingwell
about 1897 |
Lucy Teresa Kingwell
6 Aug 1919 |
24 Nov 1951 |
Robert Arthur Mills
Lydia Kingwell
about 1842 |
William Macpherson Couch
Mabel Annie Kingwell
about 1878 |
James Gilbert Harris
Mabel Kingwell
about 1889 |
Mabel Mary Kingwell
2 Feb 1893 |
1972 |
John Walters-Symons
Malcolm George Kingwell
24 Dec 1885 |
1964 |
Nellie Gertrude Pride
Margaret Jane Kingwell
about 1854 |
Thomas Christopher Jones
Margaret Kingwell
about 1895 |
Margaret Kingwell
1887 |
1889 |
Margaret McCallum Kingwell
1900 |
Maria Kingwell
about 1814 |
1815 |
Maria Kingwell
about 1854 |
James Channing
Mary Ann Jane Kingwell
about 1847 |
1913 |
Mary Ann Kingwell
about 1825 |
Philip Elliott
Mary Ann Kingwell
about 1843 |
Benjamin Edward Holman
Mary Ann Kingwell
about 1876 |
Mary Ann Kingwell
14 Aug 1871 |
Mary Ann Kingwell
18 Apr 1879 |
Robert Arthur Craik
Mary Ann Kingwell
1878 |
14 Sep 1958 |
Thomas Dunlop
Mary Ann Kingwell
about 1819 |
Jacob Waldron
Mary Ann Kingwell
about 1886 |
Mary Catherine Kingwell
15 Dec 1903 |
Mary Emily Kingwell
about 1845 |
1881 |
Mary Emily Kingwell
13 Mar 1886 |
John T Spry
Mary Jane Kingwell
about 1851 |
Mary Kate Kingwell
about 1892 |
Fred Hemingway
Mary Kingwell
about 1768 |
Jarvis Newman,
Thomas Hodge
Mary Kingwell
about 1809 |
Peter Earle
Mary Kingwell
about 1866 |
Mary Kingwell
about 1791 |
Mary Kingwell
about 1781 |
Mary Kingwell
about 1865 |
Mary Kingwell
1900 |
Mary Kingwell
5 Jan 1847 |
Mary Kingwell
about 1907 |
Mary Kingwell
11 Dec 1838 |
Mary Margaret Kingwell
May 1908 |
1998 |
Raymond Edward Wheeler
Mary S Kingwell
about 1896 |
Mary Valerie Kingwell
about 1906 |
Fred Cook
Matilda Fanny Kingwell
8 Aug 1847 |
29 Apr 1935 |
John Harper
Maud Kingwell
about 1886 |
Maud Mary Kingwell
about 1896 |
May Kingwell
about 1891 |
May Kingwell
about 1898 |
Mervyn Venton Kingwell
6 May 1914 |
24 Feb 1997 |
Pansy Marguerite Coleman,
Dinah Newey
Mildred Jenette Kingwell
15 Apr 1907 |
9 May 1996 |
James E Taggart
Miriam Kingwell
about 1867 |
29 Sep 1934 |
George Erving Roberts
Molly Irene Elizabeth Kingwell
1906 |
Murray Kingwell
Aug 1905 |
Myrtle Kingwell
about 1907 |
Nellie Kingwell
about 1883 |
Nellie Kingwell
about 1904 |
Norah Louise Kingwell
17 Nov 1914 |
Sydney G Walton
Not named Kingwell
Aug 1934 |
Aug 1934 |
Olive Ruth Kingwell
29 Jun 1927 |
12 Dec 1996 |
James Owen Ross
Percy Reginald Kingwell
about 1906 |
Peter Francis Kingwell
3 Jul 1914 |
23 May 1994 |
Kathleen Elphic Lacey
Philip Arnold Kingwell
24 Jul 1892 |
Philip Kingwell
about 1872 |
5 Jan 1939 |
Bessie Northmore
Philip Kingwell
about 1814 |
23 Oct 1888 |
Eliza Phillips
Philip Kingwell
30 Nov 1852 |
13 Jun 1920 |
Elizabeth Miller
Philip Kingwell
about 1807 |
6 Dec 1848 |
Hester Jeffrey
Philip Kingwell
9 Jun 1842 |
1907 |
Elizabeth Carter
Philip Roy Kingwell
27 Aug 1910 |
1973 |
Phoebe Mary Kingwell
about 1877 |
Frank M Fleming
Reginald John Kingwell
1894 |
1895 |
Rhoda Evelyn Kingwell
about 1893 |
James Henry Penhallarick
Rhoda Kingwell
about 1871 |
Edwin H Smith
Richard Aubrey Kingwell
about 1879 |
25 Apr 1944 |
Richard Kingwell
30 Dec 1811 |
1819 |
Richard Kingwell
about 1764 |
10 Feb 1850 |
Elizabeth Newman
Richard Kingwell
about 1852 |
Lucy Jonas
Richard Kingwell
about 1787 |
16 Nov 1844 |
Richard Kingwell
about 1818 |
26 Aug 1904 |
Avis Horton Barons
Richard Kingwell
about 1818 |
Mary Ann Eliza Upton
Richard Kingwell
9 Apr 1789 |
Richard Kingwell
about 1775 |
4 May 1816 |
Richard Kingwell
about 1817 |
6 Dec 1837 |
Richard Kingwell
about 1841 |
Emma Lavers,
Maria Stoneman
Richard Kingwell
about 1879 |
Richard Kingwell
about 1883 |
Richard Kingwell
about 1829 |
Ann Louisa Callaway
Richard Kingwell
about 1879 |
Richard Kingwell
about 1845 |
Sarah Martha Walters
Richard Kingwell
about 1817 |
Mary Ann Fice,
Elizabeth Fice,
Mary Ruby
Richard Kingwell
about 1843 |
1866 |
Richard Webber Kingwell
about 1820 |
13 Oct 1868 |
Mary Hosking Newman
Richard Webber Kingwell
about 1853 |
14 Apr 1918 |
Elizabeth Mary Robinson
Richard Wyatt Kingwell
about 1795 |
Richard Wyatt Kingwell
about 1799 |
26 Dec 1885 |
Amy Hemmett,
Ellen O'Connor
Robert Hanson Kingwell
about 1887 |
1889 |
Robert Webber Kingwell
about 1848 |
22 Jan 1910 |
Evelyn Piddocke Hanson
Rose Alma Kingwell
about 1905 |
Rose Amy Kingwell
about 1889 |
Rose Esther Kingwell
about 1869 |
19 Apr 1944 |
Sally Ann Kingwell
about 1821 |
Sally Ann Wyatt Kingwell
about 1801 |
Samuel Byron Kingwell
8 Oct 1911 |
[Private] Digby
Samuel George Newman Barnes Kingwell
about 1878 |
1942 |
Samuel Gerald Kingwell
9 Nov 1905 |
Frances Mary McLaughlin
Samuel John Kingwell
about 1839 |
Samuel Joseph Kingwell
27 Aug 1874 |
Ida Mary Roach
Samuel Kingwell
about 1781 |
2 Jan 1860 |
Jane Manning
Samuel Kingwell
about 1796 |
16 Feb 1885 |
Mary Ann Barons
Samuel Kingwell
about 1805 |
20 Sep 1875 |
Mary Newman
Samuel Kingwell
about 1875 |
10 Jul 1882 |
Samuel Kingwell
about 1859 |
Samuel Kingwell
about 1802 |
8 Jul 1832 |
Samuel Kingwell
about 1855 |
Kate Rowse
Samuel Kingwell
24 Mar 1859 |
Elizabeth Sanders
Samuel Kingwell
about 1856 |
1871 |
Samuel Kingwell
4 Sep 1826 |
1854 |
Samuel Kingwell
about 1851 |
1924 |
Eliza Rice
Samuel Owen Kingwell
10 Oct 1885 |
1964 |
Elsie G Taylor
Samuel Philip Manning Kingwell
about 1830 |
21 Feb 1883 |
Catherine Doherty
Sarah Ann Kingwell
about 1842 |
1881 |
Sarah Ann Kingwell
7 Apr 1889 |
Sarah Ann Kingwell
about 1880 |
Sarah Jane Kingwell
about 1850 |
Charles Murray
Sarah Kingwell
about 1790 |
Sarah Kingwell
about 1821 |
James Brown
Sarah Kingwell
about 1787 |
27 Apr 1817 |
William Almond
Sarah Kingwell
about 1779 |
Sarah Kingwell
15 Oct 1832 |
John Moore
Sarah Scoble Kingwell
about 1808 |
1892 |
Sarah Sturgeon Kingwell
1898 |
Sheila Mary Strickland Kingwell
20 Mar 1925 |
2014 |
Sidney Harry Kingwell
27 Aug 1894 |
1955 |
Rosina C Woodman
Sidney Kingwell
about 1879 |
Sophia Grace Kingwell
about 1900 |
Stanley Victor Kingwell
about 1908 |
1933 |
Stella Irene Kingwell
21 Feb 1897 |
26 Aug 1964 |
William Roy Cave
Stella Violet Kingwell
about 1902 |
Susannna Kingwell
about 1878 |
Thomas Adam Kingwell
about 1845 |
Elizabeth Ann Rickard,
Elizabeth Norn Ellacott,
Margaret MacCallum
Thomas Canniford Kingwell
8 Apr 1890 |
1939 |
Ivy Wood
Thomas Edward Allan Kingwell
about 1903 |
1946 |
Thomas Henry Kingwell
3 Apr 1905 |
1981 |
Thomas Horton Kingwell
about 1851 |
1903 |
Jane Horton
Thomas John Kingwell
4 Dec 1869 |
Thomas Joseph Kingwell
about 1883 |
1926 |
Thomas Kingwell
about 1767 |
1846 |
Thomas Kingwell
about 1789 |
23 Jun 1857 |
Grace Elliott
Thomas Kingwell
about 1838 |
1842 |
Thomas Kingwell
30 Nov 1859 |
Susan Soper
Thomas Kingwell
about 1798 |
Thomas Kingwell
about 1811 |
10 Aug 1846 |
Ann Baskerville
Thomas Kingwell
about 1816 |
28 Mar 1870 |
Mary Ann Smith
Thomas Kingwell
about 1811 |
9 Sep 1853 |
Elizabeth Rowe
Thomas Kingwell
about 1899 |
Thomas Kingwell
about 1851 |
1858 |
Thomas Luscombe Kingwell
1891 |
1892 |
Thomas Paige Kingwell
about 1855 |
1918 |
Emma Jane Merson
Thomas Richard Kingwell
25 Jan 1924 |
1993 |
Trobridge Horton Kingwell
about 1845 |
1921 |
Elizabeth Horton
Unnamed Kingwell
21 Feb 1886 |
21 Feb 1886 |
Vincent Joseph Kingwell
23 Jun 1895 |
13 Dec 1971 |
Lillian Catherine Balcombe
Vincent Joseph Kingwell
14 Nov 1922 |
25 Dec 1995 |
Lorna Mavis Nicholls
Walter James Kingwell
28 Sep 1907 |
Walter Paige Kingwell
about 1862 |
3 Sep 1913 |
Elizabeth Jane Wexham,
Johanne Auguste Mueller
Walter Samuel Paige Kingwell
26 Apr 1901 |
18 Aug 1986 |
Florence May Simpson
Wendy Kingwell
William Doidge Kingwell
about 1889 |
23 Mar 1916 |
William Evelyn Kingwell
20 Oct 1889 |
1947 |
William Francis Kingwell
12 Feb 1847 |
27 Mar 1906 |
Mary Elizabeth Stickland
William George Kingwell
10 Nov 1878 |
1879 |
William Gullett Kingwell
30 Jun 1861 |
1942 |
Maria Harris
William Henry Kingwell
about 1849 |
William Henry Kingwell
about 1857 |
1883 |
William Henry Kingwell
29 Oct 1849 |
1852 |
William Henry Kingwell
about 1852 |
Mary Ellen Wright,
Elizabeth Ann Brimacombe
William Henry Kingwell
about 1852 |
William Henry Pote Kingwell
about 1865 |
Agnes Roy
William Hercules Kingwell
about 1852 |
27 Jun 1930 |
Alice May
William Hercules Kingwell
1910 |
1968 |
Valerie Mary Fossett
William Hercules Kingwell
26 Dec 1875 |
7 Jul 1922 |
Blanche Susan Percy,
Cecilia Jane Ford Tribble,
Amy Annie Jenkin
William Hunter Kingwell
2 Jun 1877 |
Grace May Snyder
William Ira Kingwell
30 Aug 1878 |
13 Apr 1975 |
Clara Elizabeth Collins
William James Kingwell
about 1870 |
Fanny Louisa Smerdon
William John Kingwell
9 Dec 1880 |
Beatrice Louisa Westaway
William John Kingwell
about 1881 |
1 Mar 1938 |
Annie Veale
William John Kingwell
about 1890 |
1891 |
William Kingwell
21 Jan 1818 |
25 May 1891 |
Fanny Paige
William Kingwell
about 1793 |
1881 |
Jenny Rowe
William Kingwell
about 1831 |
Mary Ann Abbott
William Kingwell
about 1847 |
Ann Maria Harper
William Kingwell
about 1871 |
1905 |
Alice Mary Griffiths
William Kingwell
about 1821 |
28 Apr 1893 |
Elizabeth Horton
William Kingwell
about 1849 |
15 Mar 1855 |
William Kingwell
22 Jan 1895 |
Edith W Williams
William Kingwell
8 Mar 1811 |
before 1851 |
Mary Ann Cook
William Kingwell
about 1858 |
Florence Mary Battershall
William Kingwell
about 1887 |
William Kingwell
about 1903 |
William Kingwell
about 1909 |
William Kingwell
about 1844 |
1845 |
William Marshall Kingwell
12 Dec 1907 |
William Norman R Kingwell
24 Jan 1914 |
1979 |
Margaret L Friend
William Paige Kingwell
6 Jul 1906 |
William Richard Kingwell
about 1900 |
5 Sep 1918 |
William Stephen Kingwell
1877 |
1877 |
William Strickland Kingwell
11 Nov 1877 |
22 Nov 1877 |
William Thomas Kingwell
29 Sep 1898 |
1983 |
Dorothy H Butcher
William Webber Kingwell
5 Sep 1884 |
Louisa Jane Sincock
Winifred M Kingwell
1924 |
1924 |
Winifred Susan Kingwell
24 Sep 1881 |
Archibald William A Halliday
Winnifred Louisa Susan Kingwell
about 1907 |
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Russell,
[Private] Penater
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Terrell
[Private] Kingwell
Dorothy F Brentnall
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
Godfrey R G Bostick
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Howkins
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Jackson
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Ramsay
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Johnston
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Honner
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
James Thompson Laidlaw
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
John Dunlop
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
Jean Letts Campbell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Manley
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Harris
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
William J Keen
[Private] Kingwell
Robert Jones,
Patrick J Kelly
[Private] Kingwell
Tom Osment
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Wise
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Suchamore
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Gooderham
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] French
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
Ralph N Jackson
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Kingwell
William Walter Hamley
[Private] Kingwell
Kathleen Jane Dyer
[Private] Kingwell
Walter John House
Kingwill |
Amy Kingwill
about 1738 |
Anne Kingwill
about 1733 |
23 Oct 1743 |
Duke William Kingwill
about 1760 |
Elizabeth Kingwill
about 1728 |
Eve Kingwill
about 1736 |
3 Dec 1796 |
John Born
Eve Kingwill
about 1689 |
Richard Fisher
Joan Kingwill
about 1724 |
1 May 1803 |
Robert Radford
John Kingwill
about 1742 |
24 Mar 1819 |
Mary Wreford
John Kingwill
about 1696 |
Jonas Kingwill
about 1734 |
Jonas Kingwill
about 1684 |
Mary Kingwill
about 1730 |
Roger Mortimore
Mary Kingwill
about 1692 |
Richard Kingwill
about 1731 |
15 Apr 1806 |
Catherine Lavers,
Ann Couch
Richard Kingwill
Mary Wilson
Richard Kingwill
about 1730 |
29 Jan 1788 |
Mary Cross
Richard Kingwill
about 1762 |
4 May 1833 |
Sarah Mason
Robert Kingwill
about 1743 |
1 Aug 1745 |
Samuel Kingwill
about 1741 |
Sarah Kingwill
about 1758 |
Sarah Kingwill
about 1765 |
Tamesin Kingwill
about 1739 |
14 Oct 1739 |
Thomas Kingwill
20 Mar 1791 |
Elizabeth Phillip
Thomas Kingwill
about 1769 |
27 May 1770 |
Kirk |
Fanny Kirk
about 1861 |
Charles Burn
Kirkby |
Christiana Kirkby
about 1812 |
Walter Butler
Frances Kirkby
about 1815 |
Isaac Ruston Tindall
George Kirkby
about 1772 |
Frances Dobson
Mary Ann Kirkby
about 1821 |
Kirkland |
Agnes Kirkland
about 1877 |
Andrew Kirkland
about 1870 |
Barbara Kirkland
James Muir
Jane Kirkland
about 1874 |
Janet Kirkland
about 1860 |
Mungo Kirkland
about 1867 |
Robert Kirkland
about 1836 |
Helen Orr
Robert Kirkland
about 1857 |
Robert Kirkland
about 1880 |
William Kirkland
about 1859 |
Kivell |
Alfred Richard Kivell
about 1885 |
Gertrude Grace Kivell
about 1886 |
John Alfred Kivell
about 1852 |
Selina Annie Paige
John Kivell
Mabel Jessie Kivell
about 1890 |
Selina Edith L Kivell
about 1884 |
1893 |
Kloeck |
Gertrude Kloeck
23 Jan 1898 |
23 Oct 1964 |
George Valentine Emms
John Kloeck
about 1851 |
1 Apr 1923 |
Katherine Fallscheer
Knight |
Andrew Knight
about 1803 |
Ann Weeks
Elizabeth Jane Knight
about 1842 |
1870 |
Ellen Knight
about 1845 |
Gabriel Knight
Mary James
Gabriel Knight
about 1798 |
Grace Knight
about 1834 |
19 Mar 1857 |
James Knight
about 1830 |
John Knight
about 1801 |
before 1861 |
Grace Bennett
John Knight
about 1831 |
1850 |
Keziah Knight
about 1826 |
Lydia Knight
about 1843 |
Martha Knight
about 1850 |
1885 |
Martha Knight
about 1807 |
Martha Knight
about 1827 |
Mary Ann Knight
about 1834 |
Mary Knight
about 1833 |
1923 |
William Middling
Mary Knight
about 1799 |
Sarah Jane Knight
about 1839 |
Susan Knight
about 1829 |
9 Nov 1892 |
Henry Gray
Thomas Knight
about 1809 |
Thomas Knight
about 1836 |
William Knight
about 1807 |
William Knight
about 1837 |
William Knight
1867 |
Ellen Fairhurst
Knighton |
Elizabeth Knighton
John Andrew
Knott |
Elizabeth Knott
John Spurway
Thomas Knott
Knowles |
Charlotte Knowles
about 1833 |
14 Jul 1895 |
James Nutter
Elizabeth Ann Knowles
8 May 1852 |
14 Nov 1894 |
Charles Alfred Jones
George Knowles
1 Jan 1827 |
Mary Lamb
George Knowles
about 1854 |
Mary Ellen Ashurst
George Knowles
Mary Unknown
George William Knowles
20 Apr 1878 |
1878 |
Hannah Knowles
4 Apr 1880 |
Maria Knowles
about 1822 |
John Minta
William Henry Knowles
27 May 1850 |
1851 |
William Knowles
about 1830 |
Knowsley |
Elizabeth Knowsley
Ambrose Andrew Tapper
[Private] Knowsley
Koski |
Isaac Koski
Mary Echoluoma
Nelda Lee Koski
5 Jun 1916 |
17 Mar 2006 |
Keith William Kingwell
Krase |
Emma Krase
1 Mar 1890 |
20 May 1928 |
Edwin Gillespie Scobell
Fritz Krase
about 1882 |
Karl Krase
about 1846 |
Maria Retter
Max Krase
about 1884 |
Selma Krase
about 1887 |
Sophia Krase
about 1880 |
Kroll |
Leopold Kroll
27 Dec 1894 |
1943 |
Kezia Fairhurst,
Margaret Kane
[Private] Kroll
[Private] Kroll
Kruger |
Caroline Kruger
Heinrich Carl Mueller
Kujore |
[Private] Kujore
[Private] Carr-Brion
Lacey |
Agnes Margorie Lacey
about 1912 |
Kathleen Elphic Lacey
23 Apr 1919 |
11 Jun 2006 |
Peter Francis Kingwell
Ralph Lacey
about 1889 |
Kathleen Agnes Elphic McHugh
[Private] Lacey
Lacy |
Alfred Lacy
about 1889 |
William Lacy
about 1862 |
Rebecca Brian
Lafayette |
[Private] Lafayette
[Private] Lafayette
[Private] Mann
[Private] Lafayette
Laidlaw |
Helen Ann McDonald Laidlaw
about 1873 |
1926 |
Claude Emile Clemente Le Sage
James Thompson Laidlaw
[Private] Kingwell
Lake |
Elizabeth Lake
Adam Venton
Lakeman |
Edmund Lakeman
Mary Unknown
Honour Lakeman
Elias Sercombe
Mary Lakeman
4 Nov 1817 |
John Horton,
Robert Sercombe
Lamb |
Frederick William Lamb
Lizzie Jenkins Kendall
John Lamb
Martha Unknown
Mary Lamb
about 1827 |
George Knowles
Lambert |
Ann Lambert
about 1845 |
Thomas Dawson
Bertha Lambert
about 1890 |
Fred Stowell
Doris Lambert
about 1897 |
George Lambert
about 1882 |
Joseph Lambert
about 1821 |
Sarah Laycock
Noah Lambert
about 1858 |
26 Nov 1918 |
Jane Orr
Thomas Lambert
Walter Lambert
about 1886 |
Lamble |
Walter Lamble
Caroline Horton
Lane |
Amelia Lane
about 1846 |
Henry Starks
Charles Lane
about 1810 |
about 1890 |
Maria Williams
Charles Lane
about 1837 |
George Edward Lane
about 1840 |
John Lane
about 1849 |
John Lane
about 1810 |
Elizabeth Gillard
Stephen H Lane
about 1840 |
Thirza Elizabeth Lane
about 1837 |
William Lane
about 1844 |
[Private] Lane
[Private] Edwards
Lang |
Agnes Lang
John Paige
Betty Lang
about 1779 |
Philip Middleweek
Eleanor Lang
about 1786 |
William Crocker
John Lang
about 1789 |
Mary Ann Lang
about 1784 |
Nicholas Lang
Betty Pitwood
Nicholas Lang
about 1776 |
Prudence Lang
about 1793 |
Langabeer |
Edward Langabeer
Ann Pope
Edward Langabeer
about 1751 |
John Langabeer
about 1757 |
Sarah Langabeer
about 1754 |
William Langabeer
about 1749 |
Dinah Manners
Langbeare |
John Langbeare
about 1778 |
Langdon |
Beatrice Ida Langdon
about 1874 |
Edwin Horton
Charlotte Langsbeer Langdon
22 Sep 1821 |
William Millars Newey
Dorothy Langdon
about 1896 |
Ebenezer Langdon
22 May 1827 |
1830 |
Francis William Langsbeer Langdon
about 1786 |
22 Aug 1864 |
Mary Best
Henry Walter Staddon Langdon
about 1843 |
Sarah Jane Paige
Jane or Joan Langdon
about 1755 |
1826 |
William Curtice
Joseph Langdon
Lillian Langdon
about 1891 |
Mabel Langdon
about 1893 |
Mary Langdon
about 1781 |
James Cox
Mary Langsbeer Langdon
19 Jan 1818 |
1879 |
Samuel Marden Stickland
Langworthy |
Ann Elizabeth Langworthy
about 1862 |
Alexander Horton
Elizabeth Langworthy
about 1830 |
Richard Paige
Ellen Langworthy
about 1857 |
John Horton
George Langworthy
about 1833 |
George Langworthy
Herbert Langworthy
about 1887 |
Alice Maud Mary Horton
John Langworthy
about 1843 |
Mary Ann Langworthy
about 1837 |
Richard Langworthy
about 1804 |
Sarah Hine
Sarah Langworthy
about 1836 |
Lapthorne |
Avis Lapthorne
about 1760 |
Clement King
Grace Lapthorne
about 1749 |
Margaret Lapthorne
about 1755 |
1824 |
Haly Horton
Robert Lapthorne
about 1758 |
Robert Lapthorne
Priscilla Horton
Thomas Coad Lapthorne
10 Oct 1767 |
William Lapthorne
Mary Unknown
Woolson Lapthorne
about 1751 |
Woolstone Lapthorne
about 1719 |
Margaret Coad
LaRoche |
George LaRoche
Emma Messier
[Private] LaRoche
Rose Mann
[Private] LaRoche
[Private] LaRoche
Larson |
Lynda Larson
[Private] Edwards
[Private] Larson
[Private] Edwards
Laster |
Hannah Laster
about 1770 |
12 Dec 1849 |
Benjamin Burn
Laundry |
Selina Laundry
about 1861 |
Peter Earle
Lavers |
Alice Hoskin Lavers
about 1805 |
Betty Lavers
about 1803 |
Catherine Lavers
about 1735 |
9 May 1776 |
Richard Kingwill
Clement Lavers
Mary Unknown
Elizabeth Lavers
1742 |
Elizabeth Lavers
about 1780 |
Philip Horton
Elizabeth Lavers
about 1840 |
John Horton
Emma Lavers
about 1841 |
Richard Kingwell
Joan Lavers
1744 |
John Lavers
John Lavers
5 Oct 1698 |
Joseph Lavers
1747 |
Margery Lavers
19 Jan 1704 |
Mary Lavers
1752 |
Mary Lavers
Arthur Jeffrey
Mary Lavers
7 Apr 1708 |
Philip Lavers
Mary Horton
Philip Lavers
Joan Rider
Philip Lavers
7 Apr 1708 |
Phillis Lavers
1749 |
Richard Lavers
about 1712 |
Catherine Ward
Richard Lavers
1748 |
Robert Lavers
1739 |
Robert Lavers
20 Mar 1701 |
William Charles Lavers
Harriet Horton
Law |
Annie Law
23 Feb 1874 |
Helen Law
about 1866 |
Helen Law
about 1839 |
Isabella Law
about 1877 |
James Law
about 1840 |
Janet Orr
James Law
about 1879 |
James Law
about 1817 |
1 May 1879 |
Janet Cumming
James Law
Mary Morton
James Law
10 Nov 1867 |
Jane Law
about 1795 |
Michael Rowe
Janet Reid Law
19 Mar 1870 |
Janet Reid Law
12 Apr 1864 |
John Law
about 1880 |
John Law
about 1849 |
Mary Law
about 1846 |
William Law
7 Mar 1872 |
Sarah Alice Wright
Lawrence |
Ann Lawrence
about 1782 |
Elizabeth Lawrence
about 1795 |
Emily Lawrence
about 1874 |
George Halstead
George Howard Lawrence
about 1788 |
Hannah Lawrence
about 1779 |
Jessie Adelia Lawrence
John Sharland Withell
Mary Lawrence
about 1782 |
Thomas Hayward
Moses Lawrence
about 1789 |
Samuel Lawrence
about 1792 |
Thomas Lawrence
Betty Howard
[Private] Lawrence
[Private] Fosgate
Lax |
Winifred M H Lax
5 Feb 1902 |
George Paige Parncutt
Laycock |
Ann Laycock
about 1771 |
Jane Laycock
about 1765 |
Jonathan Laycock
Mary Greenwood
Martha Laycock
about 1773 |
1843 |
John Gawthorp
Mary Laycock
about 1767 |
Sarah Laycock
about 1879 |
Throup Shackleton
Sarah Laycock
about 1823 |
Joseph Lambert
William Laycock
Lazenby |
Charles Lazenby
about 1870 |
Elizabeth Lazenby
about 1841 |
Thomas Bond
Fanny Lazenby
about 1872 |
John Lazenby
about 1846 |
Mary Gilbank Bond
Mary Lazenby
about 1874 |
1875 |
Thomas Lazenby
about 1805 |
Jane Unknown
Le Sage |
Alexander Louis Stracey Le Sage
about 1875 |
29 Jul 1925 |
Elizabeth Baxter Christie
Blanche Constance Jennie Le Sage
about 1871 |
1928 |
Lorenz Lipp
Blanche Jennie Le Sage
about 1891 |
Claud Emile Louis Le Sage
3 Mar 1902 |
Claud Le Sage
Claude Emile Clemente Le Sage
27 Jan 1866 |
1946 |
Helen Ann McDonald Laidlaw
Edouard A Le Sage
1868 |
Amelia Hicks
Emile Louis Le Sage
13 Dec 1907 |
27 Nov 1945 |
Marie Rabinowich
Emile Louis Le Sage
1838 |
15 Feb 1897 |
Jane Stracey
Emile Rodolphe Le Sage
23 Feb 1906 |
1934 |
Irene McCombie
Ernest John Le Sage
1870 |
1937 |
Margaret Anderson
Ernest John Le Sage
16 May 1903 |
Helen Ann Marie Le Sage
about 1895 |
Jeannette Stracie Le Sage
12 May 1905 |
Louis Emile Christie Le Sage
2 Aug 1903 |
8 Aug 1903 |
Lucy R Constance Le Sage
about 1898 |
David Hardie
Marie Emilie Le Sage
about 1879 |
[Private] Le Sage
[Private] Clare,
[Private] Carr-Brion
[Private] Le Sage
[Private] Nelson,
[Private] Power
[Private] Le Sage
[Private] Le Sage
Leach |
George Leach
about 1847 |
George Leach
Mary Unknown
James Leach
about 1815 |
Sarah Waterhouse,
Sarah Hanson
John Leach
about 1837 |
Mary Leach
about 1844 |
Mary Leach
Peter Bastard
Leak |
Anthony Leak
about 1849 |
Elizabeth Leak
about 1799 |
Thomas Leak
about 1814 |
Harriet Bond
William Leak
Ann Burn
Leake |
Elizabeth Leake
Samuel Casswell
Lealman |
James Lealman
Mary Horton
[Private] Lealman
Leaman |
Ruth Leaman
about 1870 |
Frank Blackler Paige
Leaper |
Catherine Leaper
about 1781 |
Mary Leaper
about 1785 |
John Scobell
Samuel Leaper
Mary Ouchterlony
Samuel Leaper
about 1782 |
William Leaper
about 1783 |
Leason |
Elizabeth Leason
about 1812 |
Herbert Gage Leason
about 1862 |
1862 |
Margaret Leason
about 1813 |
Moses Gage
Moses Gage Leason
about 1860 |
1944 |
Anastasia Augusta Coulson,
Lucy Prest
Moses Leason
about 1834 |
1882 |
Ann Cross
Phillippa Gage Leason
about 1858 |
James Clark
William Leason
about 1778 |
Sarah Frost
William Leason
about 1840 |
Leaver |
Elizabeth Leaver
30 Jun 1851 |
George Thompson Casswell
Emily Leaver
about 1839 |
George Henry Leaver
about 1816 |
Elizabeth Unknown
George Leaver
2 Sep 1849 |
Henry Leaver
about 1843 |
Laura Leaver
11 Jun 1846 |
Robert Leaver
about 1841 |
Lebenheim |
Adolf Lebenheim
5 Oct 1876 |
Alexander Lebenheim
about 1829 |
Fanny Gesang
Antoinette Lebenheim
10 Jan 1879 |
Jacob Abraham Rabinowich
Helene Lebenheim
about 1880 |
Henri Lebenheim
25 Jul 1883 |
Maria Lamberdina van der Wolk
Joseph Lebenheim
20 Jun 1852 |
Francisca Edelstein
Leanora Lebenheim
3 Jun 1896 |
Regina Lebenheim
1888 |
[Private] Lebenheim
[Private] Lebenheim
Ledbetter |
Albert Ledbetter
about 1902 |
Dora Ledbetter
about 1890 |
Gladys Mary Ledbetter
about 1900 |
Lilley May Ledbetter
about 1897 |
William Ledbetter
about 1862 |
Eliza Dymond
William Ledbetter
about 1894 |
Lee |
George W Lee
about 1869 |
John Lee
about 1843 |
Hannah Exley
Margaret Lee
about 1875 |
Mary Amelia Lee
about 1835 |
George Ball
Mary Annie Lee
1870 |
Ernest Herbert Coulson
Sarah Jane Lee
about 1872 |
Thomas Lee
Julia Unknown
Leech |
Betsy Leech
about 1860 |
John Leech
about 1837 |
Mary Ann Copperthwait
John Leech
about 1872 |
Margaret Leech
about 1868 |
Mary Ann Leech
about 1876 |
Richard Leech
about 1865 |
William Leech
about 1862 |
Lees |
Abraham Lees
about 1821 |
Nancy Halstead
Ann Lees
about 1835 |
Betty Lees
about 1853 |
Elizabeth Lees
about 1844 |
Elizabeth Lees
about 1848 |
George Henry Lees
about 1864 |
George Lees
about 1837 |
Hannah Lees
about 1846 |
James Halstead Lees
about 1849 |
James Lees
about 1859 |
John Lees
about 1813 |
Mary Ann Halstead
John Lees
about 1856 |
Mary Ann Elizabeth Lees
about 1843 |
Mary E Lees
about 1862 |
Mary Ellen Lees
about 1839 |
Sarah Ann Lees
about 1850 |
Sarah Jane Lees
about 1846 |
William Henry Lees
about 1853 |
Leigh |
Grace Leigh
about 1756 |
25 Jun 1841 |
Samuel Stickland
Lemon |
Henry Lemon
about 1850 |
Ruth Unknown
John Lemon
about 1852 |
Robert Lemon
about 1819 |
Ann Burrows
Robert Lemon
Sarah Unknown
Sarah Ann Lemon
29 Dec 1881 |
1947 |
William Henry Gray
Sarah Lemon
about 1847 |
Susan Lemon
about 1855 |
Leonard |
Mary Ann Leonard
about 1823 |
Edmund Snook
Lerro |
William Lerro
about 1827 |
Jane Fowles
William Lerro
about 1792 |
Leslie |
Mary Leslie
about 1864 |
George Dennis Curnock
Lester |
Mary Ann Lester
about 1830 |
William Lang Paige
Lethbridge |
Adele Edith Lethbridge
about 1881 |
Albert Edward Lethbridge
about 1865 |
Allan Lethbridge
about 1869 |
Ann Lethbridge
James Hele Rowse
Blanche Lethbridge
about 1872 |
Edgar Lethbridge
about 1876 |
Edna Ellen Lethbridge
about 1878 |
Elizabeth Lethbridge
about 1830 |
Edward Barons
Ernest Lethbridge
about 1867 |
Eva Lottie Lethbridge
about 1861 |
Fred Lethbridge
about 1863 |
Kate Adele Lethbridge
about 1874 |
Thomas Henry Lethbridge
about 1839 |
Faith Ryana Winsor Holman
Thomas Lethbridge
Elizabeth Metherell
Lethyby |
[Private] Lethyby
[Private] Wyatt
Lewin |
Amos Lewin
about 1687 |
Isabell Lewin
about 1690 |
Joseph Lewin
about 1692 |
Robert Lewin
Sarah Unknown
Robert Lewin
about 1680 |
Sarah Lewin
about 1684 |
1728 |
Strobridge Horton
Walter Lewin
about 1682 |
William Lewin
about 1695 |
Lewis |
Alice Lewis
about 1851 |
Henry Lester Lewis
20 Nov 1883 |
Henry Lester Lewis
14 Mar 1915 |
23 Mar 1958 |
Lorna Mary Stickland Kingwell
James Lewis
about 1828 |
Sarah Pye
James Lewis
about 1858 |
Mary Ellen Lewis
about 1860 |
Thomas Lewis
about 1854 |
Wilber Lewis
about 1851 |
Maria Unknown
[Private] Lewis
[Private] Lewis
[Private] Gilbert,
[Private] Bourgo
Ley |
Catherine Ley
about 1735 |
1829 |
George Price
Joseph Ley
about 1833 |
Susan Northmore
Robert Ley
about 1855 |
Tryphena Ley
about 1858 |
1882 |
John Henry Kingwell
Lidstone |
Ann Lidstone
23 Jul 1807 |
James Lidstone
about 1809 |
Jane Lidstone
about 1805 |
John Lidstone
16 Mar 1802 |
Mary Lidstone
29 Sep 1803 |
29 Aug 1890 |
Richard Paige
Susie Lidstone
about 1900 |
1923 |
Leslie John Kingwell
William Lidstone
about 1752 |
1834 |
Jane Cole
Light |
Ann Light
about 1822 |
George Scorey
Charles Light
about 1818 |
Charlotte Light
about 1835 |
George Light
about 1828 |
Hannah Light
about 1816 |
Henry Light
Eliza Unknown
James Light
about 1787 |
Tabitha Barnes
James Light
about 1832 |
Rosina Light
4 Dec 1858 |
John Horton
Samuel Light
14 Jan 1855 |
Margaret Thirza Horton
William Light
Elizabeth Unknown
Lightbrown |
Hannah Lightbrown
Harry Barnett
Lilleyman |
Emily Lilleyman
about 1859 |
Thomas Ainsworth
Lillicrap |
William John Lillicrap
about 1867 |
Sarah Jane Horton
Lilly |
Ann Lilly
Annie Pickworth Lilly
about 1833 |
1893 |
Henry Casswell
Lindley |
Elizabeth Lindley
Arthur Halstead
Lindon |
Phyllis Hope Lindon
27 Nov 1919 |
23 Jan 2012 |
David Pierce Kingwell
Lines |
William Henry Lines
12 Jul 1878 |
1941 |
Mildred A Hartshorn or Howland
William Lines
Linney |
Ann Linney
about 1784 |
1829 |
John Scorey
Elizabeth Linney
about 1792 |
Hannah Linney
about 1789 |
Jane Linney
about 1797 |
Joseph Scorey,
William Burt
John Linney
about 1782 |
Michael Linney
Elizabeth Rogers
Sarah Linney
about 1786 |
Thomas Linney
about 1780 |
William Linney
about 1794 |
Lipp |
Lorenz Lipp
Blanche Constance Jennie Le Sage
Lister |
Martha Ellen Lister
about 1875 |
William Shackleton
William Lister
Litting |
[Private] Litting
[Private] Clare
[Private] Litting
Little |
James Edward Little
about 1899 |
1969 |
Doris J Dutton,
Mildred Gladys Coulson
Jane Armstrong Little
about 1870 |
James Sutherland Sharland
Thomas Little
Jane Unknown
William Little
about 1785 |
31 Mar 1831 |
Ruth Coulson
[Private] Little
Littlejohn |
Ann Littlejohn
about 1825 |
Alexander Emslie
Livingston |
Archibald Livingston
10 Aug 1827 |
Selena Scobell
Duncan Livingston
Christina McPherson
[Private] Livingston
Lizard |
Betsey Lizard
about 1824 |
Caroline Lizard
about 1827 |
Nicholas Merefield Paige
Edmund Lawrence Lizard
about 1820 |
1904 |
Emma Burton
Edmund Lawrence Lizard
about 1857 |
Emma Lizard
about 1859 |
Harriett Lizard
about 1822 |
Laura Lizard
about 1861 |
Lawrence Bovey Lizard
about 1786 |
1846 |
Mary Paige
Mary Ann Lizard
about 1817 |
Mary Lizard
about 1859 |
Thomas Edwin Lizard
about 1829 |
William Lizard
about 1818 |
Lloyd |
Lavinia Lloyd
about 1821 |
George Walker
Lockstone |
Abdiel Percy Lockstone
about 1864 |
Charles Frederick Lockstone
about 1856 |
Edward Henry Lockstone
about 1855 |
Edward Lockstone
31 Aug 1819 |
Harriet Sharland Hanham
Edward Sidney Lockstone
about 1855 |
Elizabeth Ann Lockstone
about 1847 |
Elizabeth Lockstone
6 Jan 1813 |
Emily Louisa Lockstone
about 1848 |
Ernest William Lockstone
about 1853 |
Esther Lockstone
about 1783 |
Frances Heath Lockstone
about 1850 |
Harriet Muriel Lockstone
about 1879 |
Harriet Sharland Lockstone
8 Feb 1822 |
Wainman Holmes
James Frederick Lockstone
about 1858 |
James Lockstone
16 May 1817 |
James Sharland Lockstone
7 Jul 1818 |
John Lockstone
about 1788 |
John Lockstone
26 Jan 1811 |
John Lockstone
about 1854 |
John Lockstone
Mary King
Louisa Lockstone
18 Mar 1814 |
Margaret Lockstone
26 Mar 1816 |
21 Dec 1821 |
Mary Ann Lockstone
5 Feb 1810 |
Mary Louisa Lockstone
about 1847 |
Reuben Lockstone
1781 |
Elizabeth Sharland
Reuben William Lockstone
about 1852 |
Thomas Lockstone
14 Mar 1815 |
15 Dec 1818 |
Walter Reuben Lockstone
about 1850 |
Emily Blanche Harvey
William Henry Lockstone
26 Dec 1808 |
Mary Ann Heath
William Henry Lockstone
about 1859 |
Lockton |
Sarah Ann Lockton
Caleb Snowden Walker
Lodge |
Margaret Annie Lodge
about 1852 |
Thomas Bond
Lomax |
George Lomax
14 Sep 1902 |
Doris Mason
Martha Ellen Lomax
William Rawsthorne
[Private] Lomax
[Private] Hill
[Private] Lomax
Long |
Daniel Long
about 1834 |
Jesse Long
about 1840 |
John Long
about 1805 |
John Long
Mary Unknown
Joseph Long
about 1811 |
Mary Long
about 1838 |
Matilda Long
about 1843 |
George Smith,
William Gutteridge Barnes
Philip Long
about 1836 |
Philip Long
about 1783 |
Sarah Barns
Richard Long
about 1821 |
Sarah Long
about 1848 |
William Long
about 1807 |
Elizabeth Rayment
Longbottom |
Ann Longbottom
about 1811 |
James Fenton
Longden |
Sarah Ellen Longden
about 1886 |
1923 |
William Normanton Horsley
William Longden
about 1841 |
Jane Unknown
Longhurst |
Esther Longhurst
8 Sep 1804 |
Thomas Goatley
John Longhurst
Mary Unknown
Losack |
[Private] Losack
[Private] Whalley
[Private] Losack
[Private] Losack
[Private] Losack
Love |
Dorothy Love
Oct 1903 |
James Richard Love
about 1869 |
1 Jul 1904 |
Ada Celia Robinson
Lowndes |
Charlott Lowndes
about 1842 |
Edna Lowndes
about 1837 |
George Henry Sherratt
Elizabeth Lowndes
about 1832 |
Ernest Simpson Lowndes
about 1876 |
Frank Lowndes
about 1850 |
20 Dec 1870 |
Frank Lowndes
about 1874 |
Frederick Lowndes
about 1840 |
Ann Simpson
Harriet Lowndes
about 1833 |
29 Oct 1848 |
Harriet Simpson Lowndes
1870 |
John Frederick Lowndes
about 1872 |
John Lowndes
about 1810 |
1 Aug 1877 |
Hannah Nichols
John Lowndes
about 1844 |
Malinda Lowndes
about 1846 |
Mary Ann Lowndes
about 1834 |
Melinda Ann Lowndes
about 1868 |
Nicholas Lowndes
about 1849 |
Samuel Lowndes
about 1835 |
Sarah Lowndes
about 1839 |
Loynd |
John W Loynd
about 1890 |
1931 |
Eva Nixon
Lucas |
Ada Lucas
about 1864 |
Bertha Lucas
about 1876 |
David Oliver Lucas
about 1866 |
Edward Gerald Lucas
about 1894 |
16 Mar 1967 |
Annie Elizabeth Swan
Edward Joseph Lucas
about 1870 |
Eliza Jones
Frederick Joseph Lucas
about 1893 |
Joshua Lucas
about 1879 |
Laura Lucas
about 1874 |
Mary Lucas
about 1899 |
Ruth Lucas
about 1897 |
Samuel Lucas
about 1840 |
Elizabeth Taylor
Sydney Lucas
about 1881 |
Luckham |
Selina Mary Luckham
about 1874 |
Thomas Arthur Horton
Lucock |
Catherine Lucock
about 1821 |
Isabella Lucock
about 1826 |
John Lucock
about 1780 |
Catherine Atkinson
Lugger |
Helen May Lugger
about 1894 |
Lillie Florence Lugger
about 1888 |
Mary Paige Lugger
about 1896 |
1897 |
Richard Cumming Lugger
6 Nov 1854 |
1900 |
Georgiana Paige
Lumby |
Alice Lumby
about 1767 |
Alice Lumby
about 1787 |
Ann Lumby
about 1763 |
1832 |
John Casswell
Ann Lumby
about 1790 |
1875 |
John Casswell
Elizabeth Lumby
about 1772 |
1778 |
Elizabeth Lumby
about 1781 |
Francis Lumby
about 1764 |
Isaac Lumby
about 1755 |
Isaac Lumby
about 1785 |
Jane Lumby
about 1799 |
John Lumby
Ann Herring
John Lumby
about 1758 |
Elizabeth Parkin
John Lumby
about 1783 |
Joshua Lumby
about 1754 |
1754 |
Joshua Lumby
about 1791 |
Mary Lumby
about 1795 |
Moses Lumby
about 1765 |
Sophia Lumby
about 1798 |
1798 |
William Herring Lumby
about 1761 |
William Lumby
about 1793 |
Lura |
Anna Gabriella Lura
about 1865 |
1930 |
Olaus Idso
Luscombe |
Ann Luscombe
about 1857 |
Elizabeth Doddridge Luscombe
about 1836 |
6 Apr 1918 |
John Kingwell
Elizabeth Luscombe
about 1800 |
Robert Sercombe
Elizabeth Luscombe
Haly Horton
Elizabeth Luscombe
about 1860 |
William Edward Horton
George Luscombe
about 1855 |
George Luscombe
Mary Northmore Corber
Grace Luscombe
about 1778 |
Haly Luscombe
about 1876 |
Hanry Luscombe
about 1819 |
Mary Hosking
Henry Luscombe
about 1855 |
Emma Thomasine Horton
Jane Luscombe
about 1774 |
Jane Luscombe
about 1858 |
Joshua Horton
Jane Northmore Luscombe
21 Nov 1832 |
15 May 1916 |
John Kingwell
Jessie Edith Evelyn Luscombe
about 1859 |
Richard Lidstone Paige
John Luscombe
about 1830 |
John Luscombe
about 1873 |
Julian Luscombe
about 1776 |
1847 |
Adam Kingwell
Mary Luscombe
about 1794 |
Trobridge Horton
Mary Luscombe
23 Oct 1824 |
Mary Luscombe
about 1829 |
1860 |
Philip Horton Luscombe
Mary Luscombe
Henry Barons
Mary Luscombe
about 1788 |
Trobridge Horton
Philip Horton Luscombe
about 1828 |
Mary Luscombe,
Betsey Hawke
Robert Luscombe
Elizabeth Rider
Robert Luscombe
about 1859 |
Samuel Luscombe
about 1835 |
Samuel Luscombe
Jane Horton
Sarah Sanders Luscombe
26 Nov 1866 |
John Kingwell
Thomas Hall Luscombe
about 1839 |
Thomas Luscombe
1801 |
Jenny Horton
Thomas Luscombe
about 1826 |
1828 |
William Luscombe
about 1841 |
Eliza Rowse Horton
William Luscombe
about 1828 |
Ann Sanders
William Luscombe
about 1862 |
[Private] Luscombe
Luttman-Johnson |
John Luttman-Johnson
about 1840 |
1887 |
Anna McLeod Clarke
Lycas |
Ann Lycas
Leonard Mosey
Lyndon |
Ann Lyndon
about 1838 |
Augusta Mary Lyndon
about 1832 |
Frances Ann Lyndon
about 1835 |
18 Aug 1918 |
Edmund Albert Paige
John Cole Lyndon
about 1811 |
Ann Prout
Maria Lyndon
about 1840 |
Mary Lyndon
John Rogers
Thomas Lyndon
about 1842 |
Lyne |
George Maxwell Lyne
about 1907 |
Lionel George Lyne
1879 |
1923 |
Annie Gertrude Cook,
Frances Emily Lyne Southcott
[Private] Lyne
Lynn |
Ann Lynn
1835 |
Caroline Lynn
1850 |
Elizabeth Lynn
1839 |
George Lynn
1805 |
Ann Puddicombe
George Lynn
1848 |
Helen Lynn
about 1852 |
Joseph Scobell Gould
MacCallum |
Margaret MacCallum
Thomas Adam Kingwell
Thomas MacCallum
Janet Forsyth
Macdonald |
Maggie Edmond Macdonald
about 1850 |
James Campbell Smith
MacDonald |
Catherine MacDonald
about 1854 |
Kenneth Alexander McLean
Marion Stuart MacDonald
Ralph Sidney Scobell
[Private] MacDonald
[Private] Douglas
MacFadyen |
Mary MacFadyen
Alexander McLean
MacFarlane |
Elizabeth MacFarlane
Frederick Spong
MacGregor |
Jessie MacGregor
21 Jun 1842 |
James Christie
William MacGregor
Janet Paul
Mack |
Ann Mack
about 1853 |
Charles Thomas Mack
about 1859 |
Gaylard Mack
about 1860 |
1927 |
Jane Barnett
Joseph Mack
about 1855 |
Letitia Mack
about 1850 |
Martha Mack
about 1844 |
Mary Jane Mack
about 1842 |
William Fredrick Mack
about 1861 |
William Mack
about 1816 |
Maria Craig
Mackenzie |
Flora Mackenzie
about 1847 |
Roderick McLeod
Flora Mackenzie
Hector Mackenzie
Hector Mackenzie
Flora Mackenzie
Madleine Mackenzie
about 1800 |
Alexander McLean
[Private] Mackenzie
[Private] Gunn
MacLeod |
Murdo MacLeod
Jessie McKay
Rachel MacLeod
about 1887 |
Donald McLean
MacPherson |
Ann MacPherson
about 1783 |
2 Mar 1842 |
Abdiel Sharland
Frances MacPherson
13 Jun 1789 |
Roderick Gollan MacPherson
1921 |
1997 |
Helen Grace Kingwell
William MacPherson
Ann Rennison
[Private] MacPherson
[Private] MacPherson
MacRae |
Anne MacRae
about 1861 |
John MacRae
Christopher MacRae
about 1858 |
Donald Gunn MacRae
20 Apr 1921 |
1997 |
Helen Grace Simpson McHardy,
Jean Ridyard
Donald MacRae
23 Jun 1887 |
2 Apr 1967 |
Elizabeth Maud Gunn
Donald MacRae
about 1852 |
Janet McLennan
Donald MacRae
about 1807 |
Eliza MacRae
Eliza MacRae
about 1824 |
Donald MacRae
Eliza MacRae
about 1899 |
Farquhar MacRae
about 1855 |
Janet MacRae
Malcolm MacRae
John MacRae
about 1851 |
John MacRae
about 1858 |
Anne MacRae
Malcolm MacRae
Janet MacRae
Malcolm MacRae
about 1901 |
Mary MacRae
about 1848 |
[Private] MacRae
[Private] MacRae
Maddacott |
John Worth Maddacott
about 1860 |
Kitty Atwill Horton
Lydia Ann Maddacott
about 1879 |
Philip Maddick Horton
Noah Edwin Maddacott
Walter John Head Maddacott
Maddaford |
Dionysia Ball Maddaford
4 Feb 1816 |
John Millman
Elizabeth Maddaford
about 1812 |
Mary Ann Maddaford
about 1810 |
1849 |
Thomas Ball
Stephen Maddaford
about 1831 |
William Ball Maddaford
about 1818 |
William Maddaford
about 1783 |
Dionysia Ball
Maddock |
Jane Ann Maddock
about 1867 |
William Henry Horton
Mary Maddock
Haley Horton
Maeers |
Elizabeth Maeers
1832 |
Dec 1901 |
Samuel Marden Stickland
Maggs |
Benjamin Maggs
Catherine Hall
Maingay |
Ada Maingay
about 1867 |
William Colwich Paige
Mainley |
Martha Howlett Mainley
Ernest Samuel Kingwell
Malcolm |
Ann Isabella Malcolm
about 1855 |
Barbara Malcolm
about 1853 |
Catherine Rosie Cormack Malcolm
about 1864 |
David Sutherland Malcolm
about 1869 |
Isabella Campbell
James Malcolm
26 Feb 1830 |
Catherine Cormack
James Malcolm
about 1859 |
James Malcolm
before 1991 |
Jessie White
Jessie Malcolm
about 1890 |
John Malcolm
Jean Rosie
John Sutherland Malcolm
about 1851 |
Maud Malcolm
about 1888 |
Peter Malcolm
about 1861 |
William Malcolm
about 1857 |
Mallett |
Edward Moss Mallett
about 1871 |
Emma Mallett
about 1851 |
William Perry Mann
James Mallett
about 1847 |
Robert Mallett
about 1811 |
Mary Unknown
Samuel Mallett
about 1849 |
Malton |
Ann Elizabeth Malton
about 1870 |
Florence Gertrude Malton
about 1876 |
John Malton
John Malton
about 1844 |
Ann Keatley Boyce
John Marflitt Malton
about 1873 |
Manderson |
Alexander Manderson
about 1845 |
Isabella Orr
Janet Manderson
about 1869 |
Margaret Manderson
about 1871 |
Manley |
Henrietta Manley
about 1864 |
1909 |
William Henry Horton
[Private] Manley
[Private] Kingwell
Mann |
Albert Edward Mann
about 1875 |
1883 |
Albert Mann
7 Aug 1856 |
7 Aug 1856 |
Alfred Mann
9 Jan 1851 |
25 Jan 1851 |
Alfred Mann
about 1895 |
1896 |
Alice Cordelia Mann
about 1869 |
1896 |
David Parks
Annie Eliza Mann
about 1885 |
Arabella Mann
9 Feb 1797 |
1849 |
Harrison Hall,
Bernard O'Beirne
Arabella Mann
1 Apr 1890 |
Carola Mary Shackleton Mann
7 Apr 1934 |
7 May 2012 |
[Private] Carr-Brion
Catherine Joanna Mann
16 Aug 1802 |
1854 |
John Bate
Charles Henry Mann
about 1873 |
1879 |
Charles Mann
about 1894 |
1895 |
Charlotte Mann
7 Mar 1812 |
10 Jul 1823 |
Clifton William Mann
13 May 1925 |
5 Jun 1995 |
Cordelia Crowhurst Mann
about 1847 |
1874 |
Cordelia Crowhurst Mann
about 1882 |
Alfred Edward Vassie
Dennis Sarah Mann
about 1854 |
1906 |
Dinnis Perry Mann
21 Feb 1800 |
21 Nov 1832 |
George Tyler
Edith Messenger Mann
about 1887 |
1891 |
Elizabeth Hilary Frances Mann
25 Jul 1954 |
28 Feb 1993 |
Elizabeth Mann
about 1762 |
James Sutherland
Elizabeth Mann
about 1845 |
Elizabeth Mann
about 1908 |
Elizabeth Messenger Mann
about 1843 |
1924 |
Matthew Alfred Wood
Elizabeth Ward Mann
29 Dec 1804 |
1874 |
Joseph Sanders
Emily Elizabeth Mann
24 Jun 1898 |
5 Feb 1967 |
Archibald Kitchner Ewan
Emma Mann
about 1847 |
Frederick George Mann
29 Jun 1897 |
29 Mar 1982 |
Margaret Reid Shackleton,
[Private] Thornber
Frederick Thomas Mann
about 1887 |
Elizabeth Southee
Frederick Thomas Mann
19 Oct 1909 |
Bertha F Ford
Frederick William Ball Mann
28 Jan 1860 |
7 Sep 1920 |
Louisa(Lucy) Ann Tregilgas
George King Mann
31 Dec 1809 |
23 Feb 1857 |
Cordelia Messenger Crowhurst
George King Mann
about 1845 |
about 1912 |
Isabella Branson
George King Mann
about 1867 |
16 Oct 1929 |
Minnie Humpryes Goatley,
Emily Maria Hudson
George King Mann
22 Nov 1893 |
22 Jul 1977 |
Nellie Charlotte F Hovell
George Mann
about 1764 |
15 Mar 1839 |
Mary Perry
George Mann
23 Mar 1759 |
7 Nov 1759 |
George Mann
about 1693 |
1730 |
Elizabeth Evens
George Mann
about 1717 |
1762 |
Avis Hiern
George William Mann
5 Oct 1846 |
15 Aug 1870 |
Grace Mann
about 1726 |
1750 |
Langford Frost
Grace Mann
about 1721 |
1725 |
Grace Mann
1744 |
1777 |
Grace Mann
1701 |
Grace Mann
about 1763 |
Harry Lawrence Mann
3 Jun 1891 |
8 May 1956 |
Lillian Hannah Young
Helen Mann
19 May 1816 |
1850 |
Thomas Hippisley Stokes
Herbert Clarence Mann
26 Nov 1894 |
8 Dec 1974 |
Bertha Madeleine Robertson
Isabella Sarah Mary Mann
about 1878 |
1880 |
Jessie Alice Mann
about 1889 |
1890 |
Joan Mann
about 1724 |
Francis Sumpter
John King Ball Mann
17 Feb 1842 |
18 Feb 1842 |
John King Mann
21 Jan 1819 |
9 Jun 1887 |
Elizabeth Andrew Ball
John Mann
about 1735 |
13 Mar 1813 |
Elizabeth Dennis
John Mann
about 1906 |
John Mann
about 1755 |
John Mann
about 1762 |
John Perry Mann
about 1871 |
1872 |
John Saunders Mann
about 1884 |
Annie Gardner
Julia Mann
about 1843 |
Julias Mann
about 1753 |
Julius Mann
1748 |
Mary Oliver
Julius Mann
about 1722 |
1801 |
Mary Thomas
Mary Ann Mann
11 Mar 1795 |
1816 |
Mary Cordelia Mann
21 Jan 1880 |
Alexander Albert Moore
Mary Mann
about 1816 |
Mary Mann
about 1732 |
1821 |
James Austin
Mary Mann
about 1766 |
Mary Mann
about 1756 |
Mary Perry Mann
about 1841 |
1871 |
James Betty
Maud Victoria Mann
about 1900 |
1900 |
Mildred Kate Mann
2 Feb 1900 |
15 Apr 1983 |
Minnie Cordelia Mann
1890 |
1892 |
Minnie Elizabeth Mann
about 1880 |
Monica Rosemary Mann
11 Jul 1927 |
21 Jan 2019 |
[Private] Butterworth
Nellie Dennis Mann
about 1881 |
Percival Joseph Calkin
Phyllis Mary Mann
11 Apr 1906 |
21 Jan 1987 |
Richard Mann
Wilmot Moyse
Richard Mann
about 1729 |
Mary Congdon,
Jane Unknown
Richard Mann
about 1691 |
Richard Mann
about 1759 |
Robert George Mann
about 1883 |
1884 |
Rosa Isabella Mann
1892 |
17 Feb 1910 |
Rose Mann
1 Jun 1927 |
30 Nov 1950 |
[Private] LaRoche
Shirley Margaret Shackleton Mann
30 Apr 1932 |
1 Dec 1986 |
Desmond John O'Donnell Bourke
Susan Mann
about 1837 |
1837 |
Susan Oliver Mann
15 Apr 1807 |
1883 |
Edward Parsons,
William Curtice,
William Perkin
Thomas William Mann
about 1838 |
1842 |
William Clarence Herbert Mann
5 Apr 1865 |
30 Aug 1932 |
Elizabeth Anne Casswell
William Henry Mann
9 Aug 1857 |
14 Sep 1870 |
William Henry Mann
28 Mar 1896 |
1981 |
Mercedes Belle Smith
William Mann
about 1764 |
1819 |
Mary Furze
William Mann
about 1812 |
15 Feb 1851 |
Elizabeth Goldsworthy
William Mann
1719 |
1764 |
Jane Bennet
William Mann
1746 |
1746 |
William Perry Mann
about 1878 |
1880 |
William Perry Mann
about 1850 |
1933 |
Emma Mallett
Willmott Mann
about 1727 |
Lawrence Moor
[Private] Mann
[Private] Mann
[Private] Mann
[Private] Mann
[Private] Mann
[Private] Mann
[Private] Mann
[Private] Mann
[Private] Braley
[Private] Mann
[Private] Pfeffers
[Private] Mann
[Private] Lafayette
[Private] Mann
[Private] Mann
[Private] Mann
[Private] Mann
Lena Vowell
Manners |
Dinah Manners
about 1750 |
1823 |
William Langabeer
Manning |
Charles Manning
Hilda May Kingwell
James Luscombe Manning
25 May 1809 |
James Manning
Jenny Paige
Jane Manning
about 1781 |
1844 |
Samuel Kingwell
John Manning
Mary Unknown
Juliana Luscombe Manning
23 Sep 1810 |
1810 |
Mary Manning
about 1769 |
Mary Paige Manning
about 1816 |
Philip Manning
about 1738 |
11 Dec 1819 |
Mary Scoble
Philip Manning
about 1767 |
30 Jun 1830 |
Mary Gloyns
William Lang Paige Manning
about 1812 |
Manson |
Agnes Manson
about 1845 |
Alexander Shearer
Agnes Manson
about 1851 |
Alexander Manson
about 1854 |
Alexandrina Manson
about 1851 |
Catherine Manson
about 1856 |
Daniel Manson
about 1848 |
David Manson
4 Apr 1817 |
14 Jun 1899 |
Jane Trotter
David Manson
about 1858 |
Donald Manson
about 1778 |
Margaret McPherson
Donald Manson
13 May 1815 |
Isabella Battison
Donald Manson
about 1839 |
Donald Manson
about 1853 |
Donald Manson
about 1843 |
Donald Manson
about 1842 |
Elizabeth Manson
about 1842 |
Elizabeth Manson
about 1849 |
George Manson
about 1808 |
27 Mar 1867 |
Alexandrina Milne
George Manson
about 1851 |
George Manson
about 1850 |
Isabella Manson
about 1849 |
Isabella Manson
about 1860 |
James Manson
about 1845 |
1850 |
James Manson
about 1862 |
Janet Manson
about 1844 |
Jessie Manson
about 1838 |
Sinclair Gunn
John Fulker Manson
about 1846 |
John Manson
28 May 1813 |
3 Jan 1880 |
Christina Johnstone
John Manson
about 1855 |
1847 |
1847 |
Margaret Manson
about 1809 |
13 Oct 1874 |
William Gunn
Margaret Manson
about 1840 |
Margaret Manson
about 1858 |
Margaret Manson
about 1841 |
Mary Ann Manson
about 1871 |
Mary Manson
about 1849 |
Peter Manson
about 1868 |
Robert Manson
2 May 1811 |
Eliza Sinclair
Robert Manson
about 1857 |
8 Jul 1871 |
Robert Manson
about 1846 |
Robert Manson
about 1853 |
William Manson
about 1819 |
William Manson
Margaret Steven
William Manson
about 1859 |
William Manson
about 1865 |
Williamina Manson
about 1849 |
March |
Emily March
about 1849 |
Frederick Casswell
Frederick March
Marche |
Ann Martha Marche
19 Dec 1874 |
Robert Henry Paige
William Pollard Marche
Marden |
Harold Maurice Marden
[Private] Ewan
Mary Marden
about 1797 |
Samuel Austin
Sarah Marden
about 1790 |
27 Jan 1844 |
Samuel Stickland
William Marden
Sarah Butson Hitt
Marflitt |
Mary Marflitt
about 1778 |
21 Nov 1808 |
Francis Boyce
Marriott |
[Private] Marriott
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
Marsden |
Agnes Marsden
John Austin
Charlotte Marsden
about 1822 |
Elias Crompton
John Marsden
Sarah Unknown
Marsh |
James Warren Marsh
about 1862 |
Eva Elizabeth Selma Scobell
Marshall |
Anne Marshall
Richard Barons
Anne Marshall
William Wells
Elizabeth Marshall
about 1870 |
John Casswell
Martha Marshall
about 1849 |
Francis Peter Fox Paige
Mary Marshall
Robert Sercombe
Sarah Marshall
about 1809 |
1886 |
Trobridge Horton
William Marshall
Martin |
Agnes Martin
Thomas Turpin
Benjamin Martin
about 1842 |
Catherine Martin
about 1813 |
14 Jun 1899 |
Thomas Casswell
Elizabeth Martin
about 1835 |
Elizabeth Martin
Trobridge Horton
Harriet Gertrude Martin
22 Dec 1897 |
1993 |
David McMullen Emms,
Glenn C Reder
James Martin
about 1800 |
Mary Unknown
Jane Martin
John Westaway
John Martin
about 1866 |
Caroline Horton
John Martin
John Martin
about 1895 |
Lewis Martin
about 1898 |
Mary Ann Martin
about 1812 |
John Perry
Mary Martin
about 1840 |
Josiah Middling
Peter B Martin
Delina Barnes
William Martin
about 1836 |
William Martin
about 1897 |
Martyn |
Jenny Martyn
Thomas Horton
Maskell |
James Maskell
Maria Paige
[Private] Maskell
Mason |
Doris Mason
2 Dec 1900 |
George Lomax
Mary Mason
William Westaway
Sarah Mason
Richard Kingwill
Massey |
Jenny Massey
William Lang Paige
Mast |
Mary Mast
Sep 1864 |
Peter Lafayette Nickolaus
Mather |
Margaret Mather
about 1827 |
1915 |
James Crompton
Richard Mather
Mathews |
Hedley F Mathews
Bessy Louisa Kingwell
Matson |
Anastasia Matson
about 1802 |
27 Nov 1868 |
William Coulson
Ann Matson
about 1797 |
28 Jul 1828 |
Jonathan Coulson
Thomas William Matson
Annie Louisa Boyce
Matthew |
Elizabeth Matthew
about 1793 |
3 May 1844 |
John Kingwell
Matthews |
Amelia Annie Matthews
about 1910 |
Justina Matthews
about 1863 |
13 Jun 1897 |
Eli Horton
Mary Ann Matthews
16 Oct 1838 |
John Spurway Scobell
Sidney Thomas Matthews
about 1885 |
Avis Horton Kingwell
[Private] Matthews
[Private] Newell
Matthias |
Sarah Matthias
1870 |
Francis Frederick Kingwell
Stephen Matthias
1836 |
Margaret Unknown
Maunder |
Mary Grace Maunder
about 1848 |
William Horton
May |
Alice May
1854 |
1930 |
William Hercules Kingwell
Mary May
John Horton
Stephen May
Mary Ann Farrell
Mayman |
Alfred Mayman
about 1847 |
Francis Mayman
about 1849 |
Octavius Mayman
Octavius William Mayman
about 1828 |
Eliza Dansie
McCartin |
George Francis Halford McCartin
Elsie Elizabeth Winnifred Kingwell
McCombie |
Irene McCombie
about 1909 |
Emile Rodolphe Le Sage
McCormack |
Adelaide Anna Emily McCormack
about 1862 |
Francis John Paige
Robert McCormack
about 1827 |
Anne Unknown
William James McCormack
about 1858 |
McDermott |
Bessie Mabel McDermott
24 Dec 1884 |
1983 |
Henry Casswell
John G McDermott
about 1850 |
Elizabeth Benham
McDonald |
Donald McDonald
about 1839 |
Helen McDonald
Donald McLean
Jessie McDonald
Peter Bell Paterson
Margaret McDonald
about 1841 |
Roderick McDonald
about 1806 |
before 1851 |
Ann Graham
Rodina McDonald
about 1844 |
McGee |
Nancy McGee
Hugh Davison
McGregor |
Alexander McGregor
Margaret McShee
Ann McGregor
about 1788 |
Donald Graham
Mary McGregor
about 1878 |
Murdoch McKenzie
McGully |
Ann J McGully
1824 |
Abdiel George Sharland
McHale |
Ellen McHale
about 1906 |
James McHale
about 1884 |
1 Jan 1917 |
Sarah Afflick
James McHale
Mary Ann McHale
about 1911 |
McHardy |
Helen Grace Simpson McHardy
12 Feb 1922 |
1996 |
Donald Gunn MacRae
McHugh |
Kathleen Agnes Elphic McHugh
about 1890 |
Ralph Lacey
Mciver |
Annie Mciver
1 Jul 1885 |
Christie B Mciver
24 Aug 1887 |
Colin Mciver
29 Oct 1878 |
Dan John Mciver
24 Jan 1890 |
Danie Mciver
14 Apr 1891 |
George Mciver
24 May 1893 |
Hannah Mciver
16 Sep 1895 |
Malcolm Mciver
7 Aug 1839 |
Willena McKenzie
Mary Mciver
about 1876 |
Roderick Mciver
about 1785 |
Mary Unknown
McIver |
Roderick McIver
31 Jul 1883 |
16 Nov 1916 |
Ethel Minnie Strickland Kingwell
Mcivor |
Archie Mcivor
14 Oct 1880 |
McIvor |
Margaret Cristobel Elizabeth McIvor
8 Mar 1916 |
21 Jun 1996 |
George Edwards
McKay |
Catherine McKay
about 1848 |
1927 |
Andrew Rugg
Jessie McKay
Murdo MacLeod
Margaret McKay
about 1803 |
27 May 1878 |
William Rugg
Robert McKay
Isabelle Gunn
McKeen |
[Private] McKeen
[Private] Fairhurst
McKenzie |
Alexander E McKenzie
about 1896 |
Alexander McKenzie
about 1815 |
Alexander McKenzie
about 1859 |
Alexander McKenzie
about 1864 |
Angus William McKenzie
about 1891 |
Ann McKenzie
about 1813 |
Duncan McKenzie
Annabelle McKenzie
about 1811 |
Catherine McKenzie
about 1845 |
Catherine McKenzie
about 1817 |
Catherine McKenzie
about 1852 |
Catherine McKenzie
about 1871 |
Christina McKenzie
about 1859 |
James Gunn
Donald McKenzie
about 1877 |
Donald McKenzie
about 1849 |
Donald McKenzie
about 1866 |
Duncan McKenzie
about 1827 |
Duncan McKenzie
about 1809 |
Ann McKenzie
George McKenzie
about 1810 |
Catherine Urquhart
Georgina Thomasina McKenzie
about 1893 |
Hannah McKenzie
about 1855 |
Hector McKenzie
about 1786 |
4 Aug 1860 |
Catherine McLean
Hector McKenzie
about 1855 |
Henny McKenzie
about 1868 |
Hugh McKenzie
about 1817 |
Isabella McKenzie
about 1791 |
John McLennan
Isabelle McKenzie
about 1810 |
Janet McKenzie
about 1791 |
Kenneth McLean
Janet McKenzie
about 1857 |
Janet McKenzie
about 1835 |
Roderick McKenzie
John Donald McKenzie
about 1887 |
John McKenzie
Janet Gunn
John McKenzie
about 1823 |
John McKenzie
about 1765 |
Barbara Unknown
John McKenzie
about 1862 |
Georgina Thomasina Rugg
Kenneth McKenzie
about 1825 |
Kenneth McKenzie
about 1824 |
Kenneth McKenzie
about 1824 |
19 Oct 1919 |
Margaret Murray
Kenneth McKenzie
about 1864 |
Margaret McKenzie
about 1842 |
Margaret McKenzie
about 1812 |
Roderick Graham
Margaret McKenzie
about 1767 |
John McLean
Margaret McKenzie
about 1894 |
Margaret McKenzie
about 1871 |
Mary McKenzie
about 1839 |
Mary McKenzie
about 1854 |
Mary McKenzie
about 1890 |
Mary McKenzie
about 1866 |
Murdo McKenzie
about 1820 |
11 Aug 1913 |
Ann McLean
Murdo McKenzie
about 1819 |
Murdoch McKenzie
Mary McLean
Murdoch McKenzie
about 1782 |
Mary Kerr
Murdoch McKenzie
about 1802 |
Murdoch McKenzie
about 1874 |
Mary McGregor
Neil McKenzie
about 1805 |
Roderick McKenzie
about 1772 |
Henrietta McLeod
Roderick McKenzie
about 1828 |
Janet McKenzie
Roderick McKenzie
about 1800 |
Thomas Rugg McKenzie
about 1900 |
Willena McKenzie
15 Jan 1859 |
Malcolm Mciver
McKinnon |
Catherine McKinnon
8 Apr 1886 |
Christina McKinnon
10 May 1888 |
1889 |
John Alexander McKinnon
8 Jan 1884 |
Neil McKinnon
about 1847 |
14 Nov 1888 |
Annie Beaton
McKnight |
[Private] McKnight
Jack Alfred George Bond
McLaren |
John A McLaren
about 1850 |
John McLaren
Mary McLaren
Mary McLaren
about 1813 |
Benjamin Robinson,
John McLaren
William B McLaren
about 1853 |
McLaughlin |
Frances Mary McLaughlin
Samuel Gerald Kingwell
McLean |
Alexander McLean
about 1800 |
14 Jan 1876 |
Mary Graham,
Isabella McLean
Alexander McLean
about 1847 |
Alexander McLean
about 1864 |
Alexander McLean
about 1873 |
Catherine Campbell
Alexander McLean
Mary MacFadyen
Alexander McLean
about 1901 |
Alexander McLean
23 Jul 1870 |
Alexander McLean
about 1850 |
19 Jan 1928 |
Alexander McLean
about 1875 |
Alexander McLean
about 1800 |
Madleine Mackenzie
Alexy McLean
about 1812 |
Allan McLean
about 1828 |
Catherine McLean
Allan McLean
1894 |
Ann McLean
about 1861 |
Ann McLean
about 1836 |
Ann McLean
about 1794 |
Ann McLean
about 1816 |
Murdo McKenzie
Ann McLean
about 1853 |
Annabel McLean
about 1797 |
Murdo McLeod
Annabella McLean
about 1801 |
Murdoch McLean
Annabella McLean
about 1877 |
Annie Beaton McLean
9 May 1897 |
Colin Robert Card
Annie McLean
about 1890 |
Catherine MacDonald McLean
about 1890 |
Catherine McLean
about 1836 |
Allan McLean
Catherine McLean
about 1780 |
John McLean,
Hector McKenzie
Catherine McLean
about 1899 |
Catherine McLean
about 1873 |
Catherine McLean
about 1823 |
Catherine McLean
John McLean
Catherine McLean
about 1874 |
Catherine McLean
about 1879 |
Catherine McLean
about 1834 |
Chirsty McLean
about 1849 |
Christian McLean
about 1835 |
Christina Mary G McLean
about 1910 |
Christina Mary McLean
about 1886 |
Christina McLean
Donald McLean
Christina McLean
about 1892 |
Christina McLean
about 1886 |
Christina McLean
about 1788 |
1789 |
Christina McLean
about 1863 |
Christina McLean
about 1882 |
Christina McLean
about 1818 |
28 Mar 1892 |
Murdo McLean
Donald MacDonald McLean
about 1877 |
Donald McLean
about 1839 |
Christy McLeod
Donald McLean
Christina McLean
Donald McLean
about 1796 |
about 1852 |
Margaret Graham
Donald McLean
about 1866 |
Donald McLean
about 1876 |
Rachel MacLeod
Donald McLean
about 1893 |
Donald McLean
about 1836 |
Ann McLeod
Donald McLean
about 1880 |
Donald McLean
about 1868 |
Donald McLean
3 Jun 1915 |
Donald McLean
about 1847 |
Donald McLean
about 1836 |
Donald McLean
Helen McDonald
Donaldina McLean
about 1889 |
Duncan McLean
about 1827 |
Elizabeth McLean
about 1869 |
Elspet Cheyne McLean
about 1895 |
Eunice Alice M McLean
about 1895 |
Hannah McLean
about 1827 |
Hector Kenneth McLean
about 1905 |
Helen Barbara K McLean
about 1894 |
Helen McLean
about 1849 |
Hughina Ann McLean
about 1873 |
Isabella McLean
about 1816 |
Alexander McLean
Isabella McLean
about 1807 |
John McLeod
Isabella McLean
about 1878 |
Isabella McLean
about 1852 |
Isabella McLean
about 1901 |
Isabella McLean
about 1860 |
Isabella McLean
about 1786 |
1789 |
Isabella McLean
about 1860 |
Isabella McLean
about 1885 |
James McLean
about 1866 |
Jane McLean
about 1856 |
Jane McLean
about 1879 |
Johan McLean
about 1874 |
Johan McLean
about 1866 |
John Beaton McLean
1 Oct 1901 |
John Kennedy McLean
about 1884 |
John McLean
about 1858 |
John McLean
about 1884 |
John McLean
about 1760 |
Margaret McKenzie
John McLean
about 1896 |
John McLean
about 1868 |
John McLean
about 1826 |
John McLean
Rachel McLean
John McLean
about 1838 |
John McLean
about 1812 |
Catherine McLean
John McLean
about 1780 |
Catherine McLean
John McLean
about 1877 |
John McLean
about 1843 |
John McLean
Ann Graham
John McLean
about 1845 |
Margaret Graham
John William McLean
24 May 1863 |
Frances Graham
Kenneth Alexander McLean
about 1844 |
Catherine MacDonald
Kenneth Alexander McLean
about 1888 |
Kenneth McLean
about 1819 |
3 Mar 1857 |
Mary McLennan
Kenneth McLean
about 1793 |
Janet McKenzie
Kenneth McLean
about 1862 |
Annie Beaton
Kenneth McLean
about 1896 |
Kenneth McLean
about 1821 |
12 Jun 1883 |
Sarah Shaw
Kenneth McLean
about 1847 |
Kenneth McLean
15 Sep 1857 |
Elspet Cheyne
Kenneth McLean
about 1899 |
Kenneth McLean
19 Feb 1867 |
Kenneth McLean
about 1810 |
1844 |
Kenneth McLean
about 1831 |
Ann Campbell
Lauchlan Angus McLean
about 1894 |
Madeline McLean
about 1880 |
Magdalene McLean
about 1890 |
Malcolm McLean
about 1822 |
Ann McLeod
Margaret Ann McLean
about 1881 |
Margaret McLean
John Graham
Margaret McLean
about 1857 |
Margaret McLean
about 1796 |
Margaret McLean
about 1873 |
Margaret McLean
about 1858 |
Margaret McLean
about 1877 |
Mary Graham McLean
about 1884 |
Roderick Graham
Mary Jane McLean
about 1888 |
Mary McLean
about 1853 |
24 Dec 1920 |
John Douglas Gunn
Mary McLean
about 1877 |
Mary McLean
Alexander McLeod
Mary McLean
about 1833 |
Mary McLean
Murdoch McKenzie
Mary McLean
about 1871 |
Mary McLean
about 1888 |
Mary McLean
about 1846 |
David Orr
Mary Sage McLean
about 1892 |
1833 |
1833 |
Murdo McLean
about 1780 |
before 1851 |
Isabel McLeod
Murdo McLean
about 1855 |
Murdo McLean
about 1868 |
Murdo McLean
about 1875 |
Murdo McLean
about 1854 |
Murdo McLean
about 1805 |
Christina McLean
Murdo McLean
about 1819 |
Murdo McLean
about 1879 |
Murdoch McLean
about 1817 |
28 Sep 1881 |
Hughina McLeod
Murdoch McLean
about 1785 |
Annabella McLean
Murdoch McLean
about 1831 |
Murdoch McLean
19 Oct 1855 |
1869 |
Murdoch McLean
about 1877 |
Rachel McLean
about 1838 |
Roderick Graham
Rachel McLean
John McLean
Roderick James McLean
about 1900 |
Roderick McLean
about 1843 |
Roderick McLean
about 1825 |
26 Mar 1859 |
Roderick McLean
about 1881 |
Roderick McLean
about 1836 |
Roderick McLean
about 1825 |
Roderick McLean
about 1875 |
Roderick McLean
about 1883 |
Roderick McLean
1905 |
Susan McLean
about 1901 |
McLennan |
Ann McLennan
about 1826 |
Murdoch McLennan
Duncan McLennan
about 1857 |
Ewen McLennan
about 1859 |
Isabella McLennan
about 1813 |
John McLeod
Janet McLennan
about 1853 |
27 Sep 1909 |
Donald MacRae
John McLennan
about 1781 |
Isabella McKenzie
Malcolm McLennan
about 1866 |
Mary McLennan
about 1821 |
Kenneth McLean
Murdoch McLennan
about 1814 |
Ann McLennan
Peggy McLennan
about 1849 |
McLeod |
Alexander McLeod
about 1840 |
Alexander McLeod
Mary McLean
Ann McLeod
about 1836 |
Malcolm McLean
Ann McLeod
about 1836 |
Donald McLean
Ann McLeod
about 1844 |
Ann McLeod
Donald McLeod
Annie McLeod
John Beaton
Chirsty McLeod
about 1846 |
Chirsty McLeod
about 1836 |
Christine McLeod
Alexander Kerr
Christy McLeod
about 1847 |
Donald McLean
Donald McLeod
about 1848 |
Donald McLeod
about 1826 |
Donald McLeod
Ann McLeod
Elizabeth McLeod
Alexander Sutherland
Flora McLeod
about 1878 |
Hector McLeod
about 1876 |
Henrietta McLeod
about 1790 |
Roderick McKenzie
Hugh McLeod
about 1833 |
Hughina McLeod
about 1834 |
21 Jul 1905 |
Murdoch McLean
Isabel McLeod
about 1785 |
Murdo McLean
Isabella McLeod
about 1832 |
Isabella McLeod
about 1881 |
Janet McLeod
about 1825 |
John McLeod
about 1874 |
John McLeod
about 1785 |
Isabella McLean
John McLeod
about 1835 |
John McLeod
about 1803 |
Isabella McLennan
John McLeod
about 1827 |
Kenneth McLeod
about 1840 |
Margaret McLeod
about 1838 |
Mary McLeod
about 1844 |
Murdo McLeod
about 1844 |
Murdo McLeod
about 1790 |
Annabel McLean
Murdo McLeod
about 1835 |
Murdo McLeod
about 1785 |
Murdoch McLeod
about 1832 |
Rachel McLeod
about 1831 |
Roderick McLeod
about 1841 |
Flora Mackenzie
McNally |
[Private] McNally
John Hilton,
James Wyatt
McNaughton |
Donald McNaughton
Isabella Whittet
Jane McNaughton
about 1870 |
William Orr
McPherson |
Christina McPherson
Duncan Livingston
Margaret McPherson
about 1780 |
Donald Manson
McShee |
Margaret McShee
Alexander McGregor
McSorley |
Edward McSorley
Eliza Casey
Sarah E McSorley
4 Nov 1852 |
27 Dec 1994 |
Frederick Richard Scobell
McWilliams |
Agnes I McWilliams
6 Dec 1904 |
1 Jan 1981 |
Alfred McWilliams
about 1899 |
Edwin Lester McWilliams
18 Feb 1903 |
Ethel May McWilliams
20 Dec 1897 |
George Ebner McWilliams
2 Apr 1901 |
20 Jun 1980 |
Gordon Earle McWilliams
23 Jan 1907 |
John Alexander McWilliams
about 1867 |
Frances Edith Clara Emms
Medcraft |
Ann Medcraft
about 1799 |
Hannah Medcraft
about 1797 |
James Pearce,
William Joyner
James Medcraft
Ann Nichols
James Medcraft
about 1795 |
Medland |
Ellen Medland
about 1861 |
Richard Horton
William Medland
Medling |
Amy Medling
about 1906 |
1907 |
Doris Medling
about 1903 |
Jonathan Mills
Eliza Medling
about 1870 |
Elizabeth Medling
about 1866 |
James Whitmore
Elizabeth Medling
about 1896 |
1897 |
Eva Medling
about 1905 |
1983 |
Alexander Holcroft
Ezra Medling
26 Mar 1909 |
1990 |
Mary Keegan
James Medling
22 Mar 1867 |
1924 |
Amy Smith
James Medling
about 1912 |
Lena Hamer
John Medling
about 1873 |
1893 |
John Smith Medling
about 1898 |
1900 |
Mary Lilian Medling
about 1908 |
Frank Jones
Rita Medling
about 1944 |
1960 |
Thomas Medling
about 1900 |
1969 |
Teresa Frost
William Medling
about 1880 |
1897 |
William Medling
8 Oct 1913 |
1980 |
Lucy Bailey
[Private] Medling
[Private] Medling
[Private] Medling
[Private] Medling
[Private] Medling
Megginson |
Catherine Megginson
about 1838 |
1864 |
Francis Boyce
Francis Megginson
about 1860 |
John Megginson
John Megginson
Jane Boyce
Stephen Megginson
about 1858 |
Meister |
Harry Meister
about 1912 |
Jane Gertrude Emms
Mellor |
Joseph Mellor
Mary Ann Mellor
about 1825 |
1851 |
James Halstead
Sarah Mellor
about 1828 |
John Stott
William Mellor
Menzies |
Emily Marion Menzies
Joseph Scobell
Thomas Menzies
Merchant |
Gurden Adolph Merchant
Stela Eaton Hills
[Private] Merchant
Patricia Helen Ewan
[Private] Merchant
Merrill |
John Merrill
about 1864 |
Martha Hurst
Merson |
Emma Jane Merson
1859 |
Thomas Paige Kingwell
Francis Merson
Messenger |
Ann Messenger
about 1783 |
Elizabeth Messenger
about 1780 |
Cornelius Crowhurst
Frances Messenger
about 1786 |
John Messenger
Mary Messenger
about 1790 |
Phyllis Messenger
about 1781 |
Thomas Messenger
Ann Holyland
Thomas Messenger
about 1779 |
Messier |
Emma Messier
George LaRoche
Metcalfe |
Barbara Metcalfe
16 Mar 1911 |
Harry Holden
Metherell |
Elizabeth Metherell
Thomas Lethbridge
Lydia Metherell
about 1831 |
Haly Horton Barons
Michell |
Edward Michell
Elizabeth Unknown
Edward Parsons Michell
about 1859 |
Henry Michell
about 1827 |
Mary Dennis Parsons
Henry Michell
about 1789 |
Elizabeth Nicholls
John Nicholls Michell
about 1825 |
Joseph Saunders Michell
about 1852 |
Louisa Scobell Michell
about 1841 |
Ury Nicholls Michell
about 1829 |
William Peyce Michell
about 1811 |
Louisa Catherine Scobell
Michelmore |
Alice Michelmore
Richard Cranch Paige
Amelia Frances Michelmore
about 1815 |
George Fogwell
Julian Michelmore
Thomas Symons
William Michelmore
Betsey Unknown
Michelson |
Mary Michelson
about 1778 |
George Thompson
Richard Michelson
Mary Simpson
Richard Michelson
about 1775 |
Sarah Michelson
about 1776 |
Middleton |
Lucinda Jane Middleton
about 1878 |
Frederick Charles Jones
William Middleton
Middleweek |
Annie Kate Middleweek
about 1873 |
Arthur Edwin Middleweek
about 1878 |
Charlotte Middleweek
about 1807 |
Charlotte Middleweek
about 1809 |
18 Sep 1812 |
Edwin Middleweek
about 1844 |
Annie Winter
Edwin Ryder Middleweek
about 1874 |
1953 |
Edith Derby
Ellen Winter Middleweek
about 1869 |
Fanny Middleweek
about 1784 |
25 Feb 1848 |
John Paige
Fanny Middleweek
about 1799 |
Francis Crocker Middleweek
about 1876 |
Francis Middleweek
about 1800 |
1850 |
Prudence Lang Crocker,
Ellen Lang Crocker
Frank Middleweek
1840 |
Ann Ryder
Frederick Francis Middleweek
28 Sep 1870 |
Lillie Marie Crossley
Herbert John Middleweek
about 1875 |
John Middleweek
about 1772 |
John Middleweek
about 1743 |
1 Apr 1813 |
Elizabeth Tucker
Philip Lang Middleweek
about 1878 |
1945 |
Emma J Tillyard
Philip Middleweek
about 1773 |
1853 |
Betty Lang
Richard Middleweek
about 1788 |
Robert Middleweek
about 1775 |
Sarah Paige
Robert Middleweek
about 1817 |
Elizabeth Sams
Samuel Middleweek
about 1791 |
Elizabeth Unknown
Simon Middleweek
about 1786 |
Thomas Middleweek
about 1781 |
William Middleweek
2 Feb 1803 |
William Middleweek
about 1778 |
William Middleweek
about 1780 |
William Middleweek
about 1831 |
Middling |
Caroline Middling
about 1845 |
Clara Middling
about 1860 |
Elijah Middling
1861 |
25 Apr 1949 |
Eliza Ann Middling
about 1854 |
Elizabeth Anne Jane Middling
about 1835 |
Charles Painter
Elizabeth Jane Middling
about 1851 |
Elizabeth Middling
about 1863 |
Emily Ann Middling
about 1862 |
Emily Middling
about 1853 |
1858 |
James Middling
about 1827 |
before 1871 |
Caroline Noble
James Middling
Mary Harvey
James Middling
about 1793 |
Jeremiah Middling
about 1800 |
23 Jan 1845 |
Rosanna (or Rosina) Davey
Jeremiah Middling
about 1831 |
Jethro Middling
about 1824 |
1874 |
Margery Butson
Jethro Middling
3 Jan 1857 |
John Middling
about 1837 |
Elizabeth Spargo
John Middling
about 1847 |
Joseph Middling
about 1849 |
Josiah Middling
1840 |
Mary Martin
Mahalath Middling
about 1799 |
Humphry Davy
Mary Ann Middling
about 1833 |
Thomas Trevena
Mary Ann Middling
about 1852 |
Mary Elizabeth Middling
1861 |
Mary Middling
about 1792 |
Moses Williams Middling
about 1803 |
Pamela Middling
about 1796 |
Rosina Middling
about 1864 |
Susan Middling
about 1871 |
1875 |
Thomas Middling
about 1843 |
Thomas Middling
about 1866 |
William John Middling
13 Jun 1857 |
3 Oct 1935 |
William Middling
1828 |
6 Jul 1904 |
Mary Knight
William Middling
about 1854 |
William Thomas Middling
about 1856 |
1857 |
William Thomas Middling
about 1858 |
Midlam |
Charles Midlam
Helen Grove
Sarah C Midlam
23 Dec 1853 |
26 Sep 1938 |
Joseph S Scobell
Milborrow |
Mary Frances Milborrow
4 Oct 1826 |
Francis Messenger Crowhurst
Thomas Milborrow
Mary Green
Milburn |
Thomas W Milburn
about 1810 |
Sarah Batt
Millar |
John Millar
Margaret Millar
about 1882 |
Mary Millar
about 1886 |
William Millar
about 1813 |
8 May 1859 |
Isabella Orr
William Millar
7 Apr 1858 |
Millard |
Abel Millard
Francis Shelton
Louisa Mary Millard
1883 |
1943 |
John Aloysius Kingwell
Millars |
Martha Millars
about 1798 |
1826 |
James George Newey
Millegan |
Diana Millegan
Thomas Wilson
Miller |
Elizabeth Miller
1 Sep 1855 |
16 Feb 1937 |
Philip Kingwell
Fanny Miller
about 1856 |
Walter Cole
Henry Cecil Miller
about 1856 |
Humphrey Richard Miller
about 1859 |
Hunter Miller
Elizabeth Unknown
Jane Miller
about 1785 |
George Cole
Martha Miller
about 1816 |
William Blacker
Mary Ann Miller
about 1863 |
John Rugg
Paulina A Miller
about 1862 |
William N Reder
Robert Miller
Isabella Cameron
Susan Gray Paige Miller
about 1854 |
25 Nov 1921 |
Thomas Edward Miller
about 1826 |
Susan Grey Paige
Thomas Edward Miller
about 1852 |
Millington |
Elizabeth Millington
about 1771 |
1812 |
Francis Thorpe,
Richard Casswell
William Millington
Mary Shelton
Millman |
Dinah Millman
about 1845 |
Elizabeth Ann Millman
about 1848 |
Jane Millman
about 1843 |
John Millman
about 1825 |
Dionysia Ball Maddaford
William George Millman
1850 |
Mills |
Jonathan Mills
Doris Medling
Robert Arthur Mills
Lucy Teresa Kingwell
[Private] Mills
Milne |
Alexandrina Milne
about 1812 |
George Manson
Mabel Milne
21 Apr 1896 |
Thomas Heaton
Wainwright Milne
Mines |
Harold Mines
10 Jul 1906 |
Harriet Clarke
[Private] Mines
[Private] Mines
[Private] Mines
[Private] Mines
Minta |
Alice Minta
about 1858 |
Florence Maria Minta
about 1855 |
John Minta
about 1809 |
Maria Knowles
Thomas Minta
Ann Unknown
William Christopher Minta
about 1850 |
Mitchel |
Susanna Mitchel
about 1773 |
1848 |
Nicholas Perry
Mitchell |
Agnes Mitchell
about 1801 |
Dinah Perry Mitchell
about 1797 |
George Mitchell
about 1804 |
Grace Mitchell
about 1808 |
Joanna Mitchell
about 1808 |
Mary Ann Mitchell
about 1801 |
William Mitchell
Hannah Perry
William Mitchell
about 1799 |
Mogridge |
Jane Mogridge
about 1832 |
James George Baker
Mollison |
Isabella Mollison
Henry Paige
Monk |
Ann Monk
about 1812 |
John Ellacott
Moor |
Francis Moor
Joan Moor
about 1752 |
Julius Moor
about 1752 |
Lawrence Moor
about 1724 |
Willmott Mann
Moore |
Ada Ritornella Moore
Wallace Sutherland Sharland
Alexander Albert Moore
about 1880 |
Mary Cordelia Mann
Alexander Kirkland Moore
2 Jun 1837 |
1838 |
Alexander Moore
about 1847 |
Barbara Elizabeth Moore
John Samuel Crossman
Elizabeth Anne Kingwell Moore
22 Feb 1845 |
James John Moore
7 Mar 1825 |
Emma Kingwell
James John Moore
about 1847 |
22 Jan 1897 |
James Kirkland Moore
29 Apr 1786 |
8 Nov 1853 |
Sarah Currie
Joanna Sutton Moore
about 1823 |
10 Aug 1910 |
Archibald Ritchie
John Moore
Sarah Kingwell
Lilian Moore
about 1853 |
Lilias Moore
24 May 1828 |
John Kingwell
Malcolm Kirkland Moore
27 Aug 1835 |
Margaret Currie Moore
George Crane
Mary Kirkland Moore
about 1819 |
1905 |
Meshach Daniel Stares
Matilda Moore
about 1834 |
1872 |
John Child Andrus
Robert Moore
about 1849 |
Robert Moore
7 Mar 1827 |
Samuel Moore
about 1851 |
Sarah Jane Moore
about 1817 |
Peter Ritchie
William Charles Moore
17 Jun 1831 |
Moors |
Jane Moors
about 1878 |
John Henry Sherratt
John Moors Moors
Morgan |
Ann French Morgan
about 1818 |
Joseph John Wordsworth Robson
Emma French Morgan
about 1824 |
Robert Dansie
Mary Morgan
about 1815 |
Joseph Rowse
Samuel Morgan
about 1788 |
Thomas French Morgan
Mary Ann Unknown
Morley |
John Morley
Jane Wilton
Sarah Morley
about 1778 |
1806 |
Abdiel Sharland
Morris |
Peter Morris
16 Oct 1903 |
Gladys May Young
Sylvia Morris
about 1863 |
George Hatchman
[Private] Morris
[Private] Gooding
Mortimer |
Rosetta Mortimer
about 1831 |
John Sansbury Strong
Mortimore |
Ann Mortimore
about 1820 |
Eliza Mortimore
about 1843 |
Elizabeth Mortimore
about 1760 |
8 Apr 1761 |
Elizabeth Mortimore
about 1835 |
Thomas Horton
Grace Mortimore
about 1793 |
Harriet Rich Mortimore
about 1815 |
Henry Mortimore
about 1783 |
Hilda Mortimore
3 Feb 1908 |
James Crompton
James Mortimore
about 1850 |
John Dalton Mortimore
about 1795 |
Jane Treeby
John Mortimore
about 1753 |
John Mortimore
about 1817 |
John Mortimore
about 1845 |
John Mortimore
about 1835 |
Mary Horton
Louisa Mortimore
Thomas Horton
Maria Mortimore
about 1778 |
Maria Moysey Mortimore
about 1779 |
Mary Mortimore
about 1763 |
Mary Mortimore
about 1797 |
Mary Paige Mortimore
about 1797 |
Mary Paige Mortimore
about 1812 |
Mary Pepperall Mortimore
about 1792 |
Nicholas Mortimore
Maria Moysey
Nicholas Mortimore
about 1775 |
Patience Mortimore
about 1756 |
Richard Mosey Mortimore
about 1790 |
Feb 1791 |
Richard Rice Mortimore
about 1827 |
Robert Mortimore
about 1790 |
Susanna Rice
Robert Moysey Mortimore
about 1773 |
Agnes Lang Paige
Robert Moysey Mortimore
about 1813 |
Roger Mortimore
Mary Kingwill
Roger Mortimore
about 1766 |
Sally Randle Mortimore
about 1799 |
Sarah Mortimore
about 1788 |
Sarah Mortimore
about 1781 |
Susanna Mortimore
about 1831 |
Thomas Mortimore
about 1776 |
William Mortimore
about 1823 |
William Mortimore
Grace Doulton
William Mortimore
about 1847 |
William Mortimore
Elizabeth Unknown
Morton |
Annie Elizabeth Morton
Charles Casswell
Isabella Morton
about 1868 |
Alexander Rugg
James Morton
Margaret Garriock
Mary Morton
James Law
Millicent Mary Morton
about 1889 |
Arthur John Horton
Mosey |
Elizabeth Mosey
about 1755 |
John Nicholson
Leonard Mosey
Ann Lycas
Motley |
[Private] Motley
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
[Private] Motley
[Private] Motley
Moulder |
Edgar John Moulder
about 1879 |
Florence Mary Paige
Gerald Edgar Moulder
about 1908 |
Laura Florence Moulder
about 1904 |
Mouncy |
Edith Betty Mouncy
15 Jul 1915 |
Frank Mouncy
about 1871 |
Emily Edith Horton
Moushall |
Annie Moushall
James Patrick Curry
Mousir |
Mary Ann Mousir
about 1823 |
Edward Girdlestone
Mowat |
Alexander Mowat
about 1880 |
David Mowat
about 1889 |
Elizabeth Mowat
about 1882 |
Isabella Mowat
about 1878 |
Sinclair Gunn Coghill
Jessie Mowat
about 1876 |
Maggie Ann Mowat
about 1885 |
Peter Mowat
about 1846 |
Margaret Begg
Moxham |
Charles Moxham
about 1872 |
Rose Marguerite Sharland
Dora Winifred Moxham
about 1909 |
Helen May Moxham
about 1908 |
Marjorie Wilson Moxham
about 1910 |
Thomas Moxham
about 1907 |
Vera Marguerite Moxham
about 1904 |
Moyse |
Wilmot Moyse
2 Dec 1726 |
Richard Mann
Moysey |
Maria Moysey
Nicholas Mortimore
Mudge |
Anne Mudge
about 1819 |
David John Mudge
Florence Elizabeth Mudge
about 1888 |
Sidney Charles Horton
Henry Mudge
about 1790 |
Hannah Horton
Mary Horton Mudge
about 1826 |
Mueller |
Heinrich Carl Mueller
Caroline Kruger
Johanne Auguste Mueller
17 Apr 1864 |
1960 |
Walter Paige Kingwell
Mugford |
Susanna Mugford
about 1795 |
Trobridge Horton
Muir |
Isabella Muir
about 1827 |
George Rugg
James Muir
Barbara Kirkland
Mullins |
[Private] Mullins
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
Mumford |
Jane Mumford
about 1827 |
1851 |
John Horton
Robert Mumford
Munkley |
Elizabeth Munkley
about 1873 |
George Henry Dyer Kingwell
William Munkley
Munn |
Elizabeth Munn
James Murray
Munro |
Duncan Munro
Chirsty Silver
Margaret Mary Munro
30 Jan 1876 |
26 Jan 1966 |
John Douglas Gunn
Murch |
Ann Sainthill Murch
Thomas Dewdney
Murphy |
Alice Murphy
about 1913 |
Charles Murphy
Edith Murphy
about 1908 |
Ethel Murphy
about 1909 |
Thomas Murphy
about 1886 |
Sarah Jane Kaywood
Murray |
Agnes Murray
about 1838 |
Ann Murray
Angus Bain
Caroline Elizabeth Murray
7 Aug 1827 |
Richard Rowe,
William Gay
Charles Murray
about 1851 |
Sarah Jane Kingwell
Christina Murray
1851 |
Donald George Murray
about 1884 |
Donald Mowat Murray
about 1856 |
3 Mar 1918 |
Ann Rugg
Elizabeth Murray
about 1847 |
Elsie Emmeline Murray
1877 |
Henry Murray
about 1839 |
Isabella Scott Murray
24 Apr 1862 |
1930 |
Cleverley Vicars Kingwell
James Brodie Murray
about 1811 |
Sarah Unknown
James Murray
about 1813 |
Mary Unknown,
Elizabeth Munn
James Murray
Susannah Kennard
James Sinclair Murray
about 1880 |
James William Kennard Murray
10 Oct 1832 |
Jane Murray
about 1849 |
John Murray
about 1854 |
Margaret Moss Murray
27 Apr 1822 |
Margaret Murray
William Coghill
Margaret Murray
about 1809 |
Andrew Rugg
Margaret Murray
about 1830 |
Kenneth McKenzie
Mary Ann Murray
about 1887 |
Mary Murray
about 1836 |
James Orr
Robert Murray
about 1849 |
Walter Murray
about 1840 |
Alvira Campbell
William Angus Murray
about 1883 |
[Private] Murray
Eric Roy Fairhurst
Myers |
Margaret Elizabeth Myers
Frederick Richard Scobell
[Private] Myers
[Private] Unknown
Mythen |
Ann Hannaford Mythen
about 1879 |
Walter Horton
Nancy |
Scott Nancy
about 1795 |
Thomas Craven
Napier |
Andrew Napier
about 1805 |
Ann Howat White
Annie Napier
about 1847 |
David Orr
Dorothy Grace Napier
2 Sep 1899 |
Edward Napier
about 1886 |
Elizabeth Napier
about 1839 |
Elizabeth Napier
about 1882 |
George Napier
about 1844 |
1892 |
Elizabeth Royce
George Napier
about 1877 |
Jane Napier
about 1888 |
John Arthur Napier
about 1874 |
1953 |
Grace Young
John Victor Napier
15 Feb 1903 |
Richard Napier
about 1880 |
Robert Napier
about 1884 |
Samuel Napier
about 1843 |
Samuel Napier
about 1891 |
William Napier
about 1879 |
Nash |
Priscilla Nash
6 Oct 1776 |
Thomas Hiern
Neal |
Charles Henry Neal
about 1890 |
Constance Gertrude Neal
about 1894 |
Edith Paige Neal
about 1890 |
Florence Mabel Neal
about 1886 |
James Edmund Neal
about 1885 |
James Edward Neal
Caroline Emily Paige
Marian Emily Neal
about 1884 |
Neff |
[Private] Neff
[Private] Robinson
[Private] Neff
[Private] Neff
Neill |
Martha Neill
about 1838 |
5 Sep 1918 |
Jonathan Coulson
Nelson |
Evelyn Nelson
about 1908 |
Gertrude Maud Nelson
about 1907 |
Herbert Naisbit Nelson
about 1879 |
Edith Rose Coulson
John Nelson
about 1857 |
1882 |
Sarah Headley
Marjory Nelson
about 1910 |
Mary Jane Nelson
about 1882 |
William Henry Nelson
about 1879 |
[Private] Nelson
[Private] Le Sage
Netherton |
Ann Netherton
John Horton
David William Netherton
about 1866 |
John Netherton
Mary Jane Netherton
about 1865 |
Samuel Netherton
Susan Elizabeth Netherton
about 1869 |
Thomas Netherton
Jane Horton
Nettelbeck |
Bertha Alexandra Caroline Nettelbeck
6 Jun 1865 |
William Francis Langsbeer Newey
Nettleton |
Ann Nettleton
1821 |
John Warriner
Elizabeth Nettleton
about 1830 |
1880 |
Abdiel Hanham
Richard Nettleton
Mary Storey
Nevil |
Ann Nevil
about 1835 |
John Nevil
Hannah Burn
Newcombe |
Ethel Kate Newcombe
about 1880 |
Arthur Horton
Samuel Newcombe
Newell |
Roy David Newell
17 Mar 1935 |
10 May 2012 |
[Private] Crompton
Vina Newell
about 1856 |
Frank Paige
William Newell
Maggie Nuttall
[Private] Newell
[Private] Matthews,
[Private] Treweeks
[Private] Newell
[Private] White
[Private] Newell
[Private] Howell
[Private] Newell
[Private] Newell
[Private] Newell
[Private] Newell
[Private] Newell
[Private] Newell
[Private] Newell
Newey |
Aileen Gladys Newey
3 Mar 1908 |
1976 |
Charlotte Elizabeth Amelia Newey
about 1855 |
Henry Onion,
Frederick William Cresser
Dinah Newey
18 Mar 1914 |
21 Nov 1993 |
Albert Gilbert Smith,
Mervyn Venton Kingwell
Elizabeth Newey
6 Apr 1825 |
James George Newey
about 1797 |
28 Mar 1863 |
Martha Millars,
Ann Green
James Newey
Elizabeth Unknown
Lucy Newey
about 1857 |
William Francis Langsbeer Newey
19 May 1853 |
Bertha Alexandra Caroline Nettelbeck
William Millars Newey
4 Oct 1823 |
19 Dec 1894 |
Charlotte Langsbeer Langdon
Newlove |
John Newlove
about 1790 |
Esther Stead
John Newlove
about 1760 |
John Pearson Newlove
about 1810 |
Mary Margaret Newlove
about 1815 |
William Burn
Newman |
Ann Jane Newman
about 1853 |
Ann Newman
about 1805 |
Christopher Newman
about 1763 |
Mary Hannaford
Christopher Newman
about 1791 |
Elizabeth Newman
about 1760 |
4 Sep 1832 |
Richard Kingwell
Elizabeth Newman
about 1797 |
Ellen Sarah Newman
27 Feb 1856 |
Emlyn Newman
about 1768 |
1773 |
Emlyn Newman
about 1787 |
1839 |
Emlyn Newman
about 1808 |
Florence Parsons Newman
about 1871 |
George Newman
about 1806 |
George Newman
about 1815 |
Jane Newman
about 1851 |
1852 |
Jarvis Newman
about 1762 |
Mary Kingwell,
Julia Hill
Joan Newman
about 1758 |
John Newman
about 1757 |
John Newman
about 1789 |
John Newman
about 1801 |
John Newman
John Newman
about 1797 |
Ann Unknown
Julia Newman
about 1810 |
Mary Hosking Newman
about 1818 |
1888 |
Richard Webber Kingwell
Mary Newman
about 1808 |
16 Jun 1898 |
Samuel Kingwell
Mary Newman
about 1753 |
Mary Newman
about 1788 |
Mary Newman
John Clift
Rachel Newman
about 1766 |
Richard Newman
about 1796 |
Samuel Newman
about 1800 |
Sarah Newman
about 1763 |
Sarah Newman
George Harrison Hall
Susan Oliver Newman
about 1855 |
1892 |
Susanna Newman
about 1766 |
Thomas Newman
about 1793 |
Thomas Newman
about 1798 |
Thomas Newman
about 1804 |
Thomas Newman
about 1771 |
Zilpha Hosking
Thomas Newman
about 1804 |
William Hill Newman
about 1794 |
William John Newman
about 1860 |
William Newman
Mary Wyatt
William Newman
about 1754 |
Elizabeth Hannaford
William Newman
about 1795 |
William Newman
about 1785 |
William Newman
about 1829 |
Jane Parsons
William Newman
about 1801 |
Zilpha Hoskin Newman
about 1799 |
Newsham |
Ann Newsham
about 1845 |
Elizabeth Newsham
about 1829 |
George Newsham
Elizabeth Unknown
George Newsham
about 1836 |
27 Sep 1839 |
Jane Newsham
about 1852 |
John Newsham
14 Oct 1783 |
16 Jan 1855 |
Ann Unknown
John Newsham
about 1821 |
before 1871 |
Jane Wilberforce,
Jane Harford
John Newsham
about 1854 |
Margret Newsham
about 1859 |
Mary Jane Newsham
about 1855 |
Mary Newsham
about 1826 |
George Jones
Ralph Newsham
about 1832 |
Elizabeth Roberts
Richard Newsham
about 1863 |
Sarah Newsham
about 1815 |
13 Jul 1863 |
William Newsham
about 1818 |
1819 |
William Newsham
about 1824 |
Newson |
Eliza Susana Newson
7 Nov 1896 |
Walter Fairhurst
William Edward Newson
Nicholls |
Elizabeth Nicholls
about 1801 |
Henry Michell
Emma Nicholls
about 1824 |
George Nicholls
Mary Dunn
Lorna Mavis Nicholls
31 Jul 1919 |
23 Jul 1989 |
Vincent Joseph Kingwell
Louisa Julia Nicholls
about 1863 |
William Henry Horton
Mary Ann Nicholls
1821 |
William Hanson
Nicholas Nicholls
Susan Ann Nicholls
about 1846 |
Philip Kingwell Hurrell
Wilfred Henry Nicholls
Jenny Cora Kingwell
William Nicholls
about 1831 |
Sarah Horton
Nichols |
Ann Nichols
James Medcraft
George Nichols
about 1832 |
Elizabeth Anne Horton
Grace Millman Nichols
about 1811 |
Thomas Rice
Hannah Nichols
15 Feb 1807 |
John Lowndes
Jane Nichols
John Gray
Joan Nichols
Richard Gilbert
William Nichols
Sarah Unknown
[Private] Nichols
[Private] Hunt
Nicholson |
Ann Nicholson
about 1803 |
Ann Nicholson
about 1788 |
Emily Elizabeth Nicholson
about 1886 |
William Thomas Horton
Fanny Nicholson
about 1823 |
1895 |
Charles Bond
George Barker Nicholson
about 1873 |
George Nicholson
about 1811 |
John Charles Nicholson
about 1867 |
John Nicholson
about 1781 |
1864 |
Ann Coulson
John Nicholson
about 1805 |
Mary Coulson,
Ann Coulson,
Isabella Barker
John Nicholson
about 1743 |
Elizabeth Mosey
John Nicholson
Ann Staveley
Jonathan Nicholson
about 1818 |
Mary Hilda Nicholson
about 1878 |
Richard Harry Nicholson
about 1869 |
Richard Nicholson
about 1810 |
Richard Nicholson
about 1784 |
Sarah Nicholson
about 1825 |
Thomas Nicholson
about 1790 |
Ann Gilbank
William John Nicholson
William Nicholson
about 1808 |
William Nicholson
about 1779 |
1799 |
William Nicholson
about 1876 |
Nickolaus |
Lola Victoria Nickolaus
27 Apr 1896 |
1979 |
Archie Rodney Brown
Peter Lafayette Nickolaus
Dec 1861 |
Mary Mast
Nicolson |
Elizabeth Nicolson
about 1872 |
William Gunn
James Nicolson
Isabella Geddes
Mary Ann Nicolson
Lauchlan Campbell
Niles |
Margaret Niles
about 1859 |
William Henry Horton
Ninham |
Mary Ninham
Cornelius Crowhurst
Nixon |
Edmund Eugene Nixon
Emily Leonard Sharland
Eva Nixon
3 Oct 1890 |
John W Loynd,
Alfred Wilman
Frederick Nixon
about 1855 |
Ann Chadwick
Noah |
Ann Noah
about 1775 |
Elizabeth Noah
about 1764 |
Hannah Noah
about 1772 |
James Noah
about 1763 |
John Noah
about 1771 |
Mary Noah
about 1773 |
Sarah Noah
about 1783 |
1806 |
Isaac Sharland
Sarah Noah
about 1766 |
1768 |
Stephen Noah
about 1769 |
1770 |
Stephen Noah
about 1760 |
1761 |
Stephen Noah
about 1736 |
Ann West
William Noah
about 1762 |
1762 |
Noble |
Alice Noble
about 1825 |
William Bray
Caroline Noble
about 1824 |
James Middling
James Noble
about 1820 |
John Noble
about 1793 |
Elizabeth Unknown
John Noble
about 1818 |
Joseph Noble
about 1832 |
[Private] Noble
[Private] Coulson
[Private] Noble
[Private] Unknown
[Private] Noble
[Private] Adens
[Private] Noble
[Private] Noble
Nobles |
Sarah Nobles
about 1786 |
Thomas Casswell
Nolde |
Eleanor Mary Nolde
about 1885 |
Francis Sharland Nolde
about 1890 |
Henrietta Nolde
about 1889 |
Walter Charles Nolde
about 1896 |
William Nolde
about 1857 |
Fanny Clara Sharland
William Nolde
about 1893 |
Norman |
Alfred Norman
about 1886 |
Annie Norman
about 1876 |
Bertha Norman
about 1890 |
Elizabeth Norman
William Gollop
Frank Norman
about 1878 |
Frederick Norman
about 1881 |
George Albert Norman
about 1874 |
Harold Norman
about 1883 |
Noble Norman
about 1851 |
1902 |
Sarah Ann Halstead
Rosaline Norman
1888 |
Normanton |
Frances Normanton
about 1844 |
Thomas William Horsley
Norris |
Alice Norris
about 1780 |
Giles Seddon
Florence Harriet Norris
11 May 1903 |
James Fenton Norris
about 1886 |
Gertrude Adelade Stanley
Jenny Norris
about 1764 |
1842 |
Phillip Horton
Mason Lawrence Norris
8 Oct 1904 |
Mildred Fenton Norris
25 Jul 1908 |
Moses Lawrence Norris
about 1882 |
Eva Louise Stanley
Robert A Norris
Sheldon Unknown
[Private] Norris
Northcote |
Augustus Northcote
22 Nov 1819 |
Clara Maria Sharland
Blanche Northcote
about 1857 |
Cecil Northcote
about 1859 |
Charles Gilbert Northcote
1860 |
Emma Clara Northcote
1850 |
Mabel Edith Northcote
1852 |
Stafford Northcote
Sarah Beauchamp
Northmore |
Alice Northmore
about 1877 |
Amry Ann Northmore
about 1815 |
Bessie Northmore
27 Sep 1877 |
29 Jul 1968 |
Philip Kingwell
Edward Northmore
about 1811 |
Eliza Huxham Northmore
about 1828 |
Elizabeth Northmore
about 1777 |
Elizabeth Northmore
13 Dec 1817 |
Elizabeth Northmore
about 1845 |
Emma Northmore
about 1833 |
Frances Tinckam Northmore
about 1858 |
Frances Tincombe Northmore
about 1813 |
14 May 1845 |
Alexander Horton
George Northmore
1841 |
Harriet Northmore
11 Feb 1811 |
Henry Northmore
about 1874 |
James Northmore
Frances Tinckam
James Northmore
about 1815 |
Elizabeth Hilson Horton
James Northmore
about 1850 |
26 Feb 1850 |
James Northmore
about 1808 |
Jenny Northmore
about 1780 |
1845 |
Philip Maddick Horton
Jenny Northmore
about 1881 |
John Northmore
about 1773 |
John Northmore
about 1880 |
John Northmore
Mary Horton
John Northmore
about 1813 |
1849 |
Jane Horton
John Northmore
about 1843 |
John Northmore
about 1801 |
Eliza Huxham,
Susan Huxham
John Veal Northmore
about 1805 |
1883 |
Elizabeth Horton
Joshua Fortescue Northmore
about 1855 |
Joshua Horton Northmore
about 1830 |
1862 |
Maria Hook Horton
Margaret Northmore
about 1784 |
Benjamin Corber
Margaret Northmore
about 1791 |
1847 |
Philip Horton
Margaret Northmore
about 1849 |
Maria Hook Northmore
about 1852 |
Mary Ann Northmore
9 May 1813 |
Mary Anne Northmore
about 1854 |
Trobridge Horton
Mary Jane Northmore
about 1839 |
Haly Horton
Mary Northmore
about 1839 |
1842 |
Mary Northmore
about 1782 |
Mary Northmore
about 1849 |
John Horton
Mary Northmore
about 1835 |
Matthew Fortescue Northmore
about 1807 |
1831 |
Mary Horton
Peggy Northmore
11 Apr 1815 |
Sarah Northmore
about 1827 |
Solomon Northmore
Elizabeth Veale
Solomon Northmore
about 1770 |
1771 |
Solomon Northmore
about 1772 |
Solomon Northmore
about 1843 |
Jenny Phillips
Solomon Northmore
about 1809 |
Solomon Northmore
about 1831 |
1831 |
Stephen Northmore
about 1848 |
Stephen Northmore
about 1806 |
Stephen Northmore
about 1885 |
Stephen Northmore
about 1775 |
1839 |
Peggy Horton
Susan Northmore
about 1832 |
Joseph Ley
Susanna Northmore
about 1779 |
Thomas Northmore
16 Oct 1822 |
Thomas Northmore
Sarah Unknown
William Northmore
about 1877 |
William Northmore
17 May 1820 |
William Northmore
Norvell |
Isabella Norvell
about 1872 |
William Edmund Paige
Nosworthy |
Agnes Paige Nosworthy
about 1813 |
1906 |
Catherine Nosworthy
about 1816 |
Martha Nosworthy
30 May 1809 |
1887 |
Mary Nosworthy
21 Feb 1807 |
Samuel Nosworthy
Mary Lang Paige
Samuel Nosworthy
1 Jun 1814 |
Nottingham |
John Agar Nottingham
about 1836 |
Martha A Nottingham
about 1842 |
William Nottingham
about 1809 |
Hannah Agar
William Nottingham
about 1838 |
Nowlin |
Anna M Nowlin
George S Tackitt
Nunn |
Ann Nunn
William Paige
Sarah Ann Nunn
about 1858 |
1892 |
William Edmund Paige
Nuttall |
Eliza Ann Nuttall
about 1834 |
George Curnock
James Nuttall
Sarah Ellen Higham
Maggie Nuttall
William Newell
Sarah Ann Nuttall
about 1868 |
Benjamin Crompton
[Private] Nuttall
Nutter |
Albert William Nutter
21 Jun 1909 |
24 Oct 1980 |
James Nutter
24 Aug 1833 |
8 Aug 1898 |
Charlotte Knowles
James Nutter
Elizabeth Unknown
William Henry Nutter
about 1877 |
30 Oct 1916 |
Anna Whilamena Keefer
O'Beirne |
Bernard O'Beirne
about 1798 |
Arabella Mann
John O'Beirne
O'Connor |
Ellen O'Connor
about 1814 |
Richard Wyatt Kingwell
O'Donnell |
Louisa O'Donnell
about 1838 |
1906 |
John Bourke
O'Donnell Bourke |
Desmond John O'Donnell Bourke
20 Oct 1922 |
26 Jan 1996 |
Shirley Margaret Shackleton Mann,
[Private] Unknown
Patrick Francis O'Donnell Bourke
15 Jan 1878 |
13 Jul 1947 |
Jeanne Odette Marie Driart
Patrick O'Donnell Bourke
1 Dec 1924 |
1944 |
[Private] O'Donnell Bourke
[Private] Hamill
[Private] O'Donnell Bourke
[Private] West
[Private] O'Donnell Bourke
[Private] Higgins
[Private] O'Donnell Bourke
[Private] Chapman
[Private] O'Donnell Bourke
[Private] O'Donnell Bourke
[Private] O'Donnell Bourke
[Private] O'Donnell Bourke
[Private] O'Donnell Bourke
O'Malley |
[Private] O'Malley
[Private] Holden
[Private] O'Malley
[Private] O'Malley
Officer |
Mary A Officer
1862 |
William Pye
Ogleby |
Mary Ann Ogleby
about 1852 |
John Coulson Greenwood
Old |
Hughetta Violet Old
26 Mar 1879 |
Richard Francis Horton
Kate Old
Oldham |
Albert Oldham
Patricia Mary Arnold
Barry J Oldham
1958 |
1987 |
Oldreive |
Mary Browne Oldreive
Faby Dimond
Oldrey |
Agnes Paige Oldrey
about 1826 |
Alfred Oldrey
about 1841 |
Edmund Paige Oldrey
about 1833 |
Elizabeth Foale Oldrey
about 1827 |
Ellen Paige Oldrey
about 1843 |
John Paige Oldrey
about 1832 |
Mary Jane Oldrey
about 1835 |
Richard Henry Oldrey
about 1824 |
Richard Oldrey
29 Nov 1796 |
Mary Lang Paige
Richard Oldrey
about 1766 |
Elizabeth Unknown
Robert Oldrey
about 1830 |
Susan Oldrey
about 1837 |
Oldrieve |
Ernest Oldrieve
about 1850 |
John Lewis Oldrieve
about 1812 |
Susanna Paige
John Lewis Oldrieve
about 1849 |
Lucy Ann Oldrieve
about 1853 |
Oliphant |
Margaret Oliphant
about 1826 |
1898 |
John Hobart Scobell
Oliver |
Grace Oliver
about 1778 |
Charles Childs
Louisa Oliver
about 1874 |
William Alexander Horton
Mary Oliver
Julius Mann
Matilda Oliver
about 1814 |
William Perry
Robert Oliver
Mary Unknown
William Henry Oliver
Ollerenshaw |
[Private] Ollerenshaw
[Private] French
Ollier |
Fanny Ollier
about 1841 |
Mary Ollier
about 1839 |
Samuel Ollier
about 1811 |
Hannah Barnett
William Ollier
about 1835 |
Onion |
Charlotte Elizabeth N (Daisy) Onion
about 1879 |
Elizabeth Onion
about 1855 |
Henry Onion
21 May 1854 |
Charlotte Elizabeth Amelia Newey
James Onion
about 1851 |
John Onion
about 1818 |
about 1867 |
Hannah Maria Dowler
John Onion
about 1849 |
Kenneth Eric Onion
30 Jun 1886 |
Rosa Emma Barry
May Onion
about 1893 |
Thomas Onion
about 1858 |
Mary Elizabeth Anne Argyll
William Henry Francis Onion
about 1881 |
16 Aug 1952 |
Gladys Bowring Kingwell
William Henry Onion
about 1851 |
Orr |
Agnes Bain Barclay Orr
about 1899 |
Agnes Orr
about 1895 |
Agnes Orr
about 1886 |
Alexander Alige Orr
18 Aug 1869 |
Alice Mary Murray Orr
about 1895 |
Andrew Orr
1835 |
Mary Johnston
Andrew Orr
about 1848 |
Margaret Wiseman,
Mary Roy
Andrew Orr
about 1882 |
Andrew Orr
about 1878 |
Ann Orr
about 1828 |
Robert Tennent
Anne Orr
about 1871 |
Annie Napier Orr
1890 |
Archibald Orr
1847 |
1926 |
Marion Scott
Catherine Orr
about 1811 |
James Gibb
Catherine Orr
15 Sep 1843 |
Catherine Orr
about 1838 |
11 Apr 1911 |
Robert Armour
Colin Orr
about 1878 |
David Orr
13 May 1873 |
11 Dec 1957 |
Ellen Dawson
David Orr
about 1804 |
21 Sep 1884 |
Elizabeth Russell
David Orr
1840 |
Annie Napier
David Orr
3 Jan 1860 |
before 1871 |
David Orr
1862 |
David Orr
Apr 1884 |
David Orr
about 1857 |
Thomasina Barclay
David Orr
about 1844 |
Mary McLean
David Orr
about 1874 |
Donald Orr
about 1900 |
Elizabeth Orr
about 1868 |
James Fox Robinson
Elizabeth Russell Orr
Jan 1888 |
Thomas Scott
Elizabeth Russell Orr
17 Dec 1862 |
William Stewart
Elizabeth Russell Orr
about 1876 |
Joseph Keith,
John Pattison
Ellen Orr
about 1876 |
James Dunsmuir
Gavin Orr
Mar 1886 |
Helen J Orr
about 1893 |
Helen Orr
1833 |
Helen Orr
18 Feb 1835 |
Robert Kirkland
Helen Orr
about 1842 |
Isabella Orr
16 Dec 1869 |
24 Apr 1952 |
Alfred Fowler
Isabella Orr
21 Feb 1829 |
Andrew Allan,
William Millar,
Alexander Manderson
Isabella Orr
21 Dec 1866 |
Isabella Orr
about 1894 |
James Orr
1831 |
Mary Murray
James Orr
Oct 1890 |
James Orr
about 1770 |
Helen Paterson
James Orr
about 1831 |
James Orr
about 1802 |
Ann Thomson,
Mary Anderson
James Orr
28 Sep 1858 |
James Orr
about 1835 |
James Orr
about 1882 |
James Orr
20 Jun 1866 |
1869 |
James Orr
5 Aug 1862 |
James Orr
3 Oct 1874 |
Jane Orr
about 1863 |
12 Mar 1947 |
Noah Lambert
Janet Napier Orr
about 1880 |
1880 |
Janet Orr
11 Jan 1840 |
James Law
Janet Orr
14 Mar 1865 |
Jean Orr
1829 |
Robert Cumming
Jean Orr
about 1833 |
John Orr
1836 |
1920 |
Jane Reid
John Orr
about 1833 |
John Orr
about 1882 |
John Orr
about 1884 |
John Orr
20 Feb 1864 |
1866 |
John Orr
15 Jul 1879 |
John R Orr
about 1899 |
John Russell Orr
6 Nov 1865 |
23 Aug 1919 |
Agnes Watt
Kate Orr
about 1883 |
Lillian R Orr
2 Aug 1905 |
18 Sep 1989 |
Denver Colorado Balsley
Margaret Orr
27 Oct 1872 |
Margaret Orr
about 1847 |
Margaret Orr
about 1891 |
Margaret Orr
14 Apr 1870 |
Margaret Paterson Orr
3 Dec 1897 |
Margaret Rattray Orr
about 1893 |
Martha Orr
about 1874 |
1902 |
Henry Ratcliffe
Mary Anderson Orr
5 Dec 1856 |
Mary Cuthbertson Orr
27 Jan 1861 |
1862 |
Mary Elizabeth Orr
13 Jul 1875 |
Fredrick William Emms
Mary Helen Orr
16 Aug 1871 |
29 Jan 1941 |
William Shackleton
Mary Orr
May 1882 |
Mary Orr
28 Jul 1864 |
Mungo Orr
19 Nov 1845 |
Margaret Paterson
Mungo Orr
about 1896 |
Mungo Reid Orr
31 Mar 1861 |
1925 |
Maria Ingham
1869 |
1869 |
1873 |
1873 |
Robert Hood Orr
about 1887 |
Catherine Unknown
Samuel Orr
Annie Unknown
William Orr
about 1807 |
Janet Reid
William Orr
3 Mar 1869 |
Jane McNaughton
William Orr
12 Feb 1872 |
[Private] Orr
Osborne |
[Private] Osborne
[Private] Gunn
[Private] Osborne
[Private] Rawsthorne
Osment |
Tom Osment
[Private] Kingwell
Otton |
Mary Elizabeth Otton
about 1809 |
16 Jul 1898 |
Sidney Scobell
Ouchterlony |
Mary Ouchterlony
Samuel Leaper
Overbaugh |
Florence Beatrice Overbaugh
30 Apr 1889 |
George Alexander Gould
George Washington Overbaugh
Julia Trickett
Owen |
Mary Owen
about 1779 |
Cuthbert Blackbourn
Oxenham |
Patience Oxenham
about 1802 |
Charles Ball
Oxnard |
George Augustus Oxnard
Dinah Louisa Scobell
Pacey |
Edward Pacey
Martha Casswell
Elizabeth Pacey
about 1748 |
1750 |
John Pacey
about 1750 |
Robert Pacey
about 1747 |
Samuel Casswell Pacey
about 1756 |
Packman |
Eliza Sophia Packman
about 1843 |
Thomas Goatley
Page |
Edwin Page
Henry Edwin Philip Page
25 Dec 1903 |
Henry Walter Page
about 1878 |
Jessie Elizabeth Kingwell
May Elizabeth Page
9 May 1900 |
Pagett |
Minnie Rejene Pagett
about 1902 |
Nellie Elena Pagett
about 1903 |
William Henry Pagett
about 1868 |
Minnie Paige
William Henry Pagett
about 1844 |
Sarah F Unknown
Paige |
Ada Louisa Paige
about 1902 |
Agnes Evelyn Millicent Paige
1876 |
Agnes Lang Paige
about 1776 |
Robert Moysey Mortimore
Agnes Louise Paige
about 1876 |
Agnes Paige
about 1761 |
1823 |
John Paige
Agnes Paige
about 1778 |
1852 |
Edmund Paige Bastard,
Nicholas Carter
Agnes Paige
about 1807 |
1843 |
John Paige Jellard
Agnes Paige
about 1824 |
Agnes Paige
about 1775 |
George Fogwell
Agnes Paige
about 1888 |
Agnes Paige
about 1852 |
Thomas Burgoyne,
Josiah Keighley
Albert John Paige
about 1892 |
1963 |
Alfred John Weeks Paige
about 1890 |
Alfred Richard Paige
about 1864 |
Clara Mary Rixon
Alfred William Paige
about 1865 |
Rosa Jane Weeks
Alice Joan Paige
about 1907 |
Alice Maud Paige
about 1882 |
Alice Paige
1850 |
Alice Paige
1906 |
Alice Peru Paige
about 1863 |
Richard Andrews
Amelia Paige
20 Aug 1841 |
Amy Marion Paige
about 1866 |
about 1924 |
Ann Bastard Paige
about 1785 |
Ann Paige
about 1791 |
Joseph Walters
Ann Paige
about 1814 |
1866 |
John Fairweather
Ann Paige
about 1798 |
6 Jan 1868 |
John Baker
Ann Paige
about 1836 |
Ann Paige
about 1814 |
Anna Maria Paige
about 1847 |
Anna Paige
about 1851 |
Anna Paige
about 1804 |
William Jellard
Anna Pering Paige
about 1867 |
Walter Turner
Anne Edith Paige
1865 |
Annie Paige
about 1869 |
1902 |
Annie Pechili Paige
about 1861 |
1935 |
Beatrice Paige
1880 |
Beatrice Paige
about 1902 |
Bertha Brooking Paige
1870 |
1938 |
Bertha Paige
about 1853 |
1941 |
Betsy Paige
about 1802 |
Caroline Emily Paige
about 1855 |
James Edward Neal
Caroline Louisa Paige
about 1848 |
1854 |
Caroline Paige
about 1824 |
1896 |
Thomas Randle
Caroline Paige
about 1854 |
Celia Alice Paige
about 1882 |
Charles Harold Paige
about 1866 |
Constance Reed
Charles John Murray Paige
about 1893 |
1923 |
Charles Morrice Paige
about 1842 |
1924 |
Elizabeth Jane Evens
Charles Paige
about 1797 |
1849 |
Charles Paige
about 1865 |
Charles Winsor Paige
about 1857 |
Charlotte Paige
about 1826 |
Charlotte Paige
about 1837 |
William Cochrane Elliot
Charlotte Paige
about 1851 |
George Shapland
Charlotte Paige
1842 |
Robert John Howell
Charlotte Paige
about 1811 |
William Sharland
Chevallier Benoni Tozer Paige
about 1850 |
1928 |
Cyril Penrose Paige
7 Jul 1882 |
1958 |
Daniel Masey Paige
about 1796 |
Daniel Masey Paige
about 1823 |
Mary Ann Waite
Daniel Masey Paige
about 1819 |
Daniel Paige
about 1855 |
Minnie Mary Ford
Donald Herbert Paige
about 1905 |
Doris Mary Paige
about 1897 |
Dorothy Mary Paige
about 1895 |
Douglas Paige
about 1886 |
Edgar Paige
about 1860 |
1870 |
Edith Paige
about 1862 |
Alfred Cornish
Edmond Paige
about 1727 |
1757 |
Edmond Paige
about 1788 |
Susanna Grey
Edmond Paige
about 1791 |
Elizabeth Dunn
Edmund Albert Paige
about 1829 |
1892 |
Frances Ann Lyndon
Edmund Alfred Paige
1875 |
1940 |
Edmund Byron Paige
about 1895 |
Edmund George Paige
about 1814 |
Janet Agnew
Edmund Paige
22 Jul 1785 |
Sarah Roper
Edmund Paige
about 1813 |
about 1850 |
Edmund Paige
about 1798 |
24 Aug 1825 |
Edmund Paige
about 1754 |
Mary Jeatt
Edmund Paige
about 1816 |
1819 |
Edmund Paige
about 1820 |
Edmund Paige
about 1855 |
Harriett Anne Walker
Edmund Paige
about 1750 |
1750 |
Edmund Paige
about 1815 |
Sally Tozer
Edmund Samuel Paige
about 1853 |
Edward Lang Paige
about 1788 |
1792 |
Edward Paige
about 1758 |
Mary Born
Edward Paige
about 1897 |
Edwin Alexander Onslow Paige
1878 |
Edwin Paige
about 1802 |
1802 |
Eileen Maude Paige
about 1908 |
Eleanor Sarah Paige
1881 |
Eliza Ann Paige
about 1859 |
Eliza Jane Paige
about 1854 |
Eliza Paige
about 1837 |
James Howland
Eliza Paige
about 1805 |
Richard Bastard
Elizabeth Adams Paige
1769 |
Elizabeth Ann Paige
about 1846 |
Elizabeth Cranch Paige
about 1814 |
Elizabeth Dunn Paige
about 1824 |
Elizabeth Flood Paige
about 1845 |
1924 |
Elizabeth Paige
about 1822 |
Elizabeth Paige
about 1862 |
Elizabeth Paige
about 1865 |
Frank Dunn
Elizabeth Paige
about 1844 |
George Adams
Elizabeth Paige
about 1806 |
between 1851 and 1861 |
Faby Dimond
Elizabeth Paige
about 1878 |
Elizabeth Paige
about 1803 |
John Skaif
Ellen Frances Lydstone Paige
1863 |
Elnith May Paige
about 1889 |
Elsa Frances Paige
about 1897 |
Emily Mary Paige
about 1866 |
1876 |
Emily Paige
about 1870 |
William Henry John Thomas W Tavener
Emily Tozer Paige
about 1849 |
1854 |
Emma Dawe Paige
about 1874 |
about 1874 |
Emma Jane Adams Paige
about 1831 |
Henry George Paige
Emma Jane Paige
6 Sep 1836 |
1846 |
Emma Matilda Paige
about 1871 |
Ebenezer Owen Jones
Emma Meta Paige
about 1887 |
Emma Paige
about 1827 |
Ernest Frederic Paige
1857 |
31 Dec 1857 |
Ernest Henry Paige
about 1870 |
Ernest John Paige
about 1869 |
Sarah Agnes Duck
Ethel Maude Paige
about 1876 |
Fanny Paige
14 Apr 1816 |
15 Sep 1887 |
William Kingwell
Fanny Paige
about 1837 |
William Henry Rowe
Fanny Paige
about 1839 |
George Hilary Streeter
Fanny Paige
9 May 1856 |
Benjamin Thomas Toms
Fanny Paige
about 1832 |
Florence Mary Paige
about 1874 |
Edgar John Moulder
Florence Paige
about 1859 |
Charles Edward Babb
Frances Caroline Mary Jane Paige
27 Aug 1848 |
1915 |
Frances Paige
about 1846 |
Frances Pering Paige
about 1868 |
Francis George Paige
about 1873 |
about 1909 |
Laura Gertrude Woollven
Francis George W Paige
about 1903 |
Francis John Paige
about 1856 |
Adelaide Anna Emily McCormack
Francis John Paige
about 1845 |
1845 |
Francis Paige
12 Jul 1813 |
29 Jul 1893 |
Harriet Dewdney,
Sarah Jane Winser
Francis Paige
about 1861 |
Rhoda Mary Povey
Francis Peter Fox Paige
about 1845 |
1901 |
Martha Marshall
Frank Blackler Paige
3 May 1869 |
Ruth Leaman
Frank Hubert Paige
about 1899 |
Frank Paige
about 1883 |
Mary Ann Emma Parnell
Frank Paige
9 Feb 1859 |
15 Oct 1948 |
Vina Newell
Frank Paige
1839 |
1842 |
Frank Paige
about 1843 |
Celia Bowden
Frank Paige
about 1874 |
Frank Thornton Paige
about 1900 |
Fred Ernest Paige
about 1861 |
Charlotte Eliza Collins
Fred Paige
about 1848 |
Judith Annie Hann
Freda Phillipa Paige
about 1879 |
Hugh Culliford Sharp
Frederick George Colley Paige
about 1904 |
Frederick George Paige
about 1878 |
Frederick Paige
about 1856 |
Frederick William Howard Paige
about 1894 |
Kathleen Dore
Frederick William Marshfield Paige
about 1864 |
Frederick William Paige
about 1880 |
1907 |
George Paige
about 1887 |
1887 |
George Paige
about 1853 |
George Paige
about 1868 |
Ada Louisa Colley
George Paige
about 1793 |
1825 |
Jane Bealy Bartlett
George Steer Paige
about 1804 |
Georgiana Paige
about 1861 |
Richard Cumming Lugger
Gertrude Annie Paige
1880 |
Gladys Beatrice Mabel Paige
1901 |
Grace Agnes Mafreda Paige
about 1879 |
Alfred Edward Jones
Grace Paige
about 1779 |
Apr 1867 |
William Paige
Grace Paige
about 1812 |
before 1871 |
William Kay Hannaford
Grace Paige
about 1841 |
John A Bartlett
Grace Paige
about 1769 |
18 Sep 1834 |
Robert Paige
Grylls Phillips Paige
about 1880 |
1963 |
Harriet Paige
about 1849 |
Harriet Pering Paige
about 1875 |
Herbert Collings Paige
Harriett Paige
about 1852 |
Fred Collings Rogers
Harriett Paige
15 Jun 1878 |
1879 |
Hazel Marie Paige
about 1900 |
Helen Paige
about 1872 |
Henry Edwin Paige
1899 |
Dorothy Adelaide
Henry George Paige
about 1826 |
Emma Jane Adams Paige
Henry George Paige
about 1842 |
1895 |
Henry James Tozer Paige
about 1896 |
Henry Lidstone Paige
1874 |
6 Aug 1945 |
Grace Anderson
Henry Paige
1871 |
Henry Paige
19 Jun 1843 |
about 1 Nov 1883 |
Isabella Mollison
Henry Paige
about 1803 |
1820 |
Henry Paige
about 1846 |
May Phillippa Grylls
Henry Paige
about 1860 |
Henry Pering Paige
about 1872 |
Herbert Collings Paige
1881 |
Harriet Pering Paige
Herbert Colston Paige
about 1908 |
Herbert James Thomas Paige
about 1911 |
Herbert Paige
about 1861 |
18 Feb 1879 |
Herbert Stanley Paige
about 1874 |
1911 |
Hilda Evelyn Paige
about 1900 |
Humphrey Fairfax Paige
about 1900 |
Irene Paige
about 1808 |
Iva Catherine Paige
about 1893 |
Jack Brian Paige
about 1897 |
James Adams Paige
about 1839 |
James Cox Paige
about 1816 |
Jane Minnie Paige
1871 |
Jane Paige
about 1882 |
1882 |
Jane Paige
about 1837 |
Robert Wright
Jane Paige
about 1888 |
Albert Herbert Cleghorn
Jane Paige
about 1817 |
Jane Paige
about 1809 |
Jane Treeby Paige
about 1857 |
Francis Richard E H Collett
Janet Paige
about 1858 |
Jenny Born Paige
about 1786 |
Joseph Wreyford
Jenny Paige
about 1786 |
James Manning
John Brown Paige
about 1778 |
1859 |
Elizabeth Cranch
John Browne Paige
about 1816 |
John Dunn Paige
about 1818 |
5 Sep 1892 |
Florinda Unknown
John Flood Paige
about 1829 |
John Friend Paige
31 Jul 1892 |
1990 |
John Paige
about 1780 |
17 Aug 1852 |
Fanny Middleweek
John Paige
about 1848 |
Emma Dawe
John Paige
about 1867 |
John Paige
about 1793 |
John Paige
about 1672 |
1766 |
Mary Hurrell
John Paige
about 1714 |
Agnes Lang
John Paige
about 1791 |
21 Feb 1847 |
Susan Jillard
John Paige
1876 |
John Paige
about 1743 |
Elizabeth Adams,
Catherine Gillard
John Paige
1782 |
1783 |
John Paige
about 1791 |
John Paige
about 1753 |
2 Apr 1844 |
Agnes Paige,
Sarah Bridget Wills
John Paige
about 1785 |
John Paige
about 1835 |
John Paige
about 1817 |
9 Dec 1849 |
John Paige
about 1850 |
Emily Walker
John Paige
about 1801 |
1868 |
John Paige
about 1741 |
1741 |
John Paige
about 1742 |
Grace Bastard
John Paige
about 1779 |
1829 |
Mary Steer
John Paige
about 1803 |
John Paige
1851 |
Elizabeth Fishwick
John Pering Paige
about 1869 |
John Phillips Paige
about 1843 |
Jane Colwich Haley
John Saunders Paige
about 1784 |
Jane Belworthy Cox
John Scobell Paige
about 1761 |
24 Oct 1822 |
Petronel Paige Tucker
John Sherriff Paige
about 1833 |
John Square Paige
about 1871 |
Elsie Wilhelmine Bullmore
Joshua Victor Paige
about 1887 |
Joyce Tresilian Paige
about 1903 |
Judith Kate Paige
about 1875 |
Julia Ann Paige
24 May 1832 |
1854 |
Julia Paige
about 1816 |
1818 |
Julia Paige
about 1818 |
1893 |
Julia Symons Paige
8 Jan 1820 |
Robert Garland
Julian Paige
25 Nov 1790 |
William Hingston
Kate Paige
about 1866 |
John Frederick Symons
Kate Paige
1840 |
1842 |
Kate Paige
about 1842 |
Kate Paige
about 1884 |
Kenneth Harold Paige
about 1901 |
Laura Mary Paige
about 1835 |
Leslie Frederick Paige
about 1909 |
Lilian Gertrude Paige
about 1900 |
Lily Emma Paige
about 1895 |
Louisa Athalia Paige
about 1859 |
Robert Read
Louisa Paige
about 1870 |
George Thomas Parncutt
Lucy Paige
about 1854 |
Mabel Lang Paige
about 1877 |
Margery Ermina Paige
about 1848 |
1921 |
William Snawdon
Margery Isabella Paige
1872 |
Margery Paige
about 1669 |
Marguerita Amy Paige
about 1890 |
Maria Paige
about 1793 |
James Warwick Buckland
Maria Paige
about 1863 |
James Maskell
Marion Ellen Paige
27 Feb 1861 |
Marion Letitia Paige
about 1888 |
Marjorie Dawe Paige
about 1905 |
Marjory Constance Paige
about 1898 |
Marjory Fran Paige
1904 |
1904 |
Martha Paige
20 Oct 1880 |
1880 |
Mary Ann Paige
8 Jan 1816 |
Mary Ann Paige
about 1832 |
William Hatton
Mary Ann Paige
about 1784 |
Mary Ann Paige
about 1865 |
William Henry Clark
Mary Beatrice Paige
about 1868 |
Mary Channell Paige
about 1820 |
1865 |
Mary Cox Paige
about 1807 |
James Edgcombe Eales
Mary Eleanor Paige
about 1886 |
Mary Eliza Paige
about 1822 |
1823 |
Mary Elizabeth Lavinia Paige
about 1897 |
Mary Ella Paige
about 1880 |
Francis Paul Prettejohn
Mary Ellen Paige
6 Jun 1831 |
William Paige
Mary Ellen Paige
about 1862 |
Mary Ellen Paige
1870 |
Mary Elsie Paige
about 1910 |
Mary Flood Jane Paige
about 1836 |
20 Aug 1903 |
Mary Jane Bealy Paige
1825 |
1853 |
Jefferis William Coles
Mary Jane Paige
about 1860 |
Mary Lang Paige
about 1801 |
Richard Oldrey
Mary Lang Paige
about 1777 |
Samuel Nosworthy
Mary Lang Paige
about 1807 |
Mary Lang Paige
about 1809 |
1884 |
Mary Leach Paige
about 1821 |
1865 |
Mary Massey Paige
about 1780 |
1828 |
James Cox
Mary Melliar Paige
about 1825 |
Joseph Lester Green
Mary Paige
about 1776 |
30 Jan 1782 |
Mary Paige
27 Apr 1822 |
John Sansbury Strong
Mary Paige
about 1855 |
Mary Paige
about 1755 |
Philip Steer
Mary Paige
about 1789 |
Lawrence Bovey Lizard
Mary Paige
about 1716 |
Mary Paige
about 1794 |
1796 |
Mary Paige
1869 |
1871 |
Mary Paige
about 1799 |
1870 |
William Clapp
Mary Paige
about 1745 |
Peter Bastard
Mary Paige
about 1772 |
Mary Paige
about 1797 |
1801 |
Mary Paige
about 1816 |
Mary Paige
about 1847 |
Mary Paige
about 1843 |
Mary Paige
about 1798 |
1857 |
Mary Paige
about 1776 |
John Gillard
Mary Paige
about 1697 |
Mary Paige
about 1655 |
1657 |
Mary Paige
about 1657 |
Mary Paige
about 1872 |
Mary Paige
about 1774 |
Mary Pering Paige
about 1865 |
Mary W Paige
about 1873 |
Matilda Dunn Paige
about 1826 |
Maud Paige
about 1887 |
Maurice Walter Paige
about 1910 |
Millie Paige
1902 |
Minnie Paige
about 1876 |
William Henry Pagett
Nancy Paige
1 Apr 1818 |
Thomas Scott
Nicholas Merefield Paige
about 1822 |
12 Mar 1876 |
Caroline Lizard
Nicholas Paige
about 1787 |
1 Apr 1864 |
Ann Roper
Nicholas Paige
about 1829 |
Mary Jane Treeby
Nicholas Paige
about 1840 |
Mary Jane Dare
Nicholas Paige
about 1712 |
1716 |
Nicholas Paige
about 1719 |
1802 |
Mary Scobell,
Elizabeth Prettejohn
Nicholas Paige
about 1749 |
1773 |
Nicholas Paige
about 1775 |
1853 |
Sarah Donne
Nicholas Paige
about 1794 |
1822 |
Nicholas Paige
about 1822 |
Nicholas Paige
Margery Wakenham
Nicholas Paige
about 1676 |
Nicholas William Paige
about 1814 |
Jane Case,
Mary Jane Jillard
Not named Paige
1884 |
1884 |
Olive Paige
about 1856 |
1906 |
Percival Frank Paige
about 1910 |
Petronell Paige
about 1784 |
Philip Leonard Paige
about 1884 |
Philip Paige
about 1813 |
1865 |
Agnes Adams
Rebecca Paige
about 1841 |
1877 |
William Henry Penhey
Reginald George Paige
about 1842 |
1875 |
Reginald Herbert Paige
about 1877 |
Reginald Lang Paige
about 1878 |
Richard Adams Paige
about 1834 |
Richard Cranch Paige
about 1820 |
Alice Michelmore
Richard Edwin Paige
about 1845 |
Emma Collings
Richard Edwin Paige
about 1874 |
Mary Emma Adams
Richard Glen Paige
1896 |
1948 |
Richard John Paige
about 1871 |
about 1902 |
Rosina Frances Woollven
Richard John Paige
about 1856 |
Richard John Paige
14 Aug 1895 |
Richard Lidstone Paige
about 1856 |
Jessie Edith Evelyn Luscombe
Richard Paige
about 1874 |
Richard Paige
about 1751 |
26 Jul 1824 |
Julian Symons
Richard Paige
about 1775 |
Nancy Wotton
Richard Paige
about 1827 |
Elizabeth Langworthy
Richard Paige
14 Feb 1820 |
1 Mar 1826 |
Richard Paige
about 1828 |
Louisa Ann Stroud
Richard Paige
about 1796 |
11 Dec 1859 |
Mary Lidstone
Richard Paige
about 1721 |
Richard Paige
about 1867 |
1869 |
Richard Paige
about 1694 |
Susannah Browne
Richard Paige
1867 |
1943 |
Annie Glenn
Richard Paige
about 1792 |
Mary Bastard Jellard
Richard Paige
about 1736 |
1736 |
Richard Paige
about 1738 |
11 Apr 1771 |
Richard Paige
about 1774 |
1776 |
Richard Paige
about 1782 |
Richard Paige
about 1662 |
Peternell Fosterd
Richard Paige
Mary Unknown
Richard William Lidstone Paige
about 1827 |
24 Nov 1866 |
Amelia Wonfor
Robert Henry Paige
about 1833 |
Ann Martha Marche,
Helen Browse
Robert James Paige
about 1889 |
Robert John Paige
1903 |
Frances Mitchell Tredrea
Robert Joseph Paige
about 1844 |
Emma Agnes Unknown
Robert Lang Frederick Paige
1869 |
Robert Lang Paige
about 1799 |
28 May 1866 |
Jane Adams
Robert Lang Paige
about 1805 |
14 Aug 1830 |
Elizabeth Jane Tucker
Robert Lyndon Paige
1897 |
1979 |
Robert Paige
about 1890 |
1890 |
Robert Paige
about 1784 |
1800 |
Robert Paige
about 1815 |
Sarah Robinson
Robert Paige
about 1817 |
1870 |
Mary Wills
Robert Paige
22 Apr 1825 |
Robert Paige
about 1747 |
1799 |
Mary Bastard
Robert Paige
about 1773 |
4 Mar 1854 |
Grace Paige
Robert Paige
about 1799 |
1804 |
Robert Paige
about 1808 |
1886 |
Robert Paige
about 1902 |
Robert William Paige
about 1853 |
Ronald Leslie Paige
1900 |
Rosina M Paige
about 1913 |
Sally Paige
about 18 Apr 1833 |
1863 |
Samuel Merrifield Paige
about 1803 |
1828 |
Sarah Ann Paige
29 Jun 1839 |
Sarah Augusta Paige
1878 |
Sarah Jane Paige
about 1868 |
Henry Walter Staddon Langdon
Sarah Paige
about 1779 |
Robert Middleweek
Sarah Paige
about 1795 |
Sarah Paige
about 1812 |
Selina Annie Paige
about 1862 |
John Alfred Kivell
Sophia Paige
about 1857 |
Stanley Arnot Paige
1891 |
Stanley Arthur Paige
about 1913 |
Stanley John Paige
about 1883 |
Summers Montague Paige
about 1845 |
Susan Grey Paige
about 1819 |
Thomas Edward Miller
Susan Jessie Paige
about 1873 |
Albert Edward Smith
Susan Paige
about 1814 |
about 1854 |
George Full
Susan Paige
12 Dec 1816 |
1872 |
William Redcliff
Susan Paige
about 1828 |
Susan Paige
about 1840 |
Susanna Paige
about 1820 |
Susanna Paige
about 1761 |
1781 |
Susanna Paige
about 1786 |
Alexander Parker
Susanna Paige
about 1796 |
Susanna Paige
about 1739 |
Michael Tucker
Susanna Paige
about 1789 |
Thomas Hodge
Susanna Paige
about 1811 |
John Lewis Oldrieve
Susanna Paige
about 1737 |
1737 |
Susanna Paige
about 1818 |
Susannah Paige
about 1788 |
Susannah Paige
about 1771 |
Susannah Paige
about 1867 |
George Sidney Hart
Sybil Colwich Paige
about 1892 |
Sydney Paige
1877 |
7 Feb 1878 |
Sydney T Paige
about 1912 |
Thomas Charles Frederick Paige
about 1875 |
Edith Mary Smith
Thomas John Fox Paige
about 1843 |
1844 |
Thomas Paige
about 1808 |
Jane Fox
Thomas Paige
about 1782 |
1855 |
Mary Dunn
Thomas Paige
about 1818 |
before 1871 |
Emma Hodder
Thomas Paige
15 Jan 1885 |
Jessie Peters
Thomas Paige
about 1856 |
Caroline Grace Rowe
Thomas Paige
about 1820 |
1870 |
Thomas Paige
about 1798 |
1846 |
Catherine Bartlett
Thomas Paige
about 1800 |
Elizabeth Flood
Thomas Paige
about 1859 |
Adelaide Celia Constable
Walter Paige
about 1890 |
Walter Robert Paige
about 1891 |
Walter Scott Paige
about 1869 |
1909 |
William Adams Paige
about 1838 |
Elizabeth Bradridge
William Colwich Paige
about 1867 |
Ada Maingay
William Cox Paige
about 1812 |
1860 |
Mary Jenkins
William Edmund Paige
about 1852 |
1901 |
Sarah Ann Nunn,
Isabella Norvell
William Edward Paige
about 1837 |
1908 |
Christian Compton
William Henry Paige
about 1860 |
Amy Eliza Hale
William Jillard Paige
about 1871 |
William John Paige
about 1903 |
William Joseph Paige
about 1827 |
1907 |
William Lang Paige
about 1752 |
2 Feb 1825 |
Sarah Gregory,
Jenny Massey
William Lang Paige
about 1777 |
1789 |
William Lang Paige
about 1791 |
1858 |
Eleanor Langley Howe
William Lang Paige
about 1827 |
1888 |
Mary Ann Lester
William Lang Paige
25 Feb 1885 |
1966 |
Olive Emily Sell
William Michael Tucker Paige
about 1807 |
Laura Thomazine Chave
William Paige
about 1805 |
1896 |
Margaret Screech
William Paige
about 1833 |
William Paige
about 1777 |
Ann Francis
William Paige
20 Jul 1812 |
Agnes Sherriff
William Paige
about 1724 |
about 1809 |
Margery Bastard
William Paige
about 1749 |
1 Nov 1824 |
Ann Nunn
William Paige
8 Nov 1825 |
1899 |
Emma Jones
William Paige
about 1857 |
Emma Matilda French Dansie
William Paige
about 1787 |
28 Jan 1870 |
Grace Paige
William Paige
about 1815 |
1867 |
Mary Ellen Paige
William Paige
about 1721 |
1722 |
William Paige
about 1864 |
William Paige
21 Mar 1834 |
Mary Grace Pitts
William Paige
about 1787 |
Sarah Hyne
William Paige
about 1814 |
6 Apr 1908 |
Susan Pering Philips
William Paige
about 1745 |
1803 |
William Paige
about 1779 |
Betsy Tucker
William Paige
about 1875 |
William Paige
about 1665 |
1696 |
William Paige
about 1818 |
1819 |
William Pering Paige
about 1839 |
Mary Maria Snell Raby
William Pering Paige
about 1872 |
1872 |
William Pering Paige
about 1874 |
William Richard Paige
about 1810 |
1868 |
Mary Ann Deal
William Richard Paige
about 1885 |
William Robert Paige
26 May 1869 |
Annie Caroline Savery
William Thomas Lidstone Paige
1907 |
Winifred Irene Paige
about 1898 |
Winifred Mary Paige
about 1893 |
[Private] Paige
[Private] Paige
[Private] Paige
[Private] Paige
[Private] Paige
[Private] Paige
[Private] Paige
[Private] Paige
Painter |
Charles Painter
Elizabeth Anne Jane Middling
Palmer |
Elizabeth Palmer
about 1822 |
William Horton
Susanna Palmer
about 1765 |
Charles Ball
William Palmer
Jane Davis
Panrucker |
Walter Laughton Panrucker
1899 |
1974 |
Hilda Helen Casswell
Panson |
Joane Panson
Nicholas Baseley
Pape |
Elizabeth Ann Pape
about 1876 |
Frances Harriet Pape
about 1874 |
Henry Pape
about 1849 |
1925 |
Ann Eliza Dawson
Thomas Pape
Parken |
Mary Edith Parken
about 1870 |
Frederick Sprague Horton
Parker |
Alexander Edward Parker
about 1816 |
Alexander Parker
about 1781 |
Susanna Paige
Betsy Paige Parker
about 1823 |
Edmund Paige Parker
about 1813 |
Ellen Parker
about 1851 |
Charles Bond
George John Parker
about 1828 |
Mary Parker
about 1814 |
Richard Paige Parker
about 1821 |
Sarah Parker
about 1818 |
William Paige Parker
about 1828 |
William Parker
about 1807 |
Parkes |
[Private] Parkes
[Private] Fairhurst
[Private] Parkes
[Private] Parkes
[Private] Parkes
Parkin |
Elizabeth Parkin
John Lumby
Parkinson |
James Parkinson
Mary Ann Parkinson
about 1853 |
1895 |
William Kaywood
Parks |
David Parks
about 1867 |
Alice Cordelia Mann
David Parks
Parncutt |
George Paige Parncutt
8 Jul 1900 |
Winifred M H Lax
George Parncutt
George Thomas Parncutt
about 1866 |
Louisa Paige
Parnell |
Alice Mary Parnell
about 1865 |
Alice Parnell
9 Jun 1724 |
Beatrice Emma Parnell
about 1868 |
Ellen Hester Parnell
about 1870 |
Grace Parnell
24 Feb 1718 |
Hanry Parnell
Henry Parnell
about 1832 |
Jane Kingwell
Mary Ann Emma Parnell
about 1882 |
Frank Paige
Mary Parnell
25 Sep 1720 |
Thomas Symons
Phoebe Annie Parnell
about 1863 |
Rebecca Jane Parnell
1861 |
Richard Parnell
Rose Hore
Sarah Parnell
1828 |
James Dunkinson
Susanna Parnell
16 Mar 1728 |
William Joshua Parnell
Parr |
Grace Parr
about 1820 |
George Brimacombe
Mary Ann Parr
about 1788 |
Robert Dansie
Parsons |
Edward John Parsons
18 Sep 1832 |
1857 |
Edward Parsons
11 Dec 1792 |
14 Jun 1837 |
Susan Oliver Mann
Emma Parsons
about 1810 |
William Tapper
George Mann Parsons
10 Mar 1827 |
25 Sep 1828 |
Jane Parsons
11 Aug 1829 |
William Newman
Mary Ann Parsons
about 1819 |
Thomas Jonas
Mary Dennis Parsons
4 Feb 1831 |
Henry Michell
Susan Oliver Parsons
2 Feb 1836 |
Thomas Edgecombe,
Richard Johns
Partington |
[Private] Partington
[Private] Crossley
[Private] Partington
[Private] Partington
Partridge |
[Private] Partridge
Paul D Casswell
Pascho |
Hannah Pascho
about 1796 |
Samuel Forward
Passmore |
Catherine Passmore
about 1749 |
Joseph Sharland
John Passmore
Mary Pearce
Patchett |
John William Patchett
about 1891 |
Fanny Matilda Kingwell
William Thomas Patchett
about 1910 |
Paterson |
Archibald Paterson
Helen Paterson
about 1770 |
James Orr
Margaret Paterson
about 1845 |
Mungo Orr
Mary Elizabeth Paterson
Harold Ernest Kingwell
Peter Bell Paterson
Jessie McDonald
Patman |
Mary Patman
John Casswell
Patrick |
Maud H Patrick
28 Feb 1881 |
7 Apr 1968 |
Charles Augustus Robinson
Pattison |
Alexander Pattison
Roseanne Cafferty
John Pattison
about 1876 |
Elizabeth Russell Orr
John Pattison
27 Jul 1905 |
Patton |
Lilian Frances Patton
about 1885 |
Alfred Nicholas Jones
Paul |
Anne Paul
about 1810 |
Elizabeth Knighton Paul
about 1798 |
1864 |
William Ball
Elizabeth Paul
about 1762 |
1770 |
Elizabeth Paul
about 1771 |
1778 |
Henry Paul
about 1808 |
Janet Paul
William MacGregor
John Paul
about 1801 |
Joseph Paul
about 1804 |
Maria Paul
about 1806 |
Mary Paul
about 1804 |
2 Sep 1829 |
Mary Paul
about 1765 |
William Paul
about 1776 |
Elizabeth Andrew
William Paul
about 1799 |
1806 |
William Paul
24 May 1806 |
Mary Clark
William Paul
about 1774 |
1774 |
Pawley |
Elizabeth Pawley
about 1857 |
James Arthur Horton
Payne |
Frances Payne
16 May 1831 |
William Woodhams
Frank Payne
Annie Ward
Mabel Lucy Payne
about 1909 |
John Archelaus Seaton
William Payne
Patience Aldersley
Peacock |
Elizabeth Peacock
Harry Shaw
Pearce |
Ann Pearce
about 1816 |
Catherine Agnes Pearce
about 1884 |
Elizabeth Pearce
about 1821 |
1822 |
Elizabeth Pearce
about 1823 |
Elizabeth Pearce
about 1890 |
1894 |
Henry Pearce
about 1819 |
James Pearce
about 1797 |
1827 |
Hannah Medcraft
John Andrew Pearce
about 1881 |
John Pearce
Margaret Annie Pearce
28 Nov 1887 |
1967 |
Kenneth Francis Kingwell
Maria Pearce
about 1832 |
1905 |
James Bennett
Mary A Pearce
1870 |
Mary Elizabeth Pearce
about 1882 |
Mary Jane Pearce
about 1874 |
Francis Horton
Mary Pearce
about 1835 |
Mary Pearce
John Passmore
Sarah Maria Pearce
about 1826 |
Thomas Pearce
about 1837 |
Margaret Unknown,
Mary Ings
Winifred Ann Pearce
about 1894 |
Peard |
Emma J Peard
about 1863 |
Mary A Peard
about 1865 |
Sarah J Peard
about 1866 |
Stephen Peard
about 1836 |
Mary Jane Ellacott
Pearse |
Edward Pearse
about 1810 |
Emily Dewdney
Isaac Pearse
about 1839 |
John Pearse
about 1805 |
Sarah Dewdney
Thomas Dewdney Pearse
about 1836 |
Pearson |
Ann Pearson
Bertha Pearson
about 1868 |
Didimiah Pearson
about 1799 |
William Snashall
Elizabeth Pearson
about 1816 |
Richard Stalker
Hannah Pearson
about 1833 |
1854 |
John Coulson Pearson
about 1866 |
John Pearson
about 1837 |
Mary Coulson
Mary Pearson
about 1797 |
1875 |
George Tate
Sarah Pearson
about 1793 |
James Setchfield
Thomas Pearson
about 1805 |
Mary Unknown
Peasgood |
Catherine Peasgood
about 1827 |
Charlotte Peasgood
about 1834 |
Daniel Peasgood
about 1800 |
Mary Unknown
Elizabeth Peasgood
about 1824 |
William Bentham
Mary Peasgood
about 1832 |
Thomas Peasgood
about 1837 |
Peck |
Mary Peck
about 1781 |
1821 |
John Dixon
Pederick |
Charlotte Pederick
about 1818 |
James Toms
Pedlar |
Susanna Pedlar
Richard Seldon
Pegg |
Evangeline Gertrude Pegg
about 1860 |
Abdiel Hanham
Peircy |
Elizabeth Peircy
1778 |
23 Dec 1827 |
Jonathan Coulson
John Peircy
Pellow |
Agnes Elizabeth Pellow
about 1819 |
Dinah Ann Pellow
about 1821 |
Jonathan Pellow
about 1784 |
Patience Ball
Mary Pellow
about 1813 |
William Ball
Richard Pellow
about 1824 |
Thomas Ball Pellow
about 1823 |
Penater |
[Private] Penater
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Penater
Pendleton |
Elliot Hunt Pendleton
12 Feb 1893 |
17 Jun 1929 |
Jane Gertrude Emms
Pengelly |
James Marton Pengelly
about 1875 |
Florence Alice Horton
Mary Pengelly
William Almond
Richard Pengelly
Grace Unknown
Thomas Pengelly
Penhallarick |
James Henry Penhallarick
Rhoda Evelyn Kingwell
Penhey |
Eliza Jane Penhey
about 1872 |
Florence Rebecca Penhey
about 1877 |
Frederick Henry Penhey
about 1875 |
William Henry Paige Penhey
12 Aug 1873 |
Mary Ann Holland
William Henry Penhey
Rebecca Paige
Pennington |
Eric Pennington
[Private] Gray
Pennock |
Maud Mary Pennock
28 May 1892 |
Charles Robert Baker
Penrose |
Elizabeth Farran Penrose
William Michell Grylls
Pepper |
Robert Pepper
Eleanor Casswell
Percy |
Blanche Susan Percy
about 1875 |
1897 |
William Hercules Kingwell
Pering |
Grace Pering
about 1790 |
Richard Philips
Perkin |
William Perkin
about 1791 |
31 Jan 1859 |
Susan Oliver Mann
Perkinson |
Elizabeth Perkinson
John Casswell
Perring |
Mary Perring
George Jillard
Perrins |
Joseph Perrins
Mary Ann Perrins
1875 |
William Henry Crompton
Perry |
Agnes Perry
about 1766 |
Nicholas Cornelius
Agnes Perry
about 1805 |
Ann Perry
about 1845 |
Anne Perry
about 1835 |
Anne Perry
about 1861 |
Arabella Perry
about 1823 |
1824 |
Arabella Perry
about 1832 |
Arabella Perry
about 1851 |
1851 |
Arabella Perry
about 1858 |
Blanche Perry
about 1863 |
Catherine Perry
about 1814 |
Theophilus Tripe
Catherine Perry
about 1802 |
1802 |
Charlotte Hanns Perry
about 1817 |
1817 |
Charlotte Perry
about 1810 |
Richard Chegwyn
Clement William Perry
about 1882 |
Cornelia Mary Perry
about 1848 |
Daniel Perry
about 1808 |
1812 |
Dinah Perry
about 1770 |
2 May 1781 |
Edward Perry
about 1875 |
Eliza Perry
about 1815 |
Eliza Perry
about 1825 |
Eliza Ward Perry
about 1817 |
Elizabeth Perry
about 1823 |
Elizabeth Perry
about 1826 |
William Stephen Trehane
Elizabeth Perry
about 1822 |
Elizabeth Perry
about 1820 |
1820 |
Elizabeth Perry
about 1854 |
Eva Perry
about 1857 |
Frances Ellen Perry
about 1855 |
Frances Jessie Perry
about 1885 |
George Perry
about 1829 |
1877 |
Gertrude Josepha Perry
about 1887 |
Grace Perry
about 1807 |
Hannah Perry
about 1775 |
1827 |
William Mitchell
Harold Richard Perry
about 1890 |
Harriet Ann Perry
about 1825 |
Henry Perry
about 1834 |
Henry Perry
about 1869 |
Henry Perry
about 1850 |
James Perry
about 1814 |
Frances Satchell
Jane Perry
about 1832 |
Jane Perry
about 1836 |
Jehu Perry
about 1824 |
1890 |
Jessie Chubb
Jehu Perry
about 1871 |
Mary Ann Doidge
Joan Perry
about 1726 |
John Brock Perry
about 1810 |
1836 |
John Doidge Perry
about 1843 |
John Perry
about 1777 |
1835 |
Elizabeth Ward
John Perry
about 1813 |
Mary Ann Martin
John Perry
about 1807 |
John Perry
about 1787 |
1788 |
John Perry
about 1789 |
1842 |
Mary Soper
John Perry
about 1818 |
John Perry
about 1829 |
John Perry
about 1863 |
John Soper Perry
about 1816 |
1891 |
Jane Doidge
Katherine Perry
about 1768 |
1789 |
Laura Perry
about 1861 |
Lucy Perry
about 1859 |
Madeline Mary Perry
about 1878 |
Maria Perry
about 1818 |
Mary Ann Perry
about 1828 |
Mary Brock Perry
about 1805 |
1824 |
Mary Jane Perry
about 1842 |
Mary Perry
about 1773 |
22 Feb 1852 |
George Mann
Mary Perry
about 1823 |
1823 |
Mary Perry
about 1820 |
Mary Perry
about 1831 |
1901 |
Mary Perry
about 1865 |
Nicholas Perry
about 1782 |
1846 |
Susanna Mitchel
Nicholas Perry
1762 |
Catherine Baseley
Nicholas Perry
about 1717 |
1739 |
Olive Margaret Perry
about 1881 |
Oliver Perry
about 1793 |
1794 |
Patience Perry
about 1822 |
Richard Sleman
Philippa Perry
about 1828 |
Sibilla Patience Perry
about 1780 |
Solomon Perry
about 1795 |
1870 |
Joanna Hanns
Solomon Perry
about 1821 |
Solomon Perry
about 1835 |
Mary Ann Doidge
Solomon Perry
about 1830 |
19 Jul 1917 |
Mary Ann Full,
Mary Hogan
Solomon Perry
about 1819 |
1819 |
Solomon Perry
about 1867 |
Sophia Perry
1850 |
1853 |
Sophia Perry
about 1854 |
Susanna Perry
about 1808 |
John Jeffery
Thomas Lionel Perry
about 1876 |
Thomas Perry
about 1818 |
about 1819 |
Thomas Perry
about 1824 |
1824 |
Wilfrid Charles Perry
about 1875 |
William Perry
about 1721 |
Jane Gerry,
Joanna Gilbert
William Perry
1755 |
1755 |
William Perry
about 1805 |
1829 |
William Perry
about 1764 |
Elizabeth Ryall
William Perry
about 1784 |
Mary Bickle
William Perry
about 1817 |
Phillippa Doidge
William Perry
about 1816 |
Matilda Oliver
William Perry
about 1841 |
William Perry
about 1860 |
William Soper Perry
about 1848 |
Peters |
Arthur Edward Peters
19 Feb 1904 |
1973 |
Florence Sharland
Jessie Peters
about 1887 |
Thomas Paige
[Private] Peters
Edward Leonard Sturt
Pethabridge |
Winifred Pethabridge
about 1808 |
1839 |
Richard Horton
Pfeffers |
[Private] Pfeffers
[Private] Mann
Phayer |
Charles Phayer
Mary Phayer
about 1863 |
John Veal,
Albert Isaac Kingwell,
William Henry Dyer
Phelps |
Laura Elizabeth Phelps
about 1837 |
1891 |
James Hughes Cornish
Philbin |
Eliza Hannah Philbin
about 1873 |
Ellen Philbin
about 1875 |
George Michael Philbin
about 1843 |
Eliza Hopkins
Philips |
Richard Philips
Grace Pering
Susan Pering Philips
25 Nov 1814 |
4 Nov 1889 |
William Paige
Phillip |
Elizabeth Phillip
28 Mar 1782 |
Thomas Kingwill
Phillips |
Alice Phillips
about 1865 |
Ann Phillips
about 1859 |
Charlotte Phillips
about 1855 |
Eliza Phillips
about 1815 |
Philip Kingwell
Elizabeth Ann Phillips
about 1820 |
Elizabeth Phillips
about 1851 |
Elizabeth Phillips
about 1854 |
Elizabeth Phillips
about 1816 |
Ellen Phillips
about 1859 |
Emily Phillips
about 1867 |
Emily Phillips
about 1834 |
Emmeline Phillips
about 1857 |
Frances Janie Phillips
about 1819 |
Frances Melissa Phillips
about 1821 |
Francis Henry Phillips
about 1869 |
George Phillips
11 Dec 1831 |
Henry Phillips
about 1812 |
Jane Kingwell
Henry Phillips
about 1850 |
Henry Phillips
about 1865 |
Henry Phillips
about 1839 |
James Phillips
James Phillips
about 1813 |
about 1813 |
Jane Horton Phillips
about 1864 |
Jane Phillips
about 1852 |
Jenny Phillips
about 1853 |
Solomon Northmore
John Phillips
about 1853 |
John Phillips
about 1817 |
Fanny Unknown
John Phillips
about 1786 |
about 1825 |
Elizabeth Rider
John Phillips
about 1780 |
1841 |
Martha Clapham
John Rider Phillips
about 1811 |
Joseph Horton Phillips
1868 |
1869 |
Mary Phillips
about 1854 |
Mary Phillips
about 1827 |
8 Jan 1908 |
Arthur Horton
Philip Phillips
about 1884 |
Rose Beatrice Horton
Rhoda Phillips
about 1862 |
Samuel Phillips
about 1860 |
Sarah Ann Phillips
about 1814 |
George Cole
Sarah Ann Phillips
about 1832 |
George Ford Horton
Thirza Phillips
about 1866 |
William Phillips
about 1822 |
Charlotte Kingwell
William Phillips
about 1850 |
William Phillips
about 1856 |
William Phillips
about 1785 |
Alice Ash
William Phillips
about 1824 |
William Phillips
[Private] Phillips
[Private] Holden
Phillips or Horton |
William Henry Phillips or Horton
about 1860 |
Louisa Fountain
Philp |
Frank Philp
Maria Charlotte Chase
Paul Knighton Philp
about 1896 |
Phippen |
Arthur Phippen
about 1852 |
Catherine Phippen
about 1859 |
Edward H Phippen
about 1857 |
Fanny Ellen Phippen
2 Jan 1856 |
Henry Hobart Phippen
1829 |
1829 |
John Phippen
about 1854 |
Laura Phippen
about 1830 |
Laura Phippen
about 1849 |
Mary Ellen Phippen
26 Sep 1872 |
6 Oct 1917 |
Samuel Phippen
Betsy Knott Scobell
Samuel Scobell Phippen
about 1832 |
Sophia Phippen
about 1851 |
William Henry Phippen
about 1862 |
21 May 1944 |
William Phippen
3 Oct 1823 |
10 Nov 1892 |
Rose Ann Scobell
Pickard |
Gertrude Pickard
about 1881 |
William Frederick Coulson
Pickering |
Alice Pickering
about 1908 |
George Pickering
about 1885 |
Sarah Ann Halstead
Joseph Pickering
about 1911 |
Sarah Pickering
Joseph Freeman
[Private] Pickering
[Private] Fowler
[Private] Pickering
[Private] Pickering
Pickles |
Evelyn Emma Pickles
18 Dec 1874 |
William W Robinson
John Pickles
about 1842 |
Martha Shackleton
Joseph Pickles
Louisa Cooper
Joseph Pickles
about 1872 |
Mary Pickles
about 1866 |
Charlie Ashwell
William Pickles
15 Aug 1868 |
Clarice Maud Watts
William Pickles
about 1790 |
Ellen Hartley
Pickworth |
Emma Pickworth
Thomas Russell Casswell
Francis Pickworth
Piddocke |
Hannah Piddocke
John Hanson
Pidler |
Agnes Pidler
Thomas Ball
Pike |
George Edward Pike
about 1890 |
John Osborne Pike
about 1864 |
Fanny Kingwell
William John Pike
about 1888 |
Pilbrow |
[Private] Pilbrow
Denis Peter Fairhurst
Pilkington |
Agnes Ellen Pilkington
about 1891 |
1959 |
Henry Hesmondhalgh
Elizabeth Crook Pilkington
about 1852 |
James Place
Elizabeth Pilkington
7 Jun 1833 |
Ellen Pilkington
5 Jun 1838 |
Frederick Pilkington
9 Feb 1902 |
1975 |
Margery Griffiths
George Pilkington
12 Oct 1904 |
16 Jul 1962 |
Muriel Wilson
Henry Pilkington
3 Jun 1867 |
Margaret Ann Kaywood
James Pilkington
about 1827 |
Joan Wilson Pilkington
13 Jun 1928 |
22 Jan 2017 |
James Wolstencroft,
William H French
John Pilkington
16 Mar 1831 |
Ellen Crook
John Thomas Pilkington
about 1856 |
Joseph Pilkington
about 1836 |
Martha Pilkington
about 1826 |
Mary Ann Pilkington
about 1862 |
Mary Ellen Pilkington
1870 |
1870 |
Mary Pilkington
21 Sep 1817 |
Noah Pilkington
about 1795 |
17 Jun 1873 |
Ann Cook
Richard Pilkington
about 1843 |
Thomas Pilkington
6 May 1820 |
Pipes |
Florence Pipes
18 Jun 1886 |
William Casswell
Herbert Pipes
about 1845 |
Pitts |
Mary Grace Pitts
about 1839 |
William Paige
Nicholas Samuel Pitts
about 1885 |
William Lawrence Pitts
about 1840 |
Jane Anne Horton
Pitwood |
Betty Pitwood
Nicholas Lang
Place |
James Place
about 1853 |
Elizabeth Crook Pilkington
Platt |
Elizabeth Platt
Thomas Jones
Plowman |
Edward Plowman
about 1861 |
Eliza Ann Baker
Pollard |
Leslie George Pollard
about 1909 |
William Henry Pollard
William Thomas Pollard
about 1876 |
Annie Eliza Kingwell
Pollitt |
Dora Pollitt
14 Jun 1917 |
7 Jan 2008 |
Horrace William Young
Edna Pollitt
9 Jun 1914 |
Samuel Pollitt
2 Apr 1888 |
Elizabeth E Topp
[Private] Pollitt
Ponsford |
Jane Ponsford
about 1847 |
Robert Thomas Horton
Pope |
Ann Pope
Edward Langabeer
Betsey Pope
Joseph Firth
Post |
Lilian Post
George Emms Stanley
Potter |
Alice Potter
about 1836 |
John Clough
Ann Potter
about 1841 |
Ellen Potter
about 1835 |
John Potter
about 1816 |
Grace Unknown
John Potter
about 1838 |
Martha Grace Potter
about 1850 |
Mary Ann Potter
about 1845 |
Susannah Potter
about 1847 |
Potts |
Ann Potts
about 1829 |
George Potts
about 1838 |
Hannah Potts
about 1831 |
Isabella Potts
about 1840 |
Margaret Potts
about 1835 |
1908 |
Francis Boyce
Thomas Potts
about 1845 |
William Potts
about 1806 |
Hannah Harland
William Potts
about 1843 |
Povey |
Rhoda Mary Povey
about 1866 |
Francis Paige
Powel |
Ruby May Powel
30 Apr 1911 |
1986 |
Archelaus Kingwell
Power |
[Private] Power
[Private] Le Sage
Powles |
Eliza Powles
John Swan
Pratt |
James Pratt
about 1873 |
Sarah Ann Gulley
Presgrave |
Elizabeth Presgrave
7 Mar 1788 |
George Thompson
Prest |
James Prest
about 1831 |
Martha Unknown
Lucy Prest
about 1862 |
Robert Beervault,
Moses Gage Leason
Preston |
Sarah Jane Preston
Ernest Taylor Coulson
Prettejohn |
Elizabeth Prettejohn
1790 |
Nicholas Paige
Francis Paul Prettejohn
about 1885 |
Mary Ella Paige
Price |
Adam Price
about 1771 |
Adam Price
about 1769 |
1770 |
Ann Price
about 1811 |
Anne Price
about 1786 |
Dorcas Price
about 1822 |
Edward Price
about 1700 |
Elizabeth Stanbury
Edward Price
about 1724 |
Edward Price
1719 |
Elizabeth Unknown
Elizabeth Price
about 1818 |
Elizabeth Price
about 1783 |
Elizabeth Price
about 1726 |
George Price
about 1775 |
1843 |
Mary Jenkins
George Price
about 1739 |
Elizabeth Champion,
Catherine Ley
James Price
about 1778 |
John James Price
about 1813 |
1817 |
John Price
about 1780 |
Martha Price
about 1825 |
28 Feb 1895 |
Mary Price
about 1729 |
1730 |
Mary Price
about 1736 |
Sarah Jenkins Price
about 1816 |
Isaac Sharland
Pride |
Arthur Pride
Margaret Unknown
Nellie Gertrude Pride
about 1890 |
1981 |
Malcolm George Kingwell
Prince |
Caroline Prince
about 1818 |
Daniel Dunham
David Prince
Probert |
Ida Probert
about 1905 |
Marjorie Probert
about 1911 |
Martha Emily Probert
about 1909 |
Mona Kingwell Probert
about 1902 |
William Probert
about 1876 |
Ida Kingwell
Winifred Norah Probert
about 1908 |
Proctor |
Henry Proctor
Ann Burn
John Sanderson Proctor
about 1835 |
Sarah Ann Proctor
about 1844 |
William Proctor
about 1840 |
William Proctor
about 1841 |
Proudlove |
John Proudlove
Sarah Proudlove
about 1794 |
5 Sep 1825 |
John Townley
Prout |
Ann Prout
about 1805 |
John Cole Lyndon
Mary Prout
about 1833 |
1881 |
Philip Horton
Samuel Prout
Mary Unknown
Prowse |
Bridget Prowse
John Couch
Lily Prowse
about 1878 |
Frederick Vivian Horton
Prowte |
Gertrude Prowte
1794 |
John Beare
Puddicombe |
Ann Puddicombe
1806 |
George Lynn
Catherine Puddicombe
9 Jan 1811 |
16 Jan 1854 |
John Clift Scoble
John Puddicombe
1804 |
Julia Puddicombe
1813 |
Richard Puddicombe
Catherine Kingwell
Richard Puddicombe
1808 |
William James Stag ? Puddicombe
1821 |
Punchard |
Kate Marion Punchard
about 1883 |
George Harry Maunders Horton
Purves |
Maria Purves
John Robinson
Pye |
Betty Smith Pye
3 Nov 1803 |
Catharine Pye
about 1893 |
Edmund Pye
about 1899 |
Edmund Pye
about 1870 |
1873 |
Elizabeth Pye
about 1853 |
John Ainsworth
Elizabeth Pye
about 1883 |
Elizabeth Pye
about 1897 |
Elizabeth Pye
about 1892 |
Ellen Pye
1854 |
1855 |
Ellis Pye
about 1884 |
Harry Pye
about 1905 |
Harry Pye
about 1906 |
Henry Pye
about 1873 |
Margaret Robinson
James Pye
about 1863 |
Elizabeth Unknown
James Pye
8 Nov 1796 |
John Pye
about 1832 |
1896 |
Martha Kay
John Pye
about 1896 |
John Pye
about 1890 |
John Pye
about 1868 |
1874 |
John Pye
20 May 1800 |
John Pye
23 Apr 1766 |
Maggie Pye
about 1884 |
Martha Pye
about 1886 |
Martha Pye
about 1891 |
Martha Pye
about 1894 |
Martha Pye
about 1836 |
1845 |
Mary Pye
about 1858 |
1859 |
Mary Pye
18 Dec 1804 |
Maud Pye
about 1897 |
Nancy Pye
about 1888 |
Nathaniel Pye
about 1865 |
Elizabeth Fogg
Nathaniel Pye
about 1895 |
Nathaniel Pye
about 1825 |
1885 |
Caroline Smith
Nathaniel Pye
22 Sep 1764 |
Ellen Ambrose
Richard Pye
about 1900 |
1902 |
Sally Pye
27 Jun 1806 |
Sarah Pye
about 1891 |
Sarah Pye
about 1825 |
1880 |
James Lewis
Susanna Pye
31 Oct 1885 |
John William Healey
Thomas Pye
about 1857 |
Nancy Walkden
Thomas Pye
about 1894 |
Thomas Pye
6 Sep 1798 |
Mary Holt
Thomas Pye
about 1902 |
Thomas Pye
Betty Smith
Wallace Pye
about 1894 |
William Pye
about 1860 |
Mary A Officer
William Pye
about 1888 |
William Pye
about 1907 |
Quincy |
Ann Quincy
about 1753 |
1819 |
John Casswell
Edmond Quincy
about 1750 |
Elizabeth Quincy
about 1749 |
Jeremiah Quincy
about 1744 |
John Quincy
about 1746 |
Richard Quincy
Ann Baker
Richard Quincy
about 1743 |
William Quincy
about 1748 |
Rabinowich |
Alfred Rabinowich
1904 |
Alphonse Rabinowich
about 1899 |
Jacob Abraham Rabinowich
15 Nov 1870 |
22 Jan 1941 |
Antoinette Lebenheim
Marie Rabinowich
22 Aug 1905 |
1994 |
Emile Louis Le Sage
Michael Rabinowich
13 Dec 1900 |
18 Feb 1982 |
Sarah Banjamin
Yakov-Berka Rabinowich
Lieba-Gitta Amelievitch
[Private] Rabinowich
Raby |
Mary Maria Snell Raby
about 1838 |
William Pering Paige
Samuel Raby
Henrietta Nancy Dungey
Raddall |
Ann Raddall
about 1807 |
Thomas Crowhurst
Radford |
Anne Radford
about 1769 |
Betty Radford
about 1755 |
Charity Radford
about 1764 |
Frances Radford
about 1749 |
Mary Radford
about 1760 |
Philip Radford
about 1747 |
4 Jul 1758 |
Robert Radford
Joan Kingwill
Robert Radford
about 1752 |
William Radford
about 1757 |
Rae |
Arthur Albert Rae
about 1884 |
Beatrice Mabel Kingwell
William Rae
Elizabeth Clarke
Rainforth |
Ann Rainforth
about 1742 |
1818 |
Jonathan Coulson
Ramsay |
[Private] Ramsay
[Private] Kingwell
Ramsden |
Alice Ramsden
about 1867 |
Eliza Ann Ramsden
about 1865 |
Ellen Ramsden
about 1890 |
Elsie Ramsden
1901 |
Emma Ramsden
about 1894 |
George Ramsden
about 1837 |
Lavinia Darbyshire
Joseph Ramsden
about 1873 |
Joseph Ramsden
about 1896 |
Lilly Ramsden
about 1891 |
Margaret Ann Ramsden
about 1898 |
Robert Ramsden
1870 |
Elizabeth Crompton
William Ramsden
about 1861 |
Alice Crompton
William Ramsden
about 1895 |
Randle |
Betsy Ann Randle
about 1854 |
Caroline Randle
about 1859 |
about 1908 |
Charles Randle
about 1853 |
Fanny Randle
about 1860 |
John Randle
about 1857 |
Mary Randle
William Hingston
Thomas Randle
about 1830 |
Caroline Paige
Ratcliffe |
Henry Ratcliffe
about 1873 |
Martha Orr
James Ratcliffe
about 1842 |
Rawley |
Hannah Rawley
Samuel Cork
Rawlins |
Robert Rawlins
Eliza Horton
Rawsthorne |
James Rawsthorne
21 Jan 1904 |
Annie Harper Crompton
William Rawsthorne
Martha Ellen Lomax
William Rawsthorne
7 Apr 1906 |
[Private] Rawsthorne
[Private] Osborne
[Private] Rawsthorne
[Private] Rawsthorne
[Private] Rawsthorne
Rayment |
Elizabeth Rayment
about 1815 |
before 1851 |
William Long
Read |
Kezia Read
about 1818 |
John Wilcox
Reginald Read
about 1897 |
Robert Read
about 1840 |
Louisa Athalia Paige
Robert Read
Reape |
Elizabeth Reape
about 1778 |
1856 |
Thomas Stentiford
Joan Reape
1810 |
Thomas Scoble
Redcliff |
Julia Ann Redcliff
1855 |
Thomas Redcliff
Ann Unknown
William P Redcliff
William Redcliff
1902 |
Susan Paige
Reder |
Glenn C Reder
about 1891 |
Harriet Gertrude Martin
William N Reder
about 1858 |
Paulina A Miller
[Private] Reder
Redford |
Mary Ann Redford
about 1836 |
Allison Sewart
Redknap |
Archie Redknap
about 1895 |
John Henry Redknap
about 1867 |
Susanna Horton
Reed |
Constance Reed
about 1868 |
Charles Harold Paige
Mary Reed
about 1824 |
William Scorey
Reeve |
[Private] Reeve
[Private] Young
Reid |
Charles Reid
Charles William Reid
about 1877 |
Emma Florence Horton
Christina Agnes Reid
26 Nov 1860 |
Christina Reid
1837 |
Grace Reid
1839 |
Isabel Reid
1830 |
James Reid
1827 |
James Reid
Isabella Brown
Jane Reid
1835 |
1903 |
John Orr
Jane Reid
about 1820 |
Matthew Wardrop
Janet Reid
1832 |
Janet Reid
10 Jun 1807 |
15 Apr 1886 |
William Orr
John Reid
1847 |
Mary Reid
John Scott
Mungo Reid
about 1799 |
3 Nov 1862 |
Jean Ballintyne
Reitter |
Mary Ann Reitter
about 1830 |
1925 |
Sidney William Scobell
Rendle |
Elizabeth Rendle
about 1844 |
James Rendle
about 1809 |
Elizabeth Fice
John Blackler Rendle
Mary J Rendle
about 1841 |
Mary Jane Rendle
about 1867 |
Matthew Fortescue Northmore Horton,
Philip Henry Short
Rennison |
Ann Rennison
William MacPherson
Retter |
Maria Retter
about 1851 |
Karl Krase
Rhodes |
Jane Rhodes
Joseph Bowers
Rice |
Eliza Rice
about 1852 |
Samuel Kingwell
Elizabeth Rice
about 1836 |
John Rice
about 1856 |
Maria Rice
about 1844 |
Mary Ann Rice
about 1813 |
William Stoneman
Mary Rice
about 1838 |
Susanna Rice
about 1790 |
Robert Mortimore
Thomas Rice
about 1809 |
Grace Millman Nichols
Thomas Rice
about 1841 |
Richards |
Matilda A Richards
2 May 1859 |
Robert John Girdlestone
Richardson |
Emma Richardson
about 1846 |
George Hubert Edmonds
Susannah Rich Richardson
about 1838 |
William Goaman
William Henry Richardson
Rickard |
Alfred Rickard
about 1867 |
Amelia Rickard
about 1854 |
Ann Rickard
about 1858 |
Clara Ann Rickard
about 1844 |
Eliza Rickard
about 1856 |
Elizabeth Ann Rickard
about 1847 |
18 Mar 1870 |
Thomas Adam Kingwell
Harriett Emma Rickard
about 1864 |
John Rickard
about 1823 |
Mary Ann Taylor
John Rickard
about 1853 |
Katy Rickard
about 1863 |
Thomas Rickard
about 1850 |
William Rickard
about 1860 |
Rider |
Andrew Rider
Edith Annie Elizabeth Rider
James Horton
Elizabeth Rider
Robert Luscombe
Elizabeth Rider
about 1791 |
John Phillips
Joan Rider
Philip Lavers
Ridyard |
Jean Ridyard
Donald Gunn MacRae
Rigby |
Adam Rigby
Ann Westhead
Amos Rigby
about 1871 |
Ada Taylor
Amy Rigby
about 1868 |
Daniel Cope Rigby
about 1857 |
Daniel Rigby
about 1820 |
Eliza Rigby
6 Oct 1835 |
Emma Anne Rigby
about 1867 |
George Rigby
about 1820 |
Hannah Rigby
about 1826 |
31 May 1826 |
Harry Rigby
1900 |
Herbert Rigby
about 1872 |
James Rigby
about 1840 |
Hannah Johnson
James Rigby
about 1825 |
John Rigby
about 1817 |
Joseph Rigby
about 1905 |
Lizzie Rigby
21 Sep 1901 |
Albert W Worthington
Margaret Rigby
27 Feb 1809 |
Peter Austin
Mary Rigby
about 1910 |
Noah Rigby
about 1839 |
Samual Rigby
about 1832 |
Emma Cope
Walter Rigby
about 1876 |
Riley |
Mary Riley
about 1846 |
James Thomas Schofield
Riseam |
Gertrude Riseam
about 1883 |
Hannah Riseam
about 1878 |
Joseph Riseam
about 1846 |
Emma Burn
May Riseam
about 1893 |
Percy Riseam
about 1889 |
William Riseam
about 1880 |
Ritchie |
Archibald Ritchie
4 Nov 1815 |
1885 |
Joanna Sutton Moore
Archibald Ritchie
about 1860 |
Barbara Ritchie
about 1856 |
Ellen Ritchie
about 1849 |
Emma Ritchie
about 1866 |
Isabella Currie Ritchie
6 Feb 1848 |
Isabella Ritchie
about 1851 |
James Hutchison Ritchie
28 Mar 1845 |
John Hutchison Ritchie
26 Jan 1845 |
John Moore Ritchie
11 May 1843 |
John Ritchie
Isabelle Hutchison
Lillian Ritchie
about 1849 |
Peter Kirkland Ritchie
11 Jul 1850 |
Peter Ritchie
25 Jan 1818 |
Sarah Jane Moore
Robert Ritchie
7 Dec 1810 |
Sarah Ritchie
about 1847 |
William Ritchie
about 1853 |
Rixon |
Clara Mary Rixon
about 1861 |
John Joseph Baldwin,
Alfred Richard Paige
Roach |
Ida Mary Roach
21 Aug 1881 |
Samuel Joseph Kingwell
Thomas Roach
Susan Farrell
Robb |
Leonard Robb
Louisa May Kingwell
Roberton |
Elspet Roberton
about 1830 |
Alexander Cheyne
Roberts |
Agnes Pearce Roberts
about 1871 |
William Horton
Dorcas Roberts
Thomas Kerswell
Elizabeth Roberts
about 1752 |
Henry Clark,
Richard Casswell
Elizabeth Roberts
Ralph Newsham
Elizabeth Roberts
about 1839 |
Ethne Roberts
about 1902 |
Frank Erving Roberts
about 1900 |
Frederick Roberts
about 1853 |
George Erving Roberts
about 1867 |
Miriam Kingwell
Henry Roberts
about 1859 |
John Roberts
Robert Roberts
about 1814 |
Alice Hoskin Horton
Tudor Roberts
Rosalie Mary Hope Girdlestone
William Roberts
about 1856 |
William Shepherd Roberts
Robertson |
Arthur Edward Robertson
Elizabeth Unknown
Bertha Madeleine Robertson
5 Aug 1893 |
8 Oct 1957 |
Herbert Clarence Mann
Dorothy Muriel Robertson
about 1901 |
Horatio Vincent Robertson
about 1867 |
Bertha Goaman
Matilda Elizabeth Robertson
about 1825 |
William Hanham
William Vincent Robertson
about 1895 |
Robey |
Herbert Robey
4 Jul 1891 |
Ada Barnett
Robins |
Margaret Elizabeth Robins
about 1815 |
John Samuel Scobell
Thomas Robins
Jenny Unknown
Robinson |
Ada Celia Robinson
1869 |
James Richard Love
Alexander Robinson
about 1874 |
Hannah Eliza Hopkins
Amelia Clark Robinson
about 1856 |
about 1884 |
Frederick Cross
Anne Robinson
about 1872 |
Arthur Robinson
about 1877 |
Benjamin Ford Robinson
about 1868 |
Benjamin John Robinson
7 Jan 1843 |
Benjamin Robinson
Mary McLaren
Bertha Florence Robinson
18 May 1878 |
1 Jan 1913 |
Bertha Nell Robinson
9 Aug 1916 |
29 Sep 1916 |
Charles Augustus Robinson
9 Apr 1877 |
3 Feb 1959 |
Maud H Patrick
Charles Frederick Robinson
about 1908 |
Charles Matthew Robinson
about 1870 |
Christian Robinson
28 Dec 1844 |
Clara Belle Robinson
about 1855 |
Clarence Rouse
Clara Robinson
15 Jul 1881 |
27 Jan 1950 |
David Robinson
about 1874 |
Laura Elizabeth Bond
Dorothy Robinson
1891 |
Elizabeth Mary Robinson
about 1864 |
Richard Webber Kingwell
Elizabeth Robinson
about 1814 |
William Burn
Elmira Mary Robinson
14 Jan 1866 |
Emma Harland Robinson
22 Feb 1867 |
Esther Ann Robinson
about 1879 |
Florence Robinson
about 1873 |
Florence Robinson
about 1874 |
Frances Amelia Robinson
1 Aug 1862 |
George Robinson
about 1841 |
Mary Elizabeth Brown
George Robinson
about 1888 |
George Thomas Robinson
23 Apr 1861 |
George William Robinson
about 1906 |
Gladys Robinson
Harry Gordon Colley
Glenna Charlyn Robinson
23 Aug 1905 |
31 Jul 2009 |
Raymond Earl Judd
Grace Adelaide Robinson
1 Jun 1874 |
Charles Miller Bowery
Hannah Lockett Robinson
about 1823 |
David Aston
Harry Robinson
Dorothy May Gough
Herbert L Robinson
15 Jul 1886 |
11 Jun 1967 |
Carrie Belle Stiver
James Fox Robinson
7 Feb 1867 |
Elizabeth Orr
Jane Robinson
about 1870 |
Janet Robinson
24 Sep 1833 |
John Frederick Robinson
about 1876 |
Jane Elizabeth Coulson
John Robinson
Maria Purves
John Robinson
11 Feb 1841 |
John Robinson
about 1866 |
John Robinson
John Robinson
about 1903 |
John William Robinson
about 1879 |
Kezia Bennett Ward
Margaret Robinson
3 Apr 1838 |
Margaret Robinson
about 1877 |
Henry Pye
Mary Ann Robinson
about 1882 |
Mary Robinson
about 1894 |
Norah Elizabeth Robinson
about 1907 |
Priscilla Robinson
about 1884 |
30 Aug 1910 |
30 Aug 1910 |
Sarah Robinson
about 1816 |
Robert Paige
Thomas Robinson
about 1842 |
Hannah Grace Fox
Thomas Robinson
1900 |
Thomas W Robinson
19 May 1835 |
30 Aug 1917 |
Amelia Waudby,
Annie Bertha Sharland
Thornton Harris Robinson
4 Sep 1912 |
3 Feb 1991 |
Ida Etha Tackitt
Walter Benjamin Robinson
8 Jul 1864 |
23 Jul 1867 |
Walter Robinson
about 1897 |
Edith May Emms
William Robinson
about 1882 |
William W Robinson
about 1872 |
Evelyn Emma Pickles
Winnifred Robinson
3 Feb 1884 |
3 Jun 1958 |
[Private] Robinson
[Private] Robinson
[Private] Head
[Private] Robinson
[Private] Robinson
[Private] Neff
[Private] Robinson
[Private] Armitage
[Private] Robinson
[Private] Archer
Robson |
Joseph John Wordsworth Robson
Ann French Morgan
[Private] Robson
Rochford |
[Private] Rochford
[Private] Gunn
Rockett |
Florence Rockett
about 1889 |
Francis Robert Bowden Rockett
about 1840 |
Elizabeth Kingwell
Francis Rockett
about 1878 |
William Rockett
Jane Unknown
Rodgers |
Mary A Rodgers
Edwin Kingwell
Rogers |
Agnes Rogers
about 1784 |
Richard Sherriff
Albert Charles Pinhay Rogers
about 1876 |
Louisa Chapple Horton
Ann Rogers
about 1782 |
Bernard Rogers
about 1906 |
30 May 1941 |
Elizabeth Rogers
Michael Linney
Fred Collings Rogers
about 1848 |
before 1881 |
Harriett Paige
Fred Deeble Rogers
about 1875 |
Isabella Sutor Jenkins Kendall
Gregory Aloysius Rogers
about 1904 |
John Hill Rogers
about 1818 |
Caroline Deeble
John Rogers
Mary Ann Hill
John Rogers
Mary Lyndon
John Rogers
about 1779 |
Laurence Mark Rogers
about 1909 |
Mary Ann Rogers
about 1822 |
Philip Ford Horton
Mary Rogers
about 1777 |
Richard Rogers
Rolls |
Edward J Rolls
about 1839 |
Susanna Margaret Durham Sharland
Evelyn Alice Rolls
about 1871 |
Helen Margret Rolls
about 1867 |
Winifred Maud Rolls
about 1879 |
Rooke |
Ada Rooke
about 1878 |
Ann Rooke
about 1836 |
1838 |
Ann Rooke
about 1798 |
Charles Rooke
about 1874 |
Eleanor Rooke
about 1890 |
Elizabeth Ann Rooke
about 1882 |
1886 |
Elizabeth Rooke
22 Dec 1837 |
George Henry Rooke
about 1886 |
George Rooke
about 1843 |
1847 |
James Henry Rooke
about 1845 |
1847 |
Job Rooke
about 1796 |
1854 |
Sophia Harding
John Charles Rooke
about 1841 |
1843 |
John Rooke
Sarah Townsend
John Rooke
about 1805 |
Laura Rooke
about 1892 |
Phoebe Alice Rooke
7 Jan 1873 |
1919 |
James Bennett
Sarah Rooke
about 1839 |
Sophia Rooke
about 1876 |
William Rooke
9 Apr 1847 |
1917 |
Jane Duncanson
William Rooke
about 1880 |
William Rooke
Mary Cutler
Roper |
Ann Roper
about 1790 |
10 Apr 1856 |
Nicholas Paige
John Roper
Ann Adams
Muriel Grey Roper
26 May 1910 |
Kenneth Stanley Young
Sarah Roper
Edmund Paige
Rose |
Christopher Rose
about 1768 |
Hannah Unknown
John Christopher Rose
about 1847 |
John Rose
1808 |
Sophia Diana Seymour
Lucy Harriet Rose
about 1845 |
Sophia Jane Rose
about 1843 |
Nicolai Erik Helldahl,
Frederick George Sharland
Roseveere |
Emma Roseveere
about 1848 |
Samuel Thomas Horton
Rosie |
Christian Rosie
about 1783 |
Isabella Rosie
about 1848 |
Alexander Gunn
Isabelle Rosie
about 1782 |
John Forbes
James Rosie
Jean Groat
Janet Rosie
about 1779 |
Jean Rosie
17 Sep 1788 |
28 Apr 1858 |
William Gunn,
John Malcolm
Katherine Rosie
about 1786 |
Sinclair Rosie
Marjorie Smith
Ross |
Georgianna Mary Cockborn Ross
about 1820 |
Edwin Scoble
James Owen Ross
Olive Ruth Kingwell
Sarah Jane Ross
21 Oct 1859 |
14 Aug 1937 |
Isaac Kingwell
Rothwell |
Nancy Rothwell
about 1879 |
George Crompton
Roulsby |
Elizabeth Roulsby
1760 |
15 May 1841 |
Robert Coulson
Rouse |
Clarence Rouse
about 1854 |
Clara Belle Robinson
Henry Milton Rouse
23 Aug 1886 |
Dorothea Stanley
Rowbotham |
Ann Rowbotham
about 1752 |
Ann Rowbotham
about 1795 |
John Coulson
Charles Rowbotham
about 1803 |
Charles Rowbotham
5 Jan 1767 |
Eleanor Cockerill
Eleanor Rowbotham
about 1803 |
John Rowbotham
about 1803 |
Mary Rowbotham
about 1763 |
Richard Rowbotham
about 1775 |
Richard Rowbotham
about 1726 |
Rosamund Buckle
Thomas Rowbotham
about 1775 |
Rowe |
Alice Annie Rowe
about 1864 |
Caroline Grace Rowe
30 Oct 1855 |
1929 |
David Davidson,
Thomas Paige
Charles Henry Rowe
about 1858 |
Charles Rowe
about 1826 |
Elizabeth Jane Rowe
about 1823 |
Elizabeth Rowe
about 1817 |
about 1895 |
Thomas Kingwell
Elizabeth Rowe
about 1858 |
Frederick Rowe
about 1835 |
George Rowe
about 1833 |
Henry William Rowe
James Northmore Horton Rowe
about 1859 |
James Richard Rowe
about 1830 |
James Rowe
about 1818 |
Jenny Rowe
1796 |
William Kingwell
John Rowe
Mary Unknown
John Rowe
about 1817 |
Joseph Rowe
Alice Unknown
Lavinia Rowe
about 1864 |
Mary Ann Rowe
about 1862 |
Mary Ann Rowe
about 1824 |
Mary Jane Rowe
about 1833 |
Michael Rowe
about 1780 |
Jane Law
Richard Atwill Rowe
5 Aug 1851 |
Mary Jane Horton
Richard Rowe
about 1829 |
Caroline Elizabeth Murray
Thomas Rowe
about 1826 |
William Edward Rowe
Daisy Teresa Kingwell
William Edward Rowe
about 1837 |
Elizabeth Anne Horton
William Henry Rowe
about 1829 |
before 1881 |
Fanny Paige
William Henry Rowe
about 1859 |
Rowell |
Hilda Rowell
27 Nov 1903 |
1952 |
Mark Andrew Rugg-Gunn
James Edward Rowell
about 1860 |
Jane Walsh
Rowland |
Grace Rowland
about 1805 |
John Horton
Rowlinson |
Elizabeth Harriet Rowlinson
about 1843 |
Joseph Crimp
Rowse |
Anne Rowse
Henry Horton
Caroline Rowse
about 1823 |
1897 |
Haly Horton,
John Horton
Elizabeth Rowse
about 1839 |
Ellen Rowse
about 1849 |
Henry Rowse
about 1827 |
Susannah Horton
James Hele Rowse
about 1814 |
Ann Lethbridge
James Hele Rowse
Elizabeth Unknown
James Rowse
about 1839 |
John Rowse
about 1851 |
John Rowse
Joseph Rowse
about 1811 |
Mary Morgan
Kate Rowse
about 1848 |
Samuel Kingwell
Kezia Skelley Rowse
about 1864 |
Edwin Horton
Mary Rowse
about 1855 |
Priscilla Rowse
about 1805 |
Philip Abbott
William Rowse
about 1833 |
Jane Tamasine Skelly
Roy |
Agnes Roy
about 1868 |
William Henry Pote Kingwell
Agness Roy
about 1849 |
David Roy
about 1796 |
Mary Wiseman
Helen Roy
about 1833 |
Isabel Roy
about 1838 |
Margaret Roy
about 1843 |
Marion Roy
about 1836 |
Mary Roy
about 1841 |
Andrew Orr
Robert Roy
about 1846 |
Royce |
Elizabeth Royce
about 1851 |
George Napier
Ruby |
Mary Ruby
Richard Kingwell
[Private] Ruby
Rudd |
Joseph Rudd
Gladys May Young
Kate Rudd
about 1858 |
1932 |
Alfred Tate Hopkins
William Rudd
about 1824 |
Jane Ellison
William Rudd
Rudge |
Marilyn M Rudge
[Private] Attwill
Rugg |
Agnes Rugg
5 Oct 1859 |
John Dundas
Agnes Rugg
28 Feb 1788 |
Alexander Rugg
about 1821 |
Margaret Baikie
Alexander Rugg
about 1841 |
1872 |
Alexander Rugg
about 1869 |
Isabella Morton
Alexander Rugg
about 1877 |
Alexander Rugg
about 1878 |
Andrew Rugg
Janet Bain
Andrew Rugg
28 Feb 1788 |
Andrew Rugg
about 1812 |
2 Oct 1888 |
Margaret Murray
Andrew Rugg
13 Nov 1848 |
1930 |
Catherine McKay
Andrew Rugg
about 1886 |
Andrew Rugg
about 1874 |
Angus Rugg
about 1819 |
Mary Wochab Georgeson
Angus Rugg
12 Jan 1851 |
26 Mar 1880 |
Jane Bruce
Ann Rugg
about 1816 |
Donald Douglas
Ann Rugg
18 Feb 1852 |
Donald Mowat Murray
Ann Rugg
about 1871 |
Barbara Rugg
about 1866 |
Barbara Rugg
about 1903 |
Catherine Rugg
about 1824 |
9 Apr 1895 |
Catherine Rugg
17 Jul 1853 |
Edmund Wason Hinds
Catherine Rugg
about 1837 |
Catherine Rugg
about 1860 |
Cecil WIlliam Rugg
about 1897 |
Christina Falconer Rugg
1877 |
Christina Rugg
about 1856 |
David Murray Rugg
about 1875 |
David Murray Rugg
about 1856 |
1880 |
Donald David Rugg
about 1876 |
Eliza Rugg
6 Jan 1866 |
Elizabeth Agnes Rugg
about 1890 |
Elizabeth Rugg
13 Aug 1829 |
14 Mar 1867 |
William Gunn
Elizabeth Rugg
about 1843 |
before 1851 |
George Rugg
about 1827 |
Isabella Muir
George Rugg
about 1856 |
Bethia Work
George Rugg
about 1879 |
George William Rugg
about 1891 |
Georgina Thomasina Rugg
8 Feb 1864 |
John McKenzie
Gertrude Mary Rugg
about 1898 |
Isabella Rugg
about 1844 |
26 Mar 1897 |
James Rugg
13 Sep 1846 |
20 Mar 1889 |
Jane Thomson
James Rugg
about 1869 |
Jane Rugg
about 1835 |
Jane Rugg
about 1892 |
Janet Rugg
about 1817 |
Magnus Inrig
Janet Rugg
24 Sep 1862 |
Henry James Johnson
Janet Rugg
25 Dec 1861 |
Samuel Hallam
Johanna Rugg
about 1887 |
John Baikie Rugg
about 1894 |
John Bruce Rugg
about 1876 |
John Rugg
about 1858 |
Mary Ann Miller
John Rugg
about 1888 |
Lizzie Rugg
about 1882 |
Margaret Baikie Rugg
about 1890 |
Margaret Rugg
about 1884 |
Marrion Rugg
about 1892 |
Mary Ann Rugg
24 Jul 1855 |
Mary Garriock Rugg
about 1901 |
Peter Rugg
about 1872 |
Diana Sutherland
Robert William Rugg
about 1881 |
Thomas Ernest Rugg
31 Aug 1904 |
Thomas Rugg
3 Jan 1868 |
Mabel Annie Hannaford
Walter Ross Taylor Rugg
1879 |
Walter Rugg
about 1893 |
William Angus Rugg
1 Dec 1901 |
William Rugg
about 1785 |
5 Mar 1863 |
Catherine Bain
William Rugg
23 Aug 1857 |
Flora Bodilly
William Rugg
about 1839 |
Jane Emslie
William Rugg
about 1853 |
Johan Cumming
William Rugg
about 1855 |
1876 |
William Rugg
about 1813 |
22 Dec 1886 |
Margaret McKay
William Rugg
about 1842 |
1856 |
William Rugg
about 1873 |
William Rugg
27 May 1889 |
25 Feb 1965 |
Alice Maud Runacre
Rugg-Gunn |
Alexander Noel Rugg-Gunn
3 Oct 1918 |
13 Sep 2008 |
Barbara Ann White
Gertrude Joyce Rugg-Gunn
31 Oct 1914 |
Mark Andrew Rugg-Gunn
2 Aug 1908 |
7 Mar 1988 |
Hilda Rowell,
Patricia Mary Elizabeth Cowan
Mark Rugg-Gunn
1 May 1907 |
1 May 1907 |
Noel Douglas Rugg-Gunn
12 May 1910 |
1913 |
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
John Battersby Wood
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
[Private] Marriott
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
[Private] Mullins
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
[Private] Motley
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
[Private] Sellick
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
[Private] Eve
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
[Private] Brooks
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
Runacre |
Alice Maud Runacre
7 Nov 1887 |
29 May 1960 |
William Rugg
Rundle |
John Thomas Damerell Rundle
Alice Mabel Kingwell
Rushton |
[Private] Rushton
[Private] Crompton
[Private] Rushton
Russell |
Andrew Russell
25 Mar 1796 |
Elizabeth Russell
about 1804 |
23 Oct 1865 |
David Orr
Jean Russell
9 Oct 1799 |
John Russell
Jean Harvey
Martha Russell
about 1856 |
John Crompton
Mary Russell
about 1788 |
12 May 1857 |
George Casswell
William Russell
22 Aug 1802 |
[Private] Russell
[Private] Kingwell
Russo |
Georgia Ivy Russo
14 Aug 1910 |
13 Jun 1939 |
Raymond Galligani
Sebastian Raymond Russo
about 1888 |
Jane Gertrude Emms
Ruston |
Ann Ruston
about 1789 |
Elizabeth Ruston
about 1788 |
William Tindall
Isaac Ruston
Sarah Sharpe
Isaac Ruston
about 1778 |
Richard Ruston
about 1780 |
Robert Ruston
about 1785 |
Thomas Ruston
about 1783 |
William Ruston
about 1777 |
Rutter |
Alexander Rutter
about 1801 |
Elizabeth Rutter
about 1804 |
Thomas Gray
George Rutter
about 1790 |
Jenny Rutter
about 1796 |
Thomas Rutter
Elizabeth Trevena
Thomas Rutter
about 1793 |
William Rutter
about 1797 |
Ryall |
Elizabeth Ryall
William Perry
Ryder |
Ann Ryder
about 1845 |
Frank Middleweek
Caroline Ryder
about 1882 |
Ellen Ryder
about 1880 |
Fanny Elizabeth M Ryder
about 1871 |
Richard Ryder
about 1879 |
Simon Edward Ryder
Fanny Northmore Horton
Rylatt |
Elizabeth Ann Rylatt
1842 |
1894 |
Thomas Casswell
Thomas Rylatt
Sadler |
Eliza Sadler
about 1832 |
1911 |
George Tate
Michael Sadler
Sale |
Robert George Sale
about 1826 |
Amelia Scobell
Salmon |
Sarah Salmon
about 1788 |
Thomas Wonfor
Salter |
Margaret Salter
about 1844 |
Robert Ings
William Salter
Margaret Kenwood
Sams |
Elizabeth Sams
about 1823 |
Robert Middleweek
Sanders |
Abraham Sanders
about 1772 |
1854 |
Sarah Coppin
Abraham Sanders
about 1800 |
Ann Sanders
about 1828 |
William Luscombe
Elizabeth Sanders
1859 |
Samuel Kingwell
Hannah Sanders
about 1825 |
Richard Tregilgas
Jane Margaret Sanders
about 1814 |
1817 |
Joseph Sanders
about 1808 |
Elizabeth Ward Mann
Laura Sanders
about 1840 |
William Horton
Mary Luscombe Sanders
about 1855 |
James Horton
Mary Sanders
about 1810 |
Richard Sanders
about 1855 |
Matilda Horton
Richard Sanders
Sarah Sanders
26 Jun 1835 |
Edward Jones
Sarah Sanders
about 1803 |
1815 |
William Sanders
Sandover |
Elizabeth Sandover
about 1812 |
14 May 1880 |
Samuel Horton
James Sandover
about 1819 |
Anne Horton
John Sandover
Maria Unknown
William Sandover
27 May 1824 |
Anne Horton
Sandsbury |
Mary Ann Sandsbury
about 1807 |
George Strong
Sandys |
Ellen Sandys
about 1863 |
Wesley Curnock
George Sandys
Sarten |
Caroline Sarten
about 1827 |
Henry Davis
Hannah Sarten
about 1819 |
John Sarten
about 1814 |
Nicholas Sarten
about 1770 |
Frances Unknown
Sarah Sarten
about 1792 |
John Davis
Susannah Sarten
about 1817 |
Satchell |
Frances Satchell
about 1828 |
James Perry
Saunderson |
Ann Saunderson
David Burn
Savery |
Annie Caroline Savery
about 1864 |
William Robert Paige
William Savery
about 1823 |
Frances Northmore Horton
Scaife |
Annie Scaife
Henry Norman Cundall
Scales |
Alice Scales
about 1826 |
Dodson Sollitt
Scantlebury |
Emblyn Scantlebury
about 1830 |
Thomas May Beswarrick,
William Horton
Thomas Scantlebury
Schafer |
[Private] Schafer
[Private] Attwill
Schofield |
Edward Schofield
16 Feb 1873 |
Edward Schofield
about 1825 |
Elizabeth Schofield
about 1868 |
Elizabeth Schofield
about 1825 |
Emma Schofield
about 1864 |
Arthur Coulson
James Thomas Schofield
about 1840 |
Hannah Whittle,
Mary Riley
Judith Schofield
26 Mar 1866 |
Judith Schofield
22 Oct 1835 |
Thomas Walmsley
Louis Schofield
about 1875 |
Louisa Schofield
about 1833 |
Mary Ann Schofield
about 1830 |
Mary Jane Schofield
13 May 1862 |
Sarah Schofield
about 1877 |
Sarah Schofield
about 1831 |
Thomas Schofield
9 Mar 1868 |
1868 |
Thomas Schofield
about 1800 |
before 1851 |
Mary Ann Unknown
Scholes |
Alice Scholes
about 1885 |
Elijah Crompton
Thomas Scholes
about 1829 |
Alice Tong
Scobell |
Ada Louisa Scobell
about 1877 |
Adelaide Scobell
6 Apr 1831 |
23 Oct 1927 |
Agnes G Scobell
about 1845 |
Agnes Mary Scobell
about 1849 |
1850 |
Agnes Scobell
about 1873 |
Alice M Scobell
about 1845 |
Amelia Scobell
25 Feb 1812 |
Henry Smith Gould,
Robert George Sale
Amy Antoinette Morehouse Scobell
about 1863 |
William John Clarkson Allen
Anne Elizabeth Scobell
about 1876 |
Annie Scobell
about 1856 |
Arthur Henry Scobell
12 Jul 1869 |
Augusta Helena Scobell
24 Feb 1862 |
25 Nov 1905 |
Betsy Knott Scobell
10 Jun 1808 |
Samuel Phippen
Betsy Scobell
about 1792 |
1794 |
Byron Jennings Scobell
about 1899 |
6 Feb 1899 |
Caleb Scobell
about 1846 |
Cecil Glencross Scobell
16 Jun 1884 |
Charles R B Scobell
about 1859 |
21 Apr 1892 |
Charles Scobell
about 1875 |
Clara Louisa Scobell
about 1828 |
18 Oct 1838 |
Clara Scobell
about 1875 |
Cyril Scobell
1898 |
Daniel Scobell
about 1886 |
Dinah Louisa Scobell
5 Apr 1837 |
6 Mar 1911 |
George Augustus Oxnard
Dorothy Hillier Scobell
3 Aug 1910 |
Dunbar Ortseifer Scobell
19 Oct 1882 |
23 Jan 1946 |
Anna C Unknown
Edward Courtney Scobell
25 Dec 1857 |
30 Oct 1910 |
Edward Henry Scobell
about 1817 |
1857 |
Edwin Gillespie Scobell
9 Dec 1891 |
Emma Krase
Eliza Ann Scobell
about 1812 |
Ellen Scobell
about 1824 |
Logan Downes
Emily Mary Scobell
about 1848 |
22 Mar 1859 |
Eva Elizabeth Selma Scobell
about 1865 |
James Warren Marsh
Florence Scobell
14 Oct 1879 |
18 Feb 1960 |
Charles Gruber
Frances Scobell
about 1854 |
Frank M Scobell
about 1896 |
10 Jul 1901 |
Frederick Edward Scobell
about 1815 |
Frederick G Scobell
about 1848 |
Frederick J Scobell
24 Dec 1870 |
27 Dec 1916 |
Frederick Richard Scobell
about 1850 |
Sarah E McSorley,
Margaret Elizabeth Myers
Frederick Scobell
about 1848 |
19 Sep 1886 |
Annie Foley
Frederick Scobell
15 Jun 1888 |
Frederick Scobell
about 1848 |
George M Kinghorn Scobell
17 Nov 1872 |
1914 |
George Scobell
about 1834 |
1904 |
Gilbert Linton Scobell
3 Jun 1881 |
25 Dec 1959 |
Ida Katherine Dieter
Gordon R Scobell
about 1853 |
Guy F Scobell
1887 |
Harvey Scobell
about 1858 |
Hattie J Scobell
about 1852 |
Hazel Scobell
1893 |
Helena Scobell
about 1877 |
Henry Edward Scobell
about 1820 |
1820 |
Henry H Scobell
about 1846 |
Jessie Unknown
Henry Scobell
about 1848 |
Hobart Scobell
about 1886 |
5 Jul 1897 |
Ida Louisa Douglass Scobell
about 1861 |
Robert John Dickinson
James Hutcheson Scobell
about 1874 |
1942 |
Jane Alexandra Scobell
about 1863 |
Jane Anne Scobell
about 1819 |
Allen Belfield Bone
John A Scobell
about 1843 |
John Frederick Scobell
about 1844 |
John Hobart Scobell
21 Dec 1827 |
4 Jan 1868 |
Margaret Oliphant
John O Scobell
8 Oct 1879 |
4 Apr 1915 |
John Oliphant Scobell
about 1852 |
15 Oct 1904 |
Ida Brashears
John Samuel Scobell
about 1806 |
26 Feb 1849 |
Margaret Elizabeth Robins
John Scobell
about 1854 |
John Scobell
13 Mar 1879 |
John Scobell
28 Oct 1783 |
Mary Leaper
John Spurway Scobell
14 Jul 1799 |
16 Oct 1838 |
Mary Ann Matthews
John W Scobell
about 1861 |
Joseph S Scobell
1 Feb 1850 |
11 Dec 1927 |
Sarah C Midlam
Joseph Scobell
1 Dec 1793 |
Emily Marion Menzies
Joseph Scobell
about 1829 |
18 Oct 1838 |
Joseph Scobell
about 1872 |
Joseph Scobell
13 Jan 1788 |
1836 |
Ann Jane Cooper
Joseph Scobell
about 1771 |
1831 |
Mary Spurway
Joshua Scobell
about 1840 |
Kate H Scobell
14 Jul 1852 |
14 Feb 1902 |
Katherine Estelle Scobell
about 1878 |
22 Dec 1960 |
William Freeman Coale
Lilla E Scobell
about 1847 |
James Kearns
Lillian Scobell
about 1869 |
Lottie Scobell
about 1871 |
Louisa Catherine Scobell
about 1813 |
William Peyce Michell
Louisa Scobell
about 1849 |
Margaret Elizabeth Scobell
about 1843 |
1861 |
Margaret G Scobell
about 1853 |
Margaret Scobell
8 Jul 1874 |
27 Jul 1961 |
Margaret Tate Scobell
about 1849 |
23 Mar 1859 |
Margaretta Eliza Courtenay Scobell
about 1822 |
Henry William Dickinson
Marion Ruth Scobell
about 1882 |
Mark Scobell
2 Jan 1838 |
2 Sep 1858 |
Mary Anne Sophia Scobell
about 1826 |
18 Oct 1838 |
Mary Harriet Scobell
3 Apr 1847 |
24 Aug 1928 |
John G Dunn
Mary Jane Scobell
about 1841 |
Mary Sarah Scobell
about 1808 |
Josiah Glencross
Mary Scobell
Charles Hawkins
Mary Scobell
Nicholas Paige
Nellie Scobell
about 1873 |
Rachael D Scobell
about 1851 |
Ralph Sidney Scobell
about 1849 |
1926 |
Marion Stuart MacDonald
Rex Burdett Scobell
28 Sep 1889 |
Rhoda Scobell
about 1833 |
1834 |
Rhoda Scobell
about 1836 |
19 Jul 1837 |
Richard F Scobell
13 Sep 1876 |
26 Jun 1918 |
Richard F Scobell
1915 |
1980 |
Elizabeth A Unknown
Richard Hearn Scobell
15 Apr 1901 |
8 May 1955 |
Richard Joseph Scobell
8 Jan 1822 |
Eliza Ann George
Richard Scobell
4 Aug 1797 |
16 Jan 1863 |
Dinah Gollop,
Susannah Hodge
Richard Scobell
about 1849 |
Richard Stanley Scobell
28 Aug 1874 |
31 Jul 1955 |
Jessie Hearn
Robert William Scobell
about 1837 |
9 Mar 1914 |
Eleanor Hutcheson
Rose Ann Scobell
14 Nov 1827 |
6 Mar 1907 |
William Phippen
Sarah Scobell
19 Sep 1785 |
William Valentine
Sarah Victoria Scobell
about 1892 |
Selena Scobell
about 1832 |
1909 |
Archibald Livingston
Sidney B Scobell
about 1872 |
Sidney Scobell
2 May 1806 |
24 May 1809 |
Sidney Scobell
3 May 1810 |
17 May 1872 |
Mary Elizabeth Otton
Sidney Scobell
about 1831 |
18 Oct 1838 |
Sidney Spurway Scobell
14 Dec 1870 |
Harriet Begg
Sidney W Scobell
about 1872 |
Sidney William Scobell
21 Oct 1824 |
17 Jun 1897 |
Mary Ann Reitter
Stuart M Scobell
about Jul 1876 |
1910 |
Stuart Scobell
28 Sep 1889 |
7 Jun 1908 |
Talbot Courtney Scobell
13 Nov 1881 |
Thomas Edward Scobell
about 1845 |
Thomas Scobell
15 Feb 1802 |
Tim H Scobell
about 1862 |
Victor Scobell
1896 |
Victoria Ethel Scobell
9 Jul 1879 |
William James Spurway Scobell
about 1830 |
Mary Porter Smith
William John Scobell
about 1826 |
18 Oct 1838 |
William Leaper Scobell
2 Aug 1810 |
12 Mar 1866 |
Marion Amelia Brandys,
Sarah Batt
William Scobell
16 Nov 1795 |
16 Oct 1838 |
Leah Rosetta Beck
William Scobell
about 1852 |
[Private] Scobell
[Private] Scobell
[Private] Scobell
Scoble |
Agnes Scoble
about 1775 |
27 Jul 1776 |
Ann Clift Scoble
about 1820 |
Thomas Watts
Ann Kingwell Scoble
about 1834 |
Anne Scoble
about 1790 |
1872 |
Charles Dearing Stentiford
Benjamin Scoble
about 1841 |
Catherine Sarah Scoble
about 1850 |
Catherine Scoble
about 1835 |
Edwin Charles Scoble
about 1838 |
Edwin George Scoble
about 1840 |
1848 |
Edwin Scoble
about 1814 |
Georgianna Mary Cockborn Ross
Elizabeth Ann Scoble
about 1848 |
Fanny Scoble
about 1848 |
Frances Scoble
about 1813 |
John Thomas Hill
Henry Frederick Scoble
about 1839 |
Henry Scoble
1847 |
1847 |
Jane Scoble
25 Aug 1812 |
John Clift Scoble
3 Sep 1810 |
Catherine Puddicombe
John Joseph Scoble
about 1836 |
1838 |
John Scoble
about 1838 |
John Scoble
Mary Ann Baker
John Scoble
about 1759 |
1829 |
Sarah Buckpit
Joseph Scoble
about 1826 |
Elizabeth Hillson
Mary Ann Scoble
about 1768 |
1835 |
Henry Horswill
Mary Jane Scoble
about 1840 |
Mary Scoble
about 1786 |
5 Dec 1862 |
Isaac Kingwell
Mary Scoble
Philip Manning
Richard Scoble
about 1845 |
Richard Scoble
about 1765 |
about 1794 |
Richard Scoble
about 1816 |
Elizabeth Gardener
Robert Scoble
Sarah Puddicombe Scoble
about 1844 |
Sarah Scoble
about 1794 |
1795 |
Sarah Scoble
about 1834 |
1873 |
Henry William Horton
Thomas Henry Scoble
about 1835 |
Thomas Scoble
about 1763 |
1830 |
Joan Reape
Thomas Scoble
about 1787 |
23 Oct 1843 |
Mary Clift
Walter Scoble
Alice Kingwell
William Gardener Scoble
about 1843 |
1845 |
William Scoble
about 1761 |
1794 |
William Scoble
about 1815 |
Caroline Bendy
Scorey |
Ann Scorey
about 1788 |
Ann Scorey
about 1814 |
10 May 1814 |
Caroline Scorey
about 1821 |
John Baker
Eleanor Mary Scorey
about 1849 |
Elizabeth Scorey
about 1828 |
11 Apr 1828 |
Elizabeth Scorey
about 1846 |
Emily Kathleen Scorey
about 1851 |
George Scorey
about 1786 |
1787 |
George Scorey
about 1797 |
1799 |
George Scorey
about 1824 |
Ann Light
George Scorey
about 1855 |
George William Scorey
about 1818 |
Harriet Anna Scorey
about 1857 |
Alfred Thomas Comins Sharland
Jane Scorey
about 1850 |
John Scorey
about 1815 |
Ann Hollier
John Scorey
about 1755 |
1827 |
Jane Brown
John Scorey
about 1790 |
Ann Linney
John Scorey
about 1822 |
Mary Anne Harbut
John Scorey
about 1844 |
John Scorey
about 1829 |
1829 |
Joseph Scorey
about 1794 |
1831 |
Jane Linney
Joseph Scorey
about 1857 |
Mary Scorey
about 1863 |
Nicholas Scorey
about 1859 |
Sarah Scorey
about 1818 |
George Cull
Sarah Scorey
about 1847 |
William Scorey
about 1791 |
Jane Cutler
William Scorey
about 1820 |
Mary Reed
William Scorey
about 1854 |
William Scorey
about 1854 |
Scotney |
Maud Elsie Scotney
about 1910 |
Victor A E Scotney
about 1912 |
Victor Lionel Scotney
about 1888 |
Rosalind Maude Hopkins
Scott |
Hannah Scott
Archelaus John Rice Kingwell
John Scott
Mary Reid
Kate Scott
19 May 1897 |
William Edward Antonia Hopkins
Louisa Scott
about 1850 |
1851 |
Lucy Scott
about 1854 |
Marion Scott
1919 |
Archibald Orr
Mary Scott
John Work
Richard Warren Scott
1942 |
1966 |
Robert Harper Scott
about 1900 |
Mary Helen Seaton
Thomas Scott
about 1881 |
Elizabeth Russell Orr
Thomas Scott
about 1821 |
Nancy Paige
Thomas Scott
about 1858 |
Walter Addison Scott
1911 |
Yvonne Louise Guillaume
Walter Scott
about 1852 |
William Scott
Maria Graham
[Private] Scott
Scotton |
Mary Scotton
John Wicks
Screech |
Jennifer Screech
about 1810 |
John Screech
about 1805 |
Margaret Screech
about 1808 |
1878 |
William Paige
Mary Ann Screech
about 1813 |
Philip Screech
about 1777 |
1862 |
Margaret Unknown
Philip Screech
about 1809 |
Searle |
John Searle
Charity Evens
John Searle
about 1705 |
Walter Searle
about 1703 |
Seaton |
Ernest Harry Seaton
25 Apr 1884 |
Bessie Maria Kingwell
John Archelaus Seaton
about 1912 |
Mabel Lucy Payne
Mary Helen Seaton
about 1906 |
Robert Harper Scott
Olive Victoria Seaton
about 1904 |
Robert Joseph Burns
Ruby Ernestine Seaton
about 1910 |
Seddon |
Ann Seddon
about 1804 |
Ann Seddon
about 1777 |
Ann Seddon
about 1800 |
Betty Seddon
about 1789 |
Betty Seddon
about 1804 |
Catherine Seddon
about 1808 |
Catherine Seddon
about 1776 |
Catherine Seddon
about 1801 |
Giles Seddon
about 1778 |
Alice Norris
Giles Seddon
Catherine Hart
Giles Seddon
about 1794 |
James Seddon
about 1806 |
James Seddon
about 1783 |
John Seddon
about 1783 |
Mary Seddon
about 1814 |
Thomas Ainsworth
Mary Seddon
about 1787 |
Mary Seddon
about 1796 |
Peter Seddon
about 1781 |
Peter Seddon
about 1798 |
Ralph Seddon
about 1773 |
Hannah Anderton
Richard Seddon
about 1811 |
Sarah Seddon
about 1771 |
Thomas Seddon
about 1777 |
Sedman |
Mary Sedman
about 1876 |
George Edward Billingham
Seldon |
Richard Seldon
Susanna Pedlar
Sarah Mills Seldon
about 1800 |
Joseph Ball
Selick |
Ann Selick
Thomas Hodge
Sell |
George Sell
Olive Emily Sell
about 1886 |
William Lang Paige
Sellick |
[Private] Sellick
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
Semmelmeyer |
Eleanor Lillian Semmelmeyer
about 1902 |
Duncan Porter Jackson
Herbert B Semmelmeyer
about 1875 |
13 Apr 1904 |
Eleanor Mabel Burbery
Sercombe |
Ann Sercombe
about 1854 |
Anne Sercombe
about 1840 |
Philip Maddick Horton
Elias Sercombe
Honour Lakeman
Elizabeth Jane Sercombe
about 1837 |
1869 |
William Horton
Elizabeth Sercombe
about 1835 |
Jane Vaudon Sercombe
about 1829 |
1877 |
Philip Horton
John Sercombe
about 1860 |
John Sercombe
about 1823 |
John Sercombe
about 1845 |
Mary Horton
Mary Sercombe
about 1822 |
Arthur Trobridge Horton
Mary Sercombe
about 1787 |
Henry Barons
Robert Sercombe
about 1794 |
1861 |
Elizabeth Luscombe
Robert Sercombe
about 1759 |
1841 |
Mary Marshall
Robert Sercombe
about 1818 |
Mary Lakeman
Robert Sercombe
about 1858 |
Samuel Sercombe
about 1837 |
Thomas Sercombe
about 1826 |
Ellen Kingwell
William Sercombe
about 1824 |
Setchfield |
Elizabeth Setchfield
about 1830 |
William Coulson
James Setchfield
about 1781 |
Sarah Pearson
Sewart |
Alice Sewart
about 1869 |
Allison Sewart
about 1833 |
27 Dec 1889 |
Alice Crompton,
Margaret Crompton,
Mary Ann Redford
Allison Sewart
about 1873 |
7 Sep 1887 |
James Sewart
about 1803 |
Mary Unknown
John Sewart
about 1826 |
Margaret Ann Sewart
about 1855 |
8 Mar 1941 |
Luke Webber
Margret Sewart
about 1837 |
Mary Ann Sewart
about 1871 |
Mary Sewart
about 1844 |
Richard Sewart
about 1828 |
Robert Sewart
about 1841 |
Thomas Sewart
about 1831 |
Sexton |
John Sexton
about 1822 |
1874 |
Maria Agness Ball
Mary Anne Sexton
1857 |
Charles Wathen
William Sexton
Seymour |
Sophia Diana Seymour
John Rose
Shackleton |
Albert Shackleton
about 1903 |
Alice Shackleton
about 1904 |
Anna Shackleton
Robert Sugden
Frances Mary Shackleton
about 1909 |
Frank Shackleton
about 1897 |
Fred Shackleton
about 1901 |
Henry Shackleton
about 1884 |
9 Apr 1912 |
Esther Smith
Henry Shackleton
about 1900 |
Hugh Shackleton
about 1905 |
Isaac Shackleton
28 Oct 1781 |
1791 |
John Shackleton
about 1839 |
2 Nov 1874 |
John Shackleton
31 Oct 1779 |
13 Oct 1787 |
John Shackleton
20 Jun 1789 |
4 Jul 1790 |
Joseph Shackleton
about 1812 |
8 Nov 1871 |
Mary Hanson
Joseph Shackleton
about 1870 |
5 Oct 1941 |
Margaret Green
Joseph Shackleton
15 Sep 1853 |
13 May 1871 |
Lydia Shackleton
22 Aug 1850 |
12 Mar 1897 |
John Hindle
Margaret Reid Shackleton
3 Jul 1898 |
26 Jan 1950 |
Frederick George Mann,
Andrew Rugg Gunn
Margaret Shackleton
about 1873 |
21 Jan 1952 |
Martha Shackleton
about 1836 |
1875 |
John Pickles
Mary Shackleton
about 1876 |
12 Jan 1932 |
Alfred Wilman
Mary Shackleton
about 1868 |
Holmes Heaton
Mary Shackleton
20 Sep 1858 |
David Banks
Mary Shackleton
about 1906 |
Mary Shackleton
30 Sep 1786 |
James Wildman
Mary Shackleton
about 1773 |
1 Jun 1786 |
Molly Shackleton
about 1777 |
Percy Shackleton
18 Nov 1899 |
18 Nov 1899 |
Richard Shackleton
about 1771 |
Sarah Annie Shackleton
about 1909 |
Sarah Shackleton
10 Apr 1848 |
1877 |
John Speak
Sugden Shackleton
20 May 1844 |
12 Dec 1925 |
Mary Ann Halstead
Thomas Shackleton
5 Sep 1841 |
31 Dec 1884 |
Sarah Throup
Thomas Shackleton
about 1896 |
Throup Shackleton
about 1879 |
Sarah Laycock
William Henry Shackleton
about 1904 |
Annie Isabel Askew
William Lister Shackleton
about 1908 |
William Shackleton
3 Oct 1870 |
26 Jun 1921 |
Mary Helen Orr
William Shackleton
about 1874 |
Martha Ellen Lister
William Shackleton
2 Dec 1837 |
1838 |
William Shackleton
between 1750 and 1755 |
Alice Sugden
William Shackleton
1 Feb 1810 |
1893 |
Mary Feather
Shapland |
Albert Percy Shapland
about 1892 |
Elizabeth Mary Shapland
about 1886 |
Florence Blanche Shapland
about 1884 |
Alfred E Hayhurst
George Albert Shapland
about 1880 |
George Shapland
about 1850 |
Charlotte Paige
Henrietta Shapland
about 1876 |
Henry Browning
Julia Amy Shapland
about 1888 |
Richard John Shapland
about 1878 |
William Henry Paige Shapland
about 1873 |
Share |
Matilda Share
about 1819 |
Cornelius Crowhurst
Sharland |
Abdiel George F Sharland
about 1851 |
Abdiel George Sharland
about 1812 |
1869 |
Ann J McGully
Abdiel Sharland
about 1777 |
5 Apr 1841 |
Sarah Morley,
Ann MacPherson
Ada Florence Sharland
4 Mar 1861 |
14 Jan 1898 |
Robert John Girdlestone
Albert Charles Sharland
about 1853 |
1924 |
Alfred Thomas Comins Sharland
about 1853 |
Harriet Anna Scorey
Alice Gertrude Joynes Sharland
about 1849 |
1929 |
John Child Andrus
Alice Mary Elizabeth Sharland
1 Oct 1843 |
28 Aug 1926 |
George Emms
Amelia Sharland
about 1831 |
Ann Maria Sharland
about 1810 |
James Brownell
Ann Matilda Sharland
about 1814 |
Thomas Curtis
Anne Sharland
about 1782 |
Annie Bertha Sharland
4 Jul 1856 |
23 Dec 1939 |
Thomas W Robinson
Annie Clara Cheesman Sharland
about 1856 |
1933 |
Arthur Sharland
about 1869 |
Caroline Sharland
about 1810 |
1899 |
Caroline Sharland
about 1823 |
Charles Edward Sharland
about 1805 |
1806 |
Charles Henry Theodore Gardener Sharland
about 1852 |
1852 |
Clara Maria Sharland
about 1831 |
Augustus Northcote
Dorothy Mabel Sharland
2 Dec 1894 |
1979 |
Alfred John Attwill
Dorothy Sharland
1907 |
Duncan Edward Bullock Sharland
about 1851 |
1904 |
Caroline Letitia Dunham
Duncan Edward Sharland
about 1828 |
1 Mar 1829 |
Duncan Henry Pollard Sharland
about 1830 |
about 1864 |
Edith May Sharland
15 Jun 1889 |
Edmund Temple Sharland
about 1822 |
about 1874 |
Edward Emanuel Sharland
about 1836 |
1919 |
Emily Elizabeth Jenkins
Edward Harry Sharland
about 1898 |
Edward John Sharland
about 1874 |
Ada Therese Spencer
Edward Percy Sharland
about 1864 |
5 Mar 1934 |
Nellie Hollands
Edwin Sharland
about 1822 |
22 Dec 1854 |
Eileen Fentiman Sharland
about 1907 |
Elizabeth Alexandrina Sharland
about 1862 |
Elizabeth Clara Sharland
25 Jan 1866 |
1946 |
William Joseph Walrond or Waldron
Elizabeth Sharland
about 1817 |
George Macfarlane Spong
Elizabeth Sharland
6 Sep 1778 |
Reuben Lockstone
Elizabeth Sharland
about 1805 |
27 Jan 1891 |
Elizabeth Sharland
about 1790 |
Ella Sharland
6 Apr 1899 |
2 Mar 1990 |
Cedric Duley Kingwell
Ellen Dorothea Sharland
about 1818 |
26 Dec 1888 |
Ellen Leonard Sharland
about 1873 |
about 1875 |
Ellen Maria Dorothea Sharland
26 Nov 1848 |
William Richard Smith
Ellen Rosa Sharland
about 1826 |
Robert Wilson
Elsie Emily Sharland
about 1894 |
Emilia Sharland
about 1812 |
14 Jan 1813 |
Emily Jane Sharland
about 1828 |
13 Nov 1831 |
Emily Leonard Sharland
about 1875 |
Edmund Eugene Nixon
Emily Maria Sharland
21 Apr 1849 |
16 Apr 1942 |
Matthew Wardrop,
John Jackson
Emma Sharland
about 1809 |
Edgar Matthias Harris
Ernest Walter Sharland
23 Dec 1890 |
8 Jan 1955 |
Edith Lilly Collins
Esther Temple Sharland
about 1867 |
Walter George Alek Bond
Eva Gladys Sharland
9 Oct 1902 |
2 Feb 1981 |
Eva Lydia Sharland
15 Apr 1853 |
4 Nov 1932 |
John Withell
Fanny Clara Sharland
about 1816 |
James Sheppard
Fanny Clara Sharland
about 1859 |
William Nolde
Fanny Clara Sharland
about 1848 |
1871 |
Henry Firth
Fanny Clara Sharland
14 Mar 1891 |
Florence Eliza Temple Sharland
about 1846 |
19 Apr 1885 |
William Andrus
Florence Mary Sharland
about 1879 |
Florence Sharland
3 Mar 1901 |
1974 |
Arthur Edward Peters
Francis Edwin Basil Sharland
11 Dec 1863 |
29 Nov 1920 |
Sarah Dunkinson,
Emily Starks
Francis John Sharland
about 1853 |
Ellen Dorcas Heath
Francis MacPherson Sharland
about 1814 |
Freda Sharland
about 1901 |
Frederic Clarence Sharland
about 1829 |
26 Dec 1898 |
Henrietta Maria Brannan,
Ellen Mary Brannan
Frederic Clarence Sharland
about 1852 |
1867 |
Frederick Clarence Sharland
23 Aug 1892 |
Frederick George Bullock Sharland
about 1850 |
18 Nov 1881 |
Rosina Leonard Snook
Frederick George Sharland
about 1824 |
Elizabeth Bullock,
Sophia Jane Rose
Frederick Henry Sharland
about 1850 |
Frederick Sharland
about 1803 |
1806 |
George Augustine Temple Sharland
about 1847 |
1851 |
George Edward Sharland
about 1818 |
1900 |
Susannah Ellen Killick,
Laura Louisa Batcheler
George Edward Sharland
6 Jul 1917 |
2000 |
George Sharland
about 1783 |
8 Feb 1859 |
Hannah Grove,
Ester Temple
George Sharland
about 1866 |
21 Aug 1914 |
Alice Susan Edmonds
Hannah Sharland
about 1744 |
Harriet Augusta Sharland
about 1820 |
George de Vine
Harriet Ellis Sharland
about 1854 |
1854 |
Harriet Sharland
29 Dec 1773 |
about 1850 |
Helen Clara Sharland
24 May 1846 |
1930 |
Charles Henry Boehmer
Henrietta Maria Sharland
about 1855 |
Henry Charles Sharland
22 Aug 1853 |
14 Feb 1908 |
Sarah Ann Cheetham,
Elizabeth Mary Willis
Henry Edwin Sharland
12 Sep 1889 |
Henry James Sharland
about 1865 |
Maud Mary Fentiman
Henry Sharland
about 1801 |
Hilda Mary Maud Sharland
about 1900 |
Hilda May Sharland
about 1897 |
1900 |
Isaac Sharland
about 1818 |
29 May 1897 |
Sarah Jenkins Price
Isaac Sharland
about 1780 |
21 Jan 1860 |
Sarah Noah,
Margaret Britten
Isaac Sharland
about 1775 |
1778 |
James Leonard Woodruffe Sharland
1898 |
1964 |
Olive Emily Kelly
James Noah Sharland
about 1805 |
4 Mar 1891 |
Rebekah Spearman
James Noah Sharland
about 1833 |
Elizabeth Taylor Sutherland
James Sutherland Sharland
about 1866 |
1948 |
Jane Armstrong Little
Jean Elizabeth Sharland
1901 |
1976 |
Joan Teresa Sharland
about 1899 |
John Branston Sharland
about 1825 |
about 1871 |
Jane Colborne
John James Sharland
about 1862 |
Jane Fowles,
Laura Marie M Bolton
John Sharland
about 1773 |
Joseph Sharland
Mary Fursman
Joseph Sharland
about 1746 |
Catherine Passmore
Joseph Sharland
about 1772 |
Julia Florence Andrus Sharland
about 1872 |
Sidney Woodhams,
Arthur Allen Deykin Townsend
Katherine Amelia Sharland
about 1861 |
1861 |
Laura Agnes Sharland
about 1850 |
1886 |
Laura Mary Sharland
about 1823 |
12 Nov 1833 |
Lilian Alice Sharland
about 1864 |
Louisa Sharland
6 Jun 1808 |
15 Dec 1856 |
Frederick Taylor
Louisa Silk Sharland
about 1876 |
1876 |
Margaret Amelia Sharland
about 1848 |
Margaretta Sharland
about 1816 |
5 Mar 1885 |
Maria Louisa Sharland
about 1860 |
Maria Sharland
8 Dec 1781 |
31 May 1800 |
Marian Sharland
about 1850 |
Marianne Sharland
25 Jun 1791 |
William Hanham
Marjorie Ethel Sharland
11 Apr 1892 |
1977 |
Sidney Hunt
Mary Ellen Constance Sharland
8 Mar 1858 |
about 1904 |
Mary Paige Sharland
about 1854 |
Mary Sharland
about 1787 |
1788 |
Mary Sharland
about 1739 |
Mary Sharland
29 Oct 1775 |
Matilda Sharland
about 1813 |
16 Dec 1813 |
Olive Evelyn Sharland
about 1909 |
Owen Sharland
29 Nov 1924 |
30 Sep 1995 |
Phebe Sharland
about 1785 |
Phyllis Temple Sharland
31 Jan 1895 |
1985 |
Richard Rennison Sharland
about 1823 |
31 Mar 1839 |
Robert Charles Sharland
about 1820 |
Lucy Trent Slater
Robert Sharland
25 Jun 1752 |
24 Apr 1801 |
Mary Dory
Robert Sharland
about 1786 |
Rose Marguerite Sharland
about 1877 |
Charles Moxham
Sarah Sharland
about 1806 |
Sarah Sharland
about 1757 |
Sarah Sharland
about 1780 |
Sonia Sharland
22 Jul 1937 |
23 Dec 2011 |
Susanna Margaret Durham Sharland
about 1844 |
1891 |
Edward J Rolls
Thomas Sharland
about 1748 |
1748 |
Thomas Sharland
about 1750 |
Thomas Sharland
about 1784 |
Violet Clare Marian Sharland
about 1881 |
Wallace Sutherland Sharland
1902 |
1967 |
Ada Ritornella Moore
William Henry Sharland
22 Oct 1841 |
Emma Caroline Maria Baker,
Ada Howland
William Kinder Sharland
about 1809 |
1876 |
Maria Bailey
William Sharland
about 1821 |
Charlotte Paige
William Sharland
about 1756 |
William Sharland
about 1778 |
[Private] Sharland
[Private] Sharland
[Private] Sharland
Sharp |
Edward Sharp
about 1907 |
Hugh Culliford Sharp
about 1869 |
Freda Phillipa Paige
Margaret Sarah Sharp
about 1905 |
Nancy Culliford Sharp
about 1909 |
Philippa Mary Sharp
about 1913 |
Sharpe |
Rachel Sharpe
about 1734 |
Thomas Waterhouse
Sarah Sharpe
Isaac Ruston
Simon Sharpe
Sharples |
Margaret Sharples
about 1847 |
1915 |
George Kaywood
Sarah Sharples
about 1807 |
1865 |
George Higham
Shaw |
Amy Shaw
about 1879 |
Annie Shaw
about 1876 |
Coulson Shaw
about 1862 |
1898 |
Florence Ada Taylor
Edith Shaw
about 1886 |
William Barnett
Elizabeth Shaw
about 1866 |
Frank C Shaw
about 1898 |
George Henry Shaw
about 1864 |
George Henry Shaw
George Shaw
about 1890 |
Harold Shaw
about 1883 |
Alma Jessie Horton
Harry Garbutt Shaw
about 1870 |
Ellen Barber
Harry Shaw
about 1836 |
Amy Hannah Coulson,
Elizabeth Peacock
Maria Shaw
about 1877 |
Richard Franklin Shaw
about 1871 |
Sarah Shaw
Kenneth McLean
William Shaw
about 1873 |
Shearer |
Agnes Shearer
about 1877 |
Alexander Shearer
about 1841 |
Agnes Manson
David Manson Shearer
about 1880 |
Esther Calder Shearer
about 1871 |
Jane Trotter Shearer
about 1869 |
John Shearer
about 1873 |
John Shearer
Esther Calder
Shelton |
Francis Shelton
Abel Millard
Mary Shelton
William Millington
Shepherd |
Charles Shepherd
Jane Shepherd
about 1817 |
1876 |
Arthur Trowbridge Horton
John Shepherd
Avis Horton
Sheppard |
Alice Ann Sheppard
about 1843 |
Fanny Clara Sheppard
about 1842 |
James Sheppard
about 1808 |
Fanny Clara Sharland
Maria Sheppard
about 1838 |
Selina Sheppard
1850 |
Shering |
Ann Shering
about 1752 |
1822 |
Joseph Cutler
Sherratt |
Ada Sherratt
about 1862 |
Alfred Sherratt
about 1870 |
Charles Sherratt
about 1806 |
Ann Carter
Charles Sherratt
about 1839 |
Eliza Sherratt
about 1841 |
Emily Sherratt
about 1899 |
Emma Sherratt
about 1833 |
Fred Sherratt
about 1865 |
1868 |
George Henry Sherratt
about 1835 |
Edna Lowndes
Hannah Sherratt
about 1846 |
Harriet Sherratt
about 1852 |
Henry Sherratt
1830 |
31 Dec 1833 |
Hugh Sherratt
Ann Unknown
John Henry Sherratt
about 1874 |
Jane Moors
Levina Sherratt
about 1829 |
Mabel Sherratt
about 1871 |
Malinda Sherratt
27 Sep 1860 |
1934 |
William Barnett
Malinda Sherratt
about 1837 |
Mary Ann Sherratt
about 1850 |
Wilfred Sherratt
about 1897 |
Sherrell |
Edwin Sherrell
about 1857 |
Jane Kingwell
Elizabeth Florence Sherrell
about 1884 |
Elsie Grace Sherrell
about 1895 |
1896 |
Eveline Jane Sherrell
about 1890 |
1992 |
Eveline Mabel Sherrell
about 1899 |
Harold Josias Sherrell
about 1893 |
Harriet Ethel Sherrell
about 1891 |
Henrietta Kate Sherrell
about 1896 |
Hilda May Sherrell
about 1900 |
John Josias Sherrell
about 1885 |
about 1886 |
John Thomas Sherrell
about 1889 |
Maud Mary Sherrell
about 1886 |
Tryphena Sherrell
John Earle
William Edwin Sherrell
about 1888 |
Sherriff |
Agnes Sherriff
about 1813 |
William Paige
Charlotte Sherriff
about 1816 |
Elizabeth Ann Sherriff
about 1824 |
John Sherriff
about 1821 |
12 Jul 1824 |
Richard Sherriff
Agnes Rogers
Richard Sherriff
about 1818 |
Shilton |
Mary Shilton
Joseph Gardener
Shipley |
Baker Shipley
about 1836 |
Maria Unknown
Fanny Shipley
about 1863 |
James Shipley
about 1870 |
James William Shipley
about 1887 |
Maggie Shipley
about 1889 |
Mark Shipley
about 1866 |
1890 |
Amy Coulson
Mary Ann Shipley
about 1876 |
Short |
Francis Walter John Short
about 1876 |
Hannah Horton
Howard Henry Short
about 1903 |
Marjorie Sybil Short
about 1906 |
Mary Bate Perkins Short
2 Aug 1877 |
John Edwin Horton
Philip Henry Short
about 1879 |
Mary Jane Rendle
Richard Frederick Short
about 1851 |
Clara Selina Bawden
William Henry Short
about 1870 |
Clara Lapthorn Horton
Shortridge |
Katherine Shortridge
John Venton
Shufflebottom |
[Private] Shufflebottom
[Private] Bond
Shuttleworth |
Elizabeth Shuttleworth
about 1835 |
William Crompton
John Shuttleworth
about 1811 |
Ellen Harden
Paul Thomas Shuttleworth
11 Dec 1946 |
2005 |
[Private] Green
Thomas Shuttleworth
[Private] Gray
[Private] Shuttleworth
Silby |
Isabella Silby
about 1898 |
Charles Ford Kingwell
Joseph Henry Silby
about 1880 |
Laura Honor
Silcock |
Dorothy Silcock
about 1902 |
Francis Charles Silcock
Edith Matilda Unknown
George Chadwick Silcock
about 1875 |
Edith Florence Withell
Margaret Silcock
about 1904 |
Silke |
John Silke
Avis Hiern
Silver |
Chirsty Silver
Duncan Munro
Simington |
Doreen E Simington
Edward Leonard Sturt
Simmons |
Annie Simmons
about 1869 |
Ernest Albert Stickland
Florence Louisa Simmons
29 Sep 1893 |
Henry James Johnson
Simons |
Hannah Simons
John Stentiford
Simpson |
Alice Simpson
Richard Warriner
Ann Simpson
about 1840 |
Frederick Lowndes
Charlotte Simpson
1816 |
Jonathan Coulson
Florence May Simpson
about 1901 |
Walter Samuel Paige Kingwell
Frederick Rubell Simpson
James Simpson
Ann Unknown
John Simpson
Sarah Casswell
Mary Simpson
9 Dec 1780 |
Richard Michelson
Richard Simpson
about 1821 |
William Simpson
[Private] Simpson
[Private] Attwill
Sinclair |
Eliza Sinclair
about 1822 |
Robert Manson
James Sinclair
Jane Sinclair
Alexander Trotter
Sincock |
Louisa Jane Sincock
5 Jan 1882 |
William Webber Kingwell
William Henry Sincock
Rosina Unknown
Sissons |
Amanda Sissons
about 1843 |
Ann Sissons
about 1769 |
Ann Sissons
about 1733 |
Ann Sissons
about 1832 |
Anna Maria Sissons
about 1836 |
Austin or Orson Sissons
about 1782 |
Ann Binsley
Elizabeth Sissons
16 Jan 1785 |
Elizabeth Sissons
about 1821 |
Hannah Sissons
about 1777 |
Hannah Sissons
about 1819 |
Helen Sissons
about 1830 |
James Sissons
19 Jul 1787 |
Susannah Skelton
James Sissons
about 1826 |
Jane Sissons
about 1825 |
John Sissons
13 Dec 1779 |
John Sissons
about 1728 |
Joseph Sissons
about 1828 |
Mary Sissons
about 1774 |
1 Sep 1843 |
Michael Coulson
Mary Sissons
about 1731 |
Mary Sissons
about 1823 |
Susannah Sissons
about 1819 |
Thomas Sissons
28 Jun 1811 |
Valentine Sissons
14 Feb 1738 |
23 Dec 1809 |
Mary Green
Valentine Sissons
about 1782 |
Mary Unknown
William Sissons
about 1771 |
Mary Tasker
William Sissons
about 1736 |
10 Jul 1743 |
William Sissons
about 1742 |
William Sissons
8 Nov 1809 |
William Sissons
Ann Crow
Sixsmith |
Lydia Sixsmith
about 1796 |
William Wilberforce
Skaif |
Henderson Skaif
27 Feb 1836 |
John Skaif
about 1800 |
Elizabeth Paige
John Skaif
25 Jun 1834 |
Skelly |
Jane Tamasine Skelly
about 1835 |
William Rowse
Skelton |
Robert Skelton
Susannah Ewbank
Susannah Skelton
18 May 1792 |
James Sissons
Slater |
Esther Slater
about 1843 |
Thomas Abraham Hudson
Lucy Trent Slater
1815 |
1884 |
Robert Charles Sharland
William Slater
Sleman |
Celia Sleman
about 1848 |
Edith Sleman
about 1853 |
John Sleman
about 1846 |
Lucy Laura Sleman
about 1859 |
Maria Sleman
about 1843 |
Richard Reginald Sleman
about 1858 |
Richard Sleman
about 1811 |
Patience Perry
Sylvia Sleman
about 1851 |
William Sleman
Small |
Albert John Small
about 1875 |
1876 |
Andrew James Small
20 Apr 1888 |
Beatrice Ellen Small
17 Nov 1884 |
Jessie Albertha Small
about 1880 |
1 Nov 1884 |
Jessie Albertha Small
25 Jul 1886 |
Robert William Small
about 1872 |
Rupert Olanda Small
25 May 1890 |
Tryphena Mary Small
about 1873 |
William Small
about 1845 |
Ellen Horton
Smardon |
Elias Smardon
Peggy Horton
Smaridge |
Frances Smaridge
about 1819 |
1871 |
Philip Ford Horton
William Smaridge
Smerdon |
Clara Smerdon
about 1852 |
Eliza Smerdon
about 1865 |
Elizabeth Smerdon
about 1854 |
Fanny Louisa Smerdon
about 1868 |
William James Kingwell
John Smerdon
about 1826 |
Mary Jane Goodman
John Smerdon
about 1856 |
Mary Jane Goodman Smerdon
about 1850 |
Mary Jane Smerdon
about 1871 |
Thomas Henry Smerdon
about 1858 |
William Richard Smerdon
about 1860 |
Smetherham |
Martha Smetherham
about 1828 |
Philip Bennett
Smith |
Absalom Smith
about 1848 |
Albert Edward Smith
Susan Jessie Paige
Albert Gilbert Smith
19 Mar 1910 |
2 Feb 1966 |
Dinah Newey
Alice Crawford Smith
about 1872 |
Amy Smith
about 1871 |
1938 |
James Medling
Betty Smith
Thomas Pye
Caroline Smith
about 1823 |
1885 |
Nathaniel Pye
Charles Smith
about 1907 |
Charles Smith
about 1872 |
Hattie E Wheeler
Charles Smith
Mary Hannah Unknown
Daniel George Smith
11 May 1880 |
1 Jan 1950 |
Isabella Gunn
Edith Mary Smith
about 1881 |
Thomas Charles Frederick Paige
Edward Smith
about 1856 |
Louisa Barnett
Edward Smith
about 1882 |
Edwin H Smith
Rhoda Kingwell
Ellen Smith
about 1874 |
Ernest Edwin Smith
Amy Gertrude Withell
Esther Smith
Henry Shackleton
Evelyn Louisa Smith
about 1885 |
Ezra Smith
about 1877 |
Florence Smith
Arthur E Fielding
Frank Smith
about 1888 |
George Smith
about 1836 |
Matilda Long
George Smith
Gertrude Martha Smith
4 Jun 1878 |
21 Nov 1955 |
Andrew Rugg Gunn
Gordon Smith
about 1910 |
Grace A Smith
about 1879 |
Grace Smith
Sharp Waterhouse
Hannah Smith
about 1872 |
Henry N Smith
about 1837 |
Julia A Delano
Henry Smith
Jane Ann Kingwell
Henry Smith
about 1903 |
James C Smith
about 1878 |
James Campbell Smith
about 1839 |
25 Dec 1879 |
Maggie Edmond Macdonald
James Smith
Lydia Hanson
James William Smith
about 1866 |
Jane Smith
1819 |
Thomas Darling,
Adam Dove,
Isaac Ruston Tindall
John Smith
John Smith
about 1790 |
Susanna Ball
John Smith
about 1874 |
John Smith
about 1808 |
Grace Campbell
John Smith
about 1841 |
John Smith
about 1838 |
Emma Unknown
John Smith
about 1876 |
Jonathan Smith
about 1835 |
Mary J Unknown
Leyland B Smith
Fanny Philipa Kingwell
Lillian Smith
about 1892 |
Lucy Evelyn Smith
23 Mar 1896 |
Robert Gray
Margaret E M Smith
about 1876 |
Marion Lucille Smith
about 1908 |
Marjorie Smith
Sinclair Rosie
Mark Smith
about 1854 |
Sarah Ann Williams
Martha Ann Smith
about 1880 |
Mary Ann Smith
1821 |
28 Jan 1884 |
Thomas Kingwell
Mary Porter Smith
about 1835 |
William James Spurway Scobell
Mary Smith
about 1896 |
1930 |
Thomas Heaton
Mary Smith
about 1829 |
Mary Smith
about 1880 |
Isaac Bond
Mary Smith
about 1825 |
William Cussans
Mercedes Belle Smith
about 1905 |
1979 |
William Henry Mann
Minnie Smith
about 1879 |
Noah Smith
about 1846 |
Patience Smith
about 1824 |
Samuel Smith
about 1879 |
Samuel Smith
Sarah Ann Smith
29 Mar 1864 |
John Allen
Sarah Smith
about 1830 |
14 Jan 1894 |
Thomas Horton
Thomas Smith
about 1798 |
William D Smith
about 1872 |
Alice Emms
William Richard Smith
about 1834 |
Ellen Maria Dorothea Sharland
William Richard Smith
William Smith
about 1809 |
Deborah Thompson
William Smith
about 1878 |
William Smith
about 1882 |
William Smith
about 1782 |
Ann Unknown
[Private] Smith
[Private] Cardow
[Private] Smith
[Private] Smith
Snape |
Ann Snape
John Wood
Snarr |
Rebecca Snarr
about 1794 |
1855 |
George Coulson
Snashall |
Frances Snashall
about 1830 |
Henry Welfare
George Snashall
about 1846 |
Jane Snashall
about 1827 |
Maria Snashall
about 1829 |
William Snashall
about 1801 |
Didimiah Pearson
Snawdon |
Arthur Henry Snawdon
about 1874 |
Cecilia Annie Dora Snawdon
about 1880 |
Ellen Katharine Snawdon
about 1876 |
Frank William Snawdon
about 1877 |
William Snawdon
about 1851 |
1902 |
Margery Ermina Paige
Snell |
Sarah Snell
John Flood
Snook |
Clara Mary Ann Leonard Snook
about 1851 |
Henry Miller Blacker
Edmund Snook
about 1816 |
Mary Ann Leonard
Ellen Leonard Snook
about 1842 |
Emily Ann Leonard Snook
about 1844 |
Florence Emmeline Leonard Snook
about 1855 |
George Henry Leonard Snook
about 1853 |
1858 |
Kate Isabel Leonard Snook
about 1856 |
1858 |
Rosina Leonard Snook
about 1847 |
Frederick George Bullock Sharland
Walter Leonard Snook
about 1850 |
Snow |
Mary Snow
about 1828 |
11 Mar 1911 |
John Kingwell
William Henry Snow
about 1874 |
Mildred A Hartshorn or Howland
Snyder |
Grace May Snyder
6 Jan 1876 |
William Hunter Kingwell
Sollitt |
Ann Sollitt
about 1835 |
Charles Sollitt
about 1860 |
Charles Sollitt
about 1856 |
before 1860 |
David Sollitt
about 1844 |
Dodson Sollitt
about 1825 |
1894 |
Alice Scales
Frances Sollitt
about 1857 |
John Coulson
George Sollitt
about 1847 |
George Sollitt
about 1795 |
Ann Dodson
Jane Sollitt
about 1832 |
Jane Sollitt
about 1849 |
John Sollitt
about 1850 |
John Sollitt
about 1822 |
Maria Sollitt
about 1829 |
Mark Sollitt
about 1852 |
Mary Sollitt
about 1827 |
Richard Sollitt
about 1863 |
Soper |
Henry Soper
about 1840 |
Emma Susan Watts
Mary Soper
John Perry
Susan Soper
17 Nov 1877 |
Thomas Kingwell
Southcott |
Dorothy Southcott
1899 |
Emily Southcott
1873 |
1873 |
Fanny Southcott
about 1836 |
Frances Emily Lyne Southcott
1883 |
Lionel George Lyne
George Southcott
about 1834 |
Honour Southcott
about 1840 |
Rebecca Southcott
about 1826 |
Richard Southcott
about 1842 |
Robert Southcott
about 1832 |
Samuel Southcott
about 1801 |
Honour Hoar
Samuel Southcott
about 1831 |
Samuel Southcott
about 1872 |
1872 |
Samuel Stafford Southcott
1878 |
1918 |
Annie Carter Thomas
William John Southcott
1870 |
1871 |
William Southcott
about 1845 |
before 1901 |
Emily Paige Kingwell
Winifred Rebecca Southcott
1884 |
Southee |
Elizabeth Southee
about 1888 |
Frederick Thomas Mann
Henry Southee
about 1851 |
Emma Spiers
Southey |
Augustine Southey
about 1846 |
Emma Paige Kingwell
George Southey
about 1806 |
Rachael Greenfield Gregory
Rachel Fanny Southey
1884 |
Sowden |
John Sowden
1855 |
Elizabeth Ann Kingwell
John Sowden
1878 |
John Sowden
William Henry Sowden
1880 |
Spargo |
Elizabeth Spargo
about 1838 |
1891 |
John Middling
Nicholas Spargo
about 1810 |
Mary Unknown
Speak |
John Speak
about 1849 |
Sarah Shackleton,
Lettice Buckley
Martha Elizabeth Speak
about 1877 |
Thomas Speak
Spearing |
Ralph M Spearing
Ruth Evelyn Fielding
Spearman |
Ann Spearman
about 1808 |
George Spearman
about 1813 |
Henry Spearman
about 1811 |
John Spearman
Mary Vanstone
John Spearman
about 1801 |
Mary Ann Spearman
about 1817 |
Rebekah Spearman
about 1804 |
19 Jan 1871 |
James Noah Sharland
Samuel Vanstone Spearman
about 1815 |
Speight |
John Speight
Sarah Casswell
Spencer |
Ada Therese Spencer
Edward John Sharland
Spiers |
Emma Spiers
about 1856 |
Henry Southee
Spindler |
Bertha Kate Spindler
about 1872 |
Clara Spindler
about 1869 |
27 May 1929 |
Charles Herbert Dalwood,
Albert Kingwell
Eliza Louisa Spindler
about 1860 |
1864 |
Frederick Thomas Spindler
about 1874 |
George Spindler
about 1866 |
about 1866 |
Javes Robert Spindler
about 1876 |
Javes Spindler
about 1822 |
Lucy Hickin
Javes Spindler
about 1857 |
1864 |
Laura Spindler
about 1864 |
Louisa Spindler
about 1859 |
Midian Spindler
about 1868 |
William Henry Spindler
about 1865 |
about 1865 |
Spong |
Charlotte E Spong
about 1857 |
Francis J MacFarlane Spong
about 1864 |
Frederick Spong
Elizabeth MacFarlane
George Macfarlane Spong
about 1818 |
Elizabeth Sharland
John Charles Spong
about 1821 |
10 Feb 1822 |
Mary Ann Spong
about 1820 |
Sprague |
Emelin or Emily Sprague
about 1832 |
1876 |
James Burrows Bishop,
Edward Northmore Horton
James Sprague
about 1801 |
Mary Unknown
Sprigens |
Sarah Ann Sprigens
about 1847 |
Lawrence Dawson
Spriggs |
Lily E Spriggs
Gerald French Dansie
Spry |
John G T Spry
19 Nov 1915 |
1950 |
John T Spry
Mary Emily Kingwell
Spurway |
John Spurway
Elizabeth Knott
Mary Spurway
7 Jun 1772 |
1835 |
Joseph Scobell
Mary Spurway
31 Aug 1769 |
2 Jun 1772 |
Stagg |
[Private] Stagg
[Private] Young
Staite |
Hannah Staite
about 1813 |
John Robert Crowhurst
Stalker |
Jane Stalker
about 1846 |
John Stalker
about 1843 |
Mary Ann Stalker
about 1849 |
Richard Stalker
about 1812 |
Elizabeth Pearson
Stanbury |
Elizabeth Stanbury
Edward Price
Stanley |
Arthur Mason Stanley
15 Apr 1896 |
2 Jan 1955 |
Lorraine Kelly
Bertha E Stanley
10 Sep 1893 |
2 Oct 1970 |
Harry Woolf
Dorothea Stanley
about 1891 |
Henry Milton Rouse
Eva Louise Stanley
19 Jun 1885 |
Moses Lawrence Norris
George Emms Stanley
31 Oct 1898 |
8 Mar 1975 |
Lilian Post
George Mason Stanley
4 Apr 1862 |
9 Jan 1928 |
Alice Florence Emms
Gertrude Adelade Stanley
about 1889 |
James Fenton Norris
Herbert Leslie Stanley
13 May 1904 |
2 Sep 1979 |
Olga Elizabeth Babish,
Mildred Kauffmann
Nora Stanley
Leslie Norman Young
[Private] Stanley
[Private] Stanley
Stanlick |
Anna Stanlick
about 1867 |
Jane Stanlick
about 1865 |
Joseph Stanlick
about 1832 |
1880 |
Sophia Avery
Mary Stanlick
about 1864 |
George Richard Kingwell
Rebecca Stanlick
about 1869 |
1881 |
Thomas Magor Stanlick
about 1872 |
Stantiford |
Jane Stantiford
about 1786 |
Robert Tucker
Stares |
Meshach Daniel Stares
about 1819 |
9 Jun 1907 |
Mary Kirkland Moore
[Private] Stares
[Private] Stares
Starks |
Alice Jane Starks
about 1880 |
Charles Henry Starks
about 1868 |
Ellen Nora Barnesley
Charles Starks
about 1858 |
Charles Starks
about 1896 |
Edith Emily Starks
about 1883 |
John William Gunnell
Elizabeth Starks
about 1850 |
Ellen Amelia Starks
about 1876 |
Emily Starks
19 Feb 1862 |
1941 |
Francis Edwin Basil Sharland
Frederick James Starks
about 1888 |
George Starks
about 1846 |
George Thomas Starks
about 1879 |
Harriot Starks
about 1837 |
Henry Starks
about 1844 |
about 1894 |
Amelia Lane
James Starks
11 Jun 1839 |
Martha Cole
Maria Elizabeth Starks
about 1872 |
Mary Starks
about 1848 |
Sarah Starks
about 1841 |
Thomas Starks
about 1815 |
1895 |
Jane Hayward
William John Starks
about 1867 |
William Starks
about 1854 |
Stather |
Ann Stather
29 Nov 1801 |
Benjamin Burn
Margaret Stather
David Burn
Staveley |
Ann Staveley
John Nicholson
Stead |
Esther Stead
about 1790 |
1850 |
John Newlove
Steel |
Fanny Steel
about 1842 |
1888 |
Lawrence Dawson
Steer |
Ann Steer
about 1780 |
Anne Steer
about 1779 |
William Jarvis
Betsy Steer
about 1786 |
Edmund Steer
about 1776 |
Edward Steer
about 1791 |
George Samuel Richard Steer
about 1905 |
George Steer
about 1777 |
Henry Steer
about 1785 |
Henry Steer
Anne Torring
Henry Steer
about 1783 |
John Steer
about 1790 |
1797 |
John Steer
about 1785 |
Mary Steer
about 1777 |
Mary Steer
about 1781 |
John Paige
Philip Steer
about 1779 |
Philip Steer
Mary Paige
Philip Steer
about 1793 |
Sarah Steer
12 Apr 1798 |
Sarah Steer
about 1787 |
Susanna Paige Steer
about 1782 |
Sydney George Steer
about 1879 |
Elizabeth Ann Kingwell
William Steer
about 1783 |
William Steer
about 1789 |
Steevens |
Elizabeth Ann Steevens
about 1859 |
Jane Mary Steevens
about 1856 |
John Steevens
about 1814 |
Jane Horton
John Steevens
Sarah Jane Steevens
about 1857 |
Stening |
Alfred Louis Stening
about 1892 |
Emily Cardew
Emily E Stening
about 1894 |
Louis James Stening
about 1866 |
Alice Collins
Louis Stening
Emily Bailey
Phyllis Evelyn Stening
12 Jul 1922 |
16 Mar 1995 |
Hugh Harry Carr-Brion
Stentiford |
Ann Stentiford
about 1817 |
Ann Stentiford
about 1811 |
Anne Stentiford
about 1784 |
Caroline Stentiford
about 1832 |
1834 |
Charles Dearing Stentiford
about 1791 |
1855 |
Anne Scoble
Charles Stentiford
about 1819 |
Edwin Stentiford
about 1823 |
Elizabeth Stentiford
about 1789 |
Ellen Sarah Stentiford
about 1834 |
Emma Stentiford
about 1817 |
William Jeffrey
James Stentiford
about 1788 |
Jane Stentiford
about 1828 |
1835 |
John Scobel Stentiford
about 1825 |
John Stentiford
Hannah Simons
John Stentiford
about 1777 |
Peggy Stentiford
about 1786 |
Thomas Stentiford
about 1778 |
Elizabeth Reape
Thomas Stentiford
about 1809 |
1859 |
William Stentiford
about 1781 |
Stephens |
John Harris Stephens
about 1813 |
Mary Anne Ball
John Stephens
Elizabeth Unknown
Philipa Ball Stephens
Thomas Canniford
Robert Stephens
about 1853 |
Elizabeth Horton
[Private] Stephens
[Private] Fairhurst
Stephenson |
Ann Stephenson
about 1810 |
William Burn
Steven |
Margaret Steven
William Manson
Stevens |
Mary Jane Stevens
about 1840 |
Trobridge Horton
Stewart |
Elizabeth Stewart
about 1900 |
Maggie Stewart
about 1898 |
Mary Murray Stewart
about 1894 |
William Stewart
about 1864 |
Elizabeth Russell Orr
Stickland |
Agnes Annie Stickland
about 1864 |
Albert Stickland
10 Dec 1821 |
1826 |
Ann Stickland
6 May 1787 |
1875 |
William Wesley
Charlotte Augusta Stickland
about 1832 |
1834 |
Charlotte Stickland
about 1829 |
1829 |
Dorothy Stickland
about 1895 |
Drusilla Stickland
about 1829 |
about 1904 |
Charles Cox
Edith May Stickland
about 1870 |
Elizabeth Carter Stickland
about 1827 |
Thomas Cain
Elizabeth May Stickland
about 1893 |
Elizabeth Stickland
about 1789 |
John Carter
Elizabeth Stickland
about 1855 |
about 1856 |
Elizabeth Stickland
about 1856 |
Ernest Albert Stickland
27 Jun 1861 |
Annie Simmons
Ethel Stickland
about 1897 |
George Stickland
28 Dec 1851 |
Emmeline Rosalinda C P Davis
Henry Stickland
about 1852 |
Alexandra Eliza Cadman
Isabella Stickland
about 1793 |
Abraham Freeman
Isabella Stickland
about 1827 |
1827 |
Ivy Dorothy Stickland
about 1890 |
John Henry Stickland
about 1887 |
John Stickland
about 1779 |
Sarah Pash Hill
John Stickland
about 1816 |
Louisa Ball
John Stickland
about 1851 |
Laura Emily Stickland
about 1872 |
Lucy Stickland
about 1848 |
Lydia Stickland
3 May 1822 |
Samuel Howard Williams
Mabel Stickland
about 1880 |
Mary Elizabeth Stickland
13 Sep 1854 |
21 Sep 1936 |
William Francis Kingwell
Mary Stickland
about 1783 |
about 1783 |
Mary Stickland
9 Jun 1820 |
1874 |
George Curnock
May Alexandra Stickland
about 1889 |
Olive Maud Stickland
about 1868 |
Reginald Hulbert
Reginald Stickland
about 1889 |
Reginald Stickland
about 1907 |
Reginald Williams Stickland
about 1865 |
Elizabeth Finch
Samuel Marden Stickland
2 Feb 1824 |
2 Dec 1891 |
Mary Langsbeer Langdon,
Elizabeth Maeers
Samuel Stickland
about 1785 |
12 Oct 1826 |
Ann Betty Townsend,
Sarah Marden
Samuel Stickland
about 1748 |
1 Jan 1818 |
Grace Leigh
Sarah Marden Stickland
about 1819 |
3 Oct 1898 |
William Henry Stickland
about 1835 |
Emily Williams,
Louise Jane Fanny Taylor
William Stickland
1795 |
9 Feb 1880 |
Charlotte Barratt
Stile |
Emily Stile
about 1851 |
Arthur Trobridge Horton
John Stile
about 1827 |
Charlotte Bright
Stilliard |
Allan M Stilliard
[Private] Yeandle
[Private] Stilliard
[Private] Stilliard
Stiver |
Carrie Belle Stiver
15 Jan 1889 |
Herbert L Robinson
Stocks |
Dorothy Mary Stocks
about 1902 |
Richard Holtby Stocks
about 1865 |
Mary Jane Coulson
Richard John Wilson Stocks
about 1905 |
Sheila Stocks
about 1909 |
Thomas Holtby Stocks
about 1907 |
Stokes |
Edward Stokes
Mary Jane Stokes
about 1841 |
William Horn
Thomas Hippisley Stokes
about 1810 |
Helen Mann,
Sarah Jennings
Stone |
James Stone
about 1864 |
James Stone
about 1806 |
Abigail Unknown
John Stone
about 1781 |
John Stone
1829 |
Mary Ann Eliza Upton
John Stone
about 1857 |
Thomas Stone
1860 |
Stoneman |
Harriet Ann Stoneman
about 1847 |
James Stoneman
about 1840 |
Margaret Stoneman
about 1875 |
William Horton
Maria Stoneman
about 1855 |
Richard Kingwell
Mary Jane Stoneman
about 1852 |
Susan Stoneman
1850 |
William George Stoneman
about 1842 |
William Stoneman
about 1816 |
Mary Ann Rice
William Stoneman
about 1872 |
Storey |
Mary Storey
Richard Nettleton
Stott |
Ann Stott
about 1830 |
Caroline Stott
5 Aug 1853 |
1946 |
Green Holden
Caroline Stott
about 1826 |
Charles Stott
30 Apr 1831 |
Cornelius Stott
8 Feb 1841 |
Cornelius Stott
about 1839 |
1840 |
Eliza Stott
about 1837 |
John Stott
about 1828 |
Sarah Mellor
Mary Ellen Stott
about 1851 |
Richard Blackburn
Thomas Stott
about 1800 |
before 1851 |
Martha Jillet
William Stott
about 1844 |
Stowell |
Fred Stowell
about 1893 |
Bertha Lambert
[Private] Stowell
[Private] Stowell
Stracey |
Clara Stracey
1850 |
Daniel Stracey
Sarah Drake
Edward Stracey
1836 |
Henry Stracey
1838 |
Jane Stracey
1840 |
1924 |
Emile Louis Le Sage
John Stracey
1834 |
Mary Ann Stracey
1847 |
Richard Stracey
1839 |
Streeter |
Charlotte MacKey Streeter
about 1864 |
David Thomas Horton
George Hilary Paige Streeter
about 1860 |
George Hilary Streeter
about 1836 |
Fanny Paige
William Streeter
Strickland |
John Strickland
about 1855 |
Hannah Maria Brian
Walter Strickland
about 1877 |
Strong |
George Strong
about 1806 |
Mary Ann Sandsbury
John Sansbury Strong
14 Apr 1832 |
Mary Paige,
Rosetta Mortimer
Stroud |
Ellen Stroud
about 1852 |
George Ford Horton
Louisa Ann Stroud
Richard Paige
Studley |
Alice Studley
1858 |
Elizabeth Ann Studley
1863 |
John Studley
1832 |
Alice Beal Coulson
Mary Ellen Studley
1867 |
Sture |
Charles Sture
Eliza Horton
Sturgeon |
Sarah Sturgeon
about 1854 |
John Bissland
Sturt |
Edward Leonard Sturt
27 Nov 1911 |
1985 |
Doreen E Simington,
[Private] Peters
[Private] Sturt
[Private] Sturt
[Private] Sturt
[Private] Sturt
[Private] Elphick
[Private] Sturt
Suchamore |
[Private] Suchamore
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Suchamore
[Private] Suchamore
Sugden |
Aaron Sugden
about 1741 |
1812 |
Alice Sugden
about 1753 |
1843 |
William Shackleton
Edmund Sugden
about 1756 |
1758 |
George Sugden
about 1750 |
John Sugden
about 1734 |
Joseph Sugden
about 1744 |
Mary Sugden
about 1748 |
Robert Sugden
about 1738 |
Anna Shackleton
William Sugden
about 1707 |
8 Apr 1792 |
Ann Craven
William Sugden
about 1744 |
1767 |
Sullivan |
Mary Sullivan
Silas Dennis
Summers |
Henry Summers
Sarah Summers
about 1828 |
Thomas Casswell
Sumner |
Ann Jane Sumner
about 1840 |
Tom Casswell
Elisha H Sumner
Sumpter |
Francis Sumpter
Joan Mann
Francis Sumpter
about 1757 |
Grace Sumpter
about 1753 |
Joan Sumpter
about 1755 |
Joanna Sumpter
about 1748 |
Mary Sumpter
about 1748 |
Mary Sumpter
about 1762 |
Sutcliffe |
Ann Sutcliffe
about 1786 |
1846 |
James Halstead
Sutherland |
Alexander Sutherland
Elizabeth McLeod
Diana Sutherland
about 1875 |
Peter Rugg
Elizabeth Taylor Sutherland
about 1844 |
James Noah Sharland
James Sutherland
about 1764 |
1791 |
Elizabeth Mann
John Sutherland
Margaret Sutherland
about 1777 |
23 Dec 1856 |
Alexander Cumming
Mary Sutherland
about 1788 |
Mary Sutherland
Adam Dundas
Swan |
Annie Elizabeth Swan
3 Dec 1892 |
1962 |
Cedric Duley Kingwell,
Edward Gerald Lucas
Charles Herries Swan
30 May 1862 |
Annie Eliza Crosweller
Charles Swan
about 1830 |
Ann Ford
Charles William Swan
1885 |
Ada Annie Hill
Doris Lily Eugenia Swan
1913 |
Edgar Albert Swan
1889 |
Florence M Swan
1911 |
Gladys Kathleen Swan
1915 |
John Henry Swan
1887 |
Olive Mary Donnelly
John Swan
Eliza Powles
Maud Caroline Swan
1896 |
Olive A M Swan
1912 |
[Private] Swan
[Private] Swan
[Private] Swan
[Private] Swan
[Private] Swan
[Private] Swan
[Private] Swan
Symons |
Alice Symons
28 Oct 1744 |
Anne Symons
15 Jul 1763 |
Ellen Symons
about 1894 |
Emily Symons
about 1892 |
George Symons
about 1896 |
John Frederick Symons
about 1862 |
Kate Paige
John Symons
6 Sep 1715 |
Julian Symons
about 1750 |
1837 |
Richard Paige
Mary Symons
29 Mar 1743 |
Phillip Symons
22 Aug 1708 |
Phillis Symons
26 Apr 1754 |
Phillis Symons
11 Dec 1711 |
Richard Symons
14 Aug 1748 |
Robert Symons
29 Dec 1758 |
Robert Symons
21 Nov 1721 |
Robin Symons
8 Nov 1761 |
Sarah Symons
29 Feb 1760 |
Thomas Symons
17 Jun 1718 |
Mary Parnell
Thomas Symons
17 Aug 1746 |
Thomas Symons
Julian Michelmore
Tackitt |
George S Tackitt
Anna M Nowlin
Ida Etha Tackitt
13 Oct 1913 |
9 Oct 2003 |
Thornton Harris Robinson
Taggart |
James E Taggart
about 1905 |
Mildred Jenette Kingwell
William E Taggart
Edith R Boals,
Maude Bazine
Tait |
Ina Tait
about 1851 |
Tanner |
John Tanner
Mary Elizabeth Tanner
about 1871 |
Thomas Tanner
about 1845 |
Elizabeth Kingwell
Tapley |
Susanna Matilda Tapley
about 1840 |
James Horton
Thomas Tapley
Susanna Unknown
William Tapley
about 1844 |
Mary Ann Axworthy Horton
Tapper |
Ambrose Andrew Tapper
about 1837 |
8 Jan 1903 |
Elizabeth Knowsley,
Elizabeth Aldcroft,
Elizabeth Court
Ambrose Henry Tapper
about 1878 |
Andrew Tapper
Emma Tapper
about 1834 |
Ethel May Tapper
about 1883 |
John Edward Tapper
1876 |
Rupert Charles Tapper
1880 |
William Court Parsons Tapper
1874 |
William P Tapper
about 1836 |
William Tapper
1806 |
1890 |
Emma Parsons,
Helen Matilda Kingwell
Tapsell |
Anna D Tapsell
13 Sep 1877 |
James Samuel Kingwell
William Tapsell
19 Dec 1839 |
Matilda Hawes
Tapson |
Agnes Tapson
about 1785 |
Dionisia Tapson
about 1757 |
1849 |
William Ball
Ebsworthy Tapson
about 1752 |
George Tapson
about 1781 |
George Tapson
about 1790 |
John Tapson
about 1793 |
John Tapson
Ann Ball
John Tapson
about 1758 |
Mary Tapson
about 1788 |
Mary Tapson
about 1750 |
George Ball
Nicholas Tapson
about 1755 |
1823 |
Patience Ball
Patience Tapson
about 1802 |
Thomas Tapson
about 1783 |
William Tapson
about 1795 |
William Tapson
about 1761 |
Tasker |
Mary Tasker
7 Jan 1780 |
William Sissons
Richard Tasker
Hannah Green
Tate |
Alice Tate
about 1870 |
Ann Tate
about 1821 |
Eliza Tate
about 1859 |
Emma Tate
about 1854 |
George Tate
about 1796 |
1869 |
Mary Bielby,
Mary Pearson
George Tate
about 1826 |
1885 |
Eliza Sadler
Hannah Tate
about 1862 |
Hannah Tate
about 1823 |
25 Dec 1885 |
Henry Hopkins
Henry Tate
about 1851 |
John Tate
about 1828 |
John Tate
about 1815 |
Emma Unknown
Joseph Tate
about 1837 |
Mary Tate
about 1857 |
Robert Tate
about 1841 |
Sarah Ann Tate
about 1864 |
1866 |
Sarah Tate
about 1867 |
Thomas Tate
1850 |
William Tate
Hannah Unknown
William Tate
about 1844 |
Mary Bond
Tatlock |
Mary Ellen Tatlock
about 1873 |
Richard Bennet Young
Thomas Tatlock
about 1856 |
Sarah Unknown
Tattersall |
Harry Tattersall
1 Jun 1932 |
1991 |
[Private] Fairhurst
Tavener |
Dorothy Tavener
about 1896 |
Netta Winifred Tavener
about 1897 |
William Henry John Thomas W Tavener
about 1872 |
Emily Paige
Taylor |
Ada Taylor
1875 |
Amos Rigby
Agness Taylor
about 1839 |
Alice Taylor
about 1908 |
Alice Taylor
24 Dec 1800 |
Amanda Taylor
about 1865 |
Amy Beatrice Taylor
about 1870 |
James William Coulson
Charlotte Taylor
about 1874 |
Charlotte Taylor
about 1835 |
1890 |
Richard Donnison
Edith Taylor
7 May 1902 |
James S Heaton
Edwin Ernest Taylor
about 1867 |
1867 |
Elizabeth Taylor
about 1840 |
Samuel Lucas
Elizabeth Taylor
John Casswell
Ellen Taylor
about 1831 |
Ellizabeth Ellen Taylor
about 1864 |
Edwin Jones,
Henry Herrett
Elsie G Taylor
23 Dec 1889 |
Samuel Owen Kingwell
Esther Taylor
30 Sep 1802 |
Florence Ada Taylor
about 1863 |
Coulson Shaw
Frederick John Taylor
about 1841 |
Frederick Taylor
9 Jun 1813 |
Louisa Sharland
George James Taylor
about 1818 |
Louisa Jane Carpenter
George Taylor
about 1836 |
George Taylor
Martha Unknown
Harry Taylor
31 Jul 1839 |
1871 |
Alice Hurst
Harry Taylor
about 1870 |
1870 |
Henry Taylor
about 1841 |
Horace Jasper Adrian Taylor
17 Apr 1845 |
James Taylor
about 1834 |
James Taylor
James Taylor
about 1807 |
Betty Unknown
James Taylor
Esther Harrison
James Taylor
30 Apr 1810 |
James Taylor
about 1837 |
Jane Taylor
about 1806 |
Michael Coulson
Janet Taylor
William Anderson
John Taylor
1915 |
John Taylor
Maria Unknown
John Taylor
John Taylor
8 Jan 1806 |
John Taylor
about 1835 |
Joseph Taylor
10 Dec 1807 |
Mary Hough
Joseph Taylor
about 1841 |
before 1881 |
Mary Ann Ainsworth
Joseph Taylor
Leah Rosetta Beck
Lizzie Taylor
28 Nov 1871 |
1934 |
Joseph Crompton
Louise Jane Fanny Taylor
about 1844 |
William Henry Stickland
Margaret Eliza Taylor
17 Aug 1882 |
Cuthbert Casswell
Mary Ann Taylor
about 1825 |
John Rickard
Mary Taylor
about 1693 |
John Casswell
Peter Taylor
about 1845 |
Peter Taylor
12 May 1804 |
Sarah Ellen Taylor
about 1862 |
1882 |
Sarah Taylor
about 1847 |
Joseph Crompton
Thomas Taylor
about 1838 |
1902 |
Ann Wood
Thomas Taylor
about 1833 |
Thomas Taylor
about 1824 |
Eunice Unknown
William Henry Taylor
about 1843 |
William Taylor
about 1843 |
William Taylor
about 1872 |
William Webb Taylor
4 Nov 1873 |
Martha Ann Ainsworth
Temple |
Ester Temple
1797 |
1873 |
George Sharland
Templeman |
Bertha Elizabeth Templeman
about 1892 |
Frederick George Templeman
about 1897 |
21 Oct 1918 |
Ralph Kingwell Templeman
about 1894 |
Samuel Templeman
1860 |
7 Feb 1898 |
Emma Amanda Kingwell
Samuel Templeman
about 1892 |
Samuel Templeman
Sara Frances Templeman
about 1891 |
William John Templeman
about 1889 |
Tennent |
Ann Tennent
about 1855 |
Elizabeth Tennent
1860 |
1861 |
Elizabeth Tennent
about 1865 |
James Tennent
1860 |
1861 |
Jane Tennent
about 1863 |
Janet Tennent
about 1867 |
Margaret Tennent
about 1859 |
Robert Tennent
about 1828 |
Ann Orr
William Tennent
about 1857 |
Terrell |
[Private] Terrell
[Private] Kingwell
Terrey |
Benjamin Terrey
Eve Kingwell
Tetley |
Sarah Tetley
about 1830 |
Timothy Ingham
Theobald |
Charles Theobald
Emma Unknown
Walter Thomas Theobald
8 Oct 1873 |
Beatrice Alice Horton
Thomas |
Annie Carter Thomas
1877 |
Samuel Stafford Southcott
Hannah Thomas
Robert Coulson
Mary Thomas
Julius Mann
Richard Reece Thomas
William Thomas
about 1863 |
Annie Thomson Armour
Thomlinson |
Ann Thomlinson
about 1837 |
Barkley Thomlinson
about 1840 |
David Thomlinson
about 1832 |
15 Oct 1832 |
Elizabeth Thomlinson
about 1784 |
William Burn
Joseph Bell Thomlinson
about 1849 |
Mary Thomlinson
about 1827 |
Sarah Thomlinson
about 1835 |
Susannah Thomlinson
about 1852 |
Thomas Thomlinson
about 1842 |
Hannah Coulson
William Thomlinson
about 1803 |
Sarah Unknown
William Thomlinson
about 1830 |
Thompson |
Ann Thompson
about 1740 |
Anne Thompson
about 1785 |
1826 |
Charles Thompson
about 1807 |
Deborah Thompson
about 1808 |
William Smith
Elizabeth L Thompson
Alfred Henry Hopkins
Elizabeth Thompson
about 1809 |
7 May 1875 |
John Casswell
Elizabeth Thompson
about 1778 |
Elizabeth Thompson
about 1741 |
1741 |
Elizabeth Thompson
about 1747 |
George Thompson
about 1779 |
Mary Michelson
George Thompson
12 Apr 1769 |
Elizabeth Presgrave
George Thompson
about 1743 |
John Thompson
about 1753 |
Joseph Thompson
about 1829 |
Margaret Thompson
Henry Burton
Mary Thompson
about 1812 |
William Henshaw
Mary Thompson
about 1780 |
1788 |
Mary Thompson
about 1745 |
Rebecca Thompson
about 1785 |
1820 |
Robert Thompson
about 1807 |
Mary Burn
Sarah Thompson
about 1808 |
Sarah Thompson
about 1782 |
William Thompson
about 1840 |
William Thompson
about 1750 |
1835 |
Elizabeth Wheatley
William Thompson
about 1776 |
1783 |
Thomson |
Andrew Thomson
Andrew Thomson
about 1836 |
Charlotte Elizabeth Wright,
Mary Ann Frances Wright
Ann Thomson
about 1803 |
James Orr
Caroline Gertrude Thomson
about 1863 |
William Guillaume
Elizabeth Thomson
John Cumming
Harry Thomson
24 May 1866 |
Jane Thomson
about 1844 |
James Rugg
[Private] Thomson
Edgar Stanley Bennett
Thornber |
Ada Thornber
14 May 1882 |
Agnes Thornber
10 May 1889 |
1975 |
Annie Thornber
24 Feb 1880 |
Benjamin Thomas Thornber
1875 |
Fred Thornber
14 Mar 1878 |
7 Sep 1936 |
James Thornber
28 Nov 1892 |
16 Apr 1932 |
John Thornber
1 Jun 1874 |
1952 |
Lucy Thornber
22 Apr 1886 |
Margaret Thornber
24 Apr 1884 |
18 Mar 1962 |
Percy Thornber
28 May 1891 |
1984 |
Elizabeth Barritt
Thomas Thornber
29 Dec 1846 |
26 May 1915 |
Agnes Emmett
Thomas Thornber
5 May 1888 |
11 May 1916 |
[Private] Thornber
Frederick George Mann
[Private] Thornber
Marie-France Baudon
[Private] Thornber
[Private] Howarth
[Private] Thornber
[Private] Thornber
[Private] Thornber
[Private] Thornber
Thornton |
Sarah Thornton
Robert Couch
Thorpe |
Francis Thorpe
about 1771 |
1796 |
Elizabeth Millington
William Thorpe
Ann Casswell
Throup |
Mary Throup
about 1816 |
15 Jul 1897 |
Sarah Throup
6 Nov 1845 |
2 Apr 1918 |
Thomas Shackleton
Tickner |
Elizabeth Tickner
about 1864 |
Philip Horton
Fanny Tickner
about 1862 |
William Francis Horton
John Tickner
about 1833 |
Emma Jane Arberry
Tiesdell |
Anne Tiesdell
Valentine Killick
Tillyard |
Emma J Tillyard
Philip Lang Middleweek
Tilson |
Ann Tilson
John Dixon
Tinckam |
Frances Tinckam
James Northmore
Tindal |
Ann Tindal
about 1769 |
Frances Tindal
about 1764 |
John Tindal
about 1727 |
1812 |
Elizabeth Casswell
John Tindal
about 1765 |
Joseph Tindal
about 1766 |
Mary Tindal
about 1762 |
Mary Tindal
about 1772 |
Richard Tindal
about 1768 |
Sarah Tindal
about 1771 |
William Tindal
about 1777 |
Tindall |
Christiana Tindall
about 1847 |
1879 |
Henry Bennett
Elizabeth Tindall
about 1763 |
George Casswell
George Kirkby Tindall
about 1845 |
1846 |
Henry Kirkby Tindall
about 1842 |
Isaac Ruston Tindall
about 1822 |
1887 |
Frances Kirkby,
Jane Smith
Richard Tindall
about 1824 |
Samuel Tindall
about 1843 |
1844 |
Susanna Tindall
about 1774 |
23 Jan 1855 |
Thomas Casswell
William Tindall
Elizabeth Ruston
Tinker |
Rachel Tinker
William Eyers
Tissier |
Ada Maude Le Tissier
about 1880 |
Richard Atwill Horton
John Le Tissier
Tittler |
Elizabeth Tittler
about 1822 |
George Walls
Todd |
Andrew McMillan Todd
about 1869 |
Rose Annie Clark
Lois Helen McMillan Todd
about 1900 |
1900 |
Percy McMillan Todd
about 1901 |
1901 |
Thomas McMillan Todd
about 1897 |
Toghill |
Stephen Toghill
Mary Britten
Toms |
Adeliza Jane Pederick Toms
about 1858 |
Benjamin Thomas Toms
about 1857 |
Fanny Paige
Caroline Toms
about 1817 |
Caroline Toms
about 1844 |
Charlotte Toms
about 1852 |
Edward Byron Toms
about 1854 |
Ethel Jane Toms
about 1899 |
Florence Mary Toms
about 1898 |
Francis Toms
about 1835 |
Francis Toms
about 1856 |
Frank Paige Toms
about 1893 |
Helen Toms
about 1894 |
Henry Toms
3 Feb 1819 |
James Toms
about 1787 |
Julia Kingwell
James Toms
about 1818 |
Charlotte Pederick
James Toms
about 1845 |
John Toms
about 1824 |
Josiah Toms
about 1849 |
Julia Toms
about 1831 |
Nicholas Henry Toms
about 1846 |
Richard Moysey Toms
about 1828 |
William Toms
12 Sep 1821 |
William Toms
about 1847 |
Tong |
Alice Tong
27 Dec 1832 |
Thomas Scholes
Ann Tong
26 Feb 1823 |
4 Feb 1824 |
Elizabeth Tong
about 1838 |
Emanuel Hurst
Ellen Tong
about 1863 |
James Tong
2 Jul 1820 |
John Tong
8 Jun 1826 |
Joseph Tong
about 1795 |
Lydia Crowder
Mary Ann Tong
about 1816 |
Sarah Tong
3 Oct 1818 |
Thomas Tong
about 1861 |
Thomas Tong
31 Mar 1828 |
Tonge |
Ann Tonge
about 1839 |
about 1880 |
John Higham
Topp |
Elizabeth E Topp
2 Jan 1890 |
Samuel Pollitt
Torr |
Elizabeth Torr
about 1770 |
1850 |
John Dawson
Torrence |
Agnes Torrence
about 1813 |
John Armour
Torring |
Anne Torring
Henry Steer
Torrington |
Frances Torrington
John Gould
Tosh |
Elizabeth Jane Tosh
about 1867 |
Alexander Sinclair Gunn
John Ramsay Tosh
Annie Grey
Tow |
Thomas Tow
about 1781 |
Ann Casswell
Tower |
Jason H Tower
about 1844 |
Mary A Covell
Louise Marie Tower
about 1889 |
Alfred Louis Emms
Townley |
Charles Townley
Hannah Whitehall
Elizabeth Townley
about 1820 |
Esther Townley
19 Jul 1789 |
Francis Townley
29 Mar 1796 |
Hannah Townley
20 Mar 1791 |
Henry Martin Townley
about 1879 |
Henry Townley
about 1817 |
Martha Gaskell
Henry Townley
about 1851 |
Elizabeth Ann Bigland
James Townley
11 Dec 1785 |
John Townley
about 1794 |
before 1845 |
Sarah Proudlove
John Townley
about 1853 |
Louisa Townley
16 Jun 1819 |
1900 |
William Barnett
Lydia Townley
about 1849 |
Roger Townley
about 1856 |
Sarah Townley
about 1840 |
Daniel Barnett
Sophia Townley
about 1822 |
Thomas Townley
19 Aug 1787 |
Townsend |
Allan Townsend
1911 |
Ann Betty Townsend
about 1782 |
1817 |
Samuel Stickland
Arthur Allen Deykin Townsend
about 1866 |
Julia Florence Andrus Sharland
Charles Percy Green Townsend
24 Oct 1853 |
Charles Townsend
about 1823 |
Hannah Green
Constance Nelly Townsend
25 Nov 1856 |
Edith Mary Elizabeth Townsend
27 Jun 1855 |
1857 |
Effie Manby Townsend
22 May 1859 |
Elijah Crompton Townsend
about 1909 |
Ernest Townsend
about 1896 |
Frederick William Townsend
22 Jan 1858 |
George Townsend
about 1871 |
Ellen Crompton
George Townsend
about 1904 |
John Townsend
about 1903 |
Joseph Townsend
about 1895 |
Ronald Charles Townsend
about 1911 |
Sarah Townsend
John Rooke
Stephen Townsend
about 1908 |
William Townsend
about 1899 |
Towrs |
Hellen Towrs
John Christie
Tozer |
Benoni Tozer
Ann Bowden
Sally Tozer
about 1819 |
Edmund Paige
Sarah Tozer
about 1822 |
1850 |
Thomas Horton
Thomas Tozer
Maria Unknown
Tracey |
Patricia Tracey
[Private] Yeandle
Trammell |
Bart Trammell
Lydia Watkins
Prentice Lee Trammell
25 Jun 1915 |
[Private] Emms or Reder
Trant |
Mary Trant
William Bastard
Trease |
Grace Trease
Strobridge Horton
Tredrea |
Frances Mitchell Tredrea
Robert John Paige
Treeby |
Ann Birman Avery Treeby
about 1851 |
Jane Treeby
about 1806 |
John Dalton Mortimore
Mary Jane Treeby
about 1831 |
Nicholas Paige
Tregilgas |
Andrew Albert Tregilgas
about 1853 |
Arthur Henry Tregilgas
about 1857 |
Clara Tregilgas
about 1846 |
Edwin Arnold Tregilgas
about 1855 |
1862 |
Edwin Arnold Tregilgas
about 1865 |
Emma Hannah Tregilgas
about 1867 |
Laura Matilda Tregilgas
about 1859 |
Louisa(Lucy) Ann Tregilgas
about 1861 |
Frederick William Ball Mann
Richard Marshall Clark Tregilgas
about 1850 |
Richard Tregilgas
about 1823 |
Hannah Sanders
Trehane |
John Henry Trehane
about 1857 |
Stephen Trehane
Eliza Unknown
William Stephen Trehane
about 1832 |
1857 |
Elizabeth Perry
Trevena |
Eliza Trevena
about 1866 |
Elizabeth Trevena
about 1858 |
Elizabeth Trevena
Thomas Rutter
Ellen Trevena
about 1868 |
John Trevena
about 1870 |
Josiah Trevena
about 1864 |
Louisa Ann Trevena
about 1873 |
Martha Jane Trevena
about 1862 |
Rosina Trevena
about 1860 |
Thomas Trevena
about 1833 |
Mary Ann Middling
William Thomas Trevena
about 1861 |
Treweeks |
[Private] Treweeks
[Private] Newell
Tribble |
Cecilia Jane Ford Tribble
about 1867 |
1903 |
William Hercules Kingwell
Ellen Tribble
about 1842 |
William Henry Horton
William Tribble
about 1814 |
Charlotte Bunker
Trickett |
Julia Trickett
George Washington Overbaugh
Tripe |
Theophilus Tripe
about 1822 |
Catherine Perry
Thomas Tripe
Trott |
Ann Trott
about 1796 |
Robert Duncanson
Trotter |
Alexander Trotter
Jane Sinclair
Jane Trotter
about 1802 |
30 Dec 1876 |
David Manson
Trowbridge |
Arthur Trowbridge
1700 |
Joan Unknown
Mary Trowbridge
Haly Horton,
Henry Cawse
Truscott |
Ann Wilcocks Truscott
about 1820 |
John Kingwell
James Truscott
Ann Wilcocks
Tucker |
Betsy Tucker
about 1781 |
William Paige
Eliza Ann Tucker
about 1849 |
Richard Kennard
Elizabeth Jane Tucker
about 1799 |
Robert Lang Paige
Elizabeth Tucker
about 1749 |
John Middleweek
George Jillard Cranford Tucker
16 Jan 1805 |
Hanna Jane Tucker
Ralph Hacker Bodilly
Jemima Cranford Tucker
about 1803 |
1843 |
Mary Ann Tucker
about 1813 |
Henry Jillard,
Robert Derrett
Michael Tucker
Susanna Paige
Petronel Paige Tucker
about 1761 |
1827 |
John Scobell Paige
Robert Tucker
Jane Stantiford
William Tucker
Elizabeth Cranford
Tuckett |
Emily Louisa Tuckett
about 1869 |
William Henry Horton
Turner |
Agnes Theresa Turner
about 1883 |
William Newsham Jones
Alfred Turner
Alice Turner
about 1868 |
Alice Turner
about 1829 |
Isaac Turner
about 1833 |
Betsy Copperthwait
Isaac Turner
about 1861 |
Isaac Turner
about 1804 |
Mary Unknown
James Turner
about 1827 |
John Turner
about 1840 |
Margaret Turner
Richard Ainsworth
Maria Turner
about 1831 |
Mary Ellen Turner
about 1857 |
Mary Turner
about 1868 |
Mary Turner
about 1880 |
William Horton
Rachel Mary Turner
about 1846 |
Richard Walter Turner
5 Apr 1901 |
Irene R Vincent
Sarah Turner
about 1858 |
Sarah Turner
Thomas Jillet
Sarah Turner
about 1825 |
Thomas Turner
about 1864 |
Walter Turner
about 1871 |
Anna Pering Paige
William Turner
about 1837 |
Turpin |
Mary Ann Martin Turpin
about 1837 |
Robert Axworthy Horton
Richard Turpin
Eliza Unknown
Thomas Turpin
Agnes Martin
William Henry Turpin
10 Feb 1848 |
Sophia Elliot Axworthy Horton
Tyler |
George Tyler
Dinnis Perry Mann
Sarah Ann Tyler
about 1871 |
John Grant Wilson
Unknown |
Abigail Unknown
about 1810 |
James Stone
Adelaide Unknown
Frederick Boehmer
Agnes Unknown
William Hopson
Alice Unknown
Danile Goodman
Alice Unknown
Thomas Dory
Alice Unknown
James Hatchman
Alice Unknown
John Hoskin
Alice Unknown
Joseph Rowe
Alice Unknown
James Wills
Alice Unknown
about 1796 |
1853 |
Thomas Isherwood
Amelia Unknown
Robert Bone
Ann Unknown
1741 |
Benjamin Casswell
Ann Unknown
Francis Henson
Ann Unknown
John Claypole
Ann Unknown
Thomas Minta
Ann Unknown
John Batt
Ann Unknown
about 1800 |
Robert Bentham,
Joseph Easton
Ann Unknown
about 1821 |
George Clarkson
Ann Unknown
Jacob Hartland
Ann Unknown
about 1785 |
John Newsham
Ann Unknown
Hugh Sherratt
Ann Unknown
Thomas Redcliff
Ann Unknown
William Bran
Ann Unknown
about 1799 |
John Newman
Ann Unknown
James Simpson
Ann Unknown
about 1788 |
William Smith
Ann Unknown
Richard Adams
Ann Unknown
Edward Harper
Anna C Unknown
Dunbar Ortseifer Scobell
Anne Unknown
John Bawden
Anne Unknown
about 1790 |
Arthur Horton
Anne Unknown
about 1836 |
Robert McCormack
Annie Unknown
Walter Holman
Annie Unknown
Samuel Orr
Annie Unknown
Henry Foote
Barbara Unknown
about 1775 |
John McKenzie
Bell Unknown
about 1865 |
Noah Jonas
Betsey Unknown
George Full
Betsey Unknown
William Michelmore
Betty Unknown
about 1765 |
1844 |
John Higham
Betty Unknown
about 1810 |
James Taylor
Betty Unknown
Abraham Fiander
Bridget Unknown
Joseph Barwis
Catharine Unknown
Thomas Ings
Catherine Unknown
Philip Keefer
Catherine Unknown
William Walters
Catherine Unknown
about 1889 |
Robert Hood Orr
Dorothy Unknown
[Private] Hill
ELiza Unknown
William Galbraith
Edith Matilda Unknown
Francis Charles Silcock
Eliza Unknown
Henry Light
Eliza Unknown
Richard Turpin
Eliza Unknown
Stephen Trehane
Eliza Unknown
about 1804 |
James Gilbert
Elizabeth A Unknown
Richard F Scobell
Elizabeth Unknown
Arthur Edward Robertson
Elizabeth Unknown
1862 |
James Pye
Elizabeth Unknown
John Casswell
Elizabeth Unknown
Curtis Williamson
Elizabeth Unknown
John Stephens
Elizabeth Unknown
Thomas Cardew
Elizabeth Unknown
John Bate
Elizabeth Unknown
about 1818 |
George Henry Leaver
Elizabeth Unknown
George Newsham
Elizabeth Unknown
John Hodgson
Elizabeth Unknown
Henry Voysey
Elizabeth Unknown
about 1845 |
Elizabeth Unknown
John Casswell
Elizabeth Unknown
James Newey
Elizabeth Unknown
James Nutter
Elizabeth Unknown
Thomas Bullock
Elizabeth Unknown
about 1791 |
John Noble
Elizabeth Unknown
Thomas Elliott
Elizabeth Unknown
Hunter Miller
Elizabeth Unknown
William Freeman
Elizabeth Unknown
William Light
Elizabeth Unknown
Jonathan Forward
Elizabeth Unknown
Isaac Ings
Elizabeth Unknown
Edward Michell
Elizabeth Unknown
about 1812 |
Henry Dawson
Elizabeth Unknown
about 1799 |
Samuel Middleweek,
Frederick Bennett
Elizabeth Unknown
about 1838 |
Edmund Heaton
Elizabeth Unknown
Robert Willcocks
Elizabeth Unknown
Thomas Fice
Elizabeth Unknown
William Cook
Elizabeth Unknown
William Barnes
Elizabeth Unknown
James Hele Rowse
Elizabeth Unknown
William Mortimore
Elizabeth Unknown
about 1794 |
James Hayes
Elizabeth Unknown
Richard Oldrey
Elizabeth Unknown
Richard Cranch
Elizabeth Unknown
John Adams
Elizabeth Unknown
Lewis Ward
Elizabeth Unknown
1727 |
Edward Price
Ellen Unknown
John Harrison
Emma Agnes Unknown
about 1851 |
Robert Joseph Paige
Emma Unknown
about 1817 |
John Tate
Emma Unknown
about 1846 |
John Smith
Emma Unknown
Charles Theobald
Eric Unknown
Roderick Graham
Eunice Unknown
about 1841 |
Thomas Taylor
Fanny Unknown
John Hoar
Fanny Unknown
about 1815 |
John Phillips
Florinda Unknown
13 May 1818 |
12 Mar 1887 |
John Dunn Paige
Frances Unknown
John Case
Frances Unknown
about 1776 |
Nicholas Sarten
Grace Unknown
Richard Pengelly
Grace Unknown
about 1816 |
about 1860 |
John Potter
Grace Unknown
about 1790 |
Grace Unknown
Peter Hingston
Hannah Unknown
1805 |
Benjamin Cork
Hannah Unknown
William Tate
Hannah Unknown
Thomas Haggard
Hannah Unknown
Christopher Rose
Harriet Unknown
David Couch
Honor Unknown
Samuel Hooke
Isabella Unknown
James Hammond
Jane Unknown
1767 |
Richard Mann
Jane Unknown
Edward Deeble
Jane Unknown
Thomas Wrigglesworth
Jane Unknown
about 1817 |
William Foxton
Jane Unknown
Robert Westhead
Jane Unknown
about 1821 |
James Fox
Jane Unknown
about 1811 |
Thomas Lazenby
Jane Unknown
about 1838 |
William Headley
Jane Unknown
Thomas Little
Jane Unknown
about 1847 |
William Longden
Jane Unknown
William Rockett
Jane Unknown
about 1782 |
1829 |
Arthur Horton
Jenifer Unknown
Humphrey Davy
Jenny Unknown
Thomas Robins
Jessie A Unknown
about 1866 |
John Ewan
Jessie Unknown
Henry H Scobell
Joan Unknown
Arthur Trowbridge
Judith Unknown
George Allen
Julia Unknown
Thomas Lee
Lucy Unknown
John Hill
Margaret Unknown
Philip Screech
Margaret Unknown
Robert Dickinson
Margaret Unknown
William Bendy
Margaret Unknown
1830 |
Stephen Matthias
Margaret Unknown
William Green
Margaret Unknown
John Campbell
Margaret Unknown
Arthur Pride
Margaret Unknown
about 1846 |
1872 |
Thomas Pearce
Maria Unknown
John Taylor
Maria Unknown
about 1852 |
Wilber Lewis
Maria Unknown
Joseph Gaskill
Maria Unknown
Matthias Harris
Maria Unknown
about 1834 |
Baker Shipley
Maria Unknown
John Sandover
Maria Unknown
Thomas Tozer
Maria Unknown
Richard Clutterbuck
Martha Unknown
James Wiscombe
Martha Unknown
John Lamb
Martha Unknown
about 1830 |
James Prest
Martha Unknown
about 1861 |
Thomas Fisher
Martha Unknown
Thomas Hudson
Martha Unknown
about 1793 |
Henry Hurst
Martha Unknown
George Taylor
Mary A Unknown
Mary Ann Unknown
Stephen Wright
Mary Ann Unknown
Robert Camish
Mary Ann Unknown
about 1800 |
Thomas Schofield
Mary Ann Unknown
about 1814 |
John Edmonds
Mary Ann Unknown
Thomas Upton
Mary Ann Unknown
Thomas French Morgan
Mary Ann Unknown
John Freeman
Mary Hannah Unknown
Charles Smith
Mary J Unknown
about 1845 |
Jonathan Smith
Mary Unknown
about 1800 |
Daniel Peasgood
Mary Unknown
Archibald Kidd
Mary Unknown
James Davey
Mary Unknown
Daniel Dunham
Mary Unknown
John Rowe
Mary Unknown
about 1791 |
George Knowles
Mary Unknown
William Harry
Mary Unknown
John Manning
Mary Unknown
Thomas Bullock
Mary Unknown
James Martin
Mary Unknown
about 1804 |
William Brannan
Mary Unknown
about 1816 |
William Cole
Mary Unknown
James Murray
Mary Unknown
about 1805 |
James Sewart
Mary Unknown
Thomas White
Mary Unknown
Nicholas Burt
Mary Unknown
John Barker
Mary Unknown
Valentine Sissons
Mary Unknown
John Long
Mary Unknown
about 1828 |
Mary Unknown
about 1800 |
Roderick Mciver
Mary Unknown
about 1808 |
Robert Mallett
Mary Unknown
Francis Hodder
Mary Unknown
about 1806 |
Isaac Turner
Mary Unknown
about 1823 |
John Griffiths
Mary Unknown
about 1812 |
Nicholas Spargo
Mary Unknown
George Leach
Mary Unknown
Thomas Catterall
Mary Unknown
Robert Oliver
Mary Unknown
about 1808 |
Thomas Pearson
Mary Unknown
John Longhurst
Mary Unknown
John Blackler
Mary Unknown
Robert Head
Mary Unknown
William Lapthorne
Mary Unknown
about 1802 |
James Sprague
Mary Unknown
Edmund Lakeman
Mary Unknown
John Hoskin
Mary Unknown
about 1811 |
Clement Lavers
Mary Unknown
Samuel Prout
Mary Unknown
William Hudson
Mary Unknown
Richard Paige
Mary Unknown
James Full
Nancy Unknown
Aaron Adams
Nellie Unknown
about 1873 |
Edward Kingwell Holman
Phoebe Unknown
Thomas White
Prudence Unknown
John William Hunt
Rhoda Unknown
about 1818 |
James Paige Cox
Rosina Unknown
William Henry Sincock
Ruth Unknown
about 1853 |
Henry Lemon
Sarah Ann Unknown
about 1859 |
Robert George Clarke
Sarah F Unknown
William Henry Pagett
Sarah Unknown
Thomas Ducket
Sarah Unknown
about 1818 |
James Brodie Murray
Sarah Unknown
William Hunt
Sarah Unknown
1812 |
James Hall
Sarah Unknown
John Marsden
Sarah Unknown
William Ferrebee
Sarah Unknown
William Nichols
Sarah Unknown
about 1811 |
Thomas Allen
Sarah Unknown
about 1855 |
Thomas Tatlock
Sarah Unknown
Abraham Dare
Sarah Unknown
about 1807 |
William Thomlinson
Sarah Unknown
Henry Woollven
Sarah Unknown
Thomas Crowhurst
Sarah Unknown
Robert Lemon
Sarah Unknown
Robert Lewin
Sarah Unknown
Thomas Northmore
Sheldon Unknown
Robert A Norris
Susan Unknown
about 1847 |
James Westaway
Susanna Unknown
about 1802 |
Thomas Tapley
Susannah Unknown
about 1849 |
1889 |
William Henry Horton
[Private] Unknown
Hector Wrench,
Desmond John O'Donnell Bourke
[Private] Unknown
[Private] Unknown
[Private] Noble
[Private] Unknown
[Private] Hill
[Private] Unknown
[Private] Myers
[Private] Unknown
[Private] Edwards
Upcott |
Andrew Richard Upcott
about 1896 |
Janet Manson Fairfull
Upshall |
Sarah Upshall
Richard Collett
Upton |
Mary Ann Eliza Upton
2 Apr 1824 |
1867 |
Richard Kingwell,
John Stone
Thomas Upton
Mary Ann Unknown
Uren |
David Uren
1820 |
Elizabeth Eve King
[Private] Uren
[Private] Uren
[Private] Uren
[Private] Uren
Urquhart |
Catherine Urquhart
about 1815 |
George McKenzie
Valentine |
Algernon Pelham Smith Valentine
5 Jun 1830 |
Blanche Campbell Valentine
20 Dec 1831 |
Elizabeth Adelaide Valentine
about 1871 |
21 Jul 1953 |
George Sharland Emms
Richard John Scobell Valentine
13 Nov 1825 |
Sarah Marie Scobell Valentine
16 Jun 1839 |
Valentia Aymer Frampton Valentine
5 Aug 1834 |
William Christopher Valentine
9 Aug 1828 |
William Valentine
about 1788 |
Sarah Scobell
van der Wolk |
Maria Lamberdina van der Wolk
22 Jul 1896 |
Henri Lebenheim
Vanstone |
Emma Vanstone
about 1849 |
John Chapple
Mary Vanstone
about 1775 |
John Spearman
Vassie |
Alfred Edward Vassie
about 1879 |
Cordelia Crowhurst Mann
Edward Alfred Vassie
about 1905 |
George James Vassie
George James Vassie
about 1902 |
Louise Kathleen Vassie
about 1901 |
Veal |
John Veal
Mary Phayer
William Veal
31 Mar 1883 |
William Veal
Veale |
Annie Veale
about 1883 |
18 Aug 1962 |
William John Kingwell
Elizabeth Veale
Solomon Northmore
Francis Veale
about 1857 |
Sarah Jane Hamling
Venton |
Adam Venton
about 1767 |
Elizabeth Lake
Frank Hutchins Venton
about 1882 |
Horace William Venton
about 1880 |
John Venton
Katherine Shortridge
Lilian Mary Venton
13 Oct 1884 |
9 Jul 1960 |
Eric Garfield Kingwell
William Shortridge Venton
31 Aug 1806 |
Sarah Chapple
William Venton
about 1840 |
Mary Hutchings
Vincent |
Irene R Vincent
13 Apr 1901 |
Richard Walter Turner
Vine |
Thomas Vine
about 1831 |
Margaret Lapthorn Horton
Thomas Vine
Vivian |
Jane Mary Vivian
about 1825 |
Thomas Horton
Richard Vivian
Vowell |
Lena Vowell
about 1923 |
26 Oct 2009 |
[Private] Mann
Voysey |
Agnes Voysey
about 1833 |
Arthur Voysey
about 1801 |
Patience Ball
Elizabeth Voysey
about 1822 |
Elizabeth Voysey
about 1832 |
Ellen Voysey
about 1837 |
Henry Voysey
Elizabeth Unknown
Henry Voysey
about 1844 |
James Voysey
about 1835 |
John Voysey
about 1791 |
Agnes Ball
John Voysey
about 1819 |
1844 |
Joseph Ball Voysey
about 1826 |
Mary Voysey
about 1838 |
Patience Voysey
about 1816 |
Patience Voysey
about 1830 |
Thomas Ball Voysey
about 1829 |
Vyse |
Mary Ann Vyse
about 1808 |
Robert Heath Howell
Waby |
Annie Elizabeth Waby
about 1865 |
Thomas Rylatt Casswell
Waddington |
Betsy Waddington
about 1805 |
Isaac Fowler
Wainman |
Alice Watson Wainman
about 1876 |
Ann Wainman
about 1813 |
Ann Wainman
about 1841 |
Betty Wainman
about 1810 |
Charlotte Wainman
about 1818 |
David Wainman
about 1784 |
Elizabeth Bowler
David Wainman
about 1820 |
Elizabeth Wainman
about 1838 |
Emanuel Miles Wainman
about 1861 |
Emanuel Wainman
about 1825 |
George Watson Wainman
about 1870 |
Hannah Wainman
about 1831 |
Hannah Watson Wainman
about 1866 |
Harriet Wainman
about 1833 |
John Wainman
about 1823 |
John Watson Wainman
about 1863 |
1872 |
Kate Watson Wainman
about 1868 |
Levi Wainman
Mary Wade Wainman
about 1834 |
Mary Wainman
about 1812 |
Rose Ann Watson Wainman
about 1873 |
Sarah Wainman
Thomas Holmes
Sarah Wainman
about 1829 |
before 1871 |
Isaac Bond
Thomas Wainman
about 1817 |
William Wainman
about 1815 |
Waite |
Mary Ann Waite
about 1829 |
Daniel Masey Paige
William Waite
Wake |
Jane Charlton Wake
about 1868 |
John William Burn
Wakefer |
Elizabeth Wakefer
Robert Dight
Wakeham |
Mary Wakeham
Peter Bastard
Wakenham |
Margery Wakenham
1698 |
Nicholas Paige
Waldron |
Albert Henry Waldron
about 1876 |
Alfred George Waldron
about 1879 |
1880 |
Alfred Waldron
about 1847 |
Elizabeth Hannah Waldron
20 Jun 1863 |
Elizabeth Waldron
about 1842 |
Hannah Bertha Waldron
about 1870 |
Henry William Waldron
about 1835 |
about 1881 |
Ann King
Jacob Waldron
about 1822 |
Mary Ann Kingwell
Joseph Jacob Waldron
about 1845 |
Joseph Waldron
Mary Ann Waldron
about 1826 |
Archelaus Andrews Kingwell
Mary Anne Waldron
about 1861 |
Reuben Samuel Waldron
10 Dec 1850 |
Susan Jane Waldron
about 1867 |
Susan Waldron
about 1855 |
Thomas John Waldron
about 1860 |
William Waldron
about 1843 |
Walk |
Elizabeth Walk
about 1820 |
Philip Horton
James Walk
Alice Horton
Thomas Walk
Walkden |
Nancy Walkden
about 1861 |
Thomas Pye
Walke |
Ann Walke
about 1875 |
Atwill Walke
about 1884 |
Haly Walke
about 1876 |
James Walke
about 1886 |
John Walke
about 1870 |
John Walke
about 1880 |
Kate Walke
about 1883 |
Richard Walke
about 1873 |
Thomas Walke
about 1848 |
Jane Mary Horton
Thomas Walke
about 1868 |
William Walke
about 1871 |
Walker |
Agnes Mary Walker
20 Jul 1861 |
Albert Walker
about 1873 |
Louisa Ward
Alfred Walker
6 Oct 1853 |
Angelina Walker
about 1839 |
Henry Neely Burn Goldie or Burn
Ann Walker
Wainman Holmes
Annie Walker
about 1901 |
Annie Walker
11 Oct 1847 |
Caleb Snowden Walker
about 1853 |
Sarah Ann Lockton
Clara Walker
about 1863 |
William Claude Macpherson Couch
Constance Mary Walker
17 Feb 1885 |
1984 |
Arthur Robert Sharland Girdlestone
Edith Walker
about 1899 |
Elizabeth Walker
20 Mar 1858 |
Emily Walker
9 Oct 1850 |
John Paige
George Walker
about 1812 |
Lavinia Lloyd
George Walker
12 Jan 1849 |
Harold Edward Walker
about 1905 |
Harriett Anne Walker
3 Jan 1852 |
Edmund Paige
Henry Walker
about 1856 |
Kate Walker
about 1863 |
Robert Charles Walker
Grace Paige Hannaford
William Henry Walker
about 1867 |
Walkington |
Dora Walkington
about 1888 |
Charles Edward Bond
Waller |
Alfred Waller
about 1856 |
Charlotte Wilson
Ethel Harriet Waller
about 1879 |
Florence Waller
about 1881 |
Gladys M Waller
about 1890 |
John Alfred Oswald Waller
about 1885 |
1930 |
Ethel Minnie Strickland Kingwell
Violet M Waller
about 1883 |
Wallis |
Hannah Wallis
about 1827 |
William Lang Paige Cox
Walls |
Alice Walls
about 1851 |
George Henry Walls
about 1854 |
Malinda Barnett
George Walls
about 1823 |
before 1871 |
Elizabeth Tittler
Wallwork |
Bertha Wallwork
about 1880 |
David Wallwork
about 1853 |
Nancy Wood
Harold Wallwork
about 1887 |
Walmsley |
Thomas Walmsley
Judith Schofield
Walrond or Waldron |
William Joseph Walrond or Waldron
25 Nov 1872 |
1954 |
Elizabeth Clara Sharland
Walsh |
Jane Walsh
about 1869 |
James Edward Rowell
Walters |
Ann Walters
about 1816 |
Edmund Paige Walters
about 1825 |
James Walters
about 1829 |
Jane Walters
about 1814 |
Joseph Walters
about 1788 |
Ann Paige
Mary Walters
about 1819 |
Sarah Martha Walters
about 1846 |
Richard Kingwell
Thomas Symons Walters
Sarah Ann Cornish
William Joseph Walters
about 1822 |
William Walters
Catherine Unknown
Walters-Symons |
John Walters-Symons
10 Oct 1891 |
Mabel Mary Kingwell
Walton |
Frank Walton
7 Aug 1897 |
Olive Myra Bennett
Nancy Walton
about 1821 |
John Cain
Sydney G Walton
Norah Louise Kingwell
Syrena Walton
about 1844 |
John Green
Ward |
Annie Ward
Frank Payne
Archibald Ward
13 Jul 1884 |
Beatrice Hilda Fowler
Banjamin Ward
Catherine Ward
about 1712 |
Richard Lavers
Daniel Ward
Mary Brock
Elizabeth Ward
about 1778 |
1834 |
John Perry
George William B Ward
about 1887 |
Caroline Agnes Foster
Hannah Ward
George Crowhurst
Kezia Bennett Ward
about 1876 |
John William Robinson
Letitia Ward
about 1834 |
John Horton
Lewis Ward
Elizabeth Unknown
Louisa Ward
about 1877 |
Albert Walker
Mary Ann Ward
about 1879 |
John William Chambers
Robert Ward
about 1836 |
Louisa Bennett
Wardrop |
James Wardrop
about 1854 |
Jane Wardrop
about 1842 |
Mary Wardrop
about 1851 |
1851 |
Matthew Wardrop
about 1813 |
Jane Reid
Matthew Wardrop
about 1846 |
Emily Maria Sharland
Walter Wardrop
about 1848 |
William Wardrop
about 1839 |
Wardrow or Jackson |
Charles Sydney Wardrow or Jackson
2 May 1870 |
28 Apr 1955 |
Pearl Webster
Frederick Duncan Wardrow or Jackson
27 Mar 1876 |
23 Apr 1946 |
Alice Porter Watson
Warn |
Jenny Ann Warn
Amos Doidge
Warren |
Aaron Warren
about 1849 |
Elizabeth Warren
about 1768 |
John Westaway
Hannah Warren
Nathaniel Clark Casswell
Thirza Florence Warren
about 1875 |
Joshua Northmore Horton
Warriner |
Eliza Warriner
about 1841 |
William Coulson
John Warriner
about 1813 |
Ann Nettleton
Richard Warriner
Alice Simpson
Thomas Warriner
about 1843 |
Waterhouse |
Carl Nuttall Waterhouse
about 1878 |
Eric Strictland Waterhouse
about 1880 |
Hannah Waterhouse
2 Aug 1809 |
John Waterhouse
1 Apr 1805 |
Joseph Bourne Waterhouse
about 1853 |
17 Oct 1882 |
Mary Elizabeth Curnock
Sarah Waterhouse
8 Mar 1812 |
James Leach
Sharp Waterhouse
about 1773 |
1830 |
Grace Smith
Thomas Waterhouse
Rachel Sharpe
William Waterhouse
2 Nov 1802 |
Waters |
John Waters
1805 |
Sarah Harrison
Mary Ann Waters
about 1837 |
Joseph D Gaskill
Wathen |
Charles Wathen
about 1833 |
Mary Selina Chase,
Mary Anne Sexton
Watkins |
Lydia Watkins
Bart Trammell
Watson |
Alice Porter Watson
24 Oct 1871 |
11 Apr 1952 |
Frederick Duncan Wardrow or Jackson
Mary Ellen Watson
about 1850 |
William Clarkson
Mary Watson
about 1828 |
Marflitt Boyce
Watt |
Agnes Watt
about 1867 |
John Russell Orr
Isabella Watt
about 1862 |
James Watt
about 1869 |
Jessica Watt
Edgar George Balcombe
Margaret Watt
about 1857 |
Robert Watt
about 1837 |
Margaret Hill
William Watt
about 1872 |
Watts |
Bessie Watts
1854 |
Christiana Watts
James Goaman
Clarice Maud Watts
William Pickles
Emma Susan Watts
about 1840 |
Henry Soper
Emma Watts
about 1833 |
1839 |
Ernest Watts
1868 |
Francis Watts
about 1820 |
Fred Watts
1861 |
Jane Watts
about 1847 |
John Tobias Watts
about 1823 |
Lucy Watts
1859 |
John Davies
Richard Watts
about 1828 |
Caroline Kingwell
Susan Watts
about 1836 |
1838 |
Thomas Watts
about 1817 |
Ann Clift Scoble
Thomas Watts
Susannah Dodderidge
William Walter Watts
1856 |
William Watts
about 1825 |
[Private] Watts
Waudby |
Amelia Waudby
29 Mar 1833 |
14 Apr 1923 |
Thomas W Robinson
Bryan Waudby
about 1799 |
Celia Clark
Waugh |
Robinson Waugh
20 Nov 1911 |
Alice Fairhurst
[Private] Waugh
[Private] Bearman
[Private] Waugh
[Private] Armstrong
Weatherill |
Mary Ann Weatherill
about 1870 |
Mark Bennett
Webb |
Elizabeth Webb
John Dory
Webber |
Ann Webber
about 1839 |
Eliza Webber
about 1861 |
Elizabeth Webber
about 1844 |
Edward Northmore Horton
Grace Webber
William Greep
Hercules John Webber
about 1880 |
Ellen Boulden
Isaac Webber
about 1869 |
Charlotte Elizabeth Kingwell
James Webber
about 1811 |
Eliza Bailey
James Webber
about 1846 |
Jane Webber
about 1841 |
John Martin Webber
about 1848 |
1889 |
Ann Waldron Kingwell
John Webber
John Webber
about 1844 |
Luke Webber
about 1859 |
3 Nov 1947 |
Margaret Ann Sewart
Mark Webber
about 1857 |
Mary Webber
about 1854 |
Richard Webber
about 1852 |
William Henry Joseph Webber
about 1884 |
William Webber
about 1849 |
Webster |
Frances Webster
about 1785 |
Richard Millington Casswell
John Webster
Marion Webster
about 1848 |
William Henry Scorey Baker
Pearl Webster
8 Nov 1867 |
14 Jan 1942 |
Charles Sydney Wardrow or Jackson
Sidney T Webster
Caroline R Bailey
Wedlock |
Edward Wedlock
about 1859 |
Lydia Ann Horton
Edward Wedlock
about 1829 |
Emily A Francis
Emily Lydia Wedlock
about 1890 |
Weedon |
Rebecca Weedon
Francis Brashears
Weeks |
Ann Weeks
about 1805 |
Andrew Knight
Clara S Weeks
about 1842 |
Henry Weeks
about 1844 |
John Weeks
about 1808 |
Patience Ball
Louisa Weeks
about 1839 |
Mary Jane Weeks
11 Aug 1837 |
Robert Weeks
Mary Hamlyn
Rosa Jane Weeks
about 1864 |
Alfred William Paige
Samuel Weeks
8 May 1832 |
Susan Ellen Weeks
17 Oct 1828 |
Thomas Weeks
16 May 1830 |
William Weeks
23 Apr 1836 |
Weinstein |
Jack I Weinstein
Shirley J Emms
Welbank |
John Welbank
Ann Crossley
William Welbank
19 Jun 1779 |
1847 |
Ann Coulson
Welborn |
Elizabeth Welborn
John Keatley
Welch |
Margaret Welch
1837 |
1895 |
Francis Robert Hodge
Welfare |
Albert Welfare
about 1874 |
Fanny Welfare
about 1864 |
Florence Welfare
about 1861 |
Frances May Welfare
about 1900 |
Frederick Leonard Welfare
about 1896 |
1896 |
Frederick Welfare
about 1870 |
George Welfare
about 1868 |
Louise Augusta Hylands
Henry Welfare
about 1825 |
Frances Snashall
Henry Welfare
about 1850 |
Herbert Henry Welfare
6 Jul 1895 |
1992 |
Hilda Florence Welfare
about 1898 |
11 Apr 1988 |
Hugh Paige Kingwell
John Welfare
about 1858 |
Muriel Constance Welfare
about 1902 |
William Welfare
about 1856 |
Wells |
Anne Wells
about 1775 |
John Wells
about 1777 |
1777 |
John Wells
about 1780 |
Mary Wells
about 1778 |
1848 |
Thomas Casswell
Muriel Wells
29 Nov 1893 |
1988 |
Robert Hobson
Sarah Wells
about 1782 |
William Wells
Anne Marshall
William Wells
about 1774 |
Welsh |
Philip Welsh
Mary Hiern
Philip Welsh
16 Mar 1746 |
Wesley |
Betsey Ann Wesley
about 1829 |
1896 |
Isabella Stickland Wesley
about 1818 |
Henry Gale Gardner
Jesse Stickland Wesley
about 1821 |
1894 |
John Henry Stickland Wesley
about 1825 |
William Wesley
about 1786 |
1867 |
Ann Stickland
West |
Ada West
Charles Edward Bond
Ann West
Stephen Noah
Catherine West
Charles Bowery
[Private] West
[Private] O'Donnell Bourke
[Private] West
[Private] West
Westaway |
Ann Snell Westaway
about 1814 |
1888 |
Jehu Ball
Beatrice Louisa Westaway
about 1884 |
1927 |
William John Kingwell
Betsey Westaway
about 1811 |
Daniel Westaway
about 1814 |
Edwin Westaway
about 1839 |
1915 |
Caroline Kingwell
Florence Westaway
about 1878 |
George Westaway
about 1876 |
James Westaway
about 1845 |
Susan Unknown
John Westaway
about 1799 |
Jane Martin
John Westaway
about 1771 |
Elizabeth Warren
Richard Martin Westaway
about 1837 |
William Westaway
Mary Mason
Wilmouth Westaway
about 1881 |
Westcott |
Anna Westcott
about 1807 |
Robert Best
Westerman |
Elizabeth Westerman
about 1823 |
Robert Hobson
Westhead |
Ann Westhead
Adam Rigby
Robert Westhead
Jane Unknown
Wexham |
Elizabeth Jane Wexham
about 1859 |
Walter Paige Kingwell
Henry Wexham
about 1829 |
Jane Evans
Whalley |
Charles Stanley Whalley
about 1883 |
1939 |
Mary Ann Holden
Henry Whalley
Jesse Whalley
about 1846 |
Frances Dennerley
Marian Whalley
13 Feb 1914 |
[Private] Whalley
[Private] Losack
Wheatley |
Elizabeth Wheatley
about 1752 |
1828 |
William Thompson
Wheeler |
Hattie E Wheeler
about 1878 |
Charles Smith
Raymond Edward Wheeler
Mary Margaret Kingwell
Whelan |
Margaret Whelan
about 1804 |
John Doherty
White |
Alice White
2 Nov 1903 |
Leslie John Kingwell
Ann Howat White
about 1810 |
Andrew Napier
Ann White
about 1806 |
James Hayward
Barbara Ann White
1 Jun 1918 |
2018 |
Alexander Noel Rugg-Gunn
Elizabeth White
about 1814 |
Esther White
about 1816 |
Thomas Goodwin
Jane White
about 1820 |
Jessie White
about 1871 |
James Malcolm,
William Young
Richard Hubert White
about 1884 |
Jennie Henshaw
Sarah Elizabeth White
about 1801 |
15 Oct 1861 |
Nathaniel Clark Casswell
Thomas White
Thomas White
about 1836 |
Mary Unknown
Thomas White
Phoebe Unknown
Thomas White
about 1818 |
William White
Elizabeth Horton
[Private] White
[Private] Newell
[Private] White
[Private] White
[Private] White
[Private] White
[Private] White
Whitehall |
Hannah Whitehall
Charles Townley
Whitehead |
Phyllis Whitehead
20 Oct 1906 |
Douglas Gibbings Casswell
Whiteley |
Ann Whiteley
Robert Hobson
Henry Whiteley
about 1842 |
Ellen Copperthwait
Sarah Ellen Whiteley
about 1867 |
Whitfield |
John Whitfield
about 1840 |
30 Mar 1878 |
Elizabeth Young
Whitmore |
Gertrude Whitmore
about 1894 |
James Whitmore
Elizabeth Medling
May Whitmore
about 1893 |
Whittaker |
Elizabeth Whittaker
about 1832 |
Nathaniel Clark Casswell
Whittet |
Isabella Whittet
Donald McNaughton
Whittle |
Emma Whittle
about 1836 |
Hannah Whittle
about 1839 |
James Thomas Schofield
Joseph Whittle
about 1810 |
Ann Dunster,
Esther Chadwick
Lewis Whittle
about 1834 |
Mary Jane Whittle
about 1844 |
William Whittle
about 1830 |
Whytcross |
Colin George Whytcross
Doris Eileen Kingwell
Wicks |
John Wicks
Mary Scotton
Mary Wicks
about 1819 |
George George
Widdon |
Albert Edward Widdon
1877 |
Gertrude Horton
Herbert Edward Widdon
about 1896 |
Wilberforce |
Ann Wilberforce
about 1823 |
Betty Wilberforce
about 1837 |
Frances Wilberforce
about 1827 |
Jane Wilberforce
about 1823 |
John Newsham
Lydia Wilberforce
about 1836 |
Mark Wilberforce
about 1834 |
Thomas Wilberforce
about 1825 |
William Wilberforce
about 1796 |
Lydia Sixsmith
William Wilberforce
about 1830 |
Wilcocks |
Ann Wilcocks
James Truscott
Edward Wilcocks
about 1838 |
Mary Barons Horton
Edward Wilcocks
Wilcox |
John Wilcox
about 1881 |
John Wilcox
about 1818 |
Kezia Read
John Wilcox
13 Oct 1850 |
Kezia Wilcox
about 1874 |
Lily Wilcox
4 May 1879 |
William Fairhurst
Mary Ann Wilcox
about 1876 |
Maureen B Wilcox
Henry J Cocking
Thomas Wilcox
about 1853 |
Elizabeth Dainty,
Margaret Fellows
Wild |
Ellen Rene Wild
about 1873 |
George Alfred Jones
Frederick Baron Wild
23 Jan 1885 |
Alice Holden
Frederick Wild
about 1854 |
Emma Baron
Iris Anita Wild
about 1913 |
Leonard Wild
Richard Wild
[Private] Wild
[Private] Wild
Wildman |
David Wildman
James Wildman
about 1767 |
1845 |
Mary Shackleton
Wilkins |
Maud Mary Wilkins
8 Mar 1887 |
Albert Stott Holden
William Wilkins
Willcocks |
Elizabeth Willcocks
about 1819 |
1850 |
William Browning
Robert Willcocks
Elizabeth Unknown
Willcox |
Shadrach Willcox
about 1885 |
Shadrack Willcox
about 1851 |
Margaret Horton
Williams |
Alice Rosa Williams
about 1874 |
Amy Howard Williams
about 1866 |
Ann Cawley Williams
about 1823 |
Ann Williams
about 1804 |
1858 |
John Crompton
Arthur Williams
about 1870 |
Barbara Williams
Archelaus Leighton Kingwell
Beatrice S Williams
about 1867 |
Caroline Amy Williams
about 1877 |
Charlotte Augusta Williams
about 1829 |
Thomas French Barnes
Edith W Williams
22 Jan 1894 |
William Kingwell
Eliza Francis Williams
about 1858 |
Albert Clark
Elizabeth Williams
about 1865 |
Robert Griffiths
Elizabeth Williams
about 1861 |
Emily Williams
about 1832 |
William Henry Stickland
Evelina Howard Williams
about 1861 |
Florence Mary Williams
about 1873 |
George Williams
about 1835 |
Ann Kingwell
George Williams
about 1863 |
Hannah Williams
Thomas Hardman
Henry Williams
about 1868 |
Hester Kate Williams
about 1880 |
James Williams
about 1796 |
Ann Cawley
John Howard Williams
about 1855 |
John Williams
John Williams
about 1859 |
Maria Williams
about 1812 |
Charles Lane
Mary Maria Williams
about 1852 |
William Cousins Keslake
Murrey Williams
7 May 1877 |
William Wallace Balsley
Nellie Ann Williams
about 1883 |
Olive Williams
about 1826 |
Philip Williams
about 1864 |
Samuel Howard Williams
about 1826 |
Lydia Stickland
Sarah Ann Williams
about 1855 |
Mark Smith
Sarah Mardon Williams
about 1854 |
Sarah Taylor Williams
about 1824 |
Williamson |
Curtis Williamson
Elizabeth Unknown
Elizabeth Williamson
about 1783 |
Thomas Casswell
Elizabeth Williamson
Sinclair Gunn
Elizabeth Williamson
1889 |
Ellen Williamson
1859 |
Ellen Williamson
1880 |
Francis Williamson
1849 |
1901 |
Mary Clarkson
Frank Williamson
1882 |
John Williamson
Margaret Dunnet
Mary Ann Williamson
1875 |
Richard Williamson
before 1861 |
Mary Ann Coulson
Sarah Williamson
1809 |
Richard Casswell
Willis |
Elizabeth Mary Willis
26 Dec 1897 |
Henry Charles Sharland
Willows |
Eliza Willows
about 1814 |
Thomas Russell Casswell
George Willows
Susannah Casswell
Wills |
James Wills
Alice Unknown
Mary Wills
about 1838 |
Robert Paige
Philippa Wills
1782 |
Strobridge Horton
Sarah Bridget Wills
about 1781 |
John Paige
Willsman |
Nicholas Willsman
Mary Casswell
Willson |
Mary Willson
David Hanesworth
Wilman |
Alfred Wilman
29 Dec 1870 |
Mary Shackleton,
Eva Nixon
Alice Ann Wilman
16 Sep 1880 |
Alice Wilman
about 1904 |
Dorothy Margaret Wilman
17 Apr 1908 |
1982 |
Elizabeth Wilman
14 Nov 1868 |
Harry Wilman
about 1910 |
Herbert Wilman
5 Nov 1877 |
Holmes Wilman
31 Jan 1873 |
Holmes Wilman
James Wilman
4 Mar 1875 |
John Wilman
about 1840 |
Alice Chadwick
Lilian Wilman
19 Apr 1887 |
Rebecca Wilman
7 Feb 1867 |
Wilson |
Alfred Wilson
about 1841 |
Beatrice Maud Wilson
about 1878 |
William Henry Gough
Charlotte Wilson
about 1856 |
Alfred Waller
Elizabeth Wilson
Samuel Casswell
Humble Henry Wilson
about 1852 |
Rebecca Burn
Jane Wilson
about 1787 |
7 Nov 1852 |
John Green,
George Casswell
John Grant Wilson
Sarah Ann Tyler
Kate Scott Wilson
about 1882 |
Leonard Merson Kingwell
Mary Ann Wilson
1815 |
Jonathan Coulson
Mary Wilson
Richard Kingwill
Mary Wilson
William Burn
Muriel Wilson
20 Mar 1905 |
George Pilkington
Robert Wilson
Ellen Rosa Sharland
Thomas Wilson
Diana Millegan
[Private] Wilson
Wilton |
Jane Wilton
John Morley
Winks |
Elizabeth Winks
Robert Darby Casswell
Winnicott |
John Winnicott
about 1836 |
Jesse Kingwell
Winser |
Charles Winser
7 May 1834 |
John Winser
about 1799 |
Mary Ann Higley
John Winser
about 1830 |
John Winser
3 Apr 1837 |
Mary Ann Winser
14 Sep 1832 |
Sarah Jane Winser
17 Apr 1829 |
Francis Paige
Winsor |
Elizabeth Winsor
about 1801 |
Benjamin Holman
Winter |
Ann Winter
Samuel Casswell
Annie Winter
about 1837 |
Edwin Middleweek
Eleanor Winter
1803 |
John Casswell
John Winter
Wiscombe |
Hannah Maria Wiscombe
about 1827 |
Bernard Henry Hawkins
James Wiscombe
Martha Unknown
Wise |
[Private] Wise
[Private] Kingwell
[Private] Wise
[Private] Wise
Wiseman |
John Wiseman
about 1809 |
Margaret Gray
Margaret Wiseman
about 1848 |
27 Aug 1886 |
Andrew Orr
Mary Wiseman
about 1809 |
David Roy
Withell |
Amy Gertrude Withell
18 Aug 1879 |
Ernest Edwin Smith
Charlotte Withell
about 1850 |
Edith Florence Withell
about 1877 |
George Chadwick Silcock
Ellen Withell
about 1847 |
James Wyatt Withell
about 1842 |
John Sharland Withell
9 Jun 1883 |
Jessie Adelia Lawrence
John Withell
21 Nov 1853 |
27 Dec 1914 |
Eva Lydia Sharland
Martin Withell
about 1845 |
Robert Withell
about 1855 |
Samuel Withell
about 1811 |
Elizabeth Wyatt
Witton |
Frank Wadley Witton
1869 |
Henry James Witton
1838 |
1912 |
Ellen Paige Kingwell
William Henry Witton
1868 |
Witty |
Annie Witty
about 1843 |
Francis Fellowfield Curtis
Wolstencroft |
James Wolstencroft
1925 |
2016 |
Joan Wilson Pilkington
[Private] Wolstencroft
[Private] Wolstencroft
Wonfor |
Alfred Wonfor
about 1828 |
1832 |
Amelia Wonfor
26 May 1821 |
Richard William Lidstone Paige
Amelia Wonfor
about 1811 |
1816 |
Edward Wonfor
8 Dec 1825 |
Elizabeth Wonfor
2 Oct 1814 |
1815 |
Emma Wonfor
24 Sep 1823 |
Esther Wonfor
16 Oct 1812 |
Thomas Wonfor
about 1790 |
Sarah Salmon
William Wonfor
about 1830 |
Wood |
Amelia Hicks Wood
about 1849 |
James Parr Brimacombe
Amy Hattersley Wood
about 1880 |
Ann Wood
23 Aug 1840 |
1911 |
Thomas Taylor
Anne Wood
about 1809 |
Eleanor Wood
about 1899 |
George Oswald Wood
about 1863 |
Selina Gough
George Wood
about 1842 |
Harriet Kate Wood
about 1876 |
Ivy Wood
22 May 1894 |
Thomas Canniford Kingwell
James Wood
about 1813 |
Nancy Hargraves
John Alexander Wood
John Battersby Wood
[Private] Rugg-Gunn
John Wood
22 Sep 1835 |
John Wood
Ann Snape
John Wood
about 1802 |
John Wood
Lottie Wood
about 1888 |
Louisa Wood
about 1843 |
Alexander Horton
Mabel Elizabeth Wood
about 1891 |
Mary Wood
about 1846 |
Mary Wood
about 1801 |
1801 |
Mary Wood
about 1804 |
1808 |
Matthew Alfred Wood
about 1827 |
Elizabeth Messenger Mann
Nancy Wood
about 1849 |
1899 |
David Wallwork
Robert Oswald Wood
about 1893 |
Roger Wood
about 1799 |
Thomas Wood
about 1806 |
[Private] Wood
[Private] Wood
[Private] Wood
[Private] Wood
[Private] Wood
[Private] Edwards
[Private] Wood
[Private] Coulson
[Private] Wood
[Private] Wood
Woodhams |
Sidney Woodhams
about 1865 |
3 Nov 1898 |
Julia Florence Andrus Sharland
William Woodhams
about 1830 |
before 1901 |
Frances Payne
Woodland |
[Private] Woodland
[Private] Belenger
[Private] Woodland
Woodman |
Rosina C Woodman
29 Jul 1896 |
Sidney Harry Kingwell
Woodrow |
Susanna Woodrow
Nicholas Harvey
Woods |
Rosanna Woods
George Hardman
Woolf |
Harry Woolf
Bertha E Stanley
Woolfras |
Agnes Woolfras
William Hollier
Woollven |
Emily Louisa Woollven
about 1876 |
Harry Woollven
about 1853 |
Rosina Adcock
Henry Woollven
about 1826 |
Sarah Unknown
Laura Gertrude Woollven
about 1878 |
Francis George Paige
Rosina Frances Woollven
about 1874 |
Richard John Paige
Worden |
Agnes Worden
about 1823 |
Agness Worden
about 1816 |
1817 |
Charles Worden
about 1821 |
Issachar Worden
about 1828 |
John Worden
about 1783 |
Agnes Ball
John Worden
about 1812 |
Susanna Worden
1810 |
Thomas Worden
about 1814 |
William Worden
about 1819 |
1819 |
William Worden
about 1826 |
Work |
Bethia Work
about 1855 |
George Rugg
John Work
Mary Scott
Worsdale |
Elizabeth Worsdale
1775 |
Henry Blackbourn
Worthington |
Albert W Worthington
30 Aug 1902 |
Lizzie Rigby
[Private] Worthington
Cyril Harrison
Wotton |
Nancy Wotton
about 1795 |
1842 |
Richard Paige
Wreford |
Mary Wreford
about 1740 |
28 May 1807 |
John Kingwill
Wrench |
Hector Wrench
26 May 1915 |
1981 |
[Private] Unknown
Wreyford |
Charles Wreyford
about 1813 |
Edward Lang Wreyford
7 Oct 1806 |
James Wreyford
21 Jun 1818 |
John Paige Wreyford
about 1811 |
1811 |
Joseph Wreyford
about 1780 |
1847 |
Jenny Born Paige
Joseph Wreyford
11 Dec 1808 |
Louisa Jane Wreyford
10 Oct 1815 |
Mary Ann Wreyford
7 Oct 1820 |
Susan Wreyford
about 1825 |
Wrigglesworth |
Jane Wrigglesworth
estimated 1770 |
1828 |
David Hanesworth
Thomas Wrigglesworth
Jane Unknown
Wright |
Alice Maud Mary Wright
about 1869 |
Arthur Wood Wright
about 1839 |
Charlotte Elizabeth Wright
about 1834 |
1869 |
Andrew Thomson
Emma Wright
about 1868 |
Ernest E Wright
30 Dec 1881 |
13 Mar 1940 |
Marie E Brown
Ernest Wright
[Private] Day
Fanny Minnie Emma Wright
about 1865 |
Florence Lucy Wright
about 1875 |
George Wright
about 1818 |
Harriet Wright
about 1868 |
1868 |
Isaac Wright
Rebecca Burn
Jane Mary Metherell Page Wright
about 1863 |
John Wright
Amelia Gould
Martha Ann Wright
about 1873 |
William Fowler
Mary Ann Frances Wright
about 1832 |
Andrew Thomson
Mary Ellen Wright
about 1844 |
about 1881 |
William Henry Kingwell
Robert Wright
about 1827 |
Mary Cooper
Robert Wright
about 1836 |
Jane Paige
Robert Wright
Robert Wright
about 1872 |
Sarah Alice Wright
19 Jul 1872 |
William Law
Stephen George William Wright
about 1836 |
Stephen Wright
Mary Ann Unknown
[Private] Wright
Wrigley |
Martha Wrigley
Adam Ainsworth
Wyatt |
Ann Wyatt
John Kingwell
Elizabeth Wyatt
about 1816 |
Samuel Withell
James Wyatt
[Private] McNally
Joseph Wyatt
Mary Jane Coombs
Louisa Jane Wyatt
14 Jun 1861 |
5 Jun 1947 |
Alfred Edward Kingwell
Mary Wyatt
William Newman
[Private] Wyatt
[Private] Young
[Private] Wyatt
[Private] Beechey
[Private] Wyatt
[Private] Lethyby
[Private] Wyatt
[Private] Wyatt
[Private] Wyatt
[Private] Wyatt
[Private] Wyatt
Yeandle |
Alfred James Yeandle
Hubert Cecil Yeandle
about 1887 |
Elsie May Kingwell
[Private] Yeandle
Patricia Tracey
[Private] Yeandle
Allan M Stilliard
[Private] Yeandle
[Private] Yeandle
[Private] Yeandle
[Private] Yeandle
Young |
Agnes Young
about 1907 |
Alan Malcolm Young
about 1910 |
Ann Young
about 1838 |
Arthur Young
18 Feb 1882 |
1955 |
Elizabeth Ann Jones
Blanche Charlotte Young
about 1857 |
Charles Arthur Young
9 Apr 1907 |
10 Jun 1986 |
Susan Gray Barnett
Elizabeth Young
about 1840 |
John Whitfield
Ellen Young
about 1880 |
Emily Young
about 1845 |
George Attwill
Emily Young
about 1863 |
Ernest Young
31 May 1911 |
1915 |
Gladys May Young
7 May 1909 |
1998 |
Peter Morris,
Joseph Rudd
Grace Young
about 1876 |
7 Aug 1965 |
John Arthur Napier
Grace Young
about 1903 |
Helen Phoebe Young
about 1868 |
Horrace William Young
15 Apr 1914 |
1988 |
Dora Pollitt
John Davison Young
about 1868 |
John Young
about 1848 |
John Young
about 1902 |
Joseph Harold Young
5 Nov 1907 |
Edna Louise Iles
Joseph Young
about 1874 |
Annie Collins
Kate Jennifer Young
about 1856 |
1878 |
Joseph Hercules Kingwell
Kenneth Stanley Young
7 May 1911 |
20 Sep 1942 |
Muriel Grey Roper
Leslie Norman Young
12 Aug 1915 |
Nora Stanley
Lillian Hannah Young
25 Jul 1894 |
Harry Lawrence Mann
Lily Young
about 1906 |
Mary Young
about 1872 |
Thomas Dawson Gill
Mary Young
about 1845 |
Richard Bennet Young
about 1878 |
Mary Ellen Tatlock
Richard Tipper Young
about 1832 |
Jenifer Bennett
Thomas White Young
about 1907 |
William Young
17 Aug 1842 |
Grace Atkinson
William Young
about 1870 |
Jessie White
William Young
Augusta Davison
William Young
about 1895 |
[Private] Young
[Private] Coulson,
[Private] Carr-Brion
[Private] Young
[Private] Crompton
[Private] Young
[Private] Stagg
[Private] Young
[Private] Wyatt
[Private] Young
[Private] Reeve
[Private] Young
[Private] Hill
[Private] Young
[Private] Young
[Private] Young
[Private] Young
[Private] Young
[Private] Young
[Private] Young
[Private] Young