Eliza Ann George

Birth Name Eliza Ann George
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father James George
         Eliza Ann George


Family of Richard Joseph Scobell and Eliza Ann George

Married Husband Richard Joseph Scobell ( * 8 Jan 1822 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 8 Oct 1844 Kingston, Ontario, Canada    
Name Birth Date Death Date
Agnes G Scobellabout 1845
Frederick G Scobellabout 1848
Hattie J Scobellabout 1852
Gordon R Scobellabout 1853
Annie Scobellabout 1856
Harvey Scobellabout 1858
Tim H Scobellabout 1862