Jane Colwich Haley

Birth Name Jane Colwich Haley
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father William Colwich Haley
         Jane Colwich Haley


Family of John Phillips Paige and Jane Colwich Haley

Married Husband John Phillips Paige ( * about 1843 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 14 Jun 1865 Kingsbridge, Devon, England   1a 2
Name Birth Date Death Date
William Colwich Paigeabout 1867
Mary Beatrice Paigeabout 1868
Ernest Henry Paigeabout 1870
John Square Paigeabout 1871

Source References

  1. GRO Index
      • Citation:

        Kingsbridge 5b 391 Jun 1865

  2. Parish register