Maud Mary Fentiman

Birth Name Maud Mary Fentiman
Gender female


Relation to main person Name Birth date Death date Relation within this family (if not by birth)
Father John Fentiman
         Maud Mary Fentiman


Family of Henry James Sharland and Maud Mary Fentiman

Married Husband Henry James Sharland ( * about 1865 + ... )
Event Date Place Description Sources
Marriage 17 Jun 1893 St. Mary, Lewisham, London, England   1a 2
Name Birth Date Death Date
Elsie Emily Sharlandabout 1894
Edward Harry Sharlandabout 1898
Hilda Mary Maud Sharlandabout 1900
Eileen Fentiman Sharlandabout 1907
Olive Evelyn Sharlandabout 1909

Source References

  1. GRO Index
      • Source Reference Note:

        Lewisham 1d 1685 Jun 1893

  2. Metropolitan BMD on